Daggers & Dragons: Ask me stuff

Doubt it. Although Theron surely would get sick of all the "Turn Theron Heel!" threads by then. He actually does moderate a WZCW forum, I mentioned it in one RP, he infracted Sheshmish (screenname RumPirate64) on a Signature Banner Violation without knowing it was Sheshmish. It never got brought up again after that, probably won't be.

I am quoting this to remind myself to rep you for this gem when I finish spreading rep.
Doubt it. Although Theron surely would get sick of all the "Turn Theron Heel!" threads by then. He actually does moderate a WZCW forum, I mentioned it in one RP, he infracted Sheshmish (screenname RumPirate64) on a Signature Banner Violation without knowing it was Sheshmish. It never got brought up again after that, probably won't be.

I am quoting this to remind myself to rep you for this gem when I finish spreading rep.

Here's the RP this was from, for anyone who missed it last year.


As for the second evil character I mentioned.... A neutral evil tiefling Paladin of Shar. He's not done getting generated yet but playing two evil characters of different deities and different alignments between this guy and Firrua should be fun when we start those campaigns up this coming month.
Alright guys I have three questions for you. You can answer any or all of them.

1. What are your Wrestlemania match winner predictions?

2. If your fed character were granted elemental abilities would they pick Fire, Water, Air, or Earth?

3. If your fed character had to be born with three of the following D&D appearance adjustments from the Tiefling race (What Keifasar is) which would you pick?

Forked tongue (longer than normal as well)
Slitted pupils
Glowing eyes (can be yellow or red)
Clawed hands
More than five fingers
Goat legs with either hooves or pads
Tail (pick a species)
Has no shadow
Having no reflection
Impossibly high body temperature
Sensation of uneasiness for others
Smell of brimstone
Overly bassey voice
Alright guys I have three questions for you. You can answer any or all of them.

1. What are your Wrestlemania match winner predictions?
Sting/Triple H
Reigns/Lesnar, With a Cash-in by Rollins
Mizdow/Battle Royal
BryanIC ladder match.
1. What are your Wrestlemania match winner predictions?
Sting/Triple H
Reigns/Lesnar, With a Cash-in by Rollins
Mizdow/Battle Royal
BryanIC ladder match.

What about the tag team match, the divas match, and Orton/Rollins?

I've got....

Tag Team Championship - Tyson & Cesaro

Andre Battle Royal - Mizdow

Intercontinental Ladder Match - Bryan

Orton VS Rollins - Rollins

Cena VS Rusev - Cena

Bray VS Taker - Bray

Sting VS Trips - Sting

AJ & Paige VS The Bellas - AJ & Paige

Lesnar VS Reigns - Reigns

Rollins VS Reigns via MITB - Rollins
This cycle we saw Theron aiding HMP, but when Theron needed help they were missing. Taking it personally, Theron didn't help them on Meltdown this week. I don't know how you feel about it, but as a reader I feel that's sort of odd since Theron is supposed to be this major hero character that would help any in need. Seems kind of heelish to me.

Maybe I'm reading way too far into it, but would you say this cycle really brings into question Theron's unwavering morality? I mean he did go to the boss and split the 3 on 3 Ladder match into 2 distinct ones, showing he wanted to fight solo.
This cycle we saw Theron aiding HMP, but when Theron needed help they were missing. Taking it personally, Theron didn't help them on Meltdown this week. I don't know how you feel about it, but as a reader I feel that's sort of odd since Theron is supposed to be this major hero character that would help any in need. Seems kind of heelish to me.

Maybe I'm reading way too far into it, but would you say this cycle really brings into question Theron's unwavering morality? I mean he did go to the boss and split the 3 on 3 Ladder match into 2 distinct ones, showing he wanted to fight solo.

Nope creative kept him in character and he's currently on the Titus plan as far as face/heel shifting goes. Someone's gotta keep merchandise sales up, all those cosplay swords and dice and shirts of every color in the spectrum won't sell without face Theron. ;)

He's Neutral Good so yes he is good but the way creative wrote Ascension's segment was exactly how I'd have RP'ed it, maybe with some different D&D terms thrown in, but same general message. There are characters more good than Theron in the fed. They may have gone a different route. Kirilah is Lawful Good to the extreme, so she'd have handled it a little differently for example. I once ranked everyone by alignment. I might do that again if you want when I have the time.

Got bored and decided to make another PPV match banner, similar to my Kingdom Come one. What do you guys think?
Trivia question time....!

