Daggers & Dragons: Ask me stuff


Happy New Year! Here's to hoping that 2016 will be a Natural 20 for us all both in-character and out-of-character.
When are you gonna continue your ff6 walkthrough thread? I miss you hating on Gau even though he's like the most OP character whenever I use him in the first half of the game with 9999 damage cat scratches :p

I bumped it some today and will probably post up through the Floating Continent by sunday. That's not the real reason I'm quoting this post though.

What are your thoughts on the other titles in the series? Can't remember if I asked you or not. Would you be interested in the upcoming FF5 topic?
That would explain ranking Celes over Shadow.

Stop on by, Butcher. Let's discuss why you like Shadow more than Celes. I'm taking any and all FF6 questions in here. I'm more than happy to explain why Celes got ranked so high, and it's not due to that Natural 20 of an appearance. Maybe we can bounce some character ideas around for you for the fed too....
I don't recall finishing or seeing my friends finish Final Fantasy 6. There were some earlier titles where we'd go to a buddy's house and watch him play it for hours at a time. The best memory I have of Final Fantasy 6 is Kefka destroying the whole world and a castle digging itself underground.
I don't recall finishing or seeing my friends finish Final Fantasy 6. There were some earlier titles where we'd go to a buddy's house and watch him play it for hours at a time. The best memory I have of Final Fantasy 6 is Kefka destroying the whole world and a castle digging itself underground.

What console were the earlier titles you're referring to on? NES, SNES, Game Boy, PSX.... I bet I can figure it out. If you don't remember the console what were the quests?

Kefka blowing up the world is easily one of the coolest parts of the game in FF6, I have no doubt that it's one of the top memories of anyone who got that far.
What console were the earlier titles you're referring to on? NES, SNES, Game Boy, PSX.... I bet I can figure it out. If you don't remember the console what were the quests?

Kefka blowing up the world is easily one of the coolest parts of the game in FF6, I have no doubt that it's one of the top memories of anyone who got that far.

Final Fantasy on the NES - I played most of it, watched my friends complete the rest.

Final Fantasy 2 -NES- Watched a friend complete it, then years later, completed it myself.

Final Fantasy 3 - SNES - Watched a friend complete the whole thing. Completed half myself awhile later.

Final Fantasy 6 - SNES - Didn't see my friend complete it, mixture of watching my friends play it and playing it myself.

Final Fantasy 7 - Playstation - Played about 3/4 of the game and stopped playing it.

Final Fantasy 8 - Playstation - Barely got half done and stopped playing it.

Final Fantasy 9 - Playstation - Same as 8.

Final Fantasy X - Playstation 2 - Couldn't defeat the final boss due to rushing to the ending.

Final Fantasy X Part 2 - Playstation 2 - Got about 1/3 of it done. Simply didn't like the game.

Final Fantasy games after this become a muddled memory for me because there were three or four games that seemed identical in terms of story idea and style. I think there was even one with a James Bond type character in it that I quickly lost interest in. There was another one where you and this girl are jumping around multiple realities. Lost interest in that one pretty fast. There was a decent one where one of your sidekicks had a little bird living in his afro, I enjoyed the story in that one and stuck with it for awhile. Got about half of that one done.

Didn't play Final Fantasy Project 0 or whatever it was called.

Most likely will play Final Fantasy 15 although it looks like the same type of game as the last three or four games, example : Uninteresting real-time battles.
I have never played any Final Fantasy game.

They look cool though

They have unmatched storytelling. I'd start at Final Fantasy 6 , any further back and ( depending on the person ). the lack of graphics will be kind of depressing and uninteresting to today's amazing standards. If you own a PlayStation 4 there is a Final Fantasy 7 remake coming out , ( amazing title, amazing characters and story ) but they are making final product into separate parts... ( fucking cash grab ??). Final Fantasy X is completely worth the effort and most of these older titles would be really cheap..... If I could understand how Game Emulators worked on this Tablet I'd definitely play it right now.
Final Fantasy on the NES - I played most of it, watched my friends complete the rest.

It's a classic and still amazing despite being the original almost 30 years old. Fighter, Red Mage, White Mage, Black Mage for the win. Or 4 White Mages if you want the challenge. Yes it can be done, I've done it.

Final Fantasy 2 -NES- Watched a friend complete it, then years later, completed it myself.

Are you referring to the one with Cecil and Kain or the one where you beat yourself up in order to make your Health Points increase? Cecil and Kain are FF4, not FF2. Blame the translators of the early 1990's. 4 is my favorite (right alongside 7) and 2 is my least favorite, so it's pretty important to know if you mean the Japanese FF2 or the American SNES title that got translated incorrectly.

Final Fantasy 3 - SNES - Watched a friend complete the whole thing. Completed half myself awhile later.

