Daggers & Dragons: Ask me stuff

A friend of the family says I cannot judge lutefisk, until I've eaten a full serving of it.

Why do they hate me?

I've actually never had it. I doubt I'd like it myself as I'm super picky. Like, to the point where 9 in every 10 foods that I try I end up disliking. Very familiar with the negativity people have towards lutefisk though. If it's not made from cod then it isn't as bad I hear.
Like you, I'm a huge fan of everything Final Fantasy. I just bought a PS4 and wanted to get a couple game recommendations. I'm waiting for the Witcher 3 & Fallout 4 to arrive from Amazon, as I've heard rave reviews.

How are the next-gen Final Fantasy games? What games would you recommend checking out?
Like you, I'm a huge fan of everything Final Fantasy. I just bought a PS4 and wanted to get a couple game recommendations. I'm waiting for the Witcher 3 & Fallout 4 to arrive from Amazon, as I've heard rave reviews.

How are the next-gen Final Fantasy games? What games would you recommend checking out?

Next-gen meaning from after 9? FFX would be the best. 13 has a good story and beautiful graphics, but it is not a game to play more than once. The remake of 4 on the DS is a must if you missed it. Do you like Dragon Age? I recommend that series. Most of what I play these days are Nintendo titles. Got a Wii U?
Next-gen meaning from after 9? FFX would be the best. 13 has a good story and beautiful graphics, but it is not a game to play more than once. The remake of 4 on the DS is a must if you missed it. Do you like Dragon Age? I recommend that series. Most of what I play these days are Nintendo titles. Got a Wii U?

I should've clarified - I was mainly asking for your opinions on FFXIII-2 & FFXIV. I gave up on FFXIII due to how linear the game was. I played about 20 hours and was frustrated that the world map wasn't unlocked to free roam. I didn't know if XIII-2 had improved from being so linear in the previous version, and how XIII-2 & XIV were overall.

I agree that FFX was awesome, as I sunk a ton of time into that game. My favorites are FF4 and FF7, so I bet the DS remake of 4 is great. I've heard Square Enix is planning on remaking VII also, but I don't think it's going to drop for a few years.

I don't have a DS or a Wii U - only rocking a standard Wii, PS3, and PS4. I've been meaning to try Dragon Age, but I haven't gotten the chance yet. It looks like Origins was pretty good - I'm assuming you've played Inquisition? How much back story is tied in with the recent Dragon Age games? For instance, could I hop right into Inquisition, or would the story be a bit confusing with not playing the previous releases?
I should've clarified - I was mainly asking for your opinions on FFXIII-2 & FFXIV. I gave up on FFXIII due to how linear the game was. I played about 20 hours and was frustrated that the world map wasn't unlocked to free roam. I didn't know if XIII-2 had improved from being so linear in the previous version, and how XIII-2 & XIV were overall.

I agree that FFX was awesome, as I sunk a ton of time into that game. My favorites are FF4 and FF7, so I bet the DS remake of 4 is great. I've heard Square Enix is planning on remaking VII also, but I don't think it's going to drop for a few years.

I don't have a DS or a Wii U - only rocking a standard Wii, PS3, and PS4. I've been meaning to try Dragon Age, but I haven't gotten the chance yet. It looks like Origins was pretty good - I'm assuming you've played Inquisition? How much back story is tied in with the recent Dragon Age games? For instance, could I hop right into Inquisition, or would the story be a bit confusing with not playing the previous releases?

FF14 is not part of the main series, just as 11 isn't. 10-2 and 13-2 are the true 11th and 14th titles to me. The series took a tragic downward turn in quality after 10. You need to get the 4 remake on DS. It's wonderful, one of the few titles I give a perfect 10 out of 10 score to.

Dragon Age Origins was excellent but Dragon Age 2 was not. From what I recall you still import decisions into Inquisition but if you have the time then I'd play through in order of release and import decisions, data, etc. Your decisions do still make an impact although I haven't had a chance to fully dive in to Inquisition yet. The PC version does not work on my computer but I'm buying the Xbox One version when finances are looking better. Rent and tuition are making things hard at the moment.
Where does Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time rank on your all time favorite games list? And how about a walkthrough?
Where does Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time rank on your all time favorite games list? And how about a walkthrough?

In a list where all games are eligible.... probably in the top ten. It's really hard to rank every single game. I can tell you for a fact that the top 4 are Tales of Symphonia, Final Fantasy 7, Final Fantasy 4, and Paladin's Quest (in that order) but after that it gets rather close for a long string of games. Link to the Past is the only Zelda I rank higher than Ocarina of Time. In fact, let's bust out another Zelda ranking. It's been a while.

