Daggers & Dragons: Ask me stuff

Make a Jedi and a Sith in D&D.

Hmmm, I accept the challenge. Might need another week on that one.

Just got into a D&D spinoff called Pathfinder, and created a Hobgoblin Marksman, you got any ideas what the hell I should build him into?

I don't have a Pathfinder core rule book, but I've played it before. That's regarded as the true 4th edition of D&D. They are more ranged attack based than D&D Rangers are, so go for feats that complement the bow & arrows fighting style. He's going to be your medieval counterpart to a sniper. Boost his chances of hitting, as well as his odds of landing critical hits. There are some nice feat combinations for an arrow-using Ranger in D&D I could pass on, but Pathfinder's will be a little different. Give me a couple of days and I should be able to come up with something cool, since I don't own the rule book I'd have to do a little more digging. I think you'll enjoy the game, it's very similar to D&D if you've played it before.
Hmmm, I accept the challenge. Might need another week on that one.

I don't have a Pathfinder core rule book, but I've played it before. That's regarded as the true 4th edition of D&D. They are more ranged attack based than D&D Rangers are, so go for feats that complement the bow & arrows fighting style. He's going to be your medieval counterpart to a sniper. Boost his chances of hitting, as well as his odds of landing critical hits. There are some nice feat combinations for an arrow-using Ranger in D&D I could pass on, but Pathfinder's will be a little different. Give me a couple of days and I should be able to come up with something cool, since I don't own the rule book I'd have to do a little more digging. I think you'll enjoy the game, it's very similar to D&D if you've played it before.

Sounds good and just let me know, on another note, in your opinion which is better a bow and arrow marksman or marksmen who use rifles and guns (in which I was told guns can be used in Pathfinder.)

El Swago is "???".

Do you miss Fallout as much as I do?

Enough that I had mentioned Marrmell in my RP this round before knowing you asked this. On a somewhat related note, is Kaleesta your new favorite misfit?

Sounds good and just let me know, on another note, in your opinion which is better a bow and arrow marksman or marksmen who use rifles and guns (in which I was told guns can be used in Pathfinder.)

Bow & Arrows all the way. I truly never liked guns other than some of the more powerful guns from Goldeneye on the N64. They just don't appeal to me. I've never had a DM that allowed guns in D&D or in Pathfinder but even if I did I'd likely never use them. There's just something about melee weaponry (or Arrows and Shurikens when ranged weapons are needed) that have always stuck out more to me as awesome.
Enough that I had mentioned Marrmell in my RP this round before knowing you asked this. On a somewhat related note, is Kaleesta your new favorite misfit?

She already is lol. Adds a new spark to conversation I think, and can't wait to see where it goes with her. Come haunt my own thread sometime bud.
Last time I sat in for a D&D game was using the Pathfinder system.

Since I was joining my brother in law's group midgame, I rolled a Chaotic Evil (of course) Spellsword. I was able to switch quickly between dual wield and single sword and spell hand whenever I needed. I also came equipped with a Ring of Blinking which allowed me a 50/50 shot of evading any attack towards me. They were kind enough to let the DM roll for random equipment for me so I wasn't horribly outgeared. Came to the final boss of the evening, in the tavern no less, and my ring of blinking basically saved my ass and allowed me to counter with the killshot.

It was fun, the Spellsword is a pretty complex class but I think I got it down, and with the double attack bonus for each turn, I was able to be a true glass cannon.
Ok... new round:

Make a Jedi and a Sith in D&D.

So.... the ideal classes that came to mind for me are Paladins and Dark Knights, due to the classic good and evil alignments needed for a Jedi and Sith counterpart. These won't be as detailed as the FF4 gang was, but I have some ideas.


Character Class:

Most will work but Human or Aasimar (if the +1 level adjustment doesn't bother you in the Aasimar's case) are going to fit the best.

Charisma will be the top priority. Wisdom, Strength, and Constitution follow. Dexterity and Intelligence would be next and Appearance will not be as important but if you roll high enough in the other stats, feel free to make that one be above average.

Lawful Good but arguments for Neutral Good can be made.

Torm or Tyr would be best

Fire-Enchanted Longsword (closest thing I have ever come across to a Lightsaber in D&D)

While proficient with Full Plate Mail, you may want to go with something lighter like Leather Armor so that he can avoid penalties for maneuvers in battle.

Handle Animal
Knowledge (Religion)
Knowledge (Nobility)
Sense Motive

Spells (Recommended)
Cure Light Wounds (1st level)
Zone Of Truth (2nd level)
Cure Moderate Wounds (3rd level)
Holy Sword (4th level)

****You only get so many spells to prepare per day as a Paladin. I went ahead and used the ones I gave Cecil. These work.

