Daggers & Dragons: Ask me stuff

Comments on my RP?

Two things stood out.

The main one for me is color formatting, which you for the most part did a really good job on. I was teasing Ech about this earlier over in the main discussion thread but I really do believe people as a whole enjoy reading stories with color font formatting better. Your recap of the Alhazred match had no formatting. Even on these recaps, it is best to try to get all of the formatting copied over along with the text. I had the urge to skip that part due to it all being standard black font.

Second.... at the end when you responded to the question on what you will do to Kagura.... On things like that I would try to come up with lines about your opponent that fit the character. You love books, so maybe Cassanova wants to "end his opponents' stories" or something. That could become a catchphrase! Look at Theron for instance. He's evolved from being a guy that wrestles who happens to love D&D, to fighting in the name of his girlfriend's D&D character's deity, to going full on into "light in a world of darkness" mode. That "I am the light" stuff is Theron's counterpart to what I am getting at with for you. Embrace the book gimmick and speak of your opponents in ways that relate to books for your character but tie back to the fed somehow.

Hope that helps. Good luck in the match. :)

Well right now we both are on a losing streak. Once we start winning we might consider I guess we need some time to think as well...

Yeah, you both need to focus on the Lottery now. A lot can happen between now and Kingdom Come though. The tag division could always use more names if you guys did want to go that route later. You could do something like Wade Barrett's Fight Club gimmick for your team.
Two things stood out.

The main one for me is color formatting, which you for the most part did a really good job on. I was teasing Ech about this earlier over in the main discussion thread but I really do believe people as a whole enjoy reading stories with color font formatting better. Your recap of the Alhazred match had no formatting. Even on these recaps, it is best to try to get all of the formatting copied over along with the text. I had the urge to skip that part due to it all being standard black font.

Second.... at the end when you responded to the question on what you will do to Kagura.... On things like that I would try to come up with lines about your opponent that fit the character. You love books, so maybe Cassanova wants to "end his opponents' stories" or something. That could become a catchphrase! Look at Theron for instance. He's evolved from being a guy that wrestles who happens to love D&D, to fighting in the name of his girlfriend's D&D character's deity, to going full on into "light in a world of darkness" mode. That "I am the light" stuff is Theron's counterpart to what I am getting at with for you. Embrace the book gimmick and speak of your opponents in ways that relate to books for your character but tie back to the fed somehow.

Hope that helps. Good luck in the match. :)

Thanks allot, brother. All that matters is that you responded and the response was encouraging. I'll try to write better RPs. Your advice is something everyone should look up to.

EDIT: Eagerly waiting for your first kayfabe article at WZCW.com
This was really well done. You developed John's character and addressed how what he is dealing with is similar yet very different to the memory problem your opponent has. I thought it was your best John Doe one yet and you have me really wanting to know what you come up with for the Lottery. Thumbs up, dude!

Sweet! Thanks.

About Lethal Lottery...I should probably start brainstorming :lmao: I usually go somewhat off-the-cuff, week to week, while giving myself an idea of where I want to go the next week. But, that's a big one to prepare for. With past characters, I would try to plan way ahead on what every RP was going to be, and then I'd lose every match for 3-4 rounds, and it would destroy everything I had planned on. Going this way seems to be working a little better, although I am still losing every round :lmao:
Is it easy to expose the bad side of a person than proving how good he is? Is that the reason why many members of our federation choose to become heel rather than a fan favourite? Is it really that tough to justify how good you're? Or are they just want to show their dark side to us?

Oops I got a lot of questions hope I will get some answers. Cheers!!
Is it easy to expose the bad side of a person than proving how good he is? Is that the reason why many members of our federation choose to become heel rather than a fan favourite? Is it really that tough to justify how good you're? Or are they just want to show their dark side to us?

Oops I got a lot of questions hope I will get some answers. Cheers!!

Depends on what you want to do with the character. And what you plan with creative. Some characters like Titus or Theron work better as faces. While others like Dr Zeus or Dorian Slaughter work better as heels. With the right writer any gimmick could potentially go either face or heel but it comes down to the character at their core and the handler themselves. Theron's gimmick can work with a heel, but I will probaby never turn him as it goes against what he as a character (not the gimmick) is like. That, and I have enough writing material to take me into 2016 or longer if he's face. We are actually about even right now with 13 faces, 10 heels, and 2 neutral who lean toward evil. A healthy balance of good and evil is the right spot to be at for the roster.

Did that answer your questions? If not let me know.
Depends on what you want to do with the character. And what you plan with creative. Some characters like Titus or Theron work better as faces. While others like Dr Zeus or Dorian Slaughter work better as heels. With the right writer any gimmick could potentially go either face or heel but it comes down to the character at their core and the handler themselves. Theron's gimmick can work with a heel, but I will probaby never turn him as it goes against what he as a character (not the gimmick) is like. That, and I have enough writing material to take me into 2016 or longer if he's face. We are actually about even right now with 13 faces, 10 heels, and 2 neutral who lean toward evil. A healthy balance of good and evil is the right spot to be at for the roster.

Did that answer your questions? If not let me know.

Well thank you for your answers mate. But the real doubt was why people choose dark characters like "sadist" "slaughter" "psychopath" and stuffs amongst all others? I really don't understand that
For me, it was easier to make Logan heel and show what lengths he'd go to to provide for his kid. Having Hayden by his side could easily let me transition to a face if I wanted to, but right now heel Logan is the best Logan. Maybe we'll see a reformed Logan down the line??
Well thank you for your answers mate. But the real doubt was why people choose dark characters like "sadist" "slaughter" "psychopath" and stuffs amongst all others? I really don't understand that

The dark religious types and the psychopaths do seem to come up often. Again I really think it just comes back to the handlers and what ideas they have. Those two types of ideas may just be what comes to mind first. Sometimes said ideas evolve, look at Slaughter. He took on a bit of a different path in the end from an application that at first looked familiar. Great example of ideas that evolved. I'll even admit Theron's taken a complete 180 from what I originally planned him to be. He initially was supposed to be a womanizer. Now he not only follows his girlfriend's deity but is as loyal as could be and loves her dearly.

