Daggers & Dragons: Ask me stuff

I saw an image of "The fourteen members of Class Zero", is that who you're referring to? They look like a typical FF bunch. They do need some revised character ideas/models though. Everything from 8 onward (with the exception of 9) has been far too similar.

Are we talking strategy as in Real Time Strategy the genre, or just having to plan more on who is in an active party? If it's a Real Time Strategy game then I doubt I will like it. I hate most RTS games personally. Never been a fan. Gimme the old turn based stuff any day. Or something like 10 or even 13 in terms of a battle system.

No, there's no real time strategy really, just that one part so far where I commanded cpu armies on the world map to fight other cpu armies, then stormed the city and cleared it out , then killed the boss. It just added to the very unique war theme that is going on throughout the game, its pretty cool. The War Documentary thing came back to tell the story some more. I just tried the third mission, you have to neutralize this city as you have the enemy forces on the run, a giant boss breaks through halfway into the city and it killed five of my guys. I started emptying reserves then ran away to a different part of the city. I got to a point where I was allowed to summon a Illegit , the giant fire demon...and controlled him to carve a path through enemies. I went face to face with the boss and he killed my giant. Then he killed the rest of my party..I think I had about eight guys left. I just nodded slowly at the screen and accepted defeat. Going to have to prepare for this boss a little better.

Negative: You have to sacrifice the party leader to summon the giant demon. I find that a lame price to pay even though the demon kicks arse.
Another slight negative: Getting 14-15 guys ready after you level up and buy weapons. It's really time consuming with NO auto buttons to optimize best results for your characters, kind of dumb considering the amount of people on your team.
Another slight negative: Getting 14-15 guys ready after you level up and buy weapons. It's really time consuming with NO auto buttons to optimize best results for your characters, kind of dumb considering the amount of people on your team.

That's dumb there should always be an optimize option. Although sometimes those refuse to acknowledge certain items like the Atma/Ultima Weapon or the Dice in FF6 in particular.
Theron Daggershield. (Bare with me, I'm doing this feedback on a tablet that I'm not quite used to, so please don't spoil the RP by reading this review first)

Having a passion for Final Fantasy R.P.G games I really like reading your RPs. Reading it is like watching a scene from FF play out. We get a new character named Mark Flight,

I'm not sure why or if you noticed but...Mark Flight's first and last name are used nearly every time. When Theron says it at first, it seems odd in open speech that he says his first and last name...(Even though I do it myself at work, but that's just to be annoying). Anyway, I'm sure there's a reason for it that I missed.

That's only the tiniest of hiccups that I noticed and it did not distract from the RP and the story you are telling. I liked the selection of music for Mark's house. A great RP.

Yep there's a reason. His NPC profile is on its way and it explains it.
Your regular game moved onto 5e yet? Went back to 3.5 a while ago and it just feels like a hot fucking mess compared to 5th. A guy I know wants to play pathfinder which is like 3.5 for people who thought 3.5 didn't have enough fringe cases and ambiguous wording.
Your regular game moved onto 5e yet? Went back to 3.5 a while ago and it just feels like a hot fucking mess compared to 5th. A guy I know wants to play pathfinder which is like 3.5 for people who thought 3.5 didn't have enough fringe cases and ambiguous wording.

Negative. We haven't been able to meet at all recently, at least not in a D&D RP'ing capacity. Our DM got a new job and keeps getting on-call status each weekend. Our other guys work retail and pizza delivery so they struggle with keeping weekends open too. Then you have me juggling working full time at my office job, class in the evenings after work, leading a lifegroup at church on the nights I don't have class.... weeknights are gone for me until July :p So getting all the schedules to line up has been a challenge. Some of us are thinking of starting a 5th edition group after my class ends this summer, it'd be the full group minus the DM. We'd stick to 3.5 in the current DM's campaign and play both.
Final Fantasy Type 0 - The enemy used an Ultima Bomb that exploded like a nuke and wiped a city off of the map. Ultima Bomb sounds very familiar, what other FF was it used in? Unlocked a Shiva Eon just now.
Negative. We haven't been able to meet at all recently, at least not in a D&D RP'ing capacity. Our DM got a new job and keeps getting on-call status each weekend. Our other guys work retail and pizza delivery so they struggle with keeping weekends open too. Then you have me juggling working full time at my office job, class in the evenings after work, leading a lifegroup at church on the nights I don't have class.... weeknights are gone for me until July :p So getting all the schedules to line up has been a challenge. Some of us are thinking of starting a 5th edition group after my class ends this summer, it'd be the full group minus the DM. We'd stick to 3.5 in the current DM's campaign and play both.

