Daggers & Dragons: Ask me stuff

I'm bored, hi Dagger. What's up?

Not much.... Just typing up my next set of item spotlights for my Zelda thread over in the Media Hub. Expect those tomorrow night or so. You?

Do you find Lexi easy or hard to write for when we do scenes with her and Theron in our RP's?

She's been a little easier to write than some of the other counterparts and the accent helps in that area. The more the actual character stands out from the rest of the fed, the easier their counterpart tends to be for me to write. Characters who speak or act differently are easier for me to write. Sheshmish is the easiest misfit to write. Same reasons.

How strong do you picture the friendship being at the moment between Theron and Lexi?

Pretty strong. If we're talking Dragon Age Origins approval scales, probably in the 75-90 range. He adores her, but is not interested in anything more than friendship as he still loves Kirilah.

And.... here come all the "What's MY approval rating?" questions lol :p

Worst Save mechanic you've ever seen in a non-FF RPG?

Calling your dad in Earthbound was always one of the weirder ones. "Hey Dad, I just learned the final melody for my Sound Stone by defeating a huge dog made out of diamonds, I have to save!" and then he would call you randomly if the game felt you had played for too long without saving. Ughh I hated that!!!! I'll save when I'm good and ready, Dad!!!!

Worst Save mechanic you've seen in a FF RPG?

Having to stay at an Inn or using a Tent on the world map in FF1. Back then Save Points didn't even exist, nor did the Save command on the menu. Most of the series has had cool looking save points, my personal favorite was the use of Moogles in FF9. That was something different in between the random stars, mysterious objects, crystals, circles with an S in them, and other things used for save points in the other titles. They more or less had the same mechanic though. You find one of that game's respective save points or be on the world map and select the Save command on the menu.

Worst Save mechanic in a non-RPG?

The way you save in No More Heroes. I was disgusted that they would even allow that to be in the game.

☮ Spidey ✌;5007419 said:
How far along are ya in Doctor Who? I need somebody to talk theories with on Season 8.

Just finished the two parter where they meet the reptile people under the earth. They reminded me a ton of the Reptites from Chrono Trigger. I've been watching on sundays but we played D&D this past sunday.
Which kind of "defensive" style do you like in various RPGs and D&D?

Are you more the DEX type, where dodging is more fun?

Tanky type, where you have loads of armor or magical defensive shields?

Healer type, where any hit you take you can just heal up?
Not much.... Just typing up my next set of item spotlights for my Zelda thread over in the Media Hub. Expect those tomorrow night or so. You?

Just finished watching some playoff baseball. Pretty awesome game. You a sports fan Dagger?

She's been a little easier to write than some of the other counterparts and the accent helps in that area. The more the actual character stands out from the rest of the fed, the easier their counterpart tends to be for me to write. Characters who speak or act differently are easier for me to write. Sheshmish is the easiest misfit to write. Same reasons.

I figured the accent may make it harder. For me I've gotten so used to it that there's times I have to remember to add a "g" onto the end of words and stop myself from typing y'all.

Pretty strong. If we're talking Dragon Age Origins approval scales, probably in the 75-90 range. He adores her, but is not interested in anything more than friendship as he still loves Kirilah.

Yeah I'd say it's strong. Lexi was pretty starstruck by Daggershield at first but now she realizes he's just a really nice guy and he's become her BFF in the fed.

I think even if Theron wanted more, he may be trapped in the friendzone.
I figured the accent may make it harder. For me I've gotten so used to it that there's times I have to remember to add a "g" onto the end of words and stop myself from typing y'all.

There was a character I played in an AOL RP that had a Gypsie accent like in Snatch.

"W'ere ye head'n out'to now? Ain'tcha know'n 'tis dang'rous 'roun these parts fella?"
If the 2014-15 avatar collection has an avatar dedicated to you, what would you like it to be about?

There's already FF and Zelda avatars.... maybe something like this: four D20's (red, yellow, blue, and green) next to each other in a square formation with the 20th side facing up on each, then it'd have text reading "Dagger Dias" underneath.... Or an avatar of Lloyd Irving from Tales of Symphonia. I'd love to see one of him get added in the next batch. Alistair from Dragon Age Origins is a 3rd option. Then there's Dias Flac from Star Ocean 2, the true namesake and original inspiration for my screenname.

Just finished watching some playoff baseball. Pretty awesome game. You a sports fan Dagger?

Not really. I'll watch football, basketball, or baseball with other guys on a guys night but I always found sports kinda boring when I try to watch by myself. It was never really my thing, at least not from 1995 or so onward. When I was little we used to live in St Louis Missouri. I was a Cardinals and Blues fan back then. Had I not moved to TX and grown up there, my answer would very likely be rather different. I grew up in a town that didn't have a local team of any kind. Now as an adult I watch MMA sometimes but even there I am a casual fan.

