Daggers & Dragons: Ask me stuff

Do the items mean anything?

Only one of them does this time around. I added them for fun and will randomly roll to send them out. The RP of the week got the Triforce, everyone else's item is of equal value. My top 3 were all pretty close though.

Next round the items remain but the red tunic on Meltdown matches and blue tunic on Ascension matches will return.
Don't you think Blackjack Daggersheild sounds better than Blackjack Theron?

I can see how it would, but I prefer Blackjack Theron and it also wouldn't make sense. It's because he (Shawn) is a guy playing a D&D character (Theron) playing a Zelda character (Blackjack). He's both Blackjack and he's Theron. He in his own mind is not Daggershield anymore. I don't mind people using Daggershield outside of character, Theron in-character is no longer aware of that persona though.

It also needs to be changed (back) to Sitout Spinebuster.

I have no idea where or how people got Powerbomb.

I'm not changing that until it gets approved. I go based off the individual threads, I already asked before. Please stop requesting changes to the roster listing thread until someone approves changes in the Character Changes thread.
It also needs to be changed (back) to Sitout Spinebuster.

I have no idea where or how people got Powerbomb.
Here's how:

I would like to rename the WGT to Il Siluro Italiano.

And next to my Sitout Powerbomb I would like some sort of indication that it's my main finisher and have The Gore be a Secondary finisher Tony pulls out when there's nothing else he can do

Edit- Plus Constantine uses Twisting Spinebuster too. Would a variation of Spinebuster be allowed?

I guess that you should think about some another move.
ShinChan™;5602109 said:
Here's how:

No. It has to be approved in the Character Changes thread first. I'm only taking revision requests for those that have been approved.
No. It has to be approved in the Character Changes thread first. I'm only taking revision requests for those that have been approved.
Hey, I wasn't saying anything to you.

I was informing Franku how Creative put it as sitout powerbomb instead of sitout Spinebuster. I ain't saying you to change it.
I know you are capable of better, so I hope this helps and that you get back into the swing of things next cycle. You can always PM me or others if you want help too.

Cheers mate.

I tried something new this round and failed utterly in that. When I read the RP now it seems to be a bit too long and tad boring as well. I'm disappointed with myself. Thanks for your feedback. Though I'm going to try this first person descriptive style for a while now. Because I reckon it suits my character better.

The voices are reduced to a Voice just to avoid confusion. Sometimes I've to write nonsensical comments to make both the voices respond to Vee's sayings.

I'll change the colours though. I accept the fact that the formatting was very poor in that RP. No excuses for that. Even though it's going to be descriptive, I'll try to do my best to format it in a readable way.

Cheers again.
The only reason I asked was because I was hoping you would do both. I put the same thing in the change thread before asking you here.

Didn't mean to upset you & I apologize for doing so.
Cheers mate.

I tried something new this round and failed utterly in that. When I read the RP now it seems to be a bit too long and tad boring as well. I'm disappointed with myself. Thanks for your feedback. Though I'm going to try this first person descriptive style for a while now. Because I reckon it suits my character better.

The voices are reduced to a Voice just to avoid confusion. Sometimes I've to write nonsensical comments to make both the voices respond to Vee's sayings.

I'll change the colours though. I accept the fact that the formatting was very poor in that RP. No excuses for that. Even though it's going to be descriptive, I'll try to do my best to format it in a readable way.

Cheers again.

No problem. I know I do not speak for everyone in my dislike of that style. FalK and Prophet have done some good work in it so maybe look over some of their RP's. A brighter blue would do well so long as it's not too bright. Sara's lines worked for instance. Perhaps Teal.

I would rather be honest and risk coming off harsh than to provide false hope. Looking forward to your next one.

The only reason I asked was because I was hoping you would do both. I put the same thing in the change thread before asking you here.

Didn't mean to upset you & I apologize for doing so.

It's cool. Sorry if I came off like I was snapping at you. Between the family crisis I had going on, adjusting to a new position at work, and then also having to make a rather difficult personal decision (unrelated to anything I just listed) last night, I was a little on edge this morning. I added a note to the roster thread asking people to go through the Character Changes thread first.
It's that time of the year again.... Once a year around the Lethal Lottery I've ranked the roster from most good to most evil. It is based on your current face/heel status and what I have read in your RP's. Keep in mind this is all my opinion so if you happen to disagree with something, it was just something I did for fun. We have no True Neutral and no Chaotic Neutral due to no Tweeners. If you read it from top to bottom it literally goes from the most honorable and good to the most sinister. Logan is the most good character at this time while Tyrone Blades is the most evil at the moment, although Titus Avision was not far behind him. Enjoy!

Lawful Good
Logan McAllister

Chaotic Good
Justin Cooper
Blackjack Theron
Matt Tastic
Action Saxton
Batti Otaku

Neutral Good
Mikey Stormrage
Noah Ryder
Flex Mussél
Eve Taylor
Xaitlyn Serpiente

Neutral Evil
Anthony Mancini
Garth Black
Austin Reynolds
Kagura Joheki
Remarkable Mark Keaton

Lawful Evil
Xander LeBelle

Chaotic Evil
Abel Hunnicutt
Titus Avison
Tyrone Blades
What constitutes Neutral Evil?

You have your own agenda despite what the law might say and have allies around if they are an asset. It has the potential to be the most evil alignment at times, but it usually is the closest to the True Neutrals and the Good alignments. You were Lawful Evil until recently.

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