Daggers & Dragons: Ask me stuff

Your Top 5 RPG battle systems?

1. Final Fantasy X

2. Chrono Trigger

3. Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story

4. Pokemon Blue (One could argue the whole series for this, but Blue's my favorite and the one that started it all)

5. Chrono Cross

Top 5 RPG Attacks (non-spell)?

1. Omnislash (Cloud - FF7)

2. Lionheart (Squall - FF8)

3. Pulse Ammo (Irvine - FF8)

4. Mirror Slice (Claude - Star Ocean 2)

5. Blazing Dynamo (Dart - Legend Of Dragoon)

Top 5 RPG Spells?

1. Knights Of The Round (FF7)

2. Prism Stars (Genis & Raine - Tales of Symphonia)

3. Dark Eternal (Magus, Marle, & Lucca - Chrono Trigger)

4. Meteo (Rydia, FuSoYa, Palom, or Tellah - FF4)

5. PSI "Favorite Thing" Omega (Ness - Earthbound)

Top 5 D&D Abilities?

Did you mean abilities such as Strength/Constitution, etc.... Or abilities like Smite Evil, Call Lightning, etc?

Top 5 D&D Skills?

Again, need to make sure I give the right list before I answer here. Did you mean stuff like Climb/Swim/Listen/etc?

Top 5 D&D Feats?

1. Great Cleave

2. Quick Draw

3. Manyshot

4. Improved Critical

5. Eschew Materials

In a situation where you weren't going to Min / Max, and just build for fun, build a party in an FF and in D&D.

The most fun parties to me (disregarding a goal of having the easiest or the toughest quest possible) are usually the ones where everyone brings something different to the table. Most of the time I'd want a melee fighter, a healer, an offensive caster (or secondary fighter), and if more can be added it really depends on which FF game it is. In some of the titles, I ended up with the most powerful parties anyway. These are the parties I find the most fun to play as in most of the series' titles:

Fighter, Red Mage, White Mage, Black Mage

FF Legend
Male Human, Female Human, Male Mutant, Female Mutant

FF Legend 2
Male Mutant, Female Mutant, Robot, Monster

FF3 (Disregarding Ninjas and Sages due to how broken they are)
Knight, Summoner, Shaman, Warlock

FF4 (GBA Version)
Cecil, Kain, Yang, Rosa, Rydia

FF5 (Disregarding Mimes or Freelancers)
Knight (Bartz), Mystic Knight (Faris), White Mage (Reina), Summoner (Krile)

Terra, Locke, Edgar, Sabin

Cloud, Tifa, Cid

Squall, Irvine, Rinoa

Zidane, Steiner, Freya, Eiko

Tidus, Auron, Yuna

Lightning, Fang, Vanille

D&D (5 handler party)
Paladin, Fighter, Druid, Cleric, Rogue
Do you play an online game called Hearthstone, Dagger? Friend introduced me to it. It is rather fun.

Nope, unfamiliar with it. What's it like?

Top 5 D&D Abilities?

Top 5 D&D Skills?

It's hard to do best abilities/spells without breaking it down by class. Overall, my favorites include....

1. Cure Critical Wounds
2. True Ressurrection
3. Smite Evil
4. Holy Sword
5. Summon Monster 9

Skills.... depend on what class you are really. Some are more useful than others though and some, you may need to be more careful on voicing out loud if you think they are useful or not. The handler for a Bard in one of my current campaigns was notorious for voicing his opinion on "Survival" being a useless skill. Guess what happened? Our DM made him roll a Percentile dice to see what the weather was like for that day. He rolled a 4 out of 100. Our party had to endure a blizzard and a tornado AT THE SAME TIME. No one had ranks in survival and a couple of people almost froze to death. Anyway, onto the actual answer.

Intimidate (probably the best Fighter/Barbarian skill)

Bluff (Some DM's include Diplomacy and Sense Motive here too)

Spot (Some DM's group Spot, Listen, Gather Information, Search, etc all into one)

Knowledge (depending on the subject matter, very important for healers and casters)

Move Silently (your top priority for a Rogue or Ninja)
It's a virtual card game. The setup is more like Magic the Gathering than Yugioh, complete with World of Warcraft overtones and characters. It is made by Blizzard. It is quite fun.

Usually not a fan of card games. Dunno why, just didn't appeal to me. I tried the Pokemon card game several years back, but even that wasn't my cup of tea. Tried Magic once very long ago too. I might check this out sometime though.
Which of my RP's has been your favorite thus far?

Where should I go with Lexi after KC? Because I have no clue.

Either the one VS Eve where Lexi did the fashion show, or your Lethal Lottery one.

