Candice Michelle Fired... Because of her Weight?


Rikishi Fatu. Once a prized member of the talent roster of the WWE. Then he was released. The reason he was released? Gained weight. The WWE roster is a set of characters. The characters in an entertainment company must sell their acting. Actors must sell their bodies as props. If a actor loses that ability, they should no longer be paid to perform. Candice Michelle, just like Rikishi fit that mold. If she was fired because of weight loss, it is because she no longer could sell her body as a prop. Candice Michelle is just like Rikishi and these men:



They had weight problems. Other big men have a job because that is what the WWE tries to sellt hem as, Mark Henry is The Silver Back, and he has to be large for it. However, if they are too big, and the WWE still believes they have a reason, they are told to lose weight. Like The Big Show did, unfortunately, he gained lots of it back.
Look...I'm not a fan of her either, and I don't agree with the reasoning here, but you need to look at it from WWE's perspective. They're selling the Divas as sex symbols, and no one wants to have sex with this:


I know looks don't affect how she is in the ring, or how good of a person she is, but they need to pay attention to what the fans want. No one (except Ech), liked her in the ring before, and they certainly won't like her in the ring like that. They fired Cherry for the same reason, and she wasn't nearly as unattractive. I doubt she's the last victim either of this. If Kelly, Maryse, Melina, or even Layla started packing on the pounds, I'm sure Vince would cut them loose too.

No disrespect NSL, but I could find millions of people who would want to have sex with that, myself included :icon_smile:. I'm pretty sure Candice wasn't let go only for her weight gain. If so, that would be a terrible move by the WWE, imo. Like many have said in this thread before, she was probably released due to being injury prone and I'm not sure many people wanted to see her a whole lot anymore.
I find it hard to believe that she was fired because of her weight. It's more plausible that the weight was a result of the real reason she was let go. She was injured for so much of the last two years. Anyone who is forced to sit on their ass for that long is going to gain a few pounds. If the WWE thought Candice would remain healthy and was a very talented wrestler than they would have forgiven the weight and given her a little time to drop it.

But when you already suck at wrestling and it's impossible for you to remain healthy the fact that you're gaining weight ends up becoming (no pun intended) the straw that broke the camel's back.
I think thats nonsense she was fired because of weight gain because she hasn't really done that much for WWE anyway. It's the playboy curse, I'm just waiting for Maria to be the next talentless diva to get the axe as well. It's like when Jessica Simpson gained weight everyone gave her shit but she is paid to sing and look good not to be a damn rocket scientist. I don't condone WWE anyways after how they have treated a lot of their talent men and women. WWE needs to stop treating women as sex symbols and start treating them as wrestlers which will never happen. I strongly believe that Candice along with the other divas were given the pink slip because WWE had nothing for them anymore.
Candice let go for being too fat? Yeah no... WWE has used this excuse before. Whenever they release a diva for whatever reason they either say said diva was too fat or they weren't pretty enough to be used on camera.

That being said, considering the real reason why she was most likely fired: for being a liability to herself in the ring (injured herself twice in the span of a year), and given her position on the female roster, her injuries more than likely screwed up and altered a good 6 months to a years worth of storylines, feuds, and angles for the women's division.

So whats worse... Being fired for being too fat, or being fired for being a liability and for being blamed for the women's division on RAW having no real direction or storylines for the past year? I think the latter is much worse.

Candice can always lose any weight she supposedly gained, but her reputation wouldn't be fixed as easily if the latter had been the reason she was fired for.
If she was fat, or overweight in any way, then I'm morbidly obese. Candice Michelle was in NO way fat at all. FFS if Umaga, Big Show and Mark Henry still have jobs in the business, she should. She was no where near the worst female in the business, a compliment seeings as my views on the womens division are incredibly negative. I've never really been annoyed at something about the WWE, but if this is true it's disgusting.

I was thinking the same thing! I haven't seen Candice lately, but the pic that NSL posted wasn't that terrible. So she has a little bit of belly flab, so do 99% of the women in the world. Like you have stated, there are plenty of male wrestlers who are fucking disgusting to look at and they will continue to be employed. I throw up in my mouth a little bit every time I see Mark Henry and Samoa Joe may wear the same bra size as me.