Aura of Good
Lay On Hands
Detect Evil
Smite Evil
Divine Grace
Aura of Courage
Turn Undead
Special Mount
Remove Disease

Recommended Feats by Level 20:
Great Cleave (Power Attack & Cleave needed first to unlock)
Great Fortitude
Iron Will
Lightning Reflexes


Character Class:
Dark Knight (Also known as Blackguard)

Human, but races stereotypically viewed as evil such as Tieflings or Drow can work. Ask your DM.

Charisma will be the top priority. Wisdom, Strength, and Constitution follow. Dexterity and Intelligence would be next and Appearance is dead last. He's going to care more about destruction than how he looks.

Lawful Evil, but any Evil would work.

Shar or Cyric

Fire-Enchanted Longsword (closest thing I have ever come across to a Lightsaber in D&D)

While proficient with Full Plate Mail, you may want to go with something lighter like Leather Armor so that he can avoid penalties for maneuvers in battle.

Knowledge (Religion)
Knowledge (Nobility)
Sense Motive

Since many Dark Knights are Paladins that fell from grace, I give him the same spells as the Jedi. Ask your DM about a D&D equivalent to Force Lightning, a great addition if approved.

Aura of Evil
Detect Good
Poison Use
Dark Blesing
Smite Good
Command Undead
Aura Of Despair
Sneak Attack +3D6
Fiendish Servant

Feats Recommended by Level 20:
Great Cleave (Power Attack & Cleave needed first to unlock)
Great Fortitude
Iron Will
Lightning Reflexes

How's that?
Just got into a D&D spinoff called Pathfinder, and created a Hobgoblin Marksman, you got any ideas what the hell I should build him into?

Some feats I'd consider:

Critical Focus
Blinding Critical
Deadly Aim
Improved Critical
Improved Initiative
Opening Volley
Point-Blank Shot
Far Shot
Precise Shot
Focused Shot
Rapid Shot
Snap Shot

You'll gain up to half a dozen bonus feats on your way up to level 20, so take a look at those and see which ones you'd like to work toward. Those are the most lethal looking ranged attack feats I found. Like I said in my last post, this guy is your party's sniper. Have him be able to take out as many people as he can before they get to your Fighter/Paladin/Barbarian/etc at the front lines of the battle. They'll take care of the rest while you and the casters can still fight from a distance when the monsters reach your melee guys.

Hope that helped :)

Do you, whom writes the purest hero character I think I've ever read, agree with the philisophical answer to the difficult question "What is evil?"
For Dagger:

Would it be possible to build a D&D 'warrior' around dexterity and drawing their sword really fast? (fast talking the GM to agree that their weapon of choice could partially scale off Dex rather than Str may be required)

For Theron:

Dear Theron, I have taken up your advise on becoming an adventurer. I've not found a band of misfits yet, but I have been helping the people in my village. They weren't very exciting, but I have been able to save up some copper and silver. One of the villagers has heard of my reputation and has asked me to undertake a true challenge. His son has been killed by a large forest bear, and he wants me to kill it and will pay me generously for such a task. I will gladly do this, as this not the first person killed by the bear. However, I feel I should ask your advise. I feel I may be ill equipped for this venture, and I am unsure of or how I should invest my money such that I can kill the bear.

I am worried that I may not be protecting myself well enough as I do not have any form of armour. I have a large, two handed axe that I have been using as a weapon, and that has been successful. It's no masterpiece, but it's sturdy and I am used to the weight. However, I feel it may not do the job against the bear. I have just enough money to guy a two handed sword from the local blacksmith or some armour but I am unsure of their quality. I have been saving up to leave my village to find a band of misfits. Should I tackle the great bear equipped as I am, or buy a sword or the armour and which?

Do you, whom writes the purest hero character I think I've ever read, agree with the philisophical answer to the difficult question "What is evil?"

Cool video. That's a pretty deep question. If one doesn't know they are doing an evil act, I don't classify it as "true evil". True Evil falls between the allignment chart's evil side.

Lawful Evil who use law and order to get what they want but gladly take rights away from others and destroy if it means imperial expansion, guys like Darth Vader from Star Wars.

Neutral Evil who can be classified as the most "evil" as they act with no morals whatsoever. They are not as destructive or dangerous as the Chaotic Evil, but they are 100% in it for their personal agenda and do what it takes in order to get there whether it be by Lawful means or destruction/chaos. Eric Cartman from South Park would fall under this.

Chaotic Evil, guys like The Joker from The Dark Knight or Kefka from Final Fantasy 6. These, while not as legitimately evil as Neutral Evil, are by far the most dangerous. You have NO CLUE what they will do next, but destruction always follows if they are not stopped.

