Daggers & Dragons: Ask me stuff

They had a great time. For a few sessions in a row they've had it easy; I'm very much a believer in the peaks and troughs of intensity with each peak higher than the last and the troughs equally escalating. Tension and release y'know. They're about half way through the dungeon but the other half is simpler and easier.

A good balance helps I believe. Hard boss fights within complicated temples mixed in with lots of goofing off in towns and/or at the campsite. Escalating difficulty is good too. A boss battle isn't as epic as it should be if somebody one-shots the boss.
A good balance helps I believe. Hard boss fights within complicated temples mixed in with lots of goofing off in towns and/or at the campsite. Escalating difficulty is good too. A boss battle isn't as epic as it should be if somebody one-shots the boss.

They're facing a mummy Lord with vulnerability to fire. Something they need to learn by fighting the other mummies in the tomb but they avoided that combat by not being dumb (for once). The rogue has FlameTongue which deals +2d6 fire damage each hit if it's activated. But also gives off light for a 40ft radius so she is often unwilling to use it.

In theory she COULD crit him, in theory, and deal 12d6+5 piercing + 4d6 fire damage (doubled) for an average of 75 damage. He only has 97hp. Of course he could kill her in one go (at least effectively since he has a spell that not only deals 14d8 damage (way over her measly 55hp with an average of 63 necrotic damage!) but also reduce her hit point maximum to one unless the curse is removed.)
I'll throw out some predictions myself.


RYBACK vs Kalisto - New U.S Champion - I can see a dominant program for a run in Ryback's future.

The Uso's vs The Dudley Boyz - Dirty tactics and such for the win.

Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal -- Somebody from NXT --

The New Day vs LON - Just because...New Day Rocks.

Kevin Owens wins his multi ladder match. Nobody else involved in the match is as good as Kevin Owens. Fight Owens Fight!

A.J Styles vs Y2J - I'm a fan of both and expect another great contest.

Dean Ambrose vs Brock Lesnar - I'm not Dean's biggest fan but I'm rooting for him in this match.

Shane McMahon vs The Undertaker - I'm not falling for all the smoke and mirrors, Taker has to win against this non-wrestler Shane-O-Mac.

Charlotte vs Becky Lynch vs Sasha Banks - The match that might steal the whole show, I want Charlotte to win but it looks like a Sasha Banks victory.

Triple H vs Roman Reigns - Save all the attacks and shenanigans until after Roman wins the belt. Knowing Triple H, he'll make Roman look like gold in this match, Triple H is one of the best grudge match performers the WWE has, example...look at his last few matches... vs Danial Bryan, Vs Dean Ambrose, vs Dolph Ziggler, vs Sting. All good grudge matches..with the exception of The Sting match that had shenanigans all over it, but fun shenanigans all the same.

Final verdict...

WWE creative and Vince McMahon must be having nightmares about the rockiest road to Wrestlemania I've ever seen. So many injuries and star power down the drain before Wrestlemania. I expect more than a few matches are going to have some surprises and interference involved....

Surprises....Andre the Giant Battle Royal

Interference....(surprises) Shane vs Taker - Triple H vs Roman -

I'm glad I'm not addicted to gambling. I got most of the matches wrong.
Mark Flight (his first and last name) should only be used when first mentioned in the RP to remind the reader of who he is, the characters themselves are saying his first and last name out of respect. I’m not sure why you keep using Mark Flight when describing his actions, he’s not YOUR Mysterian Discipler Dagger

You make a valid argument there. I kept putting his full name in the descriptions because that's his name. He would never answer to "Mark" or "Mr Flight", only to "Mark Flight". Just a quirk with that character. I'll probably go for writing The Dwarf of The Cleric the next time he comes up in descriptive paragraphs after an initial appearance statement.

I’m sure you won’t offend him since you’re the one who created him.....damn, now this feels like a conversation with M...lol. Anyway, I’m just picking on you there.


I'll....take that as a compliment....! ;)

I had to laugh at this....

Mark Flight: You're not gonna believe this.... my Head of Security just informed me that we even have a 10th broadcast coming in.... From the Temple of Mystra located in Reverse Throw Village!


Had a feeling you'd legit LOL at that. That was actually one of two different ideas you coining that unofficial Theronism gave me. Whether I end up using the second one or not depends on what future matches hold.