This is just another example of why the WWE women's division is looked at by most as a complete joke. The WWE shouldn't even bother to train their women to wrestle. Just hook them up with a personal trainer, a personal chef and a good plastic surgeon.
I'm not sure if it's true, but I did hear reports that WWE fired Candice Michelle over her weight gain. If this is indeed true, then I feel that the WWE has hit an all-time low. I know that Candice was probably not the best diva on the roster, but she worked her ass off to improve. If you looked at her in the later part of her career, then you see that she was greatly improving. Candice's weight should not have been a factor for her release. For a person like Candice, who has such a huge desire to entertain us, I'm sure that she would have worked out even harder to get back in shape. And it's not like WWE needed her to return as soon as possible. Smackdown had contenders for the Women's Championship, and if given time, Candice could have gotten back in shape and gotten ready to return by September at the latest.

Candice has had since OCTOBER when she was injured. It's been nine months. If she hasn't put in the effort to maintain the look she was hired in the first place for, then she has no place on the roster. Divas are here for one purpose: their looks. They all know this when they sign on the dotted line, and they are sure to know the consequence for not looking the way they are supposed to. If Candice really wanted to stay in shape, she could have. She's had time, and she failed to meet the expectations. If I have a quota at work and am given ample time to meet it, knowing the consequences full well, if I don't, then I should be cut. It's simple.

If she was fat, or overweight in any way, then I'm morbidly obese. Candice Michelle was in NO way fat at all. FFS if Umaga, Big Show and Mark Henry still have jobs in the business, she should. She was no where near the worst female in the business, a compliment seeings as my views on the womens division are incredibly negative. I've never really been annoyed at something about the WWE, but if this is true it's disgusting.

The WWE Divas are supposed to be the most beautiful women on television. No one wants to look at half-naked women in the ring with chunky, flabby stomachs. It's not disgusting for her to be released, it's logical. I'm telling you all, that she knew exactly the look she was required to maintain and she did not maintain it.

Umaga, Big Show, and Mark Henry are men. They aren't being used as eye candy. And, if I recall, Big Daddy V, Yokozuna, Rikishi, The Big Show, and other big men have been let go or told to take time off to deal with weight issues. This isn't just an issue for women, but they do have a higher standard to meet.

I was thinking the same thing! I haven't seen Candice lately, but the pic that NSL posted wasn't that terrible. So she has a little bit of belly flab, so do 99% of the women in the world.

But only .0000000000000000000000000000001% of the women in the world are WWE divas. It's not acceptable for them.

Like you have stated, there are plenty of male wrestlers who are fucking disgusting to look at and they will continue to be employed.

Vince McMahon doesn't sign them to look sexy.

I throw up in my mouth a little bit every time I see Mark Henry and Samoa Joe may wear the same bra size as me.

What size is that?

This is just another example of why the WWE women's division is looked at by most as a complete joke. The WWE shouldn't even bother to train their women to wrestle. Just hook them up with a personal trainer, a personal chef and a good plastic surgeon.

I agree. They should do those things because the women would always look the part, which is what they are signed for in the first place. Why does the Diva posing for Playboy always get a better reaction than the one that can actually wrestle? Hm, I wonder.
No disrespect NSL, but I could find millions of people who would want to have sex with that, myself included :icon_smile:.

Then you can have her. I'll take K-Squared since you'll be busy with that...Hope she doesn't hurt herself getting undressed.

And, Becca...RVDGurl...You shouldn't be considering the men's looks when thinking about the Divas. The men are not there for us to stare at. The women are. And, there's still plenty of men for you ladies to ogle at, even with Show, Henry, and Joe in the ring. There's only a handful of Divas, and having 1 fat one, stands out a lot more than one big guy on a roster of 30-35 guys. For every Big Show, there's a Randy Orton, or a Jeff Hardy.
Jesus, some of you really just don’t get it, huh? I mean, Jesus Christ, some of you are painting Vince off like a shrewd business man. Some of you are talking about bodies as props. Look, I won’t get into all of it here, but I’ll select a few that caught my eye, and make me disgusted at these forums. Some less so than others, TM I’m not disgusted by. But still, a couple things.

so people not getting positions or pushed or keeping their jobs cause of weight is a joke.......just take a look at mickie and vickie guerrero. get a grip.
A push, you say? You think Vickie got a fucking push? Mickie really doesn’t matter, but let’s talk about Vickie here. I’m horrified with how the WWE treated her, too.

