Dynamite's WZCW Thread/Entertainment Discussion

Why do people talk to Spidey more than you? Do they just like him better?

Have you come up with a plan to kill off the rest of your fellow creative members yet so you can take the throne?

What legendary team would you pit against reDRagon in a dream match?

Bobby Fish or Kyle O'Reilly?
Why do people talk to Spidey more than you? Do they just like him better?

No, it's because they fear me and my masculinity.

Have you come up with a plan to kill off the rest of your fellow creative members yet so you can take the throne?

Yes, unfortunately I can't reveal it considering I have to pick them off one by one but it is in place.

What legendary team would you pit against reDRagon in a dream match?

MCMG considering they're a more respectable version of the Young Bucks. That or Austin Aries and Roderick Strong would be a sick fucking match.

Bobby Fish or Kyle O'Reilly?

It's a double edged sword as Fish is much better on the mic but Kyle is miles ahead in the ring. I think Kyle is steadily improving personality wise though so I'll pick him.
How was your first cycle on Creative? Has being on the team changed how you view the fed?

How come you didn't use Krypto for All-Stars?

If you could go back, do you wish you would have used Flex Mussel from the start?
How was your first cycle on Creative? Has being on the team changed how you view the fed?

I thought it was a good first cycle and I liked it a lot. It's changed my view in the sense that a lot of work goes into these shows and behind the scenes, kind of a new appreciation for things.

How come you didn't use Krypto for All-Stars?

Because when he does return it'll be a grander affair.

If you could go back, do you wish you would have used Flex Mussel from the start?

No, Krypto was a learning experience and I had fun writing him and I'd like to think in some way he did have a small but meaningful impact on things. The original start with the alien has only allowed me to be even better with Flex.

Flex has one chance at Amber Warren. What pick up line does he tell her?

"While you were in a coma, I rocked you like a hurricane".
Flex has one shot with Ram, what pick up line does he use?

I'm joking. Or am I? Spi-da-mite!!!
Ok, actual question.

I'll ask all three of you. If Cerberus recruited a 4th member, who would it be? Must be someone from the current roster.

Victor Makarov, if you've seen "That 70's Show" I feel like he would be our Fez, even though Veejay could easily fit that mold as well. I just think Makarov forming an uneasy alliance with Americans could lead to an interesting dynamic.
Victor Makarov, if you've seen "That 70's Show" I feel like he would be our Fez, even though Veejay could easily fit that mold as well. I just think Makarov forming an uneasy alliance with Americans could lead to an interesting dynamic.

I love That 70's Show! I also could totally see Veejay being your Fez.
Favorite masked WZCW star?

Favorite stable? That's not us.

If not Cesaro, who would be Flex's rep? Always imagined Bane.
Where would Flex have been a better fit: (WCW) nWo, DX, Bullet Club?

Predict who has more success once their singles runs begin: reDRagon or Cerberus?
Favorite masked WZCW star?

Diabolos, or maybe Red Mask, honestly don't remember a lot of masked WZCW stars.

Favorite stable? That's not us.

Saboteur, Saxton, and Krypto

If not Cesaro, who would be Flex's rep? Always imagined Bane.

Unquestionably Bane.

Where would Flex have been a better fit: (WCW) nWo, DX, Bullet Club?

Bullet Club because NWO didn't feel special after others joined and I think Flex is more of a Bullet Club guy than a complete jokester like DX.

Predict who has more success once their singles runs begin: reDRagon or Cerberus?

reDRagon can never ever break up so Cerberus will have the better singles run. Especially when I defend the World title at the next KC against Ram and Eve...and beat them.
Am working on a rough draft for Gold Rush and it had me thinking. With how long HMP and Cerberus have been at it, it's almost hard to consider the four the bitterest of enemies. At least with the ending of Revolution the way it was with Eve coming in to help Ram/Flex up and Alhazred doing the same for SHIT. Neither party had an encounter and even allowed each other to "pick up their wounded" in a showing that I thought was extremely respectful all things considered.

Have we reached such an apex in our feud that a handshake at the end of the Gold Rush match is plausible? I mean ask me a month ago this thing and I would have laughed but damn if I don't feel a sense of camaraderie in this now, with us having what will be the last encounter. Probably just nonsense, but I wanted to ask you how you felt about the denouement of this fight.

Meh, let's go kill HMP.
Which do you prefer: a light-hearted, comedic roster or a gritty, ruggedly serious one?

What is in a Flex Protein Shake?

Where should Cerberus go on their honeymoon?

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