Best and Worst finishers in WWE history

I don't know why people hate the FU. I hate any and all of Khali's moves, Big Boot, Benoit's flying headbutt, stupid samoan spike, Hogan's 200 year old leg drop, Steiner Recliner, Tree Slam, Vince's stunner, People's Elbow and the worst, The Worm
the bast and most deverstating IS kevin nashs jackkinfe powerbomb nash got banned fined and suspened for using it. the coolest looking and most orignal is the pedigree!! the worst is the f-u!!!
why people hate the FU? are you serious...WWE recently stated the Cena's FU is the most devastating finisher right now.. wtf? its just another way the WWE is tryin to get Cena overe by making a ridiculous claim. Another is the people's elbow..lets go back to WMX8 cuz i was and still am pissed at this...the rock delivers 3 rock bottoms to hogan but pins him with the people's elbow. gimme a f'n break!!
best ever move-revolution [top rope,the guy doing the move does a moonsalt,the othe flips,its like a major rock bottom! lol

worst EVER,EVER samoan spike END OF!
Best are Pepsi Plunge, C-4, Greenbay Plunge, and Jeff Hardy's leapfrog legdrop over a ladder.

Worst are the Worm and Khali Chop.
best are the f5 shamrocks ankle lock greenbay plunge tomb stone hi and low and you people might call me crazy but litas ddt was insane also sweet chin music
worst are samoan spike overdrive (way to over hyped ) big splash and and brain chop thingy
Best: Sweet Chin Music, Pedigree, Frog Splash, Tombstone, Last Ride, Chokeslam, F5, The Diamond Cutter (I hate DDP, but it looks painful), Sharpshooter, Crippler Crossface, The Walls of Jericho.

Worst: FU, STFU (he does it wrong), Hogan's leg drop, Warrior's splash, Kahli's brain chop, The Worm, Masterlock.

Chokeslam, and the diamond cutter are horrible finishers.
Best Finishers:
The Canadian Destroyer, Clothesline From Hell, Emerald Fusion, The Muscle Buster, Any kick by Tajiri. The Vertabreaker, The Rude Awakening, Shooting Star Leg Drop, The Harlem Hangover, The Street Cutter, Deep Sea Driver, The Russain Leg Sweep From Hell

Worst Finishers:
The Stroke, The Figure 4. The Big Leg Drop, Sweet Chin Music, The Final Cut, Styles Clash, The Show Stopper, The Phoenix Furry

I know alot of you will not agree with my choices, but I picked the best based on believability. Mos of it has to do with getting good guys to sell yur moves, but it also has to do with execution and timing. Theat's why I picked the Vertabreaker over The Gringo Killer. Homocide does the move too fast and doesn't pause like Helms use to in order to see the impact and make it look sweeter. The worse, well hell, if a guy does a move that other guys do for a two count for a finisher then it's weak and has no place.
Best: Vertabreaker

Worst: Playmaker/Overdrive, RKO, and Spanish Fly/C-4

Here are my reasons why these are the worst finishers:

for the overdrive - what exactly is this move supposed to accomplish? A high-speed wrist slam? Exactly what part of the body is injured after the move is hit? Is it supposed to be some kind of neck breaker? Come on.

for the RKO - I've got nothing against the Ace Cutter... but the way Orton executes it sucks. Sloppy, and low impact. Weak. It's like watching the Rock slap on the sharpshooter.

for the Spanish Fly/C-4 - to watch pro wrestling, you're supposed to "suspend reality" to allow yourself to believe that these guys are really strong enough to pick people up and throw them around the ring... but the Spanish Fly/C-4 is just too over the top. What is there to make me believe that this move is even remotely possible? The guys are just standing side-by-side on the top rope, with one guy landing on his stomach and the other on his back. I mean, what causes the "victim" to flip over too? Know what I mean?
Ive just seen a video on youtube and it contained the best finisher i have ever seen. Search on youtube for "Indy and Puro moves 101 - 150".Its called the california roll its at number 143. I would describe it but it has to be seen to be believed.
Jeez after watching MVP last night on Smackdown, I never really had noticed it before but the "Playmaker" is the stupidest god damn move I've ever seen. How did such a talented guy get stuck with a move like that? I watched it in slo-motion...he just swings his head against the mat, it's like a neckbreaker but wimpier.