Yeah I'd say it's strong. Lexi was pretty starstruck by Daggershield at first but now she realizes he's just a really nice guy and he's become her BFF in the fed.

I think even if Theron wanted more, he may be trapped in the friendzone.

I dunno man, Theron's got an 18 charisma and an 18 appearance. Her sense motive ranks would have to be through the roof to turn him down if he actually tried. He'd be after Lexi in a heartbeat if he wasn't spoken for.

Which kind of "defensive" style do you like in various RPGs and D&D?

Are you more the DEX type, where dodging is more fun?

Tanky type, where you have loads of armor or magical defensive shields?

Healer type, where any hit you take you can just heal up?

Depends on what I'm playing. Fighters in D&D, I go for a tank. Theron's "real" counterpart has an AC almost twice that of some of his allies. I like Paladins and melee Clerics too though, so Healer is a close 2nd. I'm not as interested in Dex based characters. Swashbuckler and Ninja are the only two I came close to having fun with. I'd rather have a ton of health or be able to heal.
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That right there is an example of just how unpredictable the game can be. Never seen anything that extreme before, but I'm not all that surprised by that being a potential outcome when playing.

I think you forgot the fact Lexi would be totally oblivious to anybody liking her like that.

Charisma checks would trump her being oblivious. Sense Motive is an important skill. Theron gets a +4 to Charisma checks due to his 18 Charisma stat. Say Lexi has no ranks in Sense Motive. Theron could roll a 1 and still succeed in winning her affection (for that round anyway) with or without her being aware of his feelings. He'd impress her that much because his stat is so high. She'd have to have 4 ranks in Sense Motive for it to be a fair roll-off, otherwise his Charisma stat gives Theron the advantage and even then, his 18 Appearance might actually still give Theron the advantage. No worries though. Kirilah's not going anywhere, like ever, that is one thing I don't mind spoiling. Just explaining how that particular component in the game works. Theron's "real" counterpart has had a lot of fun with it.
Have you worked on Division Blade at all? Not being an asshole, genuinely interested. I know you got a lot of shit for it but you clearly put a ton of effort into it, hopefully it didn't just get tossed aside.
For those who don't have me on facebook, here is my dice collection in its entirety....


Top row is D20's including one that's a D20 inside of another D20. 2nd row is D8's and D6's including a giant D6. 3rd row is D12's and D4's. Bottom row are D10's and Percentile Dice. There's 190 total.

Responses to the questions are coming this evening, I'm working on an update for my Zelda topic and they'll follow when that goes up.
Most powerful character you've played as and seen in D&D, FF, RPGs and gaming as a whole?

In D&D the most powerful character I have ever seen was a Half-Orc Paladin of Torm named Saedith. Theron in WZCW (as well as his "real" counterpart) has really good stats but Saedith puts even those to shame. An 18 is the highest stat you can get without modifiers from your race or your class. When Saedith's handler rolled his stats, the lowest he got in anything was a 16. Kirilah has nothing on this guy. Most powerful Paladin, or anything, I've ever had as a party member.

In RPG video games.... Disregarding situations such as in FFX where a fully maxed out Sphere Grid allows any given character to do 9,999 damage with virtually any melee attack or any offensive spell.... Probably Irvine in FF8 has more potential than any other, at least in professionally made games. I'll finish my Irvine story then touch on my other example, which deals with the subject matter of Red Skull's question.

So in FF8 the monsters' levels are an average of your active party's level. I maxed out both Squall and Irvine to level 100. Never used Irvine again beyond the final temple so that I could have a party of a levell 100 with Quistis and Zell both being below level 10. Monsters and most bosses were on level 35 or so, making easy victories for Squall throughout the whole game. I get to Ultimecia's Castle splitting the two parties into one led by Squall and one led by Irvine. Both Squall and Irvine have high tier spells like Ultima junctioned to their strength to further boost their attacks with their ultimate weapons and limit breaks. Irvine's party enters a battle with Omega Weapon, who again due to the levels Rinoa and Selphie were on, is below level 40. Irvine casts Aura on himself, Omega takes out one of Irvine's party members (I forget if it was Rinoa or Selphie, irrelevant), Irvine then uses a Holy War. His next couple of turns he finishes off Omega with Pulse Ammo in his limit break, without ever taking a single hit. With Ultima junctioned to your strength and your ultimate weapon equipped, Fast Ammo is not far behind in damage potential. That's some powerful stuff.