Can anyone guess the origin of the star belt used as the image representation for The Global Championship, which is how Theron sees the Eurasian Championship?


Hint: The game the image came from has been mentioned indirectly in an RP before.

Winner gets to pick what upcoming WZCW show I'll write a review for next.
Long time no question about D&D :p
When you are rolling for characters, do you or your group set limits for how high or low a characters overall stats can be?
I ask because I recently started a game with some friends (half elf warlock ftw) and when we rolled characters I somehow managed to roll so my lowest modifier was a +1, with two +2, two +3 and a +4 stat, effectively making me the most powerful party member by a mile compared to the other members' results. I do enjoy being able to be awesome, but it does feel a bit dirty having a few ability checks with a +6 at level one.
Theron is one of my favourites, and you seem like a decent enough guy. I hope you continue to do well and continue to carry the torch for all those slightly off-beat characters who basically live in their own little world.
Long time no question about D&D :p
When you are rolling for characters, do you or your group set limits for how high or low a characters overall stats can be?

Nope. Most of my DM's take it as the dice have spoken once you roll. My current 3.5 DM has only made two re-rolls on stats in the many years we have been playing and both times the handler rolled below 10 in everything. If you rolled above 15 in everything, cograts. You keep the stats. Races see modifiers unless you are a human anyway. So if you play a race that has a racial Charisma bonus and you rolled a natural 18 for a Sorceror for instance, he/she is going to be deadly with the right spells, and your DM will legitimately be afraid of you in battle. Same goes for races with Strength bonus if you're a Paladin or Fighter. Since you got great stats, enjoy it. Make your character as lethal as you can. You never know when you'll roll that great ever again.

Good hearing from you again. How are things otherwise? Check my trivia question a couple of posts back. I am quite sure you will know the answer. It seems no one actively RP'ing did.

How do you feel about the Garmr Dogs turning to the Light Side of the Force?

It was bound to happen sooner or later. They will earn Theron's respect eventually as he follows the face/heel lines pretty closely in-character. Ram and Flex would be easier for him to trust than Eve though. Now if you guys retain against the Russians we need to find heel teams for you guys to face. What heel teams would you like to feud with if you guys win?

Bunch of corporate sell outs if you ask me.


So questions for you since you stopped by. If you guys win, where do you want to take the Russians? Any big feuds you would want to work with as Oleg? What do you think would happen if Mikey tried to get him to play Xbox?

Theron is one of my favourites, and you seem like a decent enough guy. I hope you continue to do well and continue to carry the torch for all those slightly off-beat characters who basically live in their own little world.

Thanks! :) Hope all is well and that you will be able to RP again soon. S.H.I.T. was a great character, always a good read.
Good hearing from you again. How are things otherwise? Check my trivia question a couple of posts back. I am quite sure you will know the answer.

I recognise the image but I can't put my finger on what it's actually from :(

I'm busy as hell, uni exams are coming up, I play sport three times a week and I have three jobs. On top of all that I've got a girlfriend and I'm filling in the odd free afternoon I have trying to get together a social life. Doesn't help that this is the year everyone I know turns 21 so I've been on an endless stream of Saturday night parties that haven't stopped since march :p

How's the fed/life/your current D&D adventure going?
Bunch of corporate sell outs if you ask me.

But these chalupas are so damn delicious tho :(

It was bound to happen sooner or later. They will earn Theron's respect eventually as he follows the face/heel lines pretty closely in-character. Ram and Flex would be easier for him to trust than Eve though. Now if you guys retain against the Russians we need to find heel teams for you guys to face. What heel teams would you like to feud with if you guys win?

Odd, I always thought Flex and Eve would be the easier ones to work the transition. Ram as a face will definitely challenge me, but I agree. It needed to happen because Dynamite and I have been at this for a year now and we need that fresh change. :)

If we somehow face our demons (and good job Creative for having Russia vs. Cerberus make absolute sense. Brownie points) and beat those guys, I'd love to see Cerberus face off against Slaughter/Burna on a grander stage, without Tastic getting involved. '

Of course I'm a sucker for returning characters, so if a team came back to throw down, I'd be sold. If I had my way, I'd want one of the teams Cerberus "killed off" to come back for revenge. LMD, Young Justice, etc. Wouldn't mind going back to heel just for that.

As Eurasian Champion, who do you want to see challenge Theron?

So questions for you since you stopped by. If you guys win, where do you want to take the Russians? Any big feuds you would want to work with as Oleg? What do you think would happen if Mikey tried to get him to play Xbox?

