Daggers & Dragons: Ask me stuff

I'm confident Nintendo can properly get back in the race with Xbox and PlayStation, hopefully NX will be the machine that does it. I have a soft spot for Nintendo as the NES was my first machine. WII U was a massive failure and that has to motivate them to correct this ship.

Why does everyone keep saying this!? What was so bad about the Wii U? I think it's a great console. Sure it's not the SNES or the NES, but gaming will never be as good as it was in those eras again.
I know very little about it other than that it is WAY too soon for a new console. I hate that they are moving to new consoles so quickly. The Wii U came too soon, and I'd even argue the Wii came too soon too. I don't plan on upgrading for an extremely long time.

The gap between NES and SNES was 5 years. The gap from the to the N64 was 6, then it went to 5, then to 5, then the longest in its history with a 7 year gap between the Wii and the WiiU. If a new Nintendo console comes out in 2017 it'll be back to a 5 year gap which is the same as almost every other console they've made.

The Playstations have gone 6-6-7 and the Xboxes have gone 4-8. If anything, the gap between the current gen and the last gen was way too long, especially for what they actually provide in terms of an actual upgrade.

The WiiU is deemed a failure regardless of how actually "good" it might be because it failed on almost all commercial levels possible.
NSMBU and Nintendoland were the only notable exclusives for almost the entire first year, then it was backed up with a Wii Sports sequel, Luigi versions of NSMB and Dr Mario as the next holiday season approached. DK Tropical Freeze, Mario Kart 8, Captain Toad, Bayonetta and Smash Bros were in a good-ish 2014 lineup, but at the expense of tons of multiplatform games that either ditched the system or made those versions laughable. 2015 gave 4 games - Splatoon, Kirby, Yoshi's woolly world and Xenoblade - along with one of the worst mario partys ever and scarce multiplatforms again.
Then you've got the sales figures which show it at a third of the PS4's while having a 1 year boost (although, let's be honest nobody is dethroning Sony this gen) and equal to the June 2014 figures of the Xbone (when MS decided to no longer admit to how much their asses were being kicked by Sony). There's only 2.5x more WiiUs than Playstation Vitas in the world - considering how huge of a failure that thing is considered to be, it's not a good thing.
Lastly, the name. It's terrible on so many levels.

The main reason people are hyped up for the announcement of the new console is because nintendo have shown signs that they're going to just go bonkers in developing something as outrageous as the N64 or Wii were to rebound. Your Virtual boy sucked so much it's not even listed as the successor to the SNES on wikipedia? Here's the N64, one of the most out there systems ever thought of that actually turns out to be groundbreaking. Gamecube gets made fun of because it looks like a lunch box and the controller design looks like they just said "hey that wacky as fuck N64 controller worked, now let's make one ON LSD!"? Here's a console that's going to sell over 100 million units without even trying. Who knows what they'll do in response to the negative WiiU feedback.

Oh and one last thing: PS1/N64 > 16bit and below eras ;)
1983-1990...7 years. Not changing your argument at all, but making sure the numbers match up.

Oh lol god dammit I knew I had at least one wrong. That's what happens when you go off memory and you didn't exist when they were out.
Why does everyone keep saying this!? What was so bad about the Wii U? I think it's a great console. Sure it's not the SNES or the NES, but gaming will never be as good as it was in those eras again.

I personally dig the machine and unique controller. Game developers didn't think the same way and Wii U is almost always left out in the cold when a big multi platform game comes out, it's kind of sad. Like the kid who never gets picked.....
They got it right with the gap between the NES and SNES. That's a much better gap. 7 years is fine. 4 though? Come on. Give us time to enjoy a console before forcing an unnecessary upgrade. It still feels like the Wii U just got here. Maybe it's just that "growing up" thing everyone keeps talking about. 4 years go by so much faster now than they did back when I was a kid or a teen.
4 though? Come on. Give us time to enjoy a console before forcing an unnecessary upgrade

This has basically been my problem with trying to keep up with the times. A good game takes about 4 years to go from being an idea, to printing the first discs. So, when a console is 4 years old when it is replaced, that means we essentially only get the first wave of ideas for what it can do, and then we're moving on. Never made sense to me.

This is coming from a guy who stills owns, and plays, with a Game Gear.
This has basically been my problem with trying to keep up with the times. A good game takes about 4 years to go from being an idea, to printing the first discs. So, when a console is 4 years old when it is replaced, that means we essentially only get the first wave of ideas for what it can do, and then we're moving on. Never made sense to me.

This is coming from a guy who stills owns, and plays, with a Game Gear.