Playing Chrono Trigger music when Mark talks to Theron had a big video game RP feel to it and that’s exactly what you try to push for in your stories and it works perfectly. Theron is having a hard time getting over the funk he’s in and Mark Flight brings him out of it, Theron is back on track by the end. Good RP.

I've had this RP idea for almost 3 months, when I went to a Christian worship conference back in January. Theron ranting about losses wasn't part of it until losses began stacking up, but the Mark Flight conversation and his prophetic word have been planned for a long time. I rarely hold onto an RP idea for that long.
I have been following the story of this World Magic Conference and I should say, I really enjoy it. It’s good to see how this conference was built up over the past few shows. You were going on a different path during the feud with Dr. Zeus, which certainly needed to change.

When you state that I needed change, I take it you weren't a fan of the "I am the light" persona? Or if you mean that this cycle had a payoff it built to when the Zeus matches didn't necessarily, I did actually have something more massive than the World Magic Conference that my Kingcom Come cycle was building to. I ended up scrapping it because I didn't think I would win with it. Mr Platinum was going to come back and chaos was going to ensue. The idea is shelved for another time. I'm taking other changes into consideration for the foreseeable future, although I won't spoil anything.

I think this is a transition period for Theron Daggershield after losing his title and continuous defeats. This World Magic conference provides the necessary change that you needed. Even though you had lost your matches, the story was built up, the character of Theron evolved. The taste of defeat is always sour but Theron had to taste that.

Glad that you liked this. I was trying to be a little more realistic, at this point it made sense for Theron to go on a rant whereas last time he did in-character think it was just a case of bad luck.

The “Reverse Throw Village” spot gave me giggles, nice touch mate.


I liked it how you included Luke Manson into this. You elevated his spot; he is a new face to the company and no one really don’t know what his character is. But you gave him the much needed emphasis and made us know who is teaming with you. I like how Mark Flight prophesied the Tag team match, another brilliant touch.

I went all out, and as my response to Jeff stated, it helped that a portion of this RP had been planned for a couple of months :p

There are no cons in this RP but it lacked a quite a few things. But the whole RP looked a bit off mood. I can understand there can’t be much fun after constant loses but there could be more fun part added. Like the Reverse throw village spot.

What is something else you would have done different then if it was you? Theron wasn't in a mood for jokes so the overall tone of the story was supposed to reflect that. Always up for suggestions. There's a pretty big change I am considering, but I have not made up my mind on it yet. (And no it genuinely has nothing to do with Theron's alignment)
When you state that I needed change, I take it you weren't a fan of the "I am the light" persona?

I was a fan of that Theron is the light persona but my point is, it is not needed at this point. Because you aren't fighting against darkness anymore, but for redemption. So I thought you needed this necessary change. If you're going against a championship or a big feud, then you can gladly bring back the "Light" persona.

What is something else you would have done different then if it was you? Theron wasn't in a mood for jokes so the overall tone of the story was supposed to reflect that. Always up for suggestions. There's a pretty big change I am considering, but I have not made up my mind on it yet. (And no it genuinely has nothing to do with Theron's alignment)

I wouldn't have done anything different but would've added a few more spots where the RP would look a little cheerful. I wasn't asking you to add full comedy stuffs or sarcasm, but something similar like the Reverse throw village spot. It was unexpected, witty and made me giggles. Such spots should've added :)
I swear they pushed the release date of Final Fantasy 15 ahead 5 months. After watching more clips of the game I'm getting more excited about it, the graphics look amazing, a couple of boss fights shown look beautiful as well.

If they would just go back to turn based battles I'd be even more amped, but alas, must make the overall masses happy I guess.
Does Theron ever address anyone by their real name? Or has he ever done that? I am curious.

If I had to ever right Theron, what things should I keep in mind e.g. in a match?
I was a fan of that Theron is the light persona but my point is, it is not needed at this point. Because you aren't fighting against darkness anymore, but for redemption. So I thought you needed this necessary change. If you're going against a championship or a big feud, then you can gladly bring back the "Light" persona.

Gotcha, yeah that makes a lot of sense dude.

I wouldn't have done anything different but would've added a few more spots where the RP would look a little cheerful. I wasn't asking you to add full comedy stuffs or sarcasm, but something similar like the Reverse throw village spot. It was unexpected, witty and made me giggles. Such spots should've added :)

Part of it was this was a bit of a rough time in recent weeks. I was not in a comical mood in real life. The big change I hinted at was a part of me processing all of that mentally, with a plan on possibly moving ahead with a different direction in my writing, but I may not be going in that route anymore. It wasn't something I wanted to do anyway. Let's just say a misfit may have been leaving the party, without spoiling anything.

