Daggers & Dragons: Ask me stuff

Where did you get those from? I wished they had been in even more games. They would have made awesome bosses in more of the Mario RPG's, but inclusion in one is better than none.

I got them from eBay. Still not sure if they're official or not.

I have also just realised I said Roy not Robin.

Yes Robin's in Fire Emblem Awakening, the main character which you can name as you want.
Ever play Tales of Vesperia on xbox360/ps3?

Nope. Don't have a 360 or a PS3. I plan to get either an Xbox One or a PS4 for the FF7 remake, no new consoles until then, as I am saving up for Wrestlemania too. Vesperia and Abyss are the two Tales games people have recommended to me the most. I've played Phantasia, Destiny, and Symphonia. Phantasia on the SNES was frustrating beyond belief, but good for its time and memorable. Destiny is pretty fun. A great first Tales game for anyone looking to try the series out, if they don't mind the oldschool look. Symphonia, as I have stated in numerous threads, is quite literally the best game ever made. Have I recommended it to you previously? Regardless, try it if you haven't.
I've got Abyss on 3DS. Found it annoying, really didn't like the protagonist.
Where do you see current characters come Kingdom Come 2016?

That's really tough no matter what time of the year it is. I never thought I'd be defending the World Championship at Kingdom Come this year, despite my prediction at the beginning of the year that the main event would be Theron VS Ty. Heroes need an evil heel. Ty was my dream match against a heel and Titus if against a face. Even for just Theron himself it really depends on how the year goes both for myself and for the roster as a whole. Maybe a newer heel climbs up the ladder similar to how I did the past year and we have a Kingdom Come feud. There's still the Ty feud that needs to happen someday. Maybe I try the tag division out (I for sure do not have time for it now, maybe a year from now when my class is over and I'd have time to PM ideas back and forth with another). Who knows. All I can tell you is odds are Theron will still be a face.

Anyone else on the card you'd like me to analyze specifically?
I just got back from D&D, so what better of a time than to do the roster alignment rank I had mentioned? From most good at the top to most evil at the bottom. It's based on what I've been reading in RP's, actions on the shows, and your heel/face status. Unlike last year I have more neutrals this year. The neutrals are those who appear to be making a shift from heel to face or vice versa, and in one particular instance where someone returned as a face after having been Chaotic Evil.

Lawful Good
El Califa Dragón
Theron Daggershield
Noah Ryder

Neutral Good
Showtime Cougar
Chris KO
Vee A.D.Z
Kendrick Xavier
Gino Galucci
The Beard

Chaotic Good
Matt Tastic
Mikey Stormrage
Garth Black

Lawful Neutral
Kagura Ohzora

Chaotic Neutral
Flex Mussel
Ty Burna

Neutral Evil
Armando Paradyse
James Howard

Lawful Evil
Logan McAllistor

Chaotic Evil
Johnny Scumm
John Doe
Eve Taylor
Abel Hunnicutt
Dr. Zeus

Agree/disagree? Let me know what you think.
Chaotic Evil
Johnny Scumm
John Doe
Eve Taylor
Abel Hunnicutt
Dr. Zeus

I'm glad that Doe ended up in the category I'd be aiming for, if I knew such a thing existed to aim for. When I was outlining the backstory, and every time I write an RP, I try to be really conscious of not leaving him open for sympathy, which is really hard.
Sort of happy to see Cerberus (minus that saucy bitch) as Chaotic Neutral, my personal favorite alignment.

It means never having to say you're sorry.

I'm glad that Doe ended up in the category I'd be aiming for, if I knew such a thing existed to aim for. When I was outlining the backstory, and every time I write an RP, I try to be really conscious of not leaving him open for sympathy, which is really hard.

That's definitely the path you're on from what I've read so far. He has the potential to be one of the most sinister characters in quite some time. So does Abel.

Sort of happy to see Cerberus (minus that saucy bitch) as Chaotic Neutral, my personal favorite alignment.

It means never having to say you're sorry.


The main reason is that Ram and Flex have shifted face/heel status a few times during the record setting Tag Team Championship reign. You guys being Tweeners makes you Neutral. I didn't have very many neutrals last year as we had no tweeners and no one who appeared to be on the cusp of a turn back then such as Titus and perhaps Kagura. Ty would be much further down if he returned as a heel, either at the very bottom or 2nd to last above Zeus.
That's definitely the path you're on from what I've read so far. He has the potential to be one of the most sinister characters in quite some time. So does Abel.

The reveal is going to be the toughest to write. I've really been racking my brain, trying to make sure it stays away from coming off as a face turn.
You forgot a couple, Dagger.

Chaotic Swag

Ricky Runn
El Swago

Ha! Nice. I didn't include them because they aren't currently on the roster. Steele would have been Chaotic Good. Runn and Swago, probably Chaotic Evil if you return with one of them as heels. Are you coming back?

The reveal is going to be the toughest to write. I've really been racking my brain, trying to make sure it stays away from coming off as a face turn.

As long as you're using the Meltdowns and Ascensions as building points toward what your climax at Kingdom Come is, and it's something heel-ish, you should be alright. This whole cycle is going to be a great read across the board for so many of our characters.
The main reason is that Ram and Flex have shifted face/heel status a few times during the record setting Tag Team Championship reign. You guys being Tweeners makes you Neutral. I didn't have very many neutrals last year as we had no tweeners and no one who appeared to be on the cusp of a turn back then such as Titus and perhaps Kagura. Ty would be much further down if he returned as a heel, either at the very bottom or 2nd to last above Zeus.

It makes sense due to the Team Russia saga and our association with Everest being brought to light, not to mention their mixed reactions of late. But I wished there was a deeper way to align wrestlers on here. I feel Ramparte is nowhere near the same type of character Flex Mussel is. Where there is the potential to be good for Flex, it's just a harder road of redemption for Ramparte, who has lost his mind for the most part in my RPs.
It makes sense due to the Team Russia saga and our association with Everest being brought to light, not to mention their mixed reactions of late. But I wished there was a deeper way to align wrestlers on here. I feel Ramparte is nowhere near the same type of character Flex Mussel is. Where there is the potential to be good for Flex, it's just a harder road of redemption for Ramparte, who has lost his mind for the most part in my RPs.

We are pretty strict on "you're either a face or a heel" here and that may be why. Sure Ram and Flex are not the same character.... but based off the D&D alignments, you're both Chaotic Neutral right now with Ram leaning closer to the evil half of the spectrum. With multiple names falling into most of the types, I ranked within each alignment as well from most good to most evil for all of the alignment types.... so the list literally is from top to bottom how I ranked from most good to most evil. elegANT is the most honorable, Zeus is the most sinister. I did it in the same format last year too.
Crap. I didn't read that part about most good to most evil in each little section. That makes sense.
How was my RP this round?

Haven't forgotten about you. I read it but I need to take another look before giving any feedback. Between class, work, church stuff, and preparing for moving to the other side of town.... Things got chaotically busy and are likely to remain so for the remainder of the weekend.

Lee, if you're reading this that's also why I haven't checked out your new Mario levels yet either.

On another note.... 8 bit Mario Amiibo is here! :)
Haven't forgotten about you. I read it but I need to take another look before giving any feedback. Between class, work, church stuff, and preparing for moving to the other side of town.... Things got chaotically busy and are likely to remain so for the remainder of the weekend.

Lee, if you're reading this that's also why I haven't checked out your new Mario levels yet either.

On another note.... 8 bit Mario Amiibo is here! :)

It's glorious isn't it?

I read yours. Are you planning a heel turn?

There was nothing heelish in his RP was there?

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