That sucks man, still actively play in two campaigns (one weekly and once about monthly) and DM one (monthly) campaign. Once you make the switch to 5th full time you won't go back.

What is your opinion of The Lord of the Rings Trilogy vs The Hobbit Trilogy?

No Dagger but LotR is a 1,000 page novel condensed into ten hours. The hobbit is a 200 page novel stretched to ten hours. LotR is a better movie but The Hobbit is the better book.
You can actually read the hobbit before the movie trilogy finishes.

Dagger (or Shotaro) is there anything you think should be changed about 5e?
IMO The Lord of the Rings Trilogy is the better films, although I enjoyed all six for various reasons. My favorite moment in all six (by far) is Bilbo Baggins interaction with Smaug. Amazing.
You can actually read the hobbit before the movie trilogy finishes.

Dagger (or Shotaro) is there anything you think should be changed about 5e?

The health regeneration. Nearly had your arm lopped off? Full Night's sleep is what you need! I get why it's the way it is but it drives me insane that a long rest gives you full hit points so I've just straight up removed that sentence via house rules and added in Extended Rests which regain all of you hit dice and Complete Rests which regain all of your hitpoints (24 hours and ten days respectively)

I would really like to see Peter Jackson direct the Silmarillion. But it probably won't ever happen.

It won't. IIRC the Tolkein family has said if they could have bought the rights back from New Line before Jackpn made The Hobbit movies they would. At the very least he asked about incorporating elements from it into both trilogies and was given a flat and unreserved refusal.
Yeah I find it hilarious that you can just stitch up large wounds in the space of 8 hours, but if you're at level 2 exhaustion you'll need 2 8 hour breaks to get yourself back to normal.

Dagger, what would you say is your biggest strength in your RP writing?
Final Fantasy Type 0 - The enemy used an Ultima Bomb that exploded like a nuke and wiped a city off of the map. Ultima Bomb sounds very familiar, what other FF was it used in? Unlocked a Shiva Eon just now.

Ultima has been a high tier non-elemental offensive spell in the series for nearly every title, it may be this you're thinking of. The Ultima Bomb has only been in Type 0 to my knowledge.

Trivial fact.... Ultima was a White Magic spell in its very first appearance, FF2 on the NES. Then again that title didn't really get anything right anyway. This is the same game that had you beat yourself up to get your maximum Health Points to increase. :banghead: Then they turned it into the offensive spell we all know and love in 1994 in the original version of FF6 on the SNES.

What is your opinion of The Lord of the Rings Trilogy vs The Hobbit Trilogy?

The overall story is better in Lord of the Rings, but in terms of watching the movies I enjoyed The Hobbit trilogy more. The Lord of the Rings should have been 6 films as opposed to 3 in my opinion. I love them and have an immense amount of respect for them, but they are SO long.

That sucks man, still actively play in two campaigns (one weekly and once about monthly) and DM one (monthly) campaign. Once you make the switch to 5th full time you won't go back.

Well since my 3.5 DM won't play 5th, we'd be jumping back and forth. The other three handlers and myself would run a 5th edition game on the weeks where our 3.5 DM is on call. Given how 2016 has gone so far, we'd be playing the 5th edition campaign far more often. It's not the DM's fault (we all blame his employer) but the schedules just haven't lined up.

Dagger (or Shotaro) is there anything you think should be changed about 5e?

Still haven't played outside of Shotaro's online campaign, I liked his answer to this question though.

Dagger, what would you say is your biggest strength in your RP writing?

Probably the ability to create my own world, and finding ways to make everything flow. Like I said to Jeff Deliverer of Mail earlier, what I am going for is a Final Fantasy or D&D cartoon each time I write. The featured video game track is carefully selected, and it's always relevant to that round's story. The formatting is a big deal for me so I try to make each RP as fancy looking as possible so posters will stop by to see what it is, then aim to get people to come back for more with a good story within. That's without even addressing my gift of parodies found in the Theronisms. It's like what Weird Al does to songs.... take something already existing and twist it into something that, while it still contains the same foundational elements, is something new.