Ok, let’s throw out a theory here, purely hypothetical;

Let’s say you like a girl at school (I’ll assume you’re in grade school, because you have all of the thought process of a fucking child.) and that you didn’t like a girl. Let’s say something seemed odd to you about her, and you wanted to get her attention. And let’s just say that you followed this girl for weeks, and called her fat. Let’s say you made oinking noises, and were out to make this woman cry. You think many people are going to join the fucking boat, and hop in with you?

No, absolutely not. Because what you’re doing is childish, immature, and is the most malicious thing you could ever do to a woman. Maybe you’ve never seen what happens to a woman that is called fat. Well, I have. And I watched that woman turn to anorexia because of it. You don’t think being called fat wasn’t hurtful? It almost ruined her god damn life. So the next time you want to call people fat, instead of being an insensitive prick, maybe you should simply just keep it to yourself, and leave the subject alone.

Vince couldn’t do that. He had to be the “big man”, and he had to make fun of a poor woman for her weight. And it’s not the first time he’s done it. Remember Bertha Faye, people? Vince has a history of making fun of fat women, and not caring. So think to yourself… Do you want to be the immature five year old on the playground, or do you want to grow the hell up?
For me personally… I definitely view Vince as that five year old toddler

Candice Michelle is just like Rikishi and these men:



They had weight problems.

You’re fucking kidding me, TM. You think Candice had a weight problem? You, sir, are part of the reason women have such skewed visions of themselves. If that’s your term for “fat”, then you’re quite the distorted person. How is Candice “fat”? She may not be in perfect shape, but even as that, most women would kill to look like Candice, TM. And you want to call her fat.

TM, I like you, and I know there was no malicious intent on what you said… But if that’s fat, you really need to fucking get your eyes checked.

Candice can always lose any weight she supposedly gained, but her reputation wouldn't be fixed as easily if the latter had been the reason she was fired for.

Ech, I like you too, and I may regret digging into you as much as I am about to, but you’re wrong. There is something that can’t be fixed with a little trip to the gym. And that’s her fucking sense of self.

If Candice is to really take this to heart, and really listen to what Vince is saying, and turn to bulimia, would you feel like all’s been fixed. If other Divas watch what happened to Candice, and felt that they could be next if they gain a few pounds, is everything fucking fixed?

Jesus, get your head out of your ass… Sometimes, try to get into a woman’s mind, and think how a woman would react to things. Girls react much differently to being called “fat” than guys. It’s much more of a sensitive subject for them. So why would you even try to push that button, and arouse that feeling of self-loathing?

I’ll tell you why… If you’re Vince McMahon, and you get your jollies giggled to watch a woman hurt. You’re far better than that, Ech.

And, Becca...RVDGurl...You shouldn't be considering the men's looks when thinking about the Divas. The men are not there for us to stare at. The women are.

And you’re exactly the reason why wrestling fans get the bad reputation they do. How dare you, NSL? Yes, there’s a part of sexuality to the matter, but they’re fucking out there to compete. To put on matches, just like men. Is there some aspect of ogling? Yes, and that’s pretty pathetic, but I can’t change it. But I hope most people watch because they just like wrestling.
Do you get your jollies from watching women scream in pain? How about from Kelly Kelly’s yelps of agony? That do anything for you?

If so, then you’re simply one sick man.
Ech, I like you too, and I may regret digging into you as much as I am about to, but you’re wrong. There is something that can’t be fixed with a little trip to the gym. And that’s her fucking sense of self.


So to you a bruised ego is more important than a damaged reputation? Please... Being fired for being "to fat" is far better than being fired for being a liability. Candice can always lose any weight she supposedly gained, but if she gets tagged for being a danger inside of the ring no wrestling promotion is going to hire her.. her wrestling career would be as good as done.

If Candice is to really take this to heart, and really listen to what Vince is saying, and turn to bulimia, would you feel like all’s been fixed.

What if wrestling was her life ambition? Since her reputation had been so badly damaged that she winds up jobless in the wrestling world for several years, becomes depressed, and commits suicide.