If someone KNEW what they were doing was evil, they would not fall under one of these alignments. If the individual gets the revelation that these are in fact evil acts, it may make them snap and go Chaotic Evil. Or they may shift to one of the Good alignments and try to put a stop to those who had given the orders involving evil actions. It's only True Evil if you know what you did was evil and you have no desire to shift to Neutral or Good when you have the opportunity to change for yourself.

Went off on a tangent a bit, let me know if that's not really what you were looking for.

For Dagger:

Would it be possible to build a D&D 'warrior' around dexterity and drawing their sword really fast? (fast talking the GM to agree that their weapon of choice could partially scale off Dex rather than Str may be required)

There's a feat called Weapon Finesse that allows you to use your Dex instead of your Strength for attack rolls. It's better for Swashbucklers or Duelists but Fighters who use Light Weapons can benefit from it too. If you're going for more of a Fencer, go for it and use that feat. If not, Strength based Fighters are the more traditional route. I'm going to use this feat in an upcoming campaign on a Shugenja so he can attack based off Dex, when he primarily is a healer type and wouldn't rely as much on the Strength stat.

For Theron:

Dear Theron, I have taken up your advise on becoming an adventurer. I've not found a band of misfits yet, but I have been helping the people in my village. They weren't very exciting, but I have been able to save up some copper and silver. One of the villagers has heard of my reputation and has asked me to undertake a true challenge. His son has been killed by a large forest bear, and he wants me to kill it and will pay me generously for such a task. I will gladly do this, as this not the first person killed by the bear. However, I feel I should ask your advise. I feel I may be ill equipped for this venture, and I am unsure of or how I should invest my money such that I can kill the bear.

I am worried that I may not be protecting myself well enough as I do not have any form of armour. I have a large, two handed axe that I have been using as a weapon, and that has been successful. It's no masterpiece, but it's sturdy and I am used to the weight. However, I feel it may not do the job against the bear. I have just enough money to guy a two handed sword from the local blacksmith or some armour but I am unsure of their quality. I have been saving up to leave my village to find a band of misfits. Should I tackle the great bear equipped as I am, or buy a sword or the armour and which?

Theron: If you feel you are well equipped, the Axe should be fine. You will need armor, especially if you do not have a Merry Band Of Misfits to accompany you. Bears aren't friendly and I had an Orc Cleric ally who learned that the hard way. Buy some Chain or Plate Mail first and then a Shield if you can afford it. Get a one handed weapon to go with the Shield if you have money left after this. As for traveling companions I would seek out a healer, a spellcaster, and a thief. You being the warrior would round out the traditional party roles. Best of luck.
I am wondering if you ever checked out Knights of Pen & Paper for the mobile device? If so, what where your thoughts? I posted it in my mobile game thread a while back. It centers highly around D&D concepts and terminology.
I am wondering if you ever checked out Knights of Pen & Paper for the mobile device? If so, what where your thoughts? I posted it in my mobile game thread a while back. It centers highly around D&D concepts and terminology.

Unfortunately no I have not. Long story short, I am unable to get any apps at this time. Only apps I have are three versions of Angry Birds. I probably won't ever get a new app until I get a new iPhone, due to said long story. That aside, this sounds like something I might like.
Play any mmorpgs and stuff like that? Friends are playing TERA and I'm about to join the fray.

Nope. MMORPG's never appealed to me. I'm an oldschool gamer so I prefer to play against/with people in the same room as me, thus online gameplay doesn't interest me. I caved in once and tried WOW for a couple of months in 2011. Everyone kept telling me I should go on raids with Ferbian. Didn't like it, but gave it a chance.

Ever played TEW or any Pro-Wrestling Booking game?

Not unless GM Mode in Smackdown VS Raw counts. That was pretty fun. On another note, have you considered joining WZCW?
Nope. MMORPG's never appealed to me. I'm an oldschool gamer so I prefer to play against/with people in the same room as me, thus online gameplay doesn't interest me. I caved in once and tried WOW for a couple of months in 2011. Everyone kept telling me I should go on raids with Ferbian. Didn't like it, but gave it a chance.

Not unless GM Mode in Smackdown VS Raw counts. That was pretty fun. On another note, have you considered joining WZCW?

I have actually, a while back. However, it seems quite a bit of work, and seems a bit difficult for uncreative people like myself, given the detailed stuff you people do on there.
Will probably check it out again at a later date, tho. Seems interesting, lMO.
Do you think having 10+ Main Event talents in the WWE would help improve the quality of programming?

I know it isn't an accurate gauge, but in TEW, I run the WWE roster, and I have around 12 Main Event talents, and have to cover 3 and a half hours of programming per week(2 and a half hrs of RAW, 1 hour of Main Event), with 9 PPVs(spaced out by 6 wks per PPV).
Thus, I run about 3/4 ME level storylines at a time, plus 3 other storylines.
One thing I have realised is that I have to sideline a couple of ME talents for a PPV and do rotation. That allows me to keep them fresh, and makes for better quality feuds, lMO.