I swear they pushed the release date of Final Fantasy 15 ahead 5 months. After watching more clips of the game I'm getting more excited about it, the graphics look amazing, a couple of boss fights shown look beautiful as well.

If they would just go back to turn based battles I'd be even more amped, but alas, must make the overall masses happy I guess.

FF15 has to take a number and get in line to wait its turn, honestly. I don't have time for any new games anytime soon. FF4 The After Years and the Twilight Princess Remake have top priority this summer. Still got the PC versions of FF5 and FF6 I wanna get through. New games rarely ever get a reaction out of me anymore.

Does Theron ever address anyone by their real name? Or has he ever done that? I am curious.

If I had to ever right Theron, what things should I keep in mind e.g. in a match?

Theron never ever calls anything by its name from "our world". Same goes for any human, or any character from media. That's your #1 rule in writing him. He lives in his own reality so nothing is the same. Everything and everyone is Theroniz'ed and the Theronism's thread would help you there. If you need me to make a new one on the spot for a promo, just PM me.

As for in matches.... write him like you would Jericho/Michaels/Christian in terms of in-ring maneuvers, with the never give-up mentality of Cena. And he's never ever turning heel, so all typical face mannerisms are good, with an occassional DX taunt to mock a heel to show his sarcastic side.

EDIT: Theron did briefly use real names in my first PPV cycle here, about 3 years back. I dropped this when a couple of creative members encouraged me to go full on into the "lives in his own reality" thing.

Did that help?
After reading Killjoy's feedback posts, I thought to strike up this conversation in here. I have also been thinking it may be time for a big change. This is primarily for Creative but it is open to anybody.

There are a couple of rather big storylines I had been thinking of, the problem is, I do not know where I would go after either one. The first would cost me an NPC (not gonna spoil which) and the second would leave me in a place of potentially playing two people at once like Ty was doing, and I simply do not have the time to do that for more than a cycle (and even that would be pushing it for me until my class ends). Both are different from what I've been doing. I intended to save those for a bigger cycle, but again as I just said the big problem would be is, where would I go from there after I ran out of material after a PPV cycle or so? With Theron's "I am the light" D&D hero persona I have plenty of more material.... although it's been a full year almost (right after Unscripted) so it may be time for a change. I shouldn't have to turn down potential feuds.

So the question I ask of you all is this.... What is something I could do differently with Theron that would benefit the character and the RP's?

DISCLAIMER: I am open to reading your suggestions whether it be a simple change of entrance music, or bigger things like a change to my NPC's, or an update to his gimmick itself. However, please do NOT suggest a heel turn. For personal reasons I do not wish to turn him. I joke around about it, but I really do have a reason behind why he will always be face, one that I'll keep to myself for now as it's irrelevant to this particular discussion. So no heel turns please. That's off the table. I'll take any other idea into consideration though. Doesn't mean I'll actually end up doing said idea, but I want to know what you guys think.
You know, Lee always said he would never turn Titus. I don't know what changed but you should never say never.

I didn't like tagging until the last year of my first run as Reynolds.

Maybe it needs a change of approach. I see him as such as a goody two shoes that something resembling adversity could be interesting to write about. Try a different perspective.

Please note, I've never read any RPs while I've been away.
Just an opinion. Try to fight Theron between the fantasy world that he lives in and the real world. He doesn't need to go out of his character but a NPC constantly trying to bring him to the real world which Theron neglects. The fighting spirit of it would give him a new stuff to work with. I would also suggest some changes in the moveset.
You said Theron was a Singles wrestler.

Maybe Tagging with someone like a Luke Manson on a more permanent basis and have him mentor Luke on his way out of the dark and back into the light would breath some new life into Theron.
If I was going to be in a team, I would be enjoy being Theron's partner...however, I can't write him correctly and need to get better and don't want to drag him down...killjoy's feedback got me....it got me good but I wanna try to improve.
I think ultimately a high concept character has a shelf life, so maybe Theron is coming to the end and you need to re-invent him. The way you need to do that is probably to have him told that his world is a lie and come to terms with that.