FF3 never got released on the SNES. The one with Kefka is FF6. FF3 is the one that's just like FF1 only ten times as hard and an upgraded character class system.

Final Fantasy 6 - SNES - Didn't see my friend complete it, mixture of watching my friends play it and playing it myself.

I'm sure you're enjoying my walkthrough topic on it then. I'm almost done with the written portion, gonna format and post up through the Floating Continent tonight or tomorrow.

Final Fantasy 7 - Playstation - Played about 3/4 of the game and stopped playing it.

Go back and finish it. Like, right now. :)

Final Fantasy 8 - Playstation - Barely got half done and stopped playing it.

You didn't miss much. It has good music but I don't look back on it as fondly due to a poorly done gameplay system. A level 100 Squall with two allies below level 9 can clear the game easily.

Final Fantasy 9 - Playstation - Same as 8.

What!? Go back and finish it, right after you go back and finish 7!

Final Fantasy X - Playstation 2 - Couldn't defeat the final boss due to rushing to the ending.

I rushed through the first time also. It was much more enjoyable the second time though. Love the sphere grid system. I remember being a bit disappointed with it at the time, in comparison to 7 and 9. Hard to believe it's the best of the modern FF games. By a really big margin too.

Final Fantasy X Part 2 - Playstation 2 - Got about 1/3 of it done. Simply didn't like the game.

Most don't. Other than FF2 it's arguably the least popular. The only good thing about it is seeing what Rikku looks like in the character class outfits.

Final Fantasy games after this become a muddled memory for me because there were three or four games that seemed identical in terms of story idea and style. I think there was even one with a James Bond type character in it that I quickly lost interest in. There was another one where you and this girl are jumping around multiple realities. Lost interest in that one pretty fast. There was a decent one where one of your sidekicks had a little bird living in his afro, I enjoyed the story in that one and stuck with it for awhile. Got about half of that one done.

I don't recall a James Bond type of character.... Someone in 12 maybe? My memory of 12 is getting cloudy at this point (no pun toward 7's hero intended), I need to replay it. "You and a girl jump between realities" was 13-2, I think? Not missing much there either although it was better than 13 which was a hallway. It had a great protagonist in Lightning but my goodness I have never played a game so linear before. "Sidekick has a bird in his afro" was 13. I'm surprised that was what stuck out to you, for me it was Lightning and Fang. Everything after 10 sucks, overall.

Didn't play Final Fantasy Project 0 or whatever it was called.

Me either.

Most likely will play Final Fantasy 15 although it looks like the same type of game as the last three or four games, example : Uninteresting real-time battles.

I have extremely low expectations for it. :(

I still hum /whistle the battle theme from Final Fantasy 2 as well as Yang's theme music that swells when entering his hometown.


I love that song too, but the game that features Yang is Final Fantasy 4, not Final Fantasy 2.

They have unmatched storytelling. I'd start at Final Fantasy 6 , any further back and ( depending on the person ). the lack of graphics will be kind of depressing and uninteresting to today's amazing standards. If you own a PlayStation 4 there is a Final Fantasy 7 remake coming out , ( amazing title, amazing characters and story ) but they are making final product into separate parts... ( fucking cash grab ??). Final Fantasy X is completely worth the effort and most of these older titles would be really cheap..... If I could understand how Game Emulators worked on this Tablet I'd definitely play it right now.

The graphics argument shouldn't be an issue, but I can see your point. 4 and 6 have aged well despite the early 90's graphics. 1 in original 8 bit form is worth overlooking the graphics. I hate when people hate on graphics then shower praise on new titles due to "how real the cut-scenes look". Games aren't SUPPOSED to be realistic. If I had the choice between FF1 in original 8 bit form or playing a game with 100% real graphics with a plot of "Bob goes to the grocery store" then give me FF1 ten times over. Story, gameplay, and music make a game. Not graphics.

I have a PS3.

I plan on getting a PS1 & a PS2 before getting a PS4

PS1: 1 & 2 (Origins), 4 (Chronicles), 5 & 6 (Anthology), 7, 8, and 9.

PS2: FFX, FFX-2, FF12

PS3: FF13, FF13-2

You're good for the entire main series other than FF3 if you have the Playstation console set. You'll have to get a DS for FF3. Get the FF4 remake on DS too when you get the DS.

4, 6, and 7 are the ones you don't want to miss under any circumstance. 9's also an underrated gem.

Final Fantasy X. Definetly get it and spend some time on it, you'll be hooked in no time. I don't have a good opinion about the titles after X, Dagger probably completed those.