So, yeah those types may seem more common although the ideas for the characters and the writing of the handler will evolve them. Or maybe we will see some more unique types of heels show up. Who knows.

For me, it was easier to make Logan heel and show what lengths he'd go to to provide for his kid. Having Hayden by his side could easily let me transition to a face if I wanted to, but right now heel Logan is the best Logan. Maybe we'll see a reformed Logan down the line??

Maybe. Don't rule it out as a possibility. I'll give you similar advice someone gave me a while ago. If you have more material for him as a heel, keep him heel. If you have more material for him redeeming himself, consider it for later. It depends on what direction you'd want to go and what would be better for you to write.
Yea he's definitely a heel for the foreseeable future. Not tryna b a big show n make a bunch of turns.
Not tryna b a big show n make a bunch of turns.

Too many heel to face (and vice versa) turns would be the least of your worries if Logan becomes our Big Show. Luckily I doubt we will ever have a Big Show (resident "big boring guy that no one cares about yet the fans cannot get rid of") because unlike the WWE we have a creative team that knows what they are doing.
Too many heel to face (and vice versa) turns would be the least of your worries if Logan becomes our Big Show. Luckily I doubt we will ever have a Big Show (resident "big boring guy that no one cares about yet the fans cannot get rid of") because unlike the WWE we have a creative team that knows what they are doing.

But you see TNA have been doing a great job with turning Erick Young into heel-face-heel-face, haven't they? It's really interesting in the case of E1 because he tends to adapt to the character he is given and never fails to disappoint the fans. It's my verdict at least.
But you see TNA have been doing a great job with turning Erick Young into heel-face-heel-face, haven't they? It's really interesting in the case of E1 because he tends to adapt to the character he is given and never fails to disappoint the fans. It's my verdict at least.

I only liked World Elite Eric Young.
I only liked World Elite Eric Young.

Eric Young being scared shitless for a while was pretty amazing. He'd come out and then jump like he was shot if a pyro went off.

I also liked him as Roode's lackey.

Disclaimer: I'm a huge EY mark. Well, up until Grizzly Man.
Eric Young being scared shitless for a while was pretty amazing. He'd come out and then jump like he was shot if a pyro went off.

I also liked him as Roode's lackey.

Disclaimer: I'm a huge EY mark. Well, up until Grizzly Man.

I mainly only liked him in World Elite. That version of Young was awesome. I never found him funny when they tried to make him funny though and strongly disagreed with his World Championship win.... I was pretty much done with TNA in general anyway by then. I came back for the Lashley reign that summer but Bound For Glory 2014 was the final straw. Haven't watched anything but NXT and WWE for about the past year. Killjoy and Yaz tried to get me into Lucha Underground, so I might still check that out sometime. Spare time is about to decrease significantly though. (No plans of leaving here however)

On a quite related note.... My class starts in less than a week! Monday is my first day back in school since my undergrad graduation 4 years ago.
Schooling at 29. Quite strange!

It is called non-traditional student here in the states when someone goes back later in life such as this. :)

Wow are you going to persue your Master Degree graduation??

Sort of. It is a Christian Theology class that any level of college student can take whether an incoming high school grad or someone that already has a degree like me. There is a Day class that meets in the day four times per week geared toward the traditional college crowd and a Night class that meets twice per week in the evenings geared towards those who already have jobs and/or families, which is the one I'm in. You can take either one and it lasts for a whole year.
It is called non-traditional student here in the states when someone goes back later in life such as this. :)

Sort of. It is a Christian Theology class that any level of college student can take whether an incoming high school grad or someone that already has a degree like me. There is a Day class that meets in the day four times per week geared toward the traditional college crowd and a Night class that meets twice per week in the evenings geared towards those who already have jobs and/or families, which is the one I'm in. You can take either one and it lasts for a whole year.

Yeah I know about that. Right now I work 5 days a week as an assistant professor while graduating my Master degree on the other hand. It'll continue when I go for my PhD as well. 15-25% of my work deal while doing PhD is to teach and tutor Undergraduate students.

But it certainly feels weird to go in and take class for students who're pretty close to my age....
Yeah I know about that. Right now I work 5 days a week as an assistant professor while graduating my Master degree on the other hand. It'll continue when I go for my PhD as well. 15-25% of my work deal while doing PhD is to teach and tutor Undergraduate students.

But it certainly feels weird to go in and take class for students who're pretty close to my age....

For feeling weird about age similarities.... It's the same for non-traditional students. The girl organizing the class is younger than me and some of the staff members are either around my age or younger. During my traditional college run I never had a teacher who wasn't older than me.

As for the traditional Masters path and further.... It's something I might consider someday. For now I am looking to grow spiritually more than in any other area at the moment. I have a Business Administration undergrad degree, so going for an MBA is a possibility someday. When the finances are there. This felt right for the next season in my life.

My parents own a school and coaching centre. So, I sometimes do work as a tutor to 10th-11th graders who are quite similar to me in physique and perhaps age.

Dr Anderson: Then you must be real smART!
Nothing like a long level grinding montage of fighting off Goopi swarms in Dragon Quest 3 while the extended version of Holding Out For A Hero plays in the background on repeat. Great way to spend a saturday afternoon!

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