Daggers & Dragons: Ask me stuff

What are your current characters?
Also I've always meant to ask - given your involvement with your local church what is their belief with regards to Dungeons and Dragons? I only ask because I know a lot of churches in the U.S. have, in the past, been very much against it.


We do have some unfinished business, don't we? Depends on how our title matches go.

What are your current characters?
Also I've always meant to ask - given your involvement with your local church what is their belief with regards to Dungeons and Dragons? I only ask because I know a lot of churches in the U.S. have, in the past, been very much against it.

1) Male Forest Elf - Weaponmaster (Theron's namesake)
2) Male Human - Dragon Disciple (Bard named Angelo who prestiged)
3) Female Forest Elf - Summoner (The "real" Kellia)
4) Female Moon Elf - Favoured Soul of Bane (Firrua is her name)
5) Male Aasimar - Spirit Shaman (His name is Jade)
6) Male Tiefling - Dark Knight of Shar (Ram DeVyse is his name)
7) Male Water Genasi - Paladin of Tyr (His name is Nemo)

Trying to talk the guys from 3.5 (minus the DM) to do a 5th edition campaign on the off-weeks. All 7 characters are from the same group and the Summoner is the only one who's campaign is "done". If that happens I might do a character similar to my Paladin of Silvanus from your game. Or a Dragonborn.

As for church.... mine has been ok with it. I don't do anything truly "evil". Furthest I've gone in the heel spectrum in D&D is Lawful Evil with my Favoured Soul, and even she still has respect for her ranking officers in the imperial army. Now if you're dealing with demons in-game or committing all sorts of horrendous sinful acts, yeah that may cause some disagreements in real life. I won't play a Chaotic Evil character for this reason. My Section Leaders and the Pastors know I play and no one has had any issues once I've explained the alignment chart and how I don't play with "true evil" parties.

I did repent of some stuff from the past though, like the time I rolled a Natural 20 on a Charisma Check to convince a girl to sleep with my Fighter in front of her congregation at a Temple of Mystra. They know I no longer play those types of characters.

It can be a way for me to reach a different demographic that other Lifegroup Leaders and even many Section Leaders can't. I've thought of doing an outreach at the local tabletop gaming shop, where we invite others to play but then turn casual conversations we have with them to religious. Just like you would when on a mission trip, only by making contact with the D&D crowd in their most comfortable setting which is shops like that one.
My wife's pastor is part of a rather large D&D game, so he clearly has no problem with it lol
My wife's pastor is part of a rather large D&D game, so he clearly has no problem with it lol

How large out of curiosity? I've been in D&D battles bigger than the Lethal Lottery would be if all 30 competitors are in the ring.
Thanks for the feedback mate, I really am trying to add more science and nerdy stuffs in my next RP. I'm going to take some "calculated risk" for the next one. I had it planned before but I didn't want to gamble for Kingdom Come. Because, the RP where I used the drawing didn't help me win. Idk But now I'm ready to take those risks as KC will be over. Thanks once again.
How large out of curiosity? I've been in D&D battles bigger than the Lethal Lottery would be if all 30 competitors are in the ring.

I think he had mentioned there's about 20 "regulars", but 10-20 others that come in and out pending availability, so there's rarely less than 25 at a single game/session/whatever.
I think he had mentioned there's about 20 "regulars", but 10-20 others that come in and out pending availability, so there's rarely less than 25 at a single game/session/whatever.

Most handlers I've played with at once was 12 or so, but for amount of names on initiative chart the most I've seen in my games at once was 40+.
Most handlers I've played with at once was 12 or so, but for amount of names on initiative chart the most I've seen in my games at once was 40+.

I'm not sure the logistics of it. But, if there's 25-ish, they may split into 2 games or something. He told me he started role-playing in high school, and he's turning 50 soon, so he's definitely a lifer. He tried recruiting me to join them, but it hasn't grabbed my interest fully, and I hardly have the time.
I'm not sure the logistics of it. But, if there's 25-ish, they may split into 2 games or something. He told me he started role-playing in high school, and he's turning 50 soon, so he's definitely a lifer. He tried recruiting me to join them, but it hasn't grabbed my interest fully, and I hardly have the time.

