Daggers & Dragons: Ask me stuff

Have you read about BTW over in The Writing Gallery? If so, do you have any pointers for me and do you like anything going on so far?

Ok, so after taking another look at this.... It does show a lot of potential. I much prefer reading something with made up fictional characters than "Random Poster #47 re-books Smackdown from Last October". With that being said though, the characters I enjoyed the most are the ones I am already familiar with such as Lexi from when she was in WZCW or Aquarius from one of our WZCW Phenoms Of Wrestling shows. What's so great about WZCW is how invested we are in our characters and in the show. It will come down to an answer to this question:

How far are you wanting to take this thing?

If the answer is a longer term writing project, then you need to make us care about each important character. Even though it took asking me to take a deeper look at it, your story has my attention now. I think a less serious alternative to WZCW could be a good route to take it. Not "WZCW All Stars" levels of silly, but keep making characters that stand out. I like your roster so far, so the more you get me to invest in your characters, the more I'll want to read about them. Do more promos. Whether it be in e-feds or real wrestling, I have always been a promo guy. I have to have a reason to like/dislike a wrestler or else you run the risk of me changing the channel (or clicking to the next thread here, but you get what I mean).... Seriously though, make every character bring something to the table that nobody else does. Take a look at my Merry Band Of Misfits as a smaller scale example. No role is repeated.

The fearless spiky haired leader with a big sword who holds the group together. Very laid back unless wrestling championships, religious artifacts, or video game bragging rights are on the line.

The attractive love-interest who is always pushing her religious views on everyone and starts nagging when important tasks are not getting done.

A pirate who provides comedic relief when he's not drinking rum.

A highly intelligent healer from another world who is less familiar with the setting, speaking with a Dr Who inspired style for that reason, and has a prayer chamber that is bigger on the inside.

A druid who loves nature and animals, especially her nature's ally pets. Usually calm but she does suffer from "ooh shiny!" syndrome.

A necromancer who at times challenges Theron's personal views, also very arrogant, and has undead skeletal pets.

While you're familiar with my NPC's, I bring them up to illustrate that they all bring something to the table. Part of why I wrote Davivel out was that he didn't serve a purpose that the others weren't already doing better than him. So I brought in Kaleesta who offers everything Davivel did plus a few things of her own. (Davivel will, however, play a crucial role in the "Theron: Another Story" project. As it is Theron's story if he never became a wrestler).

So.... yeah. Keep it up, I'll be sure to read the next one. Just have an idea in mind of what you want to accomplish with this thing, and keep bringing us more characters that stand out from the average fictional fed so that readers will take interest in them. I want to see more of Lexi, Otaku, Mason, and Aquarius to name a few.

If you want to bring in Dr Anderson let me know and I could help on how to write promos of his. He needs more ART students to torture before the next All Stars event anyway.

Hope all this helps. :)
We're in the middle of a Rebellion!

A "screenshot" for lack of a better word, from this past friday's D&D session. I'm playing a Summoner (the Sorceress figurine to the left of the pyramid shaped d4 dice) and every single figure on the board is participating in the battle. The DM has all the bad guys. We as handlers have our actual character we RP and roll for as well as one NPC each per handler that we just roll for. A battle this big can take multiple sessions to finish. There's 40 figurines on the board and all 40 of them are on the current initiative chart, including the two dice which are representing summoned allies of mine.

Someone, I cannot remember who, wanted to see what a D&D conflict as large as the Lethal Lottery would look like. Anyway, the several months delayed answer is here. That plus I just thought you guys would genuinely be interested in seeing what the real thing looks like for those who have either not played D&D before or those who have played but never been in a battle this large before. And no, it's not the last boss of the campaign. Although my DM hinted that the fight after this one is.

I think we are owed a tag title shot. :) Had a blast working with you.

Ha! Indeed. If only we weren't both so busy with real life priorities. Theron will probably always be a singles wrestler. Chris is quickly becoming one of his closest friends amongst his co-workers in the fed though. I had a lot of fun too, this has been a great feud to see who the better man is. Best of luck in our match. :cool:
Already got a Theron-ized banner made up for the match. Ran into some issues with tinypic a few days ago so if this mysteriously changes into some girl taking a pic of herself or something equally random/stupid let me know, for now I'm giving tinypic another chance.


Now to start my outline for the RP.... :)
Already got a Theron-ized banner made up for the match. Ran into some issues with tinypic a few days ago so if this mysteriously changes into some girl taking a pic of herself or something equally random/stupid let me know, for now I'm giving tinypic another chance.


Now to start my outline for the RP.... :)

Looks good. So, I just watched Square Enix at E3. Are you still alive after the reveal for the FFVII HD remake?