Then what?

If other Divas watch what happened to Candice, and felt that they could be next if they gain a few pounds, is everything fucking fixed?

Does Mickie James still have a job?

Jesus, get your head out of your ass… Sometimes, try to get into a woman’s mind, and think how a woman would react to things. Girls react much differently to being called “fat” than guys. It’s much more of a sensitive subject for them. So why would you even try to push that button, and arouse that feeling of self-loathing?

Candice is a model, she's lived the life of tough expectation before, she probably wouldn't have even entered the business if she didn't think she could mentally handle all the drawbacks... more than likely she wouldn't be affected by this all.

She'll more than likely be on the cover of some fitness magazine come a month from now.

I’ll tell you why… If you’re Vince McMahon, and you get your jollies giggled to watch a woman hurt. You’re far better than that, Ech.
And you’re exactly the reason why wrestling fans get the bad reputation they do. How dare you, NSL? Yes, there’s a part of sexuality to the matter, but they’re fucking out there to compete. To put on matches, just like men. Is there some aspect of ogling? Yes, and that’s pretty pathetic, but I can’t change it. But I hope most people watch because they just like wrestling.
Do you get your jollies from watching women scream in pain? How about from Kelly Kelly’s yelps of agony? That do anything for you?

If so, then you’re simply one sick man.


Good to know that you think that superficial looks are more important than potentially ruining someone's reputation so that they can't get another job.
I love how you try to make yourself out to bethe good guy, Ech. Sad fact is, you really aren't.

Ok, let's just assume Candice is looking for another job. Candice was originally a model... She only became a wrestler on what seemed like a whim. Come on, she was the "Go Daddy" girl. And it's far more likely that she would pursue a job of being a model as opposed to a wrestler. It's better pay, a better lifestyle, and Candice could probably be far more sucessful at such a venture.

If you've ever known the modeling world, Ech, you would know that eating disorders are a rampant disease. And they're usually triggered by someone discussing weight, or by being called fat. And I don't even really want to get into how harmful eating disorders are. Anyway, I think I'd rather suffer from a "damaged reputation" than an eating disorder. Who even says she wants to get back into the wrestling ring? Maybe she'd be happier modeling. She's done it before, and it wasn't like she was a great wrestler.

Look, I really used to have tons of respect for you, I really did. But you obviously don't get how harmful it is to call a woman fat. Try doing it just once, Ech. Then we'll see just how you feel about women being called "fat". Would you ever dare say it to your wife (God forbid you had one, honestly), your mother, your daughter? Would you say it to any of them?

I think you really don't get just how harmful it is. And quite frankly, I'm very much embarassed by that.
From my understanding the problem was not that she gained weight but that she was not in ring shape. If she was not in good enough shape to wrestle then she could not do her job. It completely different to be out of shape so they use you in house shows so your stomach is not in HD. It is something different if after several months off the trainers don't believe you have the strength for an arm drag. Mickie is in great ring shape. She does not have wash board abs. She is not fat. Besides being "fat" or "large" can be a gimic (see Awsome Kong). Candice Michelle was fired for being out of shape. It was probably ring shape. That is what happens when you have not seen a ring for months and you don't work out.
I love how you try to make yourself out to bethe good guy, Ech. Sad fact is, you really aren't.

No, I just have common sense.

Ok, let's just assume Candice is looking for another job. Candice was originally a model... She only became a wrestler on what seemed like awhim. Come on, she was the "Go Dadd" girl. And it's far more likely that she would pursue a job of being a model as opposed to a wrestler. It's better pay, a better lifestyle, and Candice could probably be far more sucessful at such a venture.

How contradicting, you spend all this time preaching about the demonization of looks and how negative feedback can lead to all these problems... then you call the modeling world a great lifestyle, much easier than pro wrestling... try sticking to one argument from now on.

If you've ever known the modeling world, Ech, you would know that eating disorders are a rampant disease. And they're usually triggered by someone discussing weight, or by being called fat. And I don't even really want to get into how harmful eating disorders are.

Yeah I know that the modeling world is a tough business, but I also know that from reading interviews and listening to what models and ex models have to say is that confidence is the key, sure there are standards but there is no such thing as "perfect" in that business.

