Daggers & Dragons: Ask me stuff

Enjoying our D&D campaign so far, bro?

Who dies first? Oh I wanna go there.

Now that All-Stars is upon us and Gold Rush is a whisper away, what do you think will transpire between each WZCW Champion? Predict the card.

Bonus Question: What duo will be the new tag team on the block do you think?
Enjoying our D&D campaign so far, bro?

Oh yeah. It was a lot of fun. Can't wait for the next one. I could ask you the same thing, honestly. That was my first interaction with forum people outside the forum (disregarding speaking on facebook).... Until that, the only posters who knew what I sound like were LSN and a guy from my church that briefly posted here.

Who dies first? Oh I wanna go there.

Yaz if we run into more of those rats lol.... It's hard to say while we're still at level 1.

Now that All-Stars is upon us and Gold Rush is a whisper away, what do you think will transpire between each WZCW Champion? Predict the card.

World Championship: Tastic VS Constantine VS Ty VS Mikey in a Fatal Fourway

Eurasian Championship: Eve VS Theron

Elite X Championship: Makarov VS Slaughter

Tag Team Championship: Hard Metal Penetration VS Cerberus in the feud ending match

We'll have the Gold Rush tournament winner determined, I could see Chris KO and Kagura having a good showing in the tournament so I predict those two as the final in it. elegANT will likely get far in it too. All of this is assuming my predicted list from over in Kermit's thread ends up being the tournament participants. Speaking of that, I'll throw that in as well. Predicted participants of the tournament as an added bonus....

Chris KO

This also is assuming the Eurasian and Elite X challengers still work the tournament as well as their title feuds. Again, disclaimer being that these are all my own predictions with no existing shows from the cycle yet.

As for the non-title stuff? Harder to predict without there being a cycle of shows yet. Maybe another battle royal to add a winner of it to the Elite X match.

Bonus Question: What duo will be the new tag team on the block do you think?

Veejay and Slaughter could make a good team, said it before and I still think they would be.
Just finished the backstory for my Half-Elf Paladin Of Bane for an evil campaign we'll be playing in my 3.5 D&D group. I can already tell this guy's gonna be awesome, and not just because of the plan to take him into the prestige class of Divine Crusader that allows him to get some Cleric Domain spells. The idea's been in the back of my mind for years it's just no DM that I've played with has considered an evil party before. First session is coming up around Wrestlemania or so depending on when our DM finishes planning it.

Think Kirilah's devotion, with Theron's fighting style, but evil.

Anyway.... just wanted to share that with yall. I'm still taking questions as always.
What's up Dagger? Long time no talk.

Who's your favorite stand up comedians?

What facebook games (if any) are you playing at the moment?

What facebook games (if any) do you remember playing in the past and enjoying for at least a short amount of time?
What's up Dagger? Long time no talk.

Not a whole lot. Work, moderating, RP'ing, and church stuff mainly. I'm a group leader at my church now so that's taken up a lot more of my spare time but I enjoy it a lot. How about yourself?

Who's your favorite stand up comedians?

Not really a fan of many. There tend to be too many jokes about sex and things I find offensive. I did like Tim Allen, he was always funny. As for more recent ones.... Tom Cotter was really good when he was on America's Got Talent. I have not followed him since that competition, but he's one of the few I'd watch now.

What facebook games (if any) are you playing at the moment?

I am not playing any at this time and actually do not think I have ever played any. I got tired of all the Farmville and Mafia Wars invites, so I just started blocking virtually every app invite I got. Still do for many of them and am not nearly as involved on facebook as I used to be, which saddens me a little. My facebook account was one of the very first ones. I'm talking way back in the day when only certain college networks were allowed onto facebook. Mine is about 10 years old. It was in the first half of the Spring 2005 semester that I signed up.

What facebook games (if any) do you remember playing in the past and enjoying for at least a short amount of time?

See above.

I may have asked you already, but thoughts on Kaleesta and the current dynamic in my RP's? I know you read a lot of the old ones but was not sure if you missed out on the recent ones or not.
Not a whole lot. Work, moderating, RP'ing, and church stuff mainly. I'm a group leader at my church now so that's taken up a lot more of my spare time but I enjoy it a lot. How about yourself?

Wishing I could just set fire to all the damn snow in my yard mainly, joined a promo based e-fed like a month ago, pretty fun stuff. Lets me use one of my characters who doesn't work well in an RP based fed.

Not really a fan of many. There tend to be too many jokes about sex and things I find offensive. I did like Tim Allen, he was always funny. As for more recent ones.... Tom Cotter was really good when he was on America's Got Talent. I have not followed him since that competition, but he's one of the few I'd watch now.