I don't really know where we plan to take them. Dave and I both noticed a lack of tag teams, and we both had characters with Russian backgrounds in our heads so we are just rolling with it.

That is a good question. I don't think it would be a complete disaster. Since Oleg grew up poor in a Communist state he would likely at least try it out for the new experience.
I recognise the image but I can't put my finger on what it's actually from :(

If you find the time for it, read my Crusade RP's. The game it's from is paid tribute to in that cycle somewhere. (This goes for anyone else reading, if you find it then you can still pick what upcoming show I review next)





I'm busy as hell, uni exams are coming up, I play sport three times a week and I have three jobs. On top of all that I've got a girlfriend and I'm filling in the odd free afternoon I have trying to get together a social life. Doesn't help that this is the year everyone I know turns 21 so I've been on an endless stream of Saturday night parties that haven't stopped since march :p

Sounds like you've been having a lot of fun! I haven't been to any big parties in a long time. Still drink the traditional Strawberry Margarita on WWE PPV nights and sometimes at D&D though.

How's the fed/life/your current D&D adventure going?

It's going well overall.

In real life things are going splendid. I've been busy with church stuff now that I am a group leader there. I love it though and will be taking a Discipleship class this coming year too starting in August where a couple of the guys who lead alongside me are also taking it, I am really looking forward to that.

Outside of church stuff I've been playing a ton of Mario Kart 8 and Super Mario 3D World. Finished the remake of Wind Waker a few weeks back too.

Here in the fed I finally won a title, the same one we competed for at Kingdom Come. I'm still having fun RP'ing and enjoying reading everyone else's in between waiting on shows to go up. The numbers appear to be increasing again which is good, we keep losing people.

D&D is also going well. I am in 5 campaigns right now. 4 in 3.5 and 1 in 5th with Shotaro and some other guys from the fed but we haven't played in a while. Currently playing the following:

Male Elven Weaponmaster (the "real" Theron)
Male Human Dragon Disciple (he started off a Bard & Fighter, then prestige!)
Female Elven Summoner (Sorceress with primarily Evocation & Conjuration)
Female Elven Favored Soul (spontaenous Cleric, she's also my first evil character)
Female Half Elf Paladin of Silvanus

I've also got a Male Tiefling Dark Knight of Shar coming, but we have not started that campaign yet. Soon.

Two other campaigns with my 3.5 DM are being planned, at the moment I'm looking at a Druid to prestige into Mystic Theurge in one and a Monk in the other.

I'm going to branch out some more in races. I'm done with Elves after these campaigns. Haven't been an Aasimar in a while, maybe an Aquatic Elf, or a Genasi. I've been a Fire Genasi and Earth Genasi before while also having had Air Genasi in the party before. We need a Water Genasi in that group.

I have enough D&D to keep me busy for the next decade due to how much we have planned. Out of the ongoing campaigns only my Summoner's campaign is nearing its end. Now if only my 3.5 DM were open to playing 5th....

If you come back do you think it would be as M or as a new character?

Odd, I always thought Flex and Eve would be the easier ones to work the transition. Ram as a face will definitely challenge me, but I agree. It needed to happen because Dynamite and I have been at this for a year now and we need that fresh change. :)

In-character for Cerberus, yes. Ram will probably have the most difficulty in completing the turn. Eve is the one who will have the most work to do to earn Theron's trust in particular, which is what I meant. A lot can happen here in WZCW though. If the face turns go well, Theron could like Cerberus a year from now as much as he liked HMP a month ago.

Of course I'm a sucker for returning characters, so if a team came back to throw down, I'd be sold. If I had my way, I'd want one of the teams Cerberus "killed off" to come back for revenge. LMD, Young Justice, etc. Wouldn't mind going back to heel just for that.

I love returns too. LMD or Young Justice again would both be great. Primarily LMD since that didn't get to see a lengthy feud. If Strikeforce got back together or if Saxoteur came back even for just one PPV cycle then those two teams would top my list for opponents for you guys.

As Eurasian Champion, who do you want to see challenge Theron?

I'm already getting Chris KO, he would have been one of my picks.

For the current roster.... for a face top picks right now would be Kagura or Califa. Kagura and Theron have already faced each other but not in a full feud and she's one of the few faces Theron sees as more honorable than him, elegANT being the other. At some point when we aren't both holding different titles, Theron VS elegANT could be a fun pick for face VS face. Califa VS Theron would be an awesome show of heroic figures seeing who the better man is. Plus you get "Dragon VS Holy Warrior", that'd sell. Constantine and Theron have unfinished business from a year ago, maybe re-visit that feud down the line if I retain against Chris. A rematch with Eve sometime isn't out of the question, I loved the Crusade angle.

