Daggers & Dragons: Ask me stuff


Soon.... (Let the speculation begin....)
1) Male Forest Elf - Weaponmaster (Theron's namesake)
2) Male Human - Dragon Disciple (Bard named Angelo who prestiged)
3) Female Forest Elf - Summoner (The "real" Kellia)
4) Female Moon Elf - Favoured Soul of Bane (Firrua is her name)
5) Male Aasimar - Spirit Shaman (His name is Jade)
6) Male Tiefling - Dark Knight of Shar (Ram DeVyse is his name)
7) Male Water Genasi - Paladin of Tyr (His name is Nemo)

Cool - I only have two on the go at the moment but we rotate games fairly often.

5E - Professor Cornelius Lorenzo Tinkersson the Third a.k.a. Tinker - Gnome Illusionist
Cthulhu by Gaslight (1890s) - Doctor Edwin Price (Formerly known as Captain) - Naturalist from Selwyn College Cambridge
Star Wars Saga Edition - Thelan Bree - Kel Dor Jedi Knight
3.5E - Riggan - Human Ranger

Trying to talk the guys from 3.5 (minus the DM) to do a 5th edition campaign on the off-weeks. All 7 characters are from the same group and the Summoner is the only one who's campaign is "done". If that happens I might do a character similar to my Paladin of Silvanus from your game. Or a Dragonborn.

Some people fear change. Just invite them round and DM for them for a night. They'll soon see what 5E has to offer.

As for church.... mine has been ok with it. I don't do anything truly "evil". Furthest I've gone in the heel spectrum in D&D is Lawful Evil with my Favoured Soul, and even she still has respect for her ranking officers in the imperial army. Now if you're dealing with demons in-game or committing all sorts of horrendous sinful acts, yeah that may cause some disagreements in real life. I won't play a Chaotic Evil character for this reason. My Section Leaders and the Pastors know I play and no one has had any issues once I've explained the alignment chart and how I don't play with "true evil" parties.

Glad to hear it man. I'm surprised to hear your church is so involved in your personal life, churches just are not like that in the UK. They're much more just turn up on a Sunday and everything's good. Very little by way of community work. That being said, the UK is a far more secular nation. One of those cultural differences the great pond creates. (Like sex on TV is bad - as long as it's after 9pm here it's all good and there is basically no language off-limits entirely)

I did repent of some stuff from the past though, like the time I rolled a Natural 20 on a Charisma Check to convince a girl to sleep with my Fighter in front of her congregation at a Temple of Mystra. They know I no longer play those types of characters

I understand why you did that but to me that is not something you did. To me it seems like asking an actor or a screenwriter to repent for something one of their creations did. I'm not trying to diminish your beliefs I hope you realise, just trying to have an open conversation about it.

It can be a way for me to reach a different demographic that other Lifegroup Leaders and even many Section Leaders can't. I've thought of doing an outreach at the local tabletop gaming shop, where we invite others to play but then turn casual conversations we have with them to religious. Just like you would when on a mission trip, only by making contact with the D&D crowd in their most comfortable setting which is shops like that one.

So do you recruit new people for your church? That is absolutely not something that happens over here (save for Mormons and Jehovas Witnesses and a few other very demographically small denominations of Christianity) and I would advise caution in that sort of environment. All it takes is for one guy to push back and complain or get salty - and in my experience you're far more likely to encounter that type of person in a FLGS - and you could find yourself banned from the store or worse.
Some people fear change. Just invite them round and DM for them for a night. They'll soon see what 5E has to offer.

I've actually never DM'ed. When things calm down after I finish my class in summer I might try to see if the guys from my 3.5 group minus the DM want to do a 5th edition game on the off weeks, which has become more frequently now that our work schedules aren't all lining up with the DM's. He's on-call every other week or so.

Glad to hear it man. I'm surprised to hear your church is so involved in your personal life, churches just are not like that in the UK. They're much more just turn up on a Sunday and everything's good. Very little by way of community work. That being said, the UK is a far more secular nation. One of those cultural differences the great pond creates. (Like sex on TV is bad - as long as it's after 9pm here it's all good and there is basically no language off-limits entirely)

A lot of churches here aren't like that either. Many are still full of people going through the motions on sunday then going right back into secular lifestyles the other 6 and a half days of the week. A big thing ours does differently is an emphasis on discipleship by Lifegroup Leaders (which is what I am) and Section Leaders (Our church's G-Mods basically) who lead the leaders, who then are under one of the pastors. Bible study groups called Lifegroups are led by regular members typically 1 or 2 guys with 1 or 2 girls on a leadership team with typically 10 to 20-ish members (some groups are bigger) for that group on a given night of the week, mine is tuesdays. Different groups will vary but mine does guys meeting together with me and my male co-leader while the girls meet with my female co-leader in another spot every other week with the remaining weeks being the whole Lifegroup meeting as a co-ed group for worship and fellowship on the other weeks. That's the tip of the iceberg, I've been a member since March 2013 and never been to a church like this one before. Thousands of members and dozens of Lifegroups. Then we still have traditional worship on sundays where the actual pastors would lead it.