Also, I flipped tables over the KH3 trailer, but I'm still bummed that we don't have an official release date.
I'm so fuckin psyched for FF7 remake. I still have my psone with every final fantasy game lol. I will buy the ps4 just for this lol
Looks good. So, I just watched Square Enix at E3. Are you still alive after the reveal for the FFVII HD remake?

Also, I flipped tables over the KH3 trailer, but I'm still bummed that we don't have an official release date.

Yep, I'm alive. That markout moment heard around the world though, that admittedly was me. No one wants to see FF7 remade more than this guy. I'm officially saving up for an Xbox One as of now. I'd have gotten a PS4 if that was the only option. I've said for years upon years that I'll get whatever console the remake is released on, no matter what.

I'm so fuckin psyched for FF7 remake. I still have my psone with every final fantasy game lol. I will buy the ps4 just for this lol

Same, as I just stated. Supposedly it's gonna be on Xbox One too though so get one of those instead. The last time I got a Playstation console was two generations ago. The PSX was brilliant though. What are your rankings? Here are mine from best to worst with 10-2 and 13-2 counting as the 11th and 14th titles respectively. The MMORPG titles are not part of the main series.

1. Final Fantasy 7
2. Final Fantasy 4
3. Final Fantasy 6
4. Final Fantasy 9
5. Final Fantasy 3 (Not to be confused with the one with Locke which is FF6)
6. Final Fantasy 1
7. Final Fantasy 8
8. Final Fantasy 10
9. Final Fantasy 5
10. Final Fantasy 13-2
11. Final Fantasy 12
12. Final Fantasy 13
13. Final Fantasy 10-2
14. Final Fantasy 2 (Not to be confused with the one with Cecil which is FF4)

It fluctuates a tiny bit every now and then in the middle, but my rankings usually stay pretty much the same at the top and bottom.
Rolled stats for a new character tonight. An Aasimar Spirit Shaman. Aasimars are half angelic humanoids (same as Kirilah) and a Spirit Shaman works like a Druid only they cast spontaneously like a Sorcerer. I'll also soon be starting the campaign where I'll be playing the Lawful Evil Moon Elf Favored Soul of Bane that I made months ago....
So, out of boredom I came up with a randomized Meltdown Madness 2015 card. Any champions got their belt put on the line unless the match type couldn't allow it (singles champions in tag matches, tag champions in singles matches, etc)

The lists were:

Bruce Irwin
Chris KO
Garth Black
Kagura Ohzora
Matt Tastic
Mikey Stormrage
Noah Ryder
Theron Daggershield
Flex Mussel
Dorian Slaughter
The Eternal Question
Eve Taylor
James Howard
Johnny Scumm
Logan McAllistor
Oleg Rasputin
Victor Makarov

Match Gimmicks
Bra & Panties
Capture the Flag
Lumber-Jobbers & Animals
Grocery Store Brawl
Musical Chairs (competition)
(Object) on a Pole
Street Fight

Match Types

And the card ended up being....

Bra & Panties Match
elegANT VS Oleg Rasputin

Grocery Store Brawl Fatal Fourway Match for the World Heavyweight Championship
Constantine VS Flex Mussel VS Victor Makarov VS Dorian Slaughter (c)

Tables Tag Team Match
Vee ADZ & The Eternal Question VS Matt Tastic & Theron Daggershield

Object on a Pole Match
Bruce Irwin VS Ramparte

Tag Team Street Fight
Chris KO & Noah Ryder VS Logan McAllistor & Johnny Scumm

Lumber-Jobbers & Animals Match for the Elite X Championship
James Howard (c) VS Mikey Stormrage

Ladder Triple Threat match
Eve Taylor VS Kagura Ohzora VS Garth Black

Music Chairs Competition
Ran out of people before the Musical Chairs Competition. Assume if this card had taken place that any cameos and/or returns would have been randomized into this match. Or if no returns/cameos then I'd make this be elegANT and Oleg's match instead.

Sorry if I forgot anyone. If I did, you're in the Musical Chairs Competition.
That Howard/Stormrage Match looks like money

Indeed. They say the randomizer always does seem to throw in one that's not random at all. Those two already feuded once before over the Eurasian title, from what I recall. I wouldn't mind seeing it again sometime.

I think McAllister n Scumm would be a mean combo.....(too bad they don't like people haha)

Well we do need more tag teams.... If you guys would be up for that, I would PM someone on creative.
1. Final Fantasy 7
2. Final Fantasy 4
3. Final Fantasy 6
4. Final Fantasy 9
5. Final Fantasy 3 (Not to be confused with the one with Locke which is FF6)
6. Final Fantasy 1
7. Final Fantasy 8
8. Final Fantasy 10
9. Final Fantasy 5
10. Final Fantasy 13-2
11. Final Fantasy 12
12. Final Fantasy 13
13. Final Fantasy 10-2
14. Final Fantasy 2 (Not to be confused with the one with Cecil which is FF4)

It fluctuates a tiny bit every now and then in the middle, but my rankings usually stay pretty much the same at the top and bottom.