So my other example comes from Division Blade, an RPG game that I created. The most powerful character in that game is Kay the Arbiter (basically a Paladin, she can Detect Evil and cannot sin). Her stats by the time you get to level 99, are maxed out to a perfect 999 in everything. Most characters have weak melee attacks until you get their ultimate weapons at the last leg of the game. Kay's ultimate weapon is unlocked the 2nd time she re-joins the party, she's already equipped with it and you're only 25% of the way into the game. She has a special skill exclusive to her called "Arbiter Assault" that boosts her stats by 999 in that particular fight. Keep in mind she already has a natural 999 in everything by being on level 99 so that's an ADDITIONAL 999 from Arbiter Assault and ANOTHER 999 from her ultimate weapon. The game still displays her stat as 999, but through testing I could tell that it legitimately still stacks the stats through her weapon and the Arbiter Assault spell. She can then STILL be buffed further with a couple of Divine spells that work on everybody. By putting forth all of this effort, a single one round melee attack from Kay can do a grand total of 70,000 points of damage to the same target. No one else can do more than 20,000 or so, from what I recall. It's been a few years. Bottom line.... Kay at level 99 powered up by Arbiter Assault can one-shot anything including the game's optional super bosses.

Have you worked on Division Blade at all? Not being an asshole, genuinely interested. I know you got a lot of shit for it but you clearly put a ton of effort into it, hopefully it didn't just get tossed aside.

Long term plans are for it to be revamped. Far less content, better graphics, no tributes to other games in the soundtrack, less silly names for things, but the same story. I ran into a rather long string of difficult times in the past 2 years, forcing me to shelf the plans to remake it anytime soon. I'm contemplating going to back to school so.... between moderating, RP'ing, work, stuff going on at home, church, and potentially going back to school, there simply isn't enough time to devote to updating the game. I may not be able to fully address it until Summer 2016, but the plans are still there. I spoke with Doc on this a while back, I know I cannot do better than my last version without some type of development team this time around.
☮ Spidey ✌;5011393 said:
I play as a Gnome Cleric whose AC is almost 40.

Is this wrong? I feel this is wrong.

What is his equipment? What are his feats? 3rd or 4th edition?

EDIT: If he's wearing Full Plate Mail and a Tower Shield that's still only a 22. Add in his added dodge advantage for his race you're looking at below 30 unless he either has enchanted equipment, some type of great feat, or is on a ridiculously high level to earn him a ridiculously high Dex modifier. In 3rd edition, anyway. I'd need the 3rd rulebook for 5th and I do not know all the mechanics in 4th.
Which in-game death or ending has touched you the most? For instance, when I was a kid and played Link's Awakening (my first Zelda), the ending nearly made me cry and even to this day "Ballad of the Windfish" still strikes a chord that no other game really has.

Outside of RPGs, like say in fighting games or Action / Adventure, what's your favorite style of battle? For instance, if you're playing Street Fighter, do you try to play keep away a lot or are you a combo nut who has to be in close?

Can you tell me of any RPGs that break some of the stereotypes, such as quite a while ago I read an issue of PSM (remember that magazine?) that did an "Ultimate RPG" article where they broke a lot of the conventions of RPGs such as:

White Mages / Healers weren't frail, they were kind "Gandalf"-esque where they could fight on the same level as they could heal (without being a specialized class). They would also be more... "hands on" like an actual Combat Medic, sticking their hands into people to heal wounds rather than just having a wispy particle effect go around someone who was hurt.

Black Mages were more... I wanna say "Rogue"-esque, having spells tattooed on them and multiple spell books to pull out on the fly so they were ready for any given situation.

Have you encountered this in RPGs / D&D?
Which in-game death or ending has touched you the most? For instance, when I was a kid and played Link's Awakening (my first Zelda), the ending nearly made me cry and even to this day "Ballad of the Windfish" still strikes a chord that no other game really has.

I'm going to have to go with the stereotypical answer and say the mother of all spoilers....

Aeris dying in FF7. A classmate spoiled that for me back in 5th grade and I got the game in 6th (dang, it's been a long time) and when that legendary cut-scene played out, I was bawling. Combination of how shocking her death was (despite that unlike some my younger self KNEW it was coming, still hit me hard) and how the sad music kept playing through the next boss battle helping you see how the characters may have felt, and above all is Cloud's line of listing all the things Aeris will never be able to do again. I'm getting teary eyed just typing this.

Stereotype or not, no gaming death has or ever will top it. Runner up is....

Lavitz in Legend Of Dragoon was also painful, not even a day previously he was telling Dart how they should go have a drink at the tavern after the battle. You get Albert afterwards who is much cooler, so that softens the blow. I can agree with you on Ballad of the Windfish, I recall you shared a remix of that in another thread and whoever made that did an awesome job, it was so beautifully done. Aeris' theme also to this day still makes me cry without fail if I hear it.

Outside of RPGs, like say in fighting games or Action / Adventure, what's your favorite style of battle? For instance, if you're playing Street Fighter, do you try to play keep away a lot or are you a combo nut who has to be in close?