As for where to go next, you should form a tag team with Hyada. I think you guys could make a good team and you both have history with Cerberus (Hyada with the male members and Lexi with Eve). I still think you should consider it.
Fair enough. I change my mind right now about 7 times a day about things (not even just fed related) so I'll keep that in mind.

Who would you wanna feud with if you could pick anybody past or present in the fed?

How would you book a Theron-Lexi feud right now?

Do you like your chances of winning the EurAsian Title just based off what you have planned?
Who would you wanna feud with if you could pick anybody past or present in the fed?

Hard to say. I'm open with feuding with pretty much anyone. It depends on what type of feud it'd be. Face VS Face "who is the better man" type of feud.... Titus or Haven. Face VS Heel traditional "good VS evil" type of feud, Ty. I'd probably get destroyed, but you'd have the most evil and dark character in the fed facing one of the more heroic faces. Theron VS Saboteur could have been fun. Both characters have silly adventure styles for RP material.

How would you book a Theron-Lexi feud right now?

By re-visiting the love triangle storyline we teased. Kirilah forgave Theron but she still doesn't trust Lexi. There's an idea I had for a feud with a heel female that would have started out in a similar way, but it's better for someone like Celeste or Eve. Lexi is a face so it should be about respect. Maybe Theron taking her under his wing, I'd have to think about where it goes from there but I'm sure we could think of something cool. There's an additional layer that could be addressed, but.... spoilers. :) Ask me again after Kingdom Come. ;)

Do you like your chances of winning the EurAsian Title just based off what you have planned?

I'm glad to have qualified. Tasty, M, and Thriller are all good writers. That match is going to be nothing short of a war as I'm sure all four of us will bring our very best. I have something planned that's been built up slowly in my story ever since All Stars, the RP will have to speak for itself. I'm not going to jinx myself by saying I think I'll win. If I do, awesome. If not, I'll still have given it my best shot.

What are your thoughts on The Garmr Dogs?

If we're talking the actual Cerberus, great team. I like what I've read from you guys and you deserve to be the champions. You balance each other out nicely with Flex bringing some of the funnier material and you bringing the deeper side of it. As characters you balance each other out too. You have physical strength in Flex and mental strength in Ramparte. Then you have Eve, her joining the stable made her character all the more interesting. I like Cerberus Eve more than face Eve. As for The Garmr Dogs parody, they were fun to write. Especially the Masko part lol....

Thoughts on my recent RP's? The one VS Kagura from last round and the one where Califa and Theron tag teamed against Cerberus in particular.

I'm on the first half of Season 6, to answer the inevitable question on my status of catching up on Dr Who.
Don't forget about the battle royal that'll add a 5th person to the match.

True. Elora may or may not have been speaking about the winner of that. She never did give Feron a definitive answer, and Kirilah didn't share the entirety of her spiritual revelation to Theron. It'll get addressed.
Okay Dagger, new and possibly interesting set of questions:

RPG that comes the closest to being D&D without being a D&D game?

Pick your favorite FF character, how do you create them in D&D? (include everything, Feats, Skills, levels if you want, etc)

What are you favorite "Light" and "Dark" abilities / spells / classes in RPGs / FF? (meaning good and evil stuff)

Your favorite Boss ability in RPGs and FF specifically?
Okay Dagger, new and possibly interesting set of questions:

RPG that comes the closest to being D&D without being a D&D game?

Dragon Age Orgins, although amongst oldschool titles Final Fantasy 1 and Dragon Quest 3 weren't far off either.

Pick your favorite FF character, how do you create them in D&D? (include everything, Feats, Skills, levels if you want, etc)

I'll do the canonical final party of FF4. It will take a while though, so I'll try to do one per night this week in more specifc setup detail. Look for Cecil tonight or tomorrow. Kain, Rosa, Rydia, and Edge to follow.

What are you favorite "Light" and "Dark" abilities / spells / classes in RPGs / FF? (meaning good and evil stuff)

Holy in FF4 is the coolest "Light" ability. For a game over 20 years old it had an amazing animation, plus it's very powerful. Favorite "Dark" ability is Dark Eternal in Chrono Trigger. Very dark and the most powerful move in the game. For classes it's Paladins and Dark Knights. The holy and evil conterparts of the same class type.

Your favorite Boss ability in RPGs and FF specifically?

Miguel's Lightsaber-like holy beamsword in Chrono Cross is pretty awesome. In FF specifcally I cannot ignore the stereotypical answer. Sephiroth's Supernova.
Do you have a southern accent?

Yep. Not quite to the extent of AJ Styles or Shawn Michaels, but I do sound southern and say typical Texan stuff like "y'all" instead of "you all" or "fixin to happen" in reference to when something is about to happen. Anytime I have customers at work call me who aren't Texan or even from the south, they point out my accent. On a related note, Theron has lived in Texas his whole life and even in D&D he resides in a realm where according to my DM they do speak with a southern sounding accent. Let that sink in for the next time anyone reads a Theron RP or segments/promos of his in the shows. :p
In that case, how off base am I with Lexi's accent?