A Link to the Past
Ocarina of Time
Twilight Princess
Link's Awakening
The Wind Waker
The Legend of Zelda
Oracle of Ages/Seasons
Four Swords Adventures
The Minish Cap
Phantom Hourglass
Spirit Tracks
Zelda II: The Adventure of Link
Majora's Mask

I left Skyward Sword and Link Between Worlds off the rankings. I still haven't finished Skyward Sword and I do not have Link Between Worlds although lately I have felt the urge to buy a 3DS just for that game, what's stopping me is that this would likely be the only title I get for the system and unless it's the FF7 remake, I'm not buying a system for only one game. I didn't get a PSP for the sole purpose of the FF4 sequel that I've been dying to play, so I doubt I will for Link Between Worlds. Looks amazing though.

As far as an Ocarina of Time walkthrough.... not anytime soon. If I jump into any 64 walkthroughs it'd probably be the first one I do. Time is simply not there for it right now. It is for FF6 as I have the game nearly memorized at this point. I'm only playing back through it for the Edgar/Celes/Setzer challenge (which I have done once before long ago) and to find any little secret I may forget along the way. Not likely although never say never though.... I already did Link to the Past, so Ocarina and Links Awakening could both be future projects some day.
Next-gen meaning from after 9? FFX would be the best. 13 has a good story and beautiful graphics, but it is not a game to play more than once. The remake of 4 on the DS is a must if you missed it. Do you like Dragon Age? I recommend that series. Most of what I play these days are Nintendo titles. Got a Wii U?

Final Fantasy X had one of the most surprisingly awesome boss battles in FF history , inside SIN the final boss calls his EON after a brief cut scene....his EON climbs up over the cliff in front of the heroes to an awesome heavy metal rift as the battle starts.... Eff Ya !!
Final Fantasy X. - The only problem is, I rushed to get to the final boss and was missing a key AOEN/EON and the Gamble move that takes a big chunk of damage as well. I was missing the one you get from the three sisters in the mountains.

Wanting to get the Final Fantasy game for XboxOne but I didn't like things I read about it. I wish they'd just go back to the way it was played in FFX.
Final Fantasy X had one of the most surprisingly awesome boss battles in FF history , inside SIN the final boss calls his EON after a brief cut scene....his EON climbs up over the cliff in front of the heroes to an awesome heavy metal rift as the battle starts.... Eff Ya !!

I didn't like that song or the fight itself all that much, honestly. Seymour's final form should have been the final boss. Great music and you had been waiting the whole game to finally destroy him anyway, it would have made more sense and been more enjoyable. That's just me though.

Final Fantasy X. - The only problem is, I rushed to get to the final boss and was missing a key AOEN/EON and the Gamble move that takes a big chunk of damage as well. I was missing the one you get from the three sisters in the mountains.

Wanting to get the Final Fantasy game for XboxOne but I didn't like things I read about it. I wish they'd just go back to the way it was played in FFX.

I rushed through FFX the first time through also and missed all the secret Aeons. The new game sounds highly disappointing to me too. It's truly tragic the direction the series took after FFX. I'd want them to go even further back than FFX's style. 7 and 9 had a perfect formula for gameplay. Imagine if 13 had the exploration and ability system quality that those two titles did? I won't even start on it being one of the most linear RPG's that I have ever played. Fans would have loved it had it been more free with more to explore, and I have extremely low expectations for 15.
Favorite FF villain. If it's not Sephiroth, I'll be surprised.

Kefka is a close second for me. ( Final Fantasy 6 ) Sephiroth has a good/great backstory so he's number one in my books.

Seymour from Final Fantasy X is third , he was probably the most annoying boss in all of Final Fantasy, too many battles and by his fifth or sixth appearance I felt like throwing up. God he made me angry.
Favorite FF villain. If it's not Sephiroth, I'll be surprised.

Do you even have to ask? :p I'll do a top 5.

1. FF7's Sephiroth
2. FF9's Kuja
3. FF6's Kefka
4. FFX's Seymour
5. FF4's Zemus

The greatest video game villain in history though, is Yggdrasil from Tales of Symphonia. He puts Sephiroth to shame in terms of being a tragic hero turned evil maniacal badass. Yes, you read that correctly.

Kefka is a close second for me. ( Final Fantasy 6 ) Sephiroth has a good/great backstory so he's number one in my books.

This, pretty much, although I like Kuja more than Kefka.

Seymour from Final Fantasy X is third , he was probably the most annoying boss in all of Final Fantasy, too many battles and by his fifth or sixth appearance I felt like throwing up. God he made me angry.