Depends on the game. In Mortal Kombat and Street Fighter I don't mind being up close trying to do combos or kicks, but in Smash Bros I tend to go ranged and like playing on the larger stages. In Zelda I prefer using Sword and Shield instead of ammo items like Bows/Bombs or any of that game's magical items. Ranged non-magical items are my 2nd favorite typically there.

Can you tell me of any RPGs that break some of the stereotypes

Paladin's Quest. You used your HP to cast spells. I know more about that game than probably anyone you will ever meet. Ask me anything on it, literally anything. Criminally underrated SNES game.
What is his equipment? What are his feats? 3rd or 4th edition?

EDIT: If he's wearing Full Plate Mail and a Tower Shield that's still only a 22. Add in his added dodge advantage for his race you're looking at below 30 unless he either has enchanted equipment, some type of great feat, or is on a ridiculously high level to earn him a ridiculously high Dex modifier. In 3rd edition, anyway. I'd need the 3rd rulebook for 5th and I do not know all the mechanics in 4th.

My bad, not 40 but 33. Still the highest AC in the group.

I do not keep the character sheet on me, but I do have a lot of enchanted equipment. He's level 8 and I managed to be a Tank Healer via rolling for loot. I never roll very well but I did that time and landed with +5 AC +4 AC and what have you.

It's a running joke that I move my Gnome towards an ally to heal them, Attack of Opportunity for the Enemy, and the Enemy missing each time.

Pretty sure I goofed on the maths, but DM looked it over and accepted it. My attacks are meager compared to everyone else's unless I summon something. And my HP is like 57. So there's that at least.
Class system?

It doesn't really have one. You recruit mercenaries who come with equipment you cannot change. Some are intended to be more of the fighter type such as Dan and Chen in particular who are like the game's Monks. Hawk is the game's Sorceror/Wizard type having a garbage melee attack but the best magic in the game outside of the male hero and female hero. Your male hero and female hero can learn magic from magic schools in the towns, one by one you'll get access to 8 different spirits. The female hero gets all but one, the male hero gets all of them. Magic is then learned by combining the spirits. Fire plus Light for instance gets you an explosion spell. Fire by itself is a basic Fire attack. Fire plus Sphere gets you a group targeting fire spell. The combinations of these spirits get fun, the ultimate spell Spirit is made up of all 8 spirits at once.

Tip of the iceberg here, want to know more? If you can find this game, play it. I cannot stress that enough. Once you get past the weird graphics and the unique battle system you should like it. It's one of my all time favorites.

☮ Spidey ✌;5011803 said:
My bad, not 40 but 33. Still the highest AC in the group.

I do not keep the character sheet on me, but I do have a lot of enchanted equipment. He's level 8 and I managed to be a Tank Healer via rolling for loot. I never roll very well but I did that time and landed with +5 AC +4 AC and what have you.

Given the math I did in my last post, a non-enchanted Full Plate Mail with Tower Shield combo gets you 22. Disregarding feats, his race dodge modifier and enchanted gear could do it. 33 sounds possible. 40 does not.

☮ Spidey ✌;5011803 said:
And my HP is like 57. So there's that at least.

For level 8 and a Cleric that's not bad. The most you could have disregarding feats or modifiers is 64 for a level 8 Cleric. Dragon Disciples could have 80 by then, and Warblades or Barbarians can break 100 by level 9. The Toughness feat can get them there even sooner, but more important feats should be used first for obvious reasons.
Best RPG soung?

Best all around RPG soundtrack?

Your Top 5 RPG battle systems?

Top 5 RPG Attacks (non-spell)?

Top 5 RPG Spells?

Top 5 D&D Abilities?

Top 5 D&D Skills?

Top 5 D&D Feats?

In a situation where you weren't going to Min / Max, and just build for fun, build a party in an FF and in D&D.
I'm on the hunt for a free to play RPG Phone App on GooglePlay. I would love for this particular app to have:

- a way to customize my character (even if selections are small)
- a way to play w/ either magic or hack and slash
- small data usage if possible

Know any by chance that fit within these options?
☮ Spidey ✌;5014467 said:
I'm on the hunt for a free to play RPG Phone App on GooglePlay. I would love for this particular app to have:

- a way to customize my character (even if selections are small)
- a way to play w/ either magic or hack and slash
- small data usage if possible

Know any by chance that fit within these options?

No I don't, unfortunately. I'm way behind on phone apps. The only games on my iPhone are three versions of Angry Birds.

Best RPG soung?

Best all around RPG soundtrack?

No clue what a soung is, if it was a typo for "song" then it's literally impossible for me to choose just one. You'd have to narrow it down to types such as favorite boss battle theme, favorite world map theme, and so forth. Best soundtrack though, I can say with absolutely no hesitation, is Tales of Symphonia. Brilliant, beautiful, and amazing are three words that don't even begin to describe it.

I will need a few more days to think about answers to the other questions you had. :)

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