I'd wait until you have another proper actual feud before you make any hasty decisions - this cycle was without direction for you.
If a change is necessary then a heel turn would get the most attention. Betray everyone around him, attack popular faces in WZCW and whatnot.
There's plenty of things you can do.You could switch to a different kind of world. I know you're also a big JRPG fan. You can always go on real world adventures where Theron feels out of place. You can always have a minimal D&D part in the end. You can always go a more lighthearted route. Perhaps sprinkle some comedy or lampshading.

At the end of the day, it's you that has to experiment. I could drop these ideas, but they do depend on you being able to incorporate them.
I am not sure how familiar you are with Joseph Campbell's "The Hero With A Thousand Faces", but I think it would be well worth it if you took a look at it. From my personal readings, I regard Theron as this pure, heroic being that never questions his resolve and always does the right thing. This is good, but for a lengthy story can get very repetitive. To shake it up, you can have him question said resolve. Is he truly doing the right thing? What factors are there in what he does that he never stopped to think about? Maybe he helps a village retrieve an artifact, but once he does he actually helped a village steal that artifact that was never there's to begin with. It is good to have your hero slip up at times. It makes your hero relatable. It makes your character sympathetic.

Of course this also matters when discussing your opponent. I was surprised when I found out you were not wanting Theron to face dark evil entities on the roster, because your RPs have always led me to believe Theron is a paladin whose purpose is to vanquish darkness. That is his bread and butter and personally I feel you are not giving yourself enough credit for writing that kind of character. Theron is the hero the wrestling world needs. Take a look at some of the current faces in WWE that just ooze Good Guy juice without being too Goody Two Shoes about it that it makes people hate them. Think of what makes Bayley and Sami Zayn so popular. Now look at their weaknesses. Watch videos where they lose the big fights and take note on how it made you feel. See how they get back their momentum the very next episode. It all really comes down to "The Hero's Journey". Here is a quick video that covers that transformation quite extensively, and may help you alter Theron the way you want without having to resort to turning him heel:


Maybe you'll need to take a step back and bring Theron back to Humble Beginnings. I'm not saying to take him completely out of the fantasy world. He just may need that return to roots. Who is Shawn Daggers? Why does he feel the need to be a warrior of light? (This might have already been explained in your early RPs, but as someone new on Creative I don't know these things. Don't feel discouraged to give footnotes for the character). You do have something special here. An incorruptible face that isn't completely bland is rare in Literature. But sometimes your RPs do play out a formula. Shake it up. Have Theron only speak to one or two NPCs, instead of the entire Merry Band of Misfits. Take him to a place that truly tests who he is. Not in the "Can He Slay The Dragon?" motif, but more like "Can He Slay The Dragon Within Himself?" Heroes have their darker parts. They get cocky, and they get prideful. Theron is no exception. Maybe he is enraged by all the darkness around him and that's why he is set to eradicate it. But maybe he fears his anger will only grow more darkness. That's pretty much what Batman deals with. Heroes don't just fight physical enemies. There's always something about themselves they must deal with, and often they do so regularly.

If you can piece together what it is Theron needs, then you'll know what Theron needs to beat other WZCW superstars. Sometimes it's not obvious. He may have to fight a Garth Black instead of a John Doe. You'll have to see what evil lurks in Black's character and expel it in your own D&D ways. It's very possible. Sometimes the hero encounters a bandit instead of a dragon. Sometimes you'll face an opponent that an NPC actually likes, and there lies a problem.

Theron is in need of a change in scenery. And yes, maybe a few RPs away from your usual NPCs. This is the story about one hero fighting the evil forces that lurk in a wrestling company, isn't it? Theron is the man. All the rest is just pretty filler. Daggershield is the hero of a thousand faces, and a hero is only as strong as his greatest weakness.
I added some things in my RP feedback to you on this but I think a lot of it is how you see your opponents. All have strengths, all have weaknesses. Make any into the biggest match possible, that's what I'm doing and I'm enjoying it.

Though bringing him back to humble beginnings (like Spidey said) is a good one. Think Link going back in OOT or Majora's Mask. He knows he's this huge hero but the world doesn't.
Not much I can say that Killjoy, Spidey, or Lee haven't already said. Theron's gimmick is incredibly unique, and there's no need to strip it entirely, but seeing a bit of Shawn Dagger would be an interesting change.

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