And of course since Ty is the "evil heel final boss" for everyone's fantasy booking, if I'm still Eurasian Champion by Kingdom Come, I'd take the increased difficulty and challenge the most evil heel on the roster at that time.
If you come back do you think it would be as M or as a new character?

M can't come back to the fed as it currently is. He was a character for a certain type of fed to be the foil for characters that the fed just doesn't have at the moment. I had a month long stint in another fed trying to see if I could manage with the crazy timetable with a guy whose gimmick was that he was an angry angry man who found some sort of reason to be angry at everything possible, but that character got old really really fast.

Some ideas I've had for new stuff to do just for funsies would be RPing as a manager or with a random "different character every match" low level jobber gig, essentially to put over people who are in a rut without having them win a match they shouldn't or just stay on an endless losing cycle. Screw the impossible logistics, it's fun :p
M can't come back to the fed as it currently is. He was a character for a certain type of fed to be the foil for characters that the fed just doesn't have at the moment. I had a month long stint in another fed trying to see if I could manage with the crazy timetable with a guy whose gimmick was that he was an angry angry man who found some sort of reason to be angry at everything possible, but that character got old really really fast.

Meaning you need more guys like Saboteur and Alhazred? Anyone in specific you'd want to work with? Why not PM these guy(s) and then if all of you wish to return, run it by creative? It's worth looking into if you do want to return but work with specific characters. There's always Theron if you want someone with a more unique gimmick, we never got to feud. I like the odd characters more myself. Bizarre RP's are way more fun to read than generic "wrestler talks to interviewer and says he will win" RP's and there is definitely still a place for characters like that (at least in my opinion) as long as the RP still addresses the upcoming match.

Some ideas I've had for new stuff to do just for funsies would be RPing as a manager or with a random "different character every match" low level jobber gig, essentially to put over people who are in a rut without having them win a match they shouldn't or just stay on an endless losing cycle. Screw the impossible logistics, it's fun :p

So something like Damien Sandow's impressions gimmick or would you just RP for "Random Jobber 57" who is never the same guy twice? We don't have any jobbers whatsoever so if you think that'd be fun, maybe suggest it to creative. :)
Meaning you need more guys like Saboteur and Alhazred? Anyone in specific you'd want to work with? Why not PM these guy(s) and then if all of you wish to return, run it by creative? It's worth looking into if you do want to return but work with specific characters. There's always Theron if you want someone with a more unique gimmick, we never got to feud. I like the odd characters more myself. Bizarre RP's are way more fun to read than generic "wrestler talks to interviewer and says he will win" RP's and there is definitely still a place for characters like that (at least in my opinion) as long as the RP still addresses the upcoming match.

So something like Damien Sandow's impressions gimmick or would you just RP for "Random Jobber 57" who is never the same guy twice? We don't have any jobbers whatsoever so if you think that'd be fun, maybe suggest it to creative. :)

I don't have the time for a return due to all that stuff i said earlier, regardless if the impossible happens and the crazy crew come back unfortunately.

Random jobber #57 rules and we all know it, the problem would be if they're too awesome and they end up winning too many times :p I put that down as an idea since even with my schedule I could just whack out a couple of character apps + longer than normal sample RPs whenever I'm free and save them for when someone needs a goof to beat up whilst also being not guaranteed the win. If a creative member reads this then that's my suggestion and my PM box is relatively clean ;)
Random jobber #57 rules and we all know it, the problem would be if they're too awesome and they end up winning too many times :p

Jobbers winning matches? Silly M, didn't you know? Jobbers take a 19 point reduction on every roll. Even a Natural 20 is a 1 for a jobber! I'd see about making it set up to where your jobber(s) are never in any type of contendership matches or title matches. Then you're set for random RP hilarity.
Have you read about BTW over in The Writing Gallery? If so, do you have any pointers for me and do you like anything going on so far?
Have you read about BTW over in The Writing Gallery? If so, do you have any pointers for me and do you like anything going on so far?

Been pretty busy the past several days between looking after my cousin's dogs, a lot of church things coming up at once, plus both Payback and NXT Unstoppable being this week. Too much's gone on for me to even remember what I read in it to be honest so I'll take another look at it this weekend and let you know. :)

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