I really liked Seymour. By the final fight with him the game had me wanting to destroy him legitimately. Real heel heat generated here in my teenage self, from a video game character. Still argue that his final form would have been the better final boss, everything that happened after that was an afterthought for me. We haven't really had any FF games where the primary villain is truly annoying, at least not to me. The worst villain in the main series is probably FF5's Exdeath but that's more due to lack of character development to me than anything. He was so one-dimensional. The fight he has against Galuf is the only cool moment Exdeath really provides, and he technically lost that fight.

He's here to show the world.

Love it! I owe you rep, would have for this had I literally not just finished repping the Raw LD posters a few minutes ago.

That could totally have been one of Theron's entrances.... only Kirilah's blonde and Sheshmish's image rep is white. Kirilah's not changing from Degrassi's Darcy anytime soon but maybe I should revise Sheshmish's. Then this image can be a WZCW thing.
Having made it through the first half of FF6 again in my nostalgia replay for the purposes of writing the walkthrough I'm suddenly feeling hungry to play a certain other SNES era FF again....


Part of it may be that I dug up my old PSX FF Anthology strategy guide to double check that I didn't miss anything. The guide covers both games. Maybe I should actually go the FF Anthology route, analyzing both FF5 and FF6. In two separate threads of course. I'd only do the GBA version of FF5 though as it's the definitive version for that game.
Just watched a preview ( with zero gameplay footage ) of Final Fantasy 15. Now there's a 97% chance I'll pick up the game anyway I'm confused at the mechanics of the brief story the preview suggests. The biggest question (problem?) I have is.....CARS ? It made me look at the title again.

Cars and the many world's of Final Fantasy just doesn't feel right . Especially modern-type cars, I wouldn't have a beef if the car designs had a steampunk look to them but they don't, just regular cars.

It's still too early to tell but, I'm waiting to see actual in game play to give a better feeling . Cars....why ?
Just watched a preview ( with zero gameplay footage ) of Final Fantasy 15. Now there's a 97% chance I'll pick up the game anyway I'm confused at the mechanics of the brief story the preview suggests. The biggest question (problem?) I have is.....CARS ? It made me look at the title again.

Yeah anyone trying to show me those videos lost me at zero gameplay footage. See, for me, gameplay is what it's about. If I had the choice between playing a video game with an epic quest but outdated graphics (Hi, FF1, how's it going?) or a game that's got "REAL LIFE VIDEO FOOTAGE OMG ITS SO REAL" graphics but with a storyline no more interesting than "Bob goes to Wal-Mart" then for goodness sakes, give me the 8 bit stuff any day of the week. If there's no gameplay in the preview, I refuse to watch it. That's been my argument for several years now. I don't care about cut-scenes when deciding on a purchase. I care about what the action will be like, what kinds of side quests there are, what the characters are like, things such as those. No gameplay footage in ads means they are afraid of showing it, they have to rely on cut-scenes or "awesome graphics" to sell a video game. That's a much bigger problem for me than cars. Advertise what actually playing the game is like. If I want to watch a movie I'll watch a movie. Or I'll play FF13 again.

Cars and the many world's of Final Fantasy just doesn't feel right . Especially modern-type cars, I wouldn't have a beef if the car designs had a steampunk look to them but they don't, just regular cars.

It's still too early to tell but, I'm waiting to see actual in game play to give a better feeling . Cars....why ?

FF8 had cars. Squall driving off in that one cut-scene before the first Edea fight comes to mind, granted I'd rather see our angsty swordsman protagonists fly in on a dragon, ride a chocobo, or crash into an imperial base with an airship.... cars worked in FF8. Renting cars from Deling City to get to the Tomb of the Unknown King was a change of pace that I was open to at the time. You still had a decent amount of exploration within the overall world unless you were unlucky enough to get stuck on disc 4. The series tried going more of a sci-fi route from 7 onward (disregarding 9), this doesn't bother me nearly as much as the massive decrease in quality in the games. 13 could have been a really big deal had we been given the freedom of exploration we had in 7 or 9. 15 can be a good title if the actual gameplay, story, playable cast, and amount of exploration available in the world are all good, but I can no longer be nearly as optimistic about a new title. Not after the last 5 games. At least with 13 it gave us a memorable female hero in Lightning. 15's got nothing to make me look forward to it so far and I'd argue it has far more to be worried about than whether the fans will accept cars or not. Tragic the direction has taken in the last 12 years, absolutely tragic.
Does PSVita have Final Fantasy 1 through X-2? I'm looking for a handheld console this April and would get the Vita if it had all of them.

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