I understand why you did that but to me that is not something you did. To me it seems like asking an actor or a screenwriter to repent for something one of their creations did. I'm not trying to diminish your beliefs I hope you realise, just trying to have an open conversation about it.

Yeah but even though I in-character did it, I still out-of-character could have not. So I did to a degree feel the need to confess it and other controversial D&D stuff a while back. Had I been an actor who was in controversial films I'd have done the same.

So do you recruit new people for your church? That is absolutely not something that happens over here (save for Mormons and Jehovas Witnesses and a few other very demographically small denominations of Christianity) and I would advise caution in that sort of environment. All it takes is for one guy to push back and complain or get salty - and in my experience you're far more likely to encounter that type of person in a FLGS - and you could find yourself banned from the store or worse.

Yeah, try to. I don't do it as often as I probably should. I recently reconnected with an old college classmate and invited her to my lifegroup which she is now regularly attending. I rarely do it in stores or other businesses I could get "banned" from for advertising a religious gathering. At the gaming place if the conversation turns negatively I'd drop it and talk about something else. If they don't want to come when invited, we can still hang out and play games. We encourage to not be pushy about inviting someone it's just extending the invite so they know it's there.
I've actually never DM'ed. When things calm down after I finish my class in summer I might try to see if the guys from my 3.5 group minus the DM want to do a 5th edition game on the off weeks, which has become more frequently now that our work schedules aren't all lining up with the DM's. He's on-call every other week or so.

If you need some advice from an experienced DM feel free to shoot me a PM.

A lot of churches here aren't like that either. Many are still full of people going through the motions on sunday then going right back into secular lifestyles the other 6 and a half days of the week. A big thing ours does differently is an emphasis on discipleship by Lifegroup Leaders (which is what I am) and Section Leaders (Our church's G-Mods basically) who lead the leaders, who then are under one of the pastors. Bible study groups called Lifegroups are led by regular members typically 1 or 2 guys with 1 or 2 girls on a leadership team with typically 10 to 20-ish members (some groups are bigger) for that group on a given night of the week, mine is tuesdays. Different groups will vary but mine does guys meeting together with me and my male co-leader while the girls meet with my female co-leader in another spot every other week with the remaining weeks being the whole Lifegroup meeting as a co-ed group for worship and fellowship on the other weeks. That's the tip of the iceberg, I've been a member since March 2013 and never been to a church like this one before. Thousands of members and dozens of Lifegroups. Then we still have traditional worship on sundays where the actual pastors would lead it.

Huh, sounds unlike anything I've ever heard of either. Though I'm not religious I would like to know more. I've always found religion fascinating. I always found it disappointing that the study of Theology almost exclusively lends itself to joining the clergy or it would've been a humanity I'd've studied beyond 16.

Yeah but even though I in-character did it, I still out-of-character could have not. So I did to a degree feel the need to confess it and other controversial D&D stuff a while back. Had I been an actor who was in controversial films I'd have done the same.

Fair enough! when I'm at the table I don't view myself as 'me' anymore if that makes sense. I talk and act as my character would talk and act unless I'm frustrated with the game. To me they are seperate characters and act in a way as a form of release. Christ that sounds pretentious but I hope you know what I mean, it's fun and I get to switch off my anxieties and be a hero or a sarcastic womaniser or an alcoholic bookworm.

Yeah, try to. I don't do it as often as I probably should. I recently reconnected with an old college classmate and invited her to my lifegroup which she is now regularly attending. I rarely do it in stores or other businesses I could get "banned" from for advertising a religious gathering. At the gaming place if the conversation turns negatively I'd drop it and talk about something else. If they don't want to come when invited, we can still hang out and play games. We encourage to not be pushy about inviting someone it's just extending the invite so they know it's there.

That's cool. My comment was born more out of concern than anything else. I can't imagine you being a pushy sort in that regard but certainly some of the folks that I know from tabletop gaming would get aggressive about that sort of thing. I suppose it's also because religion isn't really something we discuss in general (I only recently found out that a good friend of mine and his wife go to church every Sunday for example)
If you need some advice from an experienced DM feel free to shoot me a PM.

I might just do that. I've wondered how well FF1 would convert to D&D before.

Huh, sounds unlike anything I've ever heard of either. Though I'm not religious I would like to know more. I've always found religion fascinating. I always found it disappointing that the study of Theology almost exclusively lends itself to joining the clergy or it would've been a humanity I'd've studied beyond 16.