Agreed. You're preaching to the choir there at the end, heck I still play my old NES titles. I'm even halfway tempted to add the original 8 bit version of FF1 to my list of walkthroughs to do after FF6 and FF5 are both done.
It's got to do with the upgrade scale in hardware. A 5 year old system is becoming more irrelevant faster than it was 20 years ago, and since consoles are basically emulating PC specs it's even more apparent. Keep in mind it takes a LONG time for them to organise parts contracts, design schemes and parts themselves - not to mention the other software stuff they have to spend ages developing to get the thing working. Dev consoles are out for the very reason of trying to optimise the games both early and late. Game and console developers aren't stupid.
While all of that is true, I'd still prefer they let us bask in the modern tech, before unloading on us with something else, immediately followed by something else. My view, is why buy this one, when it will be obsolete in 18 months anyway?

They can do all the things they need to do, to create a new system, and take their time doing it. The only pressure to make a new system so fast, is entirely from within.
While all of that is true, I'd still prefer they let us bask in the modern tech, before unloading on us with something else, immediately followed by something else. My view, is why buy this one, when it will be obsolete in 18 months anyway?

They can do all the things they need to do, to create a new system, and take their time doing it. The only pressure to make a new system so fast, is entirely from within.

Think Apple.
The consumer is part of the issue (jesus fucking christ are people impatient sheep nowadays), but it's also manufactured by games developers and the fact that both the big players want to crush each other no matter what.
The game industry already jumped into the deep end on this issue a long long time ago - it's in the same boat as wrestling is now where the "haters gonna hate" "if you don't like it then go away" attitude is considered legitimate defense against criticism of any sort since the flood of people going along with those ideas vastly outweighs the other sides. The ship is heading towards a massive iceberg and the entire industry is banking on it not becoming another Titanic. Let's see how long it sinks before a change happens.
The WHC match has a 923-282 edge over the co-main event for page views. Thoughts?
Good stat considering no RPs have even been posted for that match yet. :samurai:

With the deadline for all matches being Tuesday night (minus the 8-man), I suspect everyone will be posting that afternoon/evening. For PPVs, even more than a regular round, there seems to be a mad rush at the end. This is late for me, but I had a lot to write out.
The WHC match has a 923-282 edge over the co-main event for page views. Thoughts?

I send the thread links to friends who like D&D stories each round. I know they have shared the links elsewhere also, my guess would be is people have been stopping by to see if I posted it yet. Pretty crazy. Happened at Kingdom Come too. It's very likely since I had advised this round's story is a big deal.
Theron's merchandise guys released a new set of shirts just in time for Apocalypse (or Day of Lavos for all the fans who speak in Theronism's). They include the "Critical Hit" and "Natural 20" shirts Theron has worn at previous events as well as two new ones. He will still be wearing them at WZCW shows. Be sure to pick up the blue one if you're a DM. There's even one in female sizes, which Tiffany/Kirilah will wear at shows.






These items have already reached the best selling list over at WZCW Shop.com. Pick your favorite to support Theron with for his big match!

(Out-of-character, these aren't real and I was bored.)
We now have confirmation that the green shirt comes in variations. One for each show with the Theronism matching it! At Apocalypse they'll have one reading Day Of Lavos. At upcoming Meltdowns it would read Burnup.

We coulda made a .Com Section for your merchandise, Dag.

Yaz thought it should be in here for now. If we make a merchandise topic in the future I'll just re-post them. ;)
Nice merch. Should have a giant foam Theron sword too for the kids.

Was reading some Theronisms in the thread and came up with one for Mark Keaton.....

Not Bad Wallace Lancaster
Just watched a fairly lengthy video of gameplay footage of Final Fantasy 15. It's a boss battle vs a Behemoth. Very impressive graphics. Live battle like the last few games ....hard to gauge if I'm impressed or not...
A very old Titus t-shirt


Those are cool. Theron probably would have had one since Titus was one of his inspirations.

Nice merch. Should have a giant foam Theron sword too for the kids.

Was reading some Theronisms in the thread and came up with one for Mark Keaton.....

Not Bad Wallace Lancaster

Yeah there's some replicas of the Buster Sword and the Master Sword that there'd likely be at events for the kids.

Not bad (no pun intended) on your name idea. I haven't had anyone submit their own name for a Theronism before that I recall. Someone on creative last year named The Mighty Sweets (Live Mas), that remains the only one that wasn't mine. I thought it was funny and kept it. I might take you up on that for yours.

Just watched a fairly lengthy video of gameplay footage of Final Fantasy 15. It's a boss battle vs a Behemoth. Very impressive graphics. Live battle like the last few games ....hard to gauge if I'm impressed or not...

Yeah, still got incredibly low expectations. Nothing's changing that at this point.

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