Jesus, some of you really just don’t get it, huh? I mean, Jesus Christ, some of you are painting Vince off like a shrewd business man. Some of you are talking about bodies as props. Look, I won’t get into all of it here, but I’ll select a few that caught my eye, and make me disgusted at these forums. Some less so than others, TM I’m not disgusted by. But still, a couple things.
so people not getting positions or pushed or keeping their jobs cause of weight is a joke.......just take a look at mickie and vickie guerrero. get a grip.
A push, you say? You think Vickie got a fucking push? Mickie really doesn’t matter, but let’s talk about Vickie here. I’m horrified with how the WWE treated her, too.
Ok, let’s throw out a theory here, purely hypothetical;
Let’s say you like a girl at school (I’ll assume you’re in grade school, because you have all of the thought process of a fucking child.) and that you didn’t like a girl. Let’s say something seemed odd to you about her, and you wanted to get her attention. And let’s just say that you followed this girl for weeks, and called her fat. Let’s say you made oinking noises, and were out to make this woman cry. You think many people are going to join the fucking boat, and hop in with you?
No, absolutely not. Because what you’re doing is childish, immature, and is the most malicious thing you could ever do to a woman. Maybe you’ve never seen what happens to a woman that is called fat. Well, I have. And I watched that woman turn to anorexia because of it. You don’t think being called fat wasn’t hurtful? It almost ruined her god damn life. So the next time you want to call people fat, instead of being an insensitive prick, maybe you should simply just keep it to yourself, and leave the subject alone.
Vince couldn’t do that. He had to be the “big man”, and he had to make fun of a poor woman for her weight. And it’s not the first time he’s done it. Remember Bertha Faye, people? Vince has a history of making fun of fat women, and not caring. So think to yourself… Do you want to be the immature five year old on the playground, or do you want to grow the hell up?
For me personally… I definitely view Vince as that five year old toddler
Candice Michelle is just like Rikishi and these men:
They had weight problems.
You’re fucking kidding me, TM. You think Candice had a weight problem? You, sir, are part of the reason women have such skewed visions of themselves. If that’s your term for “fat”, then you’re quite the distorted person. How is Candice “fat”? She may not be in perfect shape, but even as that, most women would kill to look like Candice, TM. And you want to call her fat.
TM, I like you, and I know there was no malicious intent on what you said… But if that’s fat, you really need to fucking get your eyes checked.
Candice can always lose any weight she supposedly gained, but her reputation wouldn't be fixed as easily if the latter had been the reason she was fired for.
Ech, I like you too, and I may regret digging into you as much as I am about to, but you’re wrong. There is something that can’t be fixed with a little trip to the gym. And that’s her fucking sense of self.
If Candice is to really take this to heart, and really listen to what Vince is saying, and turn to bulimia, would you feel like all’s been fixed. If other Divas watch what happened to Candice, and felt that they could be next if they gain a few pounds, is everything fucking fixed?
Jesus, get your head out of your ass… Sometimes, try to get into a woman’s mind, and think how a woman would react to things. Girls react much differently to being called “fat” than guys. It’s much more of a sensitive subject for them. So why would you even try to push that button, and arouse that feeling of self-loathing?
I’ll tell you why… If you’re Vince McMahon, and you get your jollies giggled to watch a woman hurt. You’re far better than that, Ech.
And, Becca...RVDGurl...You shouldn't be considering the men's looks when thinking about the Divas. The men are not there for us to stare at. The women are.
And you’re exactly the reason why wrestling fans get the bad reputation they do. How dare you, NSL? Yes, there’s a part of sexuality to the matter, but they’re fucking out there to compete. To put on matches, just like men. Is there some aspect of ogling? Yes, and that’s pretty pathetic, but I can’t change it. But I hope most people watch because they just like wrestling.
Do you get your jollies from watching women scream in pain? How about from Kelly Kelly’s yelps of agony? That do anything for you?
If so, then you’re simply one sick man.