Daggers & Dragons: Ask me stuff

Wow..so Don't want Logan at the top lol. I really don't wanna go cena level face if i can help it lol

Luke Manson would have probably beaten you there. I almost included him. Logan is doing what is right for his family, it's a good spot to be in. Theron before the shift to Blackjack would have been at the top. Even though Logan's the most good aligned character we have right now in my opinion, he's not at a Cena or Hogan type of good guy if that was your concern. We don't have one who is that extreme of a honorable good guy right now. If we included older characters then elegANT would be at the very top.

I think Neutral Evil suits me pretty well actually.


I'm not fire, hell, and blood sacrifices anymore but I'm still evil enough to put everyone else to shame at least.

Tyrone and Titus were almost neck and neck for most evil. That last Hollow Ones promo thread helped put Tyrone Blades at the bottom.
I don't see Keaton as a heel or even "evil" right now. I know what his app says but I don't feel it.

He's just had the most feel good tag team moment of 2016.
I know what my alignment means but I'm curious about the other ones as well.

Basically the Lawful alignments take the law into account. Chaotic diregards it. Neutral is good/evil for the sake of being good/evil. Neutral Good and Neutral Evil have the potential to be the most good or the most evil, but since the character has their own agenda, it could go either way. Lawful Good tends to be the most honorable most of the time. Chaotic Evil tends to be the most sinister. Lawful Neutral is all about law and honor whether heroic or not. Chaotic Neutral is all about their agenda with no regards to law and honor, they could be your friend one moment and an enemy the next depending on what they want themselves. True Neutral is the toughest to explain. It's right in the middle, a tweener among tweeners.
Looking like I might finally get to see some more 5th edition action in D&D. One of the guys in my 3.5 group last night teased wanting to try DM'ing a 5th edition game. The last time one guy from the same group wanted to do the same, his work schedule changed, so hopefully this one doesn't fall through too.
The only problem I had was with Mr. Platinum. You said it was a big return and mentioned your past with him but I wasn't here for that past. I have no desire to go back a year and find the backstory so it kind of fell flat for me after you hyped it up. Had you found a way to retell that back story for those of us who weren't here last year it would have been pretty awesome but instead while I enjoyed it it was good but could have been better.

I can see why this could be a problem, although the story I had intended on writing with that NPC last year ended up getting dropped due to plans for the Zeus feud not going the way I thought it would. Platinum was there for 2 rounds when he was supposed to be there the full cycle. So since the story didn't fully play out last year there really wasn't anything to add other than what the RP described. The return was "big" more for him being a popular NPC when I used him than for anything else, really.
So idk about you but this current season of once upon a time is absolutely dreadful. Still have two episodes to watch, but damn is it a chore. Very disappointed
So idk about you but this current season of once upon a time is absolutely dreadful. Still have two episodes to watch, but damn is it a chore. Very disappointed

It's definitely been a step down overall. They had a pretty tough act to follow after last year's. The Excalibur arc from last fall might be my favorite semester of content the show has had. I am a few episodes behind myself, will probably binge watch some over the holiday. On a related note.... Thoughts on Mr Platinum's return?
I just finished episode 6, n there may be some hope still, probably finish catching up tonight.

As for platinum, I was a fan before and it's probably cuz when I read it i picture rumpel immediately lol
Totally caught up on once upon a time now, and they have my attention going forward for sure.

I have a couple left. I left off after the one where "major spoiler withheld" happens to Dr Jekyll. Concerns for Emma and hoping she avoids her prophetic vision is enough to keep me going.

Epic doesn't even begin to describe it. The Kaiser Dragon against my four best characters. I'll be bumping the walkthrough within the next few days after I format the text, but I wanted to show this moment from the start of the fight first.

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