Ever watched Gabriel Iglesias? He's pretty funny, don't think I've ever heard a sex joke from him either. Just stories from his actual life.

I may have asked you already, but thoughts on Kaleesta and the current dynamic in my RP's? I know you read a lot of the old ones but was not sure if you missed out on the recent ones or not.

Been busy with life and other commitments which hasn't given me the time to read any RP's sadly.
Ramparte leaves Cerberus, but still wants to team up with someone to ensure Tag Division dominance. Who out of the current locker room do you see taking up arms with him? And who in the history of the fed would you like to see him partner up with?
Wishing I could just set fire to all the damn snow in my yard mainly

The weather's been awful here too. Snow is so rare in the part of Texas that I'm in, we might see it once or twice a year. Well last week we got the one Snow/Ice day that we'll see in 2015. I don't own a scraper for my car due to said rarity of snow. I spent 30 minutes in the freezing weather trying to get all the ****ing ice off my windows. I ended up getting sick from that with a really sore throat and a cold, which led to me losing my voice friday because I work in a call center, straining an already sore throat all week. It's back now, just really hoarse. To say that I loathe cold weather is an understatement. Makes me wish I could just have my Summoner from D&D melt it all with an Empowered Maximized Fireball spell.

joined a promo based e-fed like a month ago, pretty fun stuff. Lets me use one of my characters who doesn't work well in an RP based fed.

Glad you are having fun. Still wish you'd return here as Lexi though. Sorry things didn't work out here for you. I prefer the style we have here. Get all your characters thoughts out in the same post, opponent does the same, match follows. I don't think I'd like promo based feds as much. There's only so much "I am gonna win our match!" stuff that can be said before stories have to be brought in to make it more interesting. That's just my thoughts on that anyway. If you caught the podcast I was on we touched on that at one point.

Ever watched Gabriel Iglesias? He's pretty funny, don't think I've ever heard a sex joke from him either. Just stories from his actual life.

Yeah I saw him when he was on All That and pieces of one of his stand up shows. From the little I've seen he gets a thumbs up. I forgot George Lopez in my previous post. He can be funny at times.

Been busy with life and other commitments which hasn't given me the time to read any RP's sadly.

Still the same Merry Band Of Misfits minus Davivel who was replaced by Kaleesta The Healer. She's based off Rose Tyler and David Tennant from Dr Who, but in the form a D&D Cleric. Much more fun to write than Davivel ever was. I've found a better focus now, so I'm feeling pretty confident depending on what the plans for this cycle entail.

Ramparte leaves Cerberus, but still wants to team up with someone to ensure Tag Division dominance. Who out of the current locker room do you see taking up arms with him? And who in the history of the fed would you like to see him partner up with?

Love questions like this. Keep em coming!

Well, Rated R beat me to my first response to this question.... Ramparte and Ty would be a great team. Both have the whole enigmatic yet intelligent thing going for them. Similar, yet so different. You'd go great together. I would also suggest Slaughter if we're going by today's roster. If we include former members.... Zeus and Vega come to mind before anyone else does. Wouldn't happen though as Haiku's got a new character now (pretty interested to see where that one goes, that's for sure!) and Infinity's been MIA for a while. I really hope he comes back when he is able to. If Hyada comes back, you two have history. Either feud or tag team. Book it. If Hyada does return that is. You'd have to get with DarksideEric on that one.
Gotta say I don't feel bad for you with weather, I'm in mass, we've had it worse. But that sucks about losing your voice and all that.

As far as returning, I'm sure I will at some point but I wanted to try something different for awhile. Plus a promo based fed takes up a hell of a lot less time than an RP based fed. But at the same time I still prefer RP based feds because I like adding in some story.
Gotta say I don't feel bad for you with weather, I'm in mass, we've had it worse. But that sucks about losing your voice and all that.

Understandable with it being colder up there. Just found out we may be getting our 2nd (and probably/hopefully last) Snow/Ice day this year tomorrow night leading into thursday morning. :banghead: What makes it so bad for Texans is it literally never snows here. At least not the bottom half of the state.

And yes, in my position losing your voice is literally the worst thing that can happen to you. If I'm not on the phone with a customer, I'm helping train one of the new reps or answering questions when the supervisor I'm a backup for is busy and/or gone. All of which involve speaking. The only thing I'd be able to do without a voice is answer email inquiries and there's only so many I can answer before I'd run out. Hopefully I'll be back to normal soon otherwise it's gonna be a long week....