I'd also say my attempts at developing the misfits too, alongside Theron, a bit in the background. Kirilah for example HATED Keifasar in 2013, they are able to co-exist now. Kaleesta is adapting to being in a world less high-tech than she is used to. Some won't grow much past their assigned roles (Kellia as the easily confused foreigner, Sheshmish as comedic relief, etc) but there's been development and there can be more down the line.
Well since my 3.5 DM won't play 5th, we'd be jumping back and forth. The other three handlers and myself would run a 5th edition game on the weeks where our 3.5 DM is on call. Given how 2016 has gone so far, we'd be playing the 5th edition campaign far more often. It's not the DM's fault (we all blame his employer) but the schedules just haven't lined up.

it sucks that he isn't willing to even try it, even my friends who were adamant they would not like 5th edition agreed to try it and loved it. Maybe invite him to a single session play test if your side game isn't going to be a covert thing. My weekly group hire a room and we have a large number of players but we also rotate the DM every few months to prevent burnout and to allow for work schedules and the like to not bring the group to a grinding halt.

Still haven't played outside of Shotaro's online campaign, I liked his answer to this question though.

Shame we haven't been able to play more (though there were only so many things pancake could pee on before it became problematic for him.) The health rules really are the worst thing about 5E but a few quick changes make all the difference and make death a real possibility (exhaustion is a bitch)
it sucks that he isn't willing to even try it, even my friends who were adamant they would not like 5th edition agreed to try it and loved it. Maybe invite him to a single session play test if your side game isn't going to be a covert thing. My weekly group hire a room and we have a large number of players but we also rotate the DM every few months to prevent burnout and to allow for work schedules and the like to not bring the group to a grinding halt.

That was the plan actually, for our Necromancer's handler to DM a test session of 5th and the current DM to be a regular party member. We all made characters (this was the Dragonborn Paladin of Thor I had told you about who I never got to play as) but we never got around to playing it. Rotating DM's is a cool idea. I'll suggest that for the 5th campaign. We let the 3.5 DM keep running his as we have a specific story with him we intend to finish.
Just figured out how to play a Snes Emulator on my tablet, got FF 2 and 3 ROMs downloaded on it and Super Ghouls and Ghosts.

Repeat after me, Jeff.... Final Fantasy 4 & Final Fantasy 6.


The game that has these guys, that's not Final Fantasy 2. That's Final Fantasy 4. The 1991 American translation team made a mistake that didn't get rectified until after FF7 had come out. The real FF2 is an NES title in Japan that had you beat yourself up to get your Health Points to increase. The Japanese team didn't think the Americans could handle the difficulty of this title (or the real FF3 for that matter, which actually IS excruciatingly tough). So to cover up having skipped two titles, they released the game featuring Cecil and his merry band of misfits (see what I did there?) as FF2.

It's the 4th game.


The game that has these guys, that's not Final Fantasy 3. That's Final Fantasy 6. Plans for the real Final Fantasy 5 (the one with Bartz/Reina/Faris/Krile) to get released as FF3 here in the states fell through. It was going to have a cover similar to FF4's red one only with a blue background and of course would read "Final Fantasy III". They still had to cover up the three missing titles, so they released the 6th game as FF3. The issue got fixed in the playstation era when 5 and 6 got released in their real names on the Anthology collection. 4 got released with Chrono Trigger on the Chronicles collection. 1 and the real FF2 got remade and released on the Origins collection. The real FF3 appeared on the DS. The original "real" FF3 was an NES title that was a lot like FF1 but ten times harder, a much larger world, and with more job class options. It pushed the NES to its absolute limits.

Bottom line, "FF3 SNES" is the 6th game.

From one fanboy to another, you should refer to them by their real names. :)
Repeat after me, Jeff.... Final Fantasy 4 & Final Fantasy 6.


The game that has these guys, that's not Final Fantasy 2. That's Final Fantasy 4. The 1991 American translation team made a mistake that didn't get rectified until after FF7 had come out. The real FF2 is an NES title in Japan that had you beat yourself up to get your Health Points to increase. The Japanese team didn't think the Americans could handle the difficulty of this title (or the real FF3 for that matter, which actually IS excruciatingly tough). So to cover up having skipped two titles, they released the game featuring Cecil and his merry band of misfits (see what I did there?) as FF2.