Meant to reply to this awhile ago lol.

1. FF8(my favorite as it popped my FF n RPG "cherry" so to speak)
2. FF7
3. FF Tactics(idk if u count this, but i LOVED this game. even unlocked Cloud and built him all the way up)
4. FF9
5. FF12(hated it at first, then got into it hard)
6. FF6
7. FF10
8. FF 4
9. FF 13-3
10. FF 5
11. FF 3
12. FF 1
13. FF 13
14. FF 2
15. FF 13-2
16. FF 10-2

Eight will always be my favorite, as i said it was my first lol. but i liked the draw system, the GFs, and the card game was insanely addicting.

Seven is the best final fantasy, but 8 will always be my top
Meant to reply to this awhile ago lol.

1. FF8(my favorite as it popped my FF n RPG "cherry" so to speak)
2. FF7
3. FF Tactics(idk if u count this, but i LOVED this game. even unlocked Cloud and built him all the way up)
4. FF9
5. FF12(hated it at first, then got into it hard)
6. FF6
7. FF10
8. FF 4
9. FF 13-3
10. FF 5
11. FF 3
12. FF 1
13. FF 13
14. FF 2
15. FF 13-2
16. FF 10-2

Eight will always be my favorite, as i said it was my first lol. but i liked the draw system, the GFs, and the card game was insanely addicting.

Seven is the best final fantasy, but 8 will always be my top

4 was my first, so I can understand nostalgia and the love for your first FF game. 7 still tops my list as not even nostalgia for Cecil and (what for me was the original Merry Band of Misfits) his quest which back in 1992 was too epic for words, cannot dethrone the greatest RPG of all time.

I have a great deal of nostalgia toward 8 myself. I loved its soundtrack, many of the songs in it hold a special place for me, but the gameplay kinda ruined everything for me. Monsters leveling up to the average of your active party kinda sucked. It's game-breaking. A party of a Level 100 Squall with a level 15 Rinoa and a level 15 Irvine could face a level 40 enemy party. Even Omega Weapon is in trouble if he's against a Squall who has advanced 60 more levels than him lol Drawing Magic and Junctioning also was a turnoff for me as a whole, but that's just me.

I do not count Tactics as part of the main series, nor do I count Lightning Returns for that matter. Neither of them are true RPG's. Tactics is a Strategy RPG and Lightning Returns is an adventure. Games with only one playable character are NOT true RPG's. They are adventure games. RPG's have a party of at least 2 people that you control. This is also why I facepalm at anyone who calls the Legend of Zelda games RPG's too.

Now my question for you is.... why do you rank FF2j above 13-2 and 10-2? Those games may have been steps down for many, but if you had to pick your poison by either selecting the chance to see Yuna and Rikku looking pretty in their Dresspheres, or beating yourself up to get more Health Points in the most idiotic gameplay system ever designed, you'd still pick FF2j? We can agree to disagree if that's the case, just curious there.
I just absolutely hated 10-2. I don't believe there should ever b direct sequels to a ff game. 13-2 was horrible. They tried essentially mixing pokemon n ff....hated it. 2 sucked too tho. They're all basically equal in my eyes.

In high school my marching band did a final fantasy medley for competitions. Started with ff9 opening title, then transitioned into the cosmo canyon song, and ended with sephiroths battle theme.

Also played the "eyes on me" love song from ff8 in a duet with this banging hot chick lol
Just thought I'd let you know that I really enjoyed your take on the Roulette Rounds this week. Really enjoyable read with an interesting take on the event as only Theron can provide.
Just thought I'd let you know that I really enjoyed your take on the Roulette Rounds this week. Really enjoyable read with an interesting take on the event as only Theron can provide.

Thanks! I had a blast writing it. Initially this was going to be my RP if I ever faced ??? as I stated in the discussion thread, but this felt like the perfect time to use it. I actually had planned two different variations of the part at the end with Kirilah and Kaleesta, depending on how my Unscripted match went. Hopefully you guys will also like what I have in mind to write for the rest of this cycle! :)

Should Kagura give the book back, or hold onto it?

I'd say give the book back. She has had the chance to study it some now, but upon finding out about the curse, that's when I'd be done with it. If those seeking the book were to end up with it, the curse would take care of them. Kagura's safer without it plus something that historical really should be in the museum to be studied, curse or not. Theron would probably have advised Kagura roughly the same thing had this conversation taken place in character.

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