Then it might not surprise you that I'm seeking to work in the church in some capacity after I finish my Theology class. :p I dunno if I'd want to be a pastor but perhaps being on the support staff of the training school or something would be more up my alley as I like structure and organizing things. As far as you wanting to know more feel free to ask more here in the thread. I'm quite open about my faith.

Fair enough! when I'm at the table I don't view myself as 'me' anymore if that makes sense. I talk and act as my character would talk and act unless I'm frustrated with the game. To me they are seperate characters and act in a way as a form of release. Christ that sounds pretentious but I hope you know what I mean, it's fun and I get to switch off my anxieties and be a hero or a sarcastic womaniser or an alcoholic bookworm.

I definitely see that viewpoint as well. Theron's namesake, the "real" Kellia, and all my other characters are still from my own imagination when it comes down to it, and I no longer believe in going to dark sinful places in my imagination so agreeing to disagree there. :cool:

I suppose it's also because religion isn't really something we discuss in general (I only recently found out that a good friend of mine and his wife go to church every Sunday for example)

It isn't discussed as much here as you might think either. When I do get a chance to share though I more often than not get good responses that can turn conversations positively in the religious direction. People are fascinated by the Lifegroup concept and I love sharing it as well as what it's done for my testimony.

Two days later and they're still casting.... Must be a really powerful spell they are casting.... It's almost as if they are summoning up something awesome that's coming in the near future. Wonder what it could be? Stay tuned.

Well it appears they're done casting, but what in the world are they all so shocked over? Mog even got so shocked he had to ask Umaro to fill in for him. Must be because I just got done telling all of them about that awesome thing that's coming, the one that's still on its way. Soon.
Where will the WZCW go from this KC? What do you reckon? Because the World Title and The Tag Titles are in the hands of Evil! How will the Warblade of Mystra proclaim what is his and bring sanity to the Pure White Big Gold?

Sorry for too many questions.
Where will the WZCW go from this KC? What do you reckon? Because the World Title and The Tag Titles are in the hands of Evil! How will the Warblade of Mystra proclaim what is his and bring sanity to the Pure White Big Gold?

Sorry for too many questions.

All of the titles are held in the hands of evil! Okay, maybe Eve isn't "evil", but she is a bitch. Titus is a dick-punching bastard, so that's evil enough for me!
All of the titles are held in the hands of evil! Okay, maybe Eve isn't "evil", but she is a bitch. Titus is a dick-punching bastard, so that's evil enough for me!

Exactly! But for a brief moment I thought Ramparte might win the title!

Oh btw, Congratulations on your Big win! :crucified:
Exactly! But for a brief moment I thought Ramparte might win the title!

The ending to that match, and the short segment after the match, were perfect. I'm impressed with how they got all three to maintain their same level, even with two of them losing.

Oh btw, Congratulations on your Big win! :crucified:

Thank you!
The ending to that match, and the short segment after the match, were perfect. I'm impressed with how they got all three to maintain their same level, even with two of them losing.

Moreover, now they can move on to their further feuds without any grudge or whatsoever.
Where will the WZCW go from this KC? What do you reckon? Because the World Title and The Tag Titles are in the hands of Evil! How will the Warblade of Mystra proclaim what is his and bring sanity to the Pure White Big Gold?

Sorry for too many questions.

Well since Theron couldn't stop Zeus on his own and with the army of darkness holding the tag titles.... I'd say he needs to find some allies. Theron enlists either The Phantoms or The Bearded Ants as backup. Preferably Ty and Califa. World title and Tag Team title feuds overlap. I had PM'ed an idea Haiku and I had to creative, so I won't go into details, but this could still work in that idea's context. Theron's at that point where he knows he's outnumbered.

They're all laughing at the fact that even Brock Lesnar can't send a train to Suplex City, but Sabin can! Something more awesome than that is still coming. Probably in like a week or so. I'm running out of sprites so it legitimately will be soon.

Well, secret's out.... If you listened to the 2nd part of the podcast Killjoy and I did. Thread's getting launched within the next week. The content's been in the process of being written for a couple of weeks now and am still working on it in the meantime, roughly 45% through. It's coming very soon though so get hyped!

The rest of the characters and a couple of NPC's wanted to pose too after the 10 in the last post got to do their cool poses. These "angry" sprites were some of my favorites in the game.
How far along are ya with Doctor Who?

Same place I left off last time you asked me. Spare time is still in a shortage. Once Upon A Time and other DVR'ed shows took priority over netflix this semester. The coming couple of weeks may be a good time to finish up the final Matt Smith season.
A friend of the family says I cannot judge lutefisk, until I've eaten a full serving of it.

Why do they hate me?

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