If you really want to go into it, a good majority of the models that pose generally have their photos altered to make themselves look near perfect.

Anyway, I think I'd rather suffer from a "damaged reputation" than an eating disorder.

Not sure what you do for a living but I highly, highly doubt that you would rather be fired for being incompetent than for being "too fat"

Modeling is one of those jobs that's a double edged sword either way, pro wrestling is not.

Who even says she wants to get back into the wrestling ring?

whose to say besides Candice herself that she doesn't?

Maybe she'd be happier modeling. She's done it before, and it wasn't like she was a great wrestler.

She was a solid wrestler, but she became a bit of liability towards the end of her career.

But you obviously do't get how harmful it is to call a woman fat. Try doing it just once, Ech. Then we'll see just how you feel about women being called "fat". Would you ever dare say it to your wife (God forbid you had one, honestly), your mother, your daughter? Would you say it to any of them?


I live in a household of nothing but women, and all of them have enough confidence in themselves not to be affected by something like.

I think you really don't get just how harmful it is. And quite frankly, I'm very much embarassed by that.

I know how harmful it can be to someone dealing with those types of issues, but it's just fucking stupid to just assume that EVERYONE will be offended if outted for their looks... ESPECIALLY if they're not what what you say they are.

Candice isn't fat, so why should she be offended if called fat?
Ech, she doesn't have to be fat to let it affect her. That's all well and great that your family is fine, and it doesn't affect anybody, but it doesn't work that way for most women. Do you really believe all women are confident enough to believe that when someone calls them "fat", to ignore it. For most women, you might as well simply take their heart, and stomp on it a little bit. Every woman has a sense of doubt about their image, and women are extremely self conscious about how they look. That isn't me being stereotypical; It's something that is factual. How many people do you know have eating disorders, Ech? Have they ever told you what exactly led to them? 99% of the time, it came from being called "fat", even if they really aren't. Candice may have a different image, just as much as any other human being, let alone women.

This isn't a case of you having "common sense"... This is merely a case of you being extremely insensitive.
Ech, she doesn't have to be fat to let it affect her. That's all well and great that your family is fine, and it doesn't affect anybody, but it doesn't work that way for most women.

That's most women Tenta, but wouldn't you think that a woman that's worked in the modeling business for a good while would probably have enough confidence in herself to not be offended when someone calls her some thing that she is not?

Do you really believe all women are confident enough to believe that when someone calls them "fat", to ignore it.

Based on experience, and trust me I have plenty (I was in and out of institutions and therapy for most of my childhood) I've less girls with disorders revolving around looks than I have one's that wouldn't be offended if you called them something that they weren't (ugly, too thin, fat)

For most women, you might as well simply take their heart, and stomp on it a little bit. Every woman has a sense of doubt about their image, and women are extremely self conscious about how they look.

In theory yes, but the ones that struggle the most really are what you call them.

That isn't me being stereotypical; It's something that is factual. How many people do you know have eating disorders, Ech? Have they ever told you what exactly led to them? 99% of the time, it came from being called "fat", even if they really aren't. Candice may have a different image, just as much as any other human being, let alone women.

Show me one woman in professional wrestling that has developed a disorder after being fired for her looks.

This isn't a case of you having "common sense"... This is merely a case of you being extremely insensitive.

How am I being insensitive with this issue? That I care more about her reputation and dignity than false claims that will probably never happen.

If I'm being insensitive, you're being ignorant
That's most women Tenta, but wouldn't you think that a woman that's worked in the modeling business for a good while would probably have enough confidence in herself to not be offended when someone calls her some thing that she is not?

Then why is there such a high prevalency of eating disorders in models, Ech? Coincidence. Utter bullshit.

Based on experience, and trust me I have plenty (I was in and out of institutions and therapy for most of my childhood) I've less girls with disorders revolving around looks than I have one's that wouldn't be offended if you called them something that they weren't (ugly, too thin, fat)

And their view of their looks are easily distorted when you throw around words such as "fat".

In theory yes, but the ones that struggle the most really are what you call them.

And so it's fair to call them that, just because they are that? It becomes all right to call someone fat, just because they are fat?

Yeah, that's not insensitive

Show me one woman in professional wrestling that has developed a disorder after being fired for her looks.