Yeah that makes sense. I've had two different D&D groups multiple into two campaigns played in the same venue before due to size. 20 handlers combined is the largest if multiplied groups count. 25 is too chaotic for one group unless all of said handlers can pay attention, which is kinda hard for most D&D gamers especially in larger groups. You always have the people who begin off-topic out-of-character conversations and the bored girlfriends/wives who got asked to play but don't really want to be there who start a gossip hour in between their turns, the guy arguing with the DM from across the table, the guy asking who's turn it is every 5 minutes, and more. I tend to flip through my Players Handbook or log in here in between longer waiting times if the initiative chart is huge for the current battle/event.
Yeah that makes sense. I've had two different D&D groups multiple into two campaigns played in the same venue before due to size. 20 handlers combined is the largest if multiplied groups count. 25 is too chaotic for one group unless all of said handlers can pay attention, which is kinda hard for most D&D gamers especially in larger groups. You always have the people who begin off-topic out-of-character conversations and the bored girlfriends/wives who got asked to play but don't really want to be there who start a gossip hour in between their turns, the guy arguing with the DM from across the table, the guy asking who's turn it is every 5 minutes, and more. I tend to flip through my Players Handbook or log in here in between longer waiting times if the initiative chart is huge for the current battle/event.

My general rule of thumb has always been, if you need to ask, it's probably yours.
My general rule of thumb has always been, if you need to ask, it's probably yours.

Nah, not quite. The bigger the amount of handlers and/or the bigger the initiative chart, the more likely you'll have a couple of guys always asking who's turn it is. In-game a turn is 6 seconds. In real-time it always takes much longer. I've seen one battle take maybe 5 minutes in-game but HOURS in real-time.
Nah, not quite. The bigger the amount of handlers and/or the bigger the initiative chart, the more likely you'll have a couple of guys always asking who's turn it is. In-game a turn is 6 seconds. In real-time it always takes much longer. I've seen one battle take maybe 5 minutes in-game but HOURS in real-time.

Well D&D's mechanics are way different than any other game, so it really is an exception to the rule. But, for almost any other tabletop game, I'd say my rule is pretty accurate.
Besides D&D, what tabletop games do you play? Which are your favorites?

I've also played Gamma World, Pathfinder, and Warhammer. Pathfinder was the best out of those, it is regarded by many as the true 4th edition D&D as it is quite similar to D&D 3.5 with some new changes and new additions thrown in. Gamma World is also pretty fun, it's basically science fiction's counterpart to D&D. Think having some of D&D's tactics (not all are used but some are) in the type of world that Futurama takes place in.

Trivial note.... Gamma World is where Kaleesta is from. She got sent by the deity Tyr in her prayer chamber to join Theron the round after Kingdom Come last year. In the Gamma World she battled all sorts of spacey futuristic mutated monsters alongside some Dr Who inspired enemies.

From this position, Where would you reckon Vee A.D.Z. go after the Kingdom Come? What the future does hold for him?

If you win KFAD then I see you cashing in on one of the midcard champions to feud with them pretty soon. If you won when would you cash in and who would you cash in on, Eurasian or Elite X? If you do not win the KFAD then I could see you feuding with either Kagura or Gino next if neither of them win it. Both could be fun feuds for you.
Still waiting on Bayonetta, Dante, Banjo Kazooie, and Daisy to join Smash.

All could be cool additions. Daisy might be intriguing. If anything to see how she differs from Peach and Rosalina. Dante I would assume you mean the one from Devil May Cry? I was always a Vergil guy, but Dante would be fun. Since we're throwing names out and Cloud's already in (insert markout here) then the next best addition for me would be Lloyd Irving from Tales of Symphonia, also known as "that dude in my avatar" to those who have yet to play the only game I rank as greater than FF7.
Is it sad that I really want Bomberman to join the fray?

Nope. I loved Super Bomberman 1 and 2 on the SNES. Now if you were advocating the addition of Tingle from Zelda, then we might need to talk. (No offense to any of his fans who may read this. I despise him.)

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