As I said, not an accurate gauge obviously... but I would love if the Up and Comer pushes in the WWE leads to such post-Mania with the guys available now(Cena, Orton, Bryan, Reigns, Rollins, Ambrose, Ziggler, Ryback, Rusev etc.).
Do you think having 10+ Main Event talents in the WWE would help improve the quality of programming?

I know it isn't an accurate gauge, but in TEW, I run the WWE roster, and I have around 12 Main Event talents, and have to cover 3 and a half hours of programming per week(2 and a half hrs of RAW, 1 hour of Main Event), with 9 PPVs(spaced out by 6 wks per PPV).
Thus, I run about 3/4 ME level storylines at a time, plus 3 other storylines.
One thing I have realised is that I have to sideline a couple of ME talents for a PPV and do rotation. That allows me to keep them fresh, and makes for better quality feuds, lMO.

As I said, not an accurate gauge obviously... but I would love if the Up and Comer pushes in the WWE leads to such post-Mania with the guys available now(Cena, Orton, Bryan, Reigns, Rollins, Ambrose, Ziggler, Ryback, Rusev etc.).

I enjoyed playing TEW. I love TEW 13, but don't get much time now. I actually made my own version of WCW to compete against WWE in the game and beefed up the main event scene with some indy as well as WWE guys. As you said, I was able to keep the main event interesting because at a time I was able to run 3-4 different main event stories along with few undercard and midcard stories.

It's a great strategy board game. I am sure Dagger would enjoy it.
I enjoyed playing TEW. I love TEW 13, but don't get much time now. I actually made my own version of WCW to compete against WWE in the game and beefed up the main event scene with some indy as well as WWE guys. As you said, I was able to keep the main event interesting because at a time I was able to run 3-4 different main event stories along with few undercard and midcard stories.

It's a great strategy board game. I am sure Dagger would enjoy it.

Are there others on here who play any of the TEW games?
I'd love a thread where I can discuss it with regards to progress and exchange ideas if possible.

I'm currently using the current WWE roster but with a few additions of my choosing...
Do you think having 10+ Main Event talents in the WWE would help improve the quality of programming?

Not really. You don't want a title scene to get too clogged up. What they need to do is treat the Intercontinental Championship similarly to the way that the big gold World Heavyweight Championship was treated in the last couple of years before the unification. That should be the goal of the upper midarders and the former World Champions needing something to do. I'd rather have a more spread out roster with somewhat even distribution of the talent within the tiers. World Championship tier, upper midcarders, true midcarders, low midcarders, jobbers, and tag teams. A much smaller counterpart to this can work wonders for the divas too namely a Divas Championship tier as well as a jobber tier.

Are there others on here who play any of the TEW games?
I'd love a thread where I can discuss it with regards to progress and exchange ideas if possible.

No clue. A good idea to find out would be creating a topic on it in The Media Hub. The non-wrestling non-spam areas could always use more threads and I encourage more people to post threads there as opposed to in the GSD or Bar Room so more serious discussion can take place on things other than wrestling in the non-spam sections.
Not really. You don't want a title scene to get too clogged up. What they need to do is treat the Intercontinental Championship similarly to the way that the big gold World Heavyweight Championship was treated in the last couple of years before the unification. That should be the goal of the upper midarders and the former World Champions needing something to do. I'd rather have a more spread out roster with somewhat even distribution of the talent within the tiers. World Championship tier, upper midcarders, true midcarders, low midcarders, jobbers, and tag teams. A much smaller counterpart to this can work wonders for the divas too namely a Divas Championship tier as well as a jobber tier.

No clue. A good idea to find out would be creating a topic on it in The Media Hub. The non-wrestling non-spam areas could always use more threads and I encourage more people to post threads there as opposed to in the GSD or Bar Room so more serious discussion can take place on things other than wrestling in the non-spam sections.

I don't disagree.
My point about 10+ guys, wasn't that they all would be in the main event storyline around the same time. Rather, it would be nice to have that number of guys ready/established enough to make the jump when required. Ntm, it allows for rotation and freshness rather than having the same 5 guys fighting over and over again.

On your part about the IC title... given Cena could possibly be going for the US title at Mania(I doubt it, but I'd love if he did as it would legitimise it in a big way)... could the WWE have the likes of Bryan, Ziggler and Ambrose go against Barrett in a Fatal 4-way match for the IC title? That would give the title some focus, and if Bryan were to win it, he could have a brilliant run with it and legitimise that as well before moving back up again eventually.
Just a thought.

on the TEW game:
Np, I'll try to see if I can get a response by creating a thread. Would really like to discuss ideas about it with others if possible.

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