Candice Michelle Fired... Because of her Weight?

forget about the if she opened her legs nonsense,....she isnt the average broad.....she was hired for 1 reason and that was because of the way she looked at that time......not for her athletic ability, or her pedigree as far as wrestling goes, or even the fact that she was an indy phenom and finally got her is what it is people......'

I can say however, the difference between her and Mickie "Im on my way to being a weeble" James, is that Mickie can somewhat wrestle, and she is way over with fans.....The only time Candace was way over was when she did in fact spread her legs for playboy........

p.s....pass the word around....if anyone, or anyone we know can get pics of Mickie James like the ones of Candace I'd love to see them...we wont get to see the swiss cheese on the back of her thighs cause Mickie's ring attire covers it, but Im sure we can get a glimpse of the gut and the size of her now XXL would be interesting to sure 1 of you can do it then post a side by side of the 2...Ill try to get some shots cause theyll be up here at the end of july, and Ill be at the annual tent tour.
I couldnt believe those pics when I saw them. You know, it kinda sucks b/c these people are held to a higher standard. However, if you are hired by a company like WWE where your day to day job is performing in front of thousands of people, live and tv, then you have to put in the time to look the part as well. Now, to be fair to Candice, she has been injured, but I dont think just being injured takes you from the shape she "was" in, to the shape she is in in those pics.

She is far from being considered "fat" by person on the street standards. If any of you saw a chick like that on the street, you would drool on yourselves. But, since she was hired to be a WWE Diva, you have to put in the time to look your very best at all times, injured or not. You know, thinking back, I do remember the last couple of times that she was on WWE tv, I thought she was starting to gain weight.

As far as Mickie goes, she may be getting a little pudgy around the mid-section, but she did some crowd work back in February at a house show here where I live. She had this little dress on and she was SMOKIN HOT!!! I think she is far from looking inthe shape that Candice does in these pics.
p.s. ...Mastdon Tentadummy,

seriously get a grip and separate reality from the wrestling business...stop citing real life examples and analogies of average everyday people not held to the same standard and not given a dream job based on their looks the same way Candace was.......

also, after reading some of your later responses, if you think Vickie guerrero wasnt receiving a push, when she got the GM job of smackdown and had integral involvement in the main even programs with EDge, then was moved over to the same position on the Flagship of the WWE, Raw, then you are a fool.....just because she wasnt an in-ring performer doesnt means she wasnt pushed....she was in multiple prominent positions, from a television standpoint on a weekly basis.....

jesus christ its so lame when people take things so personally, and cant be objective....
oh and 1 more I stated before, dont let facts get in the may end up confused.
I agree with Vince here. Her job was to look hot. She wasn't hired to be a wrestler. She improved her skills and became women's champion. Good for her. But nobody can be a WWE Diva looking like Candice does in those pictures. Would I still give it to Candice if she approached me in a hot state? You bet. But by WWE standards held to those Divas, Candice is tubby. Throw a t-shirt and jeans on her, and she'll still be gorgeous. But after seeing these pics, she deserved it. She ate her way to unemployment.
also, forgot to reply to your Mickie doesnt matter statement....I think it is hilarious that you skip right over Mickie, and say she doesnt matter because it doesnt fit your argument.....Mickie does matter, and it doesnt fit your stance because it makes you look wrong.......she absolutely has gained weight over the last year , and it is absolutely noticeable on television, never mind with high powered digital cameras... yet she is still right in the Main Event Womens mix,(for lack of a better term) running a program with the Champ....
She didnt get fired because of her noticeable weight gain. Whats your excuse now? Wait, you said the Mickie aspect of it doesnt matter. guessing mostly because its a direct counter point to your stance that has been raised by multiple people, and shoots a big fat hole in your theory.
Now lets talk about Vince like you suggested.....vince gave her a job because of the way she looked. He secured her a playboy spread because of the way she looked, which parlayed into being the original GODADDY girl, again because of the way she looked....I trust youre atleast smart enough to figure out that the closest she would have came to playboy was buying it, if she looked back then the way she does now....She wasnt viable...she was terrible in the ring, always injured, and wasnt making any money for the WWE. Just accept it for what it is and move on to the next thing thats going to get your panties in a bunch.
I have to say I am amazed what WWE will put divas through and who getes hired and who doesn't I watn to see more Awesome Kongs then Awesome Kong would be less boring and a diva could actually say I was hired for my athletic ability alone, not because of my looks or whatever WWE is being really shallow lately. Candice wasn't that fat either yes she was big for a diva, but not for an average person why should we hold celebrities to such a higher standard than ourselves, their just people, plus her wrestling skills were fairly good, and if she was fired for lack of wrestling ability and lack of overness alone then why isn't Batista fired. if it was because of wieght then why isn't Mickie James fired. WWE is not teaching kids how to treat women like people so little Billy will treat his girlfriend like crap and only view women for sex not intellectual companionship.
Come on guys, we're making WAY to much of a deal about this. Like I said in a thread similar to this, it's a normal part of sports. Don't forget that most divas, like Kelly Kelly, were hired with no wrestling expierence what so ever.

If this situation happened in football, that player would get cut.

In basketball, that player would get benched.

Regardless, there is NO loyalty in sports, period; even in "sports entertainment". Unless Candice is a John Cena for the company, Tom Brady of a franchise, or the leader of a LeBron James, she gets cut. Sorry for the peeps that were huge fans. Life goes on and it's best to accept reality.

It's just like football. You must stay in shape to keep your starting job. Veteran or not.
to be totally honest have u seen that the wwe is moving forward with younger girls and getting rid of the older ones, too bad they cant do the same with a few of the male wrestlers, but it wasnt becasue she was putting on weight because i think candice was in the miss wrestlemania and she didnt look that bad, infact im sure if it was just the weight they'd have kept her because some men find that hot, i would still tap that ass hell id marry the woman even though she looked "fat" as a buncha you say. and Echelon you my friend have a picture of a woman who has more than 2 percent body fat and u can see that in her picture there buddy. also they got rid of victoria and moved on with pushing maryse and kelly kelly, which i find both hot as well but lets face it the older girls are the ones who wrestled better and the ones now are just there to service the boys in the back and to give men something to whack it to when their nude pictures come out online.
Before I saw the pics, I was assuming this was WWE being "typical WWE" and upset that she gained 5-10 pounds or so. So I was taking Candice's side.

However, after seeing the pics of her, she was a lot bigger than what I expected her to be. Being that she is one of the Divas that was essentially hired to be eye candy more so than an actual wrestler, and given how much weight she did gain, she obviously wasn't working towards staying fit on her time off.

Have to give WWE the nod on this one.
At first when i read that she was fired for her weight, i thought that was messed up. But after seeing pictures of her, i realized that it wasn't messed up at all. She really wasn't used for wrestling, she was used for her looks and body and she lost her body
Uh yea, now that the pics have surfaced, I tend to side with WWE a bit. I mean, a bit of weight, yea whatever, work nack in. However she looked REDICULOUS. Now, I dont think its anyones place to say "well she was just lazy getting back into shape" but may I remind everyone that this is not the first time they have had problems with Candace maintaining what they had deemed an acceptable performing weight. So, work ethic may be an issue here. If your only function in the company is looking a certain way, and you suck at that as much as you suck at everything else, you likely become expendable. Especially with the new PG stuff, and the lack of playboy modeling, and all that, they need athleticism, and wrestling ability above other things. At least LOOK like a wrestler. Her last thing keeping her the least bit valuble was the way she looked in that outfit, and as we can all see, that wasnt maintained properly... so, away we go.

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