Daggers & Dragons: Ask me stuff

It's the triforce. Makes evil people more evil, good people more good. Wisdom, power, courage.

Though it can't be bought in the market!
I read yours. Are you planning a heel turn?

No. I will go on the record to state I have no plans of turning heel, creative knows.

It's glorious isn't it?

Very. I want 8 bits of the rest of the Super Mario Bros characters now! And Link! :) This needs to be a thing.

I don't think there's a drop of heelish blood in good ol Theron lol

This, pretty much. I played a heel in All Stars so I'll heel it up on that show again this year.

The artefact Theron bought contains evil

No spoilers allowed. :) As far as the Pyramid is concerned.... In the words of my DM.... You'll find out!

This isn't the way a noble wrestler talks.

The question went for you too, Lee.

It is when the noble wrestler is facing his former hero who had questionable actions at the last big event.
It's the triforce. Makes evil people more evil, good people more good. Wisdom, power, courage.

Though it can't be bought in the market!

Zelda did inspire part of what I'm doing so I can 100% see why you came to that conclusion. There's more to it though. It's not the triforce for two reasons. This artifact does not have 3 parts, and you are spot on about the triforce not being able to be bought off some mysterious evil dealer in a market. I hope everyone will enjoy reading what is to come.

But, this did sound a bit heelish.

He's not turning. He might slip down to Chaotic Good down the line, but he's staying face. Thanks for your input however. :)
Since Killjoy doesn't have one of these questions thread I'll ask... who would win in a fight and why, Charizard or Greymon?

In Pokemon the types that are effective against others get a message such as "It's super effective" if you used a Water type against a Fire type for example because Water moves are programmed to do more damage to Fire types in Pokemon. So the joke is that all Pokemon moves are programmed to do more damage to any Digimon type.
In Pokemon the types that are effective against others get a message such as "It's super effective" if you used a Water type against a Fire type for example because Water moves are programmed to do more damage to Fire types in Pokemon. So the joke is that all Pokemon moves are programmed to do more damage to any Digimon type.

Ah gotcha.
A number of new Theronism's are on their way. Get excited! ;) Vee, I've got you in this batch. There's a WZCW legend in there too.... and more!
Now that Cerberus seems to be at odds, how do you feel about it?

Thoughts on Alice? Feel I should tone it down/turn the crazy up?

And speaking of crazy, Batti Otaku. How would you feel if she was an NPC for Ram? Can it work? Or how about a secondary character? Love to read your thoughts on her.
Now that Cerberus seems to be at odds, how do you feel about it?

Sad to see the conflict in the stable, but it had to come at some point. Might as well be at the biggest show of them all, and in a triple threat Elite X Championship feud at that? There couldn't be a better way to end the group honestly. You'll go your separate ways just as the tag division enters its next season with all these new teams that formed. All of which want to pick the division up from where Cerberus left it.

Thoughts on Alice? Feel I should tone it down/turn the crazy up?

I like Alice so far. As far as turning the crazy up or not, depends on what you plan to do with Batti. Turn the crazy up with Alice if Batti is not going to become a regular in Ram's RP's. If she is going to be seen more frequently, then I'd want to see what Batti brings first before you turn the crazy up a notch. I don't see the need to tone it down at this time.

And speaking of crazy, Batti Otaku. How would you feel if she was an NPC for Ram? Can it work? Or how about a secondary character? Love to read your thoughts on her.

She's awesome. She would be highly interesting as a regular NPC for Ram. She could complement him due to the difference in personality. The interactions between the two could be priceless, and I think you could pull off something great there. Very different personalities make for conflicts that can be fun to write. Now on her being a secondary character, are we talking you RP'ing as two characters like Ty does? If Yaz and the others gave you the green light on that, I wouldn't mind seeing Batti full-time on the roster whether you retire Ram after Kingdom Come or RP as both.

I toyed with the idea of RP'ing as two characters also. If creative were fine with it (and when I have more spare time, which is several months from now due to class) I'd give it a shot myself personally. That's long-term though. We're talking possibly not until summer.

EDIT: Also this character would NOT have Theronism's (or any 'ism's of his/her own), it's someone I have never RP'ed as before, and it would be a heel.
Would he have a love for ART?!??!

Nah, ART's gonna remain All Stars exclusive, although I may throw him into the Lethal Lottery sometime.

This character would essentially be identical in terms of gimmick to Theron only referring to everything by their real world names, chaotic evil or lawful evil alignment, and would have with his/her own evil team of NPC's to rival the Misfits. Gender to be determined although I am leaning toward female. The reasons for the similarities for Theron are there for a reason, they are connected in back-story. I already have a story in mind for them. Can't say more or else we delve into spoiler territory. ;)
Theron's ditzy friend (Name escapes me at the moment)

Ditzy could mean any of the Misfits depending on the context :p Did you mean the comedic relief pirate, the summoner who doesn't speak Common/English very well, the D&D'ized stereotypical pretty blonde church girl, the arrogant necromancer, or the D&D'ized female version of Dr Who?

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