Daggers & Dragons: Ask me stuff

What would Logan McAllister's name be according to Theron?

Don't have one yet. I tend to wait until it comes time for Theron to mention someone for the first time to form one because it results in better names whereas if I named everyone at once it would burn me out and if someone's name sucks then they are stuck with that. I haven't retconned any names yet as I'm not that big a fan of retconning. I did with a couple of belts and I believe a show name if I remember correctly, but I didn't want to re-name anyone's D&D counterpart. That's why Matt Tastic is still Leonaros Moonshadow even though just about everyone else's name resembles their actual character names somehow, Leonaros came from when I was still new and renamed everyone more D&D sounding names as opposed to names that are easier to recognize who Theron is actually referring to. Ramparte's counterpart Graven Darksbane also came from that timeframe.

Logan's time for getting Theron-ized will come though.... no worries!
So I just noticed my Elven Summoner's 104 Health, 23 Constitution and 26 Charisma. The best part is she's only level 12. She's beginning to rival Theron's namesake in awesomeness.
So I just noticed my Elven Summoner's 104 Health, 23 Constitution and 26 Charisma. The best part is she's only level 12. She's beginning to rival Theron's namesake in awesomeness.

Oh man reading that makes me so glad for fifth ed. The mods just get to be silly with that version and it's so stupid that a hero couldn't realistically be swarmed by a million goblins and die. I've made a goblin dungeon that I think could fuck up a 9-10th level party in 5th ed
So, in other news my Pautena amiibo is on her way! Luckily Amazon had sent me a friendly reminder email about ordering one. I completely forgot that it was today.

When are you coming back for that Global Championship? Clovis awaits.

One would assume once you issue a challenge for a rematch.... ;) Theron's up for it.

Oh man reading that makes me so glad for fifth ed. The mods just get to be silly with that version and it's so stupid that a hero couldn't realistically be swarmed by a million goblins and die. I've made a goblin dungeon that I think could fuck up a 9-10th level party in 5th ed

Yeah the modifiers for her Con came from an enchanted robe. Her Charisma was always through the roof though. Speaking of 5th.... We gonna play again sometime? I miss my Paladin of Silvanus. Plus my 3.5 DM has not budged on moving to 5th yet.
Do you have to keep a list to remember all the names in the fed that have been Theronized?

Nope. The names most often used such as those of shows and belts I have memorized at this point. Same goes for many of the wrestlers' D&D counterparts. For anything that I don't quite recall I'll pull up an RP or interview where Theron mentioned it, to refresh my memory. I've thought of posting up a "Theron Thesaurus" of sorts containing every known Theron-ism as an Extra feature of the Theron "DVD" that I teased. That's still coming, at some point before Kingdom Come. It'd be 2 "discs" that each have 20 "sides" (d20 tribute, instead of content being called "chapters" etc) made up of my personal favorite RP's and matches.
Ever dabble in magic the gathering?

I've tried it but couldn't really get into it. Card games in general aren't my cup of tea. I even tried the Pokemon one from 15 years ago then stopped when I realized I wasn't having any fun with it.

If Logan were to play D&D what character type would appeal to him the most? Would he go for a warrior, a stealthy type, or a caster? Obviously those 3 are the tip of the iceberg but virtually every class falls under one of them.
Been contemplating on a new entrance theme for Theron. I'm closing in on 2 years with Sacrament of Wilderness, so what do you guys think? Time for a change?

Here are two tracks I looked at. I wanted to keep the Nightwish theme going, I'm open to suggestions by other groups but I'd rather keep it as being Nightwish material since they are my favorite band both in-character and out-of-character.


It takes 20 seconds to get to the heavier part, which is where I'd want Theron to actually appear at (20 seconds in) and have the big pyro spot at 25 seconds in. It remains catchy and heavy after that so it's just a matter of the 20 second long buildup at the beginning being worth it. Don't wanna get into Undertaker territory when it comes to long entrances.


This one gets heavier faster, at about 11 seconds in and the starting seconds might make more sense for the new celestial "light" direction I have begun taking the character although it's not as heavy overall.
I've tried it but couldn't really get into it. Card games in general aren't my cup of tea. I even tried the Pokemon one from 15 years ago then stopped when I realized I wasn't having any fun with it.

If Logan were to play D&D what character type would appeal to him the most? Would he go for a warrior, a stealthy type, or a caster? Obviously those 3 are the tip of the iceberg but virtually every class falls under one of them.

Most likely a warrior type, preferably a warrior with some knowledge in casting offensive spells. Oh. And Logan would b evil(should b obvious lol)
I understand none of that.....sounds cool tho

Lawful Evil is an alignment. One of the most well-known examples of Lawful Evil is Darth Vader.

A Duskblade is a class that can attack like a traditional "Warrior" type, but can also cast some offensive spells.
How do you feel about Armando? I have a decent idea where I can take him. I'm trying a different approach with rp's and I want to write stuff that makes people laugh.

Well I wasn't around this section much during your last run other than the very end of it. So, I really can't make a decision based off anything other than your return RP's. If you want to make people laugh then you succeeded in each of them with me so far. I didn't like the Armando goes to jail one as much as the other two from this run, your Roulette one is my favorite so far.

Any RP's from your previous run that you'd like me to check out?
Do u think Logan would be able to "play nice" with others during a round of D&D? Or do u think he'd b a pain to deal with?
How about you check out my RPs and give your opinion on those? hmmmm

I've read them all so far. I read everyone's for fun. Every single RP for the past 2 years worth of rounds, I've read. All those wrestler images you've all been collecting for RP's are all earned. Any in particular you want my thoughts on? Like I told K Web, your best one so far (to me anyway) was also from the Roulette round. The flashback was a real nice touch. You're improving so keep it up.

Do u think Logan would be able to "play nice" with others during a round of D&D? Or do u think he'd b a pain to deal with?

Depends. Is his son present? I could see him wanting to set the example by controlling his frustrations more if his son is there watching his dad play the game. However if not, I could see him losing his temper and attacking the DM if he were to roll a 1 on anything.... or if an enemy hit him with a lethal attack.
I think it's more likely Hayden would play D&D than Logan tho.

Rp wise I feel I'm getting better, I've got a couple solid ideas for this upcoming match v Vee, just gotta decide which route I wanna go
I think it's more likely Hayden would play D&D than Logan tho.

Rp wise I feel I'm getting better, I've got a couple solid ideas for this upcoming match v Vee, just gotta decide which route I wanna go

I too had many different ideas but the tight schedule at work made me not to think more ingeniously. Fortunately for you, it's a luck :shrug:
I have to admit that you're quite at home in RPing. I, for one, run out of ideas.

Put yourself in your character's shoes. Did you see anything lately in person that could influence you and what you want to write about? How might your character react to that had he been there? Look at things you may have seen in person or in media (video games, television, etc) heck, your gimmick involves books. Do you like to read out of character? The character has a ton of things you could possibly write about, as long as it ties back to the fed somehow.

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