You're pretty close. She's more like Sandy from Spongebob, that extremity does exist in real life down here but most don't talk like that. If you watch King Of The Hill, that show is 100% spot on. Central Texas is EXACTLY like that show.
Pick your favorite FF character, how do you create them in D&D? (include everything, Feats, Skills, levels if you want, etc)

Alright, so here's #1 of 5 of these. I'll create Cecil from FF4 as a 15th level Paladin in D&D 3.5 right in this very thread, down to the stat figures (other than skills which I'll just list). As an added bonus, I'll legitimately roll for his stats and Health Points. Enjoy!

Image Rep:



Paladin level 15






Strength 13
Dexterity 11
Constitution 12
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 14
Charisma 15
Appearance 12

Lawful Good


Health Points:

Armor Class:


Fortitude Save:

Reflex Save:

Will Save:

Base Attack Bonus:
+15 / +10 / +5


Ranged Weapon:

Full Plate Mail

Heavy Steel Shield

Skills (Recommended)
Knowledge (Nobility)
Knowledge (Religion)
Sense Motive

Spells (Recommended)
Cure Light Wounds (1st level)
Zone Of Truth (2nd level)
Cure Moderate Wounds (3rd level)
Holy Sword (4th level)

****You only get so many spells to prepare per day as a Paladin.

Aura Of Good
Detect Evil
Divine Grace
Lay On Hands
Aura Of Courage
Divine Health
Turn Undead
Remove Disease (4 times per week)
Smite Evil (4 times per day)

Improved Critical
Great Cleave (Cleave & Power Attack learned first to unlock)
Quick Draw
Rapid Reload

That was fun. Look for Kain in the next couple of days. You can still ask me other stuff in the meantime. Let me know if this was what you were looking for or not, I can revise per your request if not.
Where would you rank yourself in the fed right now?

Depends, are you talking RP quality and/or where I stand on the title tiers?

Pick your favorite FF character, how do you create them in D&D? (include everything, Feats, Skills, levels if you want, etc)

Here's #2 of 5 of these.... Kain from FF4 created as a Dragoon-inspired 15th level Fighter. As with Cecil, I legitimately rolled his stats and Health Points.

Image Rep:



Fighter 15th level




6 foot


Strength 14
Dexterity 12
Constitution 15
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 9
Charisma 10
Appearance 11

Chaotic Neutral


Health Points:

Armor Class:


Fortitude Save:

Reflex Save:

Will Save:

Base Attack Bonus:
+15 / +10 / +5


Ranged Weapon:
Throwing Axe

Full Plate Mail

Tower Shield

Skills (Recommended):
Jump (To be a true FF4 Kain tribute, put as many ranks in here as possible)



Power Attack
Great Cleave
Weapon Focus (Trident)
Weapon Specialization (Trident)
Greater Weapon Focus (Trident)
Greater Weapon Specialization (Trident)
Combat Reflexes
Improved Critical
Improved Initiative

He ended up being easier than Cecil. Look for Rosa next, she may take longer due to spells and domains. She'll be a cleric, I know that much without starting.
I meant out of everybody I.e you know how FalK ranked everybody like a day or two ago? Where do you feel you are?
I meant out of everybody I.e you know how FalK ranked everybody like a day or two ago? Where do you feel you are?

DISCLAIMER: This is primarily based off how much I have enjoyed reading your RP's. Even if you are ranked lower, it doesn't mean I think you suck. If I have been repping your work, I legitimately like it. I can count on one hand the RP'ers who's work I have overall disliked since I started. Barrett Stratton is at the bottom of my list. Secondly.... I'm not on creative so take this list with a grain of salt. This is just the order in which I enjoy everyone's writing the most at the moment. Finally.... The list is always subject to change. Especially in the newcomers' cases.

Red Skull
Rated R
Mick Overlast
CM Yes!

I left myself out of the ranking as I'd be biased, I enjoy reading my own work. As for championship tiers.... I feel I am right where I belong at this time. I'm not good enough to challenge for the world title yet. I've come up short in title matches for the Elite X but feel my better material along the way this year has earned me my Eurasian shot. Or maybe I just got lucky. Either way.... It's for creative to answer in the end where I rank on the card.

On an unrelated note, DarksideEric, expect Rosa this weekend.
Any special stipulation you think Daggershield should thrive on? (ie. Taker/HHH with Hell In A Cell)

Favorite matchup for Dagger so far? Why is that?

Greatest rivalry you've ever read on here is _______________.

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