FFX is good, but anything after it is skippable. It's the best of the modern games though as I already stated. I'm still hopefully the series turns around for the better. Someday....
I'm pretty sure it was NES and it was called Final Fantasy 2. It has to be.... It had Kain the Dragoon jumping guy, the same spirits Aeons used in all Final Fantasy games , it had Yang , both Yang and Kain turn bad at some point in the story...neither much of a challenge to beat. It had a really unique ( at the time ). battle sequence in the castle where your team is flushed out my multiple battles that interact with the story post battle...it was an amazing sequence for its time and really left you in a panic state to escape unharmed.
Here's a warning to anyone who wants to buy an Xbox One. Patience. I'm currently installing Dark Souls 2 and it's taking a frigging year. This shouldn't be happening in this day and age. It's taken one hour to go from 66% complete to 69%. I'm about ready to German suplex the machine right into the garbage.
I'm pretty sure it was NES and it was called Final Fantasy 2. It has to be.... It had Kain the Dragoon jumping guy, the same spirits Aeons used in all Final Fantasy games , it had Yang , both Yang and Kain turn bad at some point in the story...neither much of a challenge to beat. It had a really unique ( at the time ). battle sequence in the castle where your team is flushed out my multiple battles that interact with the story post battle...it was an amazing sequence for its time and really left you in a panic state to escape unharmed.

Kain the Dragoon is Final Fantasy 4. The castle battle sequence you speak of was Fabul, right after Yang joins. The boss theme played during the whole event, and yes it was beyond epic for 1991. It got released on the SNES in American in 1991 as FF2 due to poor translation. They developers said something along the lines of "We'll just skip 2 and 3 since the Americans cannot handle the difficulty". FF2 stars a guy named Firion and you are in a rebellion faction against an evil empire. Story's fine by 1988 standards, but beating yourself up in order to make your Health Points increase is the single worst gameplay system in RPG history.
Now I'm confused about what you said about Final Fantasy 3 as well. I'm sure we played this one and it had a huge cast of characters and flying boat ships. It also had a sequence where a character is doing opera .....am I confusing this game in my memory with Final Fantasy 6 ? There was a character wearing red with a feather in his hat as well.
Now I'm confused about what you said about Final Fantasy 3 as well. I'm sure we played this one and it had a huge cast of characters and flying boat ships. It also had a sequence where a character is doing opera .....am I confusing this game in my memory with Final Fantasy 6 ? There was a character wearing red with a feather in his hat as well.

Terra, Locke, Celes, Edgar, and Kefka are Final Fantasy 6. Go look in the Media Hub, I'm making a walkthrough for it as we speak.

Final Fantasy 3 is just like FF1 but with more character classes, much longer, and a quest so difficult it borders on unfair at times. It pushed the NES to its absolute limits and was phenominal for an 8 bit title.

There were plans to release FF5 (which stars Bartz, Faris, Reina, and Krile) as FF3 here in the states but those plans fell through when they had already begun working on FF6 and they made the smart choice of picking 6 over 5 when priority had to be made. By this time America had missed out on 2 NES titles and 1 SNES title. There were only 3 FF titles before the numbering got "fixed" in the PSX era.

FF1 is FF1. It is what it is in every original NES release.

FF2 never got released in the states until the Playstation remake in 2003. This stars Firion, Maria, Guy, and Leon. NOT Cecil/Kain/Rosa/etc.

FF3 never got released in the states until the DS remake in 2006. It's 8 bit in its original form and hard as heck. NOT the one where you fight Kefka.

FF4 is "FF2 on the SNES". THIS is the one that stars Cecil, Kain, Rosa, etc.

FF5 never got released in the states until the playstation remake in 1999. It stars Bartz, Faris (the best!), Reina, and Krile. All but Faris and Krile have underwhelming backstories.

FF6 is "FF3 on the SNES". THIS is the one where you fight Kefka as Terra/Locke/Edgar/Celes/etc.
PS4 > Xbox1

I'm definitely getting a PS4 for my house when I can gather some extra cash together. I spend the weekends with my parents and have an Xbox One and 360 here, a 360, Wii and Wii U at my place, though the Wii's are my roommates kids machine. Wii machines are failures in my opinion. Wii U had one or two decent games for it. Mario Kart was underwhelming dispite the best looking Kart ever. Zelda will probably change my opinion of the machine alone.
What do you think of the NX?

I know very little about it other than that it is WAY too soon for a new console. I hate that they are moving to new consoles so quickly. The Wii U came too soon, and I'd even argue the Wii came too soon too. I don't plan on upgrading for an extremely long time.
What do you think of the NX?

I'm confident Nintendo can properly get back in the race with Xbox and PlayStation, hopefully NX will be the machine that does it. I have a soft spot for Nintendo as the NES was my first machine. WII U was a massive failure and that has to motivate them to correct this ship.

I briefly read some articles on the NX, there's a possibility that it won't have a disc drive , just a little port for a data stick or a pad to put a toy shaped cartridge on top of the controller/console to run the game.....that sounds pretty stupid to me and hopefully that's just a rumour.

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