It's the 4th game.


The game that has these guys, that's not Final Fantasy 3. That's Final Fantasy 6. Plans for the real Final Fantasy 5 (the one with Bartz/Reina/Faris/Krile) to get released as FF3 here in the states fell through. It was going to have a cover similar to FF4's red one only with a blue background and of course would read "Final Fantasy III". They still had to cover up the three missing titles, so they released the 6th game as FF3. The issue got fixed in the playstation era when 5 and 6 got released in their real names on the Anthology collection. 4 got released with Chrono Trigger on the Chronicles collection. 1 and the real FF2 got remade and released on the Origins collection. The real FF3 appeared on the DS. The original "real" FF3 was an NES title that was a lot like FF1 but ten times harder, a much larger world, and with more job class options. It pushed the NES to its absolute limits.

Bottom line, "FF3 SNES" is the 6th game.

From one fanboy to another, you should refer to them by their real names. :)

I will not accept, its too much to take in all at once.
I will not accept, its too much to take in all at once.

Ok, let's try that again....


The game that has these guys, that's not Final Fantasy 2. That's Final Fantasy 4.


The game that has these guys, that's not Final Fantasy 3. That's Final Fantasy 6.

Maybe without all the trivial info it's easier.
Repeat after me, Jeff.... Final Fantasy 4 & Final Fantasy 6.


The game that has these guys, that's not Final Fantasy 2. That's Final Fantasy 4. The 1991 American translation team made a mistake that didn't get rectified until after FF7 had come out. The real FF2 is an NES title in Japan that had you beat yourself up to get your Health Points to increase. The Japanese team didn't think the Americans could handle the difficulty of this title (or the real FF3 for that matter, which actually IS excruciatingly tough). So to cover up having skipped two titles, they released the game featuring Cecil and his merry band of misfits (see what I did there?) as FF2.

It's the 4th game.


The game that has these guys, that's not Final Fantasy 3. That's Final Fantasy 6. Plans for the real Final Fantasy 5 (the one with Bartz/Reina/Faris/Krile) to get released as FF3 here in the states fell through. It was going to have a cover similar to FF4's red one only with a blue background and of course would read "Final Fantasy III". They still had to cover up the three missing titles, so they released the 6th game as FF3. The issue got fixed in the playstation era when 5 and 6 got released in their real names on the Anthology collection. 4 got released with Chrono Trigger on the Chronicles collection. 1 and the real FF2 got remade and released on the Origins collection. The real FF3 appeared on the DS. The original "real" FF3 was an NES title that was a lot like FF1 but ten times harder, a much larger world, and with more job class options. It pushed the NES to its absolute limits.

Bottom line, "FF3 SNES" is the 6th game.

From one fanboy to another, you should refer to them by their real names.

Man, if only you knew that much about wrestling. :p
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Now my tablet is a Snes with.....

Super Mario All Stars

Final Fantasy 2 and 3 ,( but according to Dagger, in Japan it's 4 and 6 ....even though the title says 2 but if you divide 2, roll the dice and turn the lights out...2=4 but only on Thursday's. 3 is really 6 in Japan but in Canada it's 1.5. )

Mega Man 7
Super Ghouls and Ghosts
Man, if only you knew that much about wrestling. :p

Now go read that post again, but with this playing in the background.


Now my tablet is a Snes with.....

Super Mario All Stars

You should get "The Legend Of Zelda: A Link To The Past" as well.

Final Fantasy 2 and 3 ,( but according to Dagger, in Japan it's 4 and 6 ....even though the title says 2 but if you divide 2, roll the dice and turn the lights out...2=4 but only on Thursday's.

Close. It's FF4 everywhere always. The title screen is from 1991 which is back when it was mistranslated. This was also back when Curaga, Firaga, Blizzaga, and Thundaga were still known as Cure 3, Fire 3, Ice 3, and Lit 3 respectively.

Here are some of the heroes from the real FF2. Including the series' very first Dragoon. One of these is also the sprite that one of Theron's allies is revised from....


3 is really 6 in Japan but in Canada it's 1.5. )

Show me a copy of a Final Fantasy 1.5 cartridge and we'll talk. :)

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