Dynamite's WZCW Thread/Entertainment Discussion

Which do you prefer: a light-hearted, comedic roster or a gritty, ruggedly serious one?

What is in a Flex Protein Shake?

Where should Cerberus go on their honeymoon?

I can't choose, I got ties to each.

Rare endangered species and tears from fat children in Cambodia.

France maybe?
We can't even give the tag team titles away at this point, can we?

Congrats brother. Can't wait to see where we head after Lethal Lottery, and beyond
If Cerberus retains at LL, what direction do you see Cerberus heading? Not many teams currently...
Honestly I've got no idea, Cerberus have basically done all they can do as far as the titles are concerned in the last year or so. I know each member has singles aspirations and the Lethal Lottery may be the Catalyst to those plans coming into fruition.
BUMP. Feeling nostalgic with KC7 coming soon. Wonder if ya remember this little ditty.


Did you have any favorite feuds we were a part of? Matches?
BUMP. Feeling nostalgic with KC7 coming soon. Wonder if ya remember this little ditty.


Did you have any favorite feuds we were a part of? Matches?

I remember that, it was great.

I really wish Cerbs/LMD could have been explored more. I love the HMP feud despite how some feel. I thought the stuff with us almost turning face was great, and I just love the interaction in general between Flex and Ram. I'll miss that buddy.
Does Flex ever think about how Cerberus would have fared in the new tag division? Or is he solely focused on getting the Elite X belt?
Loved Buffy as a kid, never liked Angel though
I want Ramparte to notice Batti. Maybe a Eurasian title run against ol' Flex. That'd be a ticket seller.

Rewatching Django atm. Tarantino is a god.
Pulp Fiction of course is a big one for me that I have to put ahead of his most recent one. I haven't viewed it in a while but I think Inglorious Basterds is number 2.

Funny enough I haven't watched Reservoir Dogs in it's entirety and while I love Django Waltz's performance isn't enough to put it over Hateful Eight for me with such a strong cast.

And the rest aside from the end of Kill Bill Vol.1 are just not up to par for me.
Going to break some Elite records, hopefully. Most title defenses, longest title reign. If not, first female world champ or something like that... as long as I have the time to do so.
Win back the world title and break Ty's record is my ultimate goal. A more realistic goal is win my 2nd world title and successfully defend it.
Django Unchained is by far my favorite Tarantino film. Followed by Inglorious Bastards , have yet to see Hateful 8. Tarantino films are unmatched in dialog sets. Some sets can run too long ( conversation between the female cast in the restaurant in Death Proof ) to brilliant ( the scene in the tavern with The Nazi soldiers in Bastards ). I wasn't a fan of certain parts of Pulp Fiction and it killed the momentum of the movie for me. Though I might have to watch it a second time to be sure. Liked Death Proof but didn't like Planet Terror. Thought Kill Bill both volumes not bad, not close to mind blowing as friends told me it was. Have never got a chance to view Reservoir Dogs.
Logan McAllister's goal for 2016 is to become established. Logan has big plans for his future.

Brittany O'Shea wants to get training in the ring

Hayden McAllister just wants to keep collecting autographs
Mikey Stormrage is gonna punch butts in 2016.

Barring some miracle like me gaining a social life/gf, I'll be sticking around as HoC, doing mediocre creative work and forgetting to PM people back right away, and losing all my big matches.

As far as Tarantino goes, I typically enjoy his movies. I'm not a huge fan of Inglorious Bastards though. The opening scene is great, the rest of the movie is just eh. It doesn't help that if the bastards had just minded their own fucking business, their plan would have worked.
Barring some miracle like me gaining a social life/gf, I'll be sticking around as HoC, doing mediocre creative work and forgetting to PM people back right away, and losing all my big matches.

Gonna go for breaking the record of longest run as Head Of Creative? That might actually be kinda cool. Who holds that anyway, was it Lee?

1. Win Tag Titles

2. Kill Zeus

3. ???

4. Profit

Ty VS ??? would be like a level 99 character in one of the older Final Fantasy games taking on a defenseless goblin.

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