Molly fucking Holly, Ech. Have you ever seen her shoot interview? I doubt it.

The angle in which people called her fat completely messed with her. She suffered immensely from it. Don't try saying "oh, it's never happened" because it fucking has.

How am I being insensitive with this issue? That I care more about her reputation and dignity than false claims that will probably never happen.

If I'm being insensitive, you're being ignorant

No, you care more about being able to call someone fat, if it means you can prove yourself right. And that's just my opinion. Good night, sir.
Then why is there such a high prevalency of eating disorders in models, Ech? Coincidence. Utter bullshit.

I already explained this or did you just gaze over my post? modeling is a job with a double edged sword. A models body is their job, if they don't meet a certain standard they don't get work. A model has to be confident in order to survive.

It makes no sense why you'd want Candice to return to this lifestyle.

And so it's fair to call them that, just because they are that? It becomes all right to call someone fat, just because they are fat?

Yeah, that's not insensitive

When did I say it was fair? you're twisting my words

Women that are what you call them are known to suffer more than women that aren't.

No, you care more about being able to call someone fat, if it means you can prove yourself right. And that's just my opinion. Good night, sir.

You've completely lost track of the original argument, this is about Candice, not about every other girl in the world. In Candice's case, given her history, what I've heard her aspirations to be in her interviews, and her career with WWE I'd say WWE releasing her because she was "fat" (when she's not) is better than the WWE releasing her because she was a liability and a danger inside the ring.

Candice could simply lose the weight she "supposedly" gained and be rehired rather than having to grasp at straws because no promotion would hire her for being "too dangerous"

Based on everything that Candice has said and done in regards to her wrestling career, everything she strived to achieve the latter would be far more damaging to her than the former ever would.

My opinions not going to change, either accept that or move on.
If she got fired for her weight, then that is completely fucked up. Candice is one of the hottest divas in recent memory. She wasn't terrible in the ring but she became injury prone


Fat is the wrong word to describe your average person on the street who might look like that. But by WWE standards, Candice was fat. She wasn't hired because of her wrestling skills or her personality. She was hired because of the way she looked.
That's true. You think that Vince hires most of the divas because they have talent. He does it so you have something to ogle at. Candice was good to look at for a while but I do admire her for to trying to learn how to wrestle like Trish. She started getting pudgy and Vince didn't want that so he fired her.
well in a business where she was mostly hired for her looks she really should have known that was going to happen, she showed up looking worse then brandon walker.

She still looks ok by normal standards but by WWE standards, and the fact that she does fitness modelling she has really let herself go, what did she do just eat her favorite foods whilst sitting on the sidelines?, If she doesnt get back into proper shape she will probably end up having to do a nine to five somewhere because no way in hell will anyone let her model unless she want to become the spokesperson for big and tall.
It looks like she did nothing but eat while she was off from all of her injuries, which I forgot to mention. She was injury prone on top of the weight gain, which would probably cause more injury trouble.

Anyone who finds it wrong or sexist well, what would you say about her nude pictorial spreads? Were those not sexist? So it's good as long as it's working in her favor. Oh I'm sorry, life doesn't work like that.
True, don't forget that the WWE hired Kelly Kelly simply because she was attractive like heck, and she absolutely no wrestling expierence what so ever.

It would be hypocritical for the WWE to let this slide. Not to mention that this is a buisness and there is no loyalty in sports. Yes, even in "sports entertainment".
Her looks were the only things she had going for her. If you are a Diva in the WWE and you're not hot enough to be in Playboy, you'll be fired. Candice is well past that stage and she absolutely sucked in the ring as well. Now she'll have to work hard to make as much money on her previous fame as possible.
the truth is that you all can sit here and call her fat and all that shit, but you all fucking know if she spread those legs and told u to put it in her, we all would be balls deep in her pud having the time of our lives. just because a person puts on weight while they are hurt doesnt mean she should have been fired, i mean for christ's sake she could have stayed off tv for a bit to loose the weight but another example of how vince mcmahon is a fucking moron, hell i could write better shit than the shit wwe creative is coming up with and i could do it for all three shows and would only work for 750 grand a year. so to judge someone because they are fat heh yall are funny, because when it comes right down to'd fuck roseanne if it meant yall would get 15 minutes of fame from it.

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