As far as returning, I'm sure I will at some point but I wanted to try something different for awhile. Plus a promo based fed takes up a hell of a lot less time than an RP based fed. But at the same time I still prefer RP based feds because I like adding in some story.

I see it taking longer, as you'd have to keep checking your match thread and constantly coming up with in-character trash talk, whereas in ours you just write out the RP and you're done. No worrying about what the opponent said until you've both submitted RP's and you go read their's for fun. That's just me though. I'm a story-teller not a trash-talker.
Oh no the fed I'm in is 1 promo each, say what you wanna say and you're done. Plus they get PM'd to their creative team, you don't see what your opponent wrote until the show goes up.
Oh no the fed I'm in is 1 promo each, say what you wanna say and you're done. Plus they get PM'd to their creative team, you don't see what your opponent wrote until the show goes up.

Not really a fan of that. I love to go read everyone's RP's while waiting on the shows to go up. I can count on one hand how many RP's I've missed since I joined, it's half the fun.

You do this too, right?

Why are animals so damn lethal in our campaign?

Who would be the first to leave Cerberus, and who could you see replacing them?

You do this too, right?

All the time. You never know when you're going to run into a dog that meows or a cat that barks. Or maybe a talking animal. In the SNES game Robotrek there was an item that allowed you to talk to animals, that was always very fun. Dogs usually had funny things to say. I without fail will stop to talk to any animal in a game if the game will let me. If anything, to hear what cool sounds they make since odds are overwhelmingly in favor of the animal not being able to speak your character's language.

Why are animals so damn lethal in our campaign?

Because we're level 1. Most of my DM's have started us on level 4. Still low enough that early temples/battles are difficult, but not low enough that anyone not in Plate Mail risks death at every step. Dire Rats and packs of Wolves are nothing. Just you wait. Even as we level up, the game is likely to stay difficult since we will face much more fearsome enemies. I've faced Dracoliches and all sorts of mythical beasts that put the Rats/Wolves to shame. Now, Dragons (for obvious reasons) are what you want to be afraid of. Especially the Prismatic ones. Even deities fear a fully grown Great Wyrm Prismatic Dragon. To draw a comparison, let's look at their Challenge Rating in edition 3.5.... Basically, the level the game recommends your party be at to have a good chance against said monster. The Wolves from this past session had a Challenge Rating of only 3 while the Challenge Rating for an adult Prismatic Dragon is 66. Scary stuff.

Who would be the first to leave Cerberus, and who could you see replacing them?

Ramparte, but between him or Flex it's close. Veejay is who I'd pick if a replacement had to be made. I liked Dynamite's idea on how he could be like Fez from That 70's Show, that type of member in the group. I can totally see that happening if he replaced any of the three.
If Cloud wasn't Theron's photo rep, who else would you consider for a photo rep?

Shawn Michaels (Wrestlemania 14 era) would have been his rep if it had to be a wrestler. Or Heath Slater, I briefly considered him. Michaels is the image rep for the "real" Theron in my D&D 3.5 campaign, so he's the perfect choice if cartoon reps were not allowed.
Have you watched this series? I have only watched 3 episodes, so please no spoilers if so. As someone who has never officially played D&D, it makes the game seem very thrilling and fun.

Have you watched this series? I have only watched 3 episodes, so please no spoilers if so. As someone who has never officially played D&D, it makes the game seem very thrilling and fun.

Nope I actually have not seen that before. I liked it. I'll check out some more. :)
Just finished making my first evil character in D&D.... It's happening.

A lawful evil moon elf Favored Soul of Bane named Firrua Baequiraheal.

Image rep is Rosa from FF4. Her name when translated from Elven means "Dark star blessed by the gods".

A second one may be coming soon....
No lol I meant a second evil character. We are starting two new campaigns in 3.5 this month. Theron's on the Titus plan. Might never turn.

So what you're saying is the WZCW IWC in around 5 years will be tired of Theron's stale character and expect him to turn heel? Possibly a dueling chant of "LET'S GO THERON!/THERON SUCKS!"

I could never imagine anything like this ever happening.
So what you're saying is the WZCW IWC in around 5 years will be tired of Theron's stale character and expect him to turn heel? Possibly a dueling chant of "LET'S GO THERON!/THERON SUCKS!"

I could never imagine anything like this ever happening.

Doubt it. Although Theron surely would get sick of all the "Turn Theron Heel!" threads by then. He actually does moderate a WZCW forum, I mentioned it in one RP, he infracted Sheshmish (screenname RumPirate64) on a Signature Banner Violation without knowing it was Sheshmish. It never got brought up again after that, probably won't be.

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