I've always loved the Gonzo Bomb, sick move right there that has ended many a career. As well as the Canadian Destroyer, easily one of the best moves invented of the last decade, great stuff.
Best: F-5, FU, Sweet Chin Music, Petey Willams, RKO, Rock Bottom, Shooting Star Prees, Splash, Van Daminator, Peoples Elbow, Stunner, The Angle Slam, Sliced Bread 2 or ninja,

Worst: Worm, Pedigree, Figure 4 Leg Lock, Stfu, Samion Spike, Chokeslam (overused) Leg Drop, Tombstone, Mr, Socko, Umagas Ass Attack, Sliced Bread 2 or ninja, And Last, both of Khalis Finishers
I LOVE this topic. I'll start with things I hate:
Duggan's 3 Point Stance & Tackle
Billy Gunn's / Kip James' FameAsser (or rocker dropper, if you prefer)
Edge's Spear (I'd buy it if he added 'bout 50 pounds)
Rikishi's Stinkface (would that be considered a finisher?)
Sting's Scorpion Death Drop (Is a reverse DDT really that devastating? I've fallen backward on ice with more impact)
Christian's Unprettier (looks far too escapable)
Honky Tonk Man's Shake, Rattle, & Roll (I'm still pissed he beat Steamboat)
Random craptastic finishers, old and modern: the Heart Punch, the Trapesius Pinch, the Brain Chop, the flying wizard (looks cool, but it's a glorified enziguir) and the scissors kick.

Things I love:
Hernandez's Border Toss and Petey Williams' Canadian Destroyer are my two faves right now
Benoit's Crippler Crossface will always do it for me
HBK's Sweet Chin Music, but not out of the corner. I still geek out when I see clips of the WWE-NWO moment when he kicked Booker T's head off.
Undertaker's Last Ride
Hogan's Leg Drop...Just kidding, that belongs in the first section.
Joe's Muscle Buster
A good TKO is fun to watch, too
Van Dam's 5 Star Frog Splash is always awesome

Best Move Name of All Time:
CM Punk's "Welcome to Chicago, Mother-F***er"--I don't think WWE will ever use that name, though.
Here is my List of Best and Worst Finishers of all Time

Best- Canadien Destroyer(Petey Williams) DDT(Jake Roberts and Raven) Sweet Chin Music(HBK) Alabama Slam(Hardcore Holly) Fame Ass er( Billy Gunn/Kip James) Sharpshooter(Bret Hart,Owen Hart, Sting, Benoit) Crippler Crossface(Benoit) Jackhammer(Goldberg) The Razors Edge(Razor Ramon) Perfectplex(Mr. Perfect) Spinning Tornado(Texas Tornado Kerry Von Erich) Muscle Buster(Samoa Joe)

Worst- Side Slam(Dino Bravo) Mac Stunner( Vince) Chokeslam( so many wrestlers have used this move its lost its meaning ( Sid, Kevin Nash, Taker Kane Big show, Hurricane, and very rarely Scott Hall) Throwing the opponent over the top rope to the floor( the Beserker), The Sleeper Hold for the same reasons I listed the Chokeslam and Finally the Atomic Leg Drop( Hulk Hogan) This move is so lame they constantly called Hogan the Greatest Professional Athlete in the world but his skills were so limited he couldn't come up with a better finisher than a simple leg drop.
best- pedigree and swanton bomb
worst-somoan spike and scotdrop
Best: F-5, FU, Sweet Chin Music, Petey Willams, RKO, Rock Bottom, Shooting Star Prees, Splash, Van Daminator, Peoples Elbow, Stunner, The Angle Slam, Sliced Bread 2 or ninja,

Worst: Worm, Pedigree, Figure 4 Leg Lock, Stfu, Samion Spike, Chokeslam (overused) Leg Drop, Tombstone, Mr, Socko, Umagas Ass Attack, Sliced Bread 2 or ninja, And Last, both of Khalis Finishers

its the best and worst? how dus that work?

FU? a good finished? HA

I loved the cobra-clutch backbreaker, it were awsome
Best- Canadian destoyer, billy kidmans shooting star press..(no one else can do it right), open hart surgery,CM punks knee to the face, and the eljaih expres

Worst-Somoan spike,gory bomb,spear,border toss(its a ripoff of outsiders edge)worlds strongest slam and the the playmaker
Best - Chokeslam, Master Lock (because it's unique), F-5

Worst- F-U

WWEDont really have a favorite finisher there they all look worn out IMO.But Triple H's old pedigree was bad ass now he does it like he lets the guys hands free in the middle of it.
TNA-Canadian Destroyer(looks devastating as hell)
Muscle Buster (Your rolled up in a ball and slammed on the back of your neck. Brilliant)
Black hole slam-This guy has so much talent.Busting his ass week in and week out. One of the best big men I've ever seen)
Pele kick-Not really a finisher but it looks soo legit and Aj just nails it without hesitation.
True ECW-Awesome Bomb (Who can forget the time Mike awesome bombed Masato Tanaka to the outside thru a table at ONS or the time it was vice-versa)
Dreamer driver-Tommy just made this move looks great imo. Cena should learn how to do it like that then maybe people wouldnt give him so much shit about it.
German Tazplex/Tiger Tazplex/Dragon Tazplex/T bone Tazplex-Man Taz cetainly did the best suplexes out there. All the suplex shit he did just looked menacing dropping people on their head on the mat and thru tables.He's owns anyone imo at doing suplezes including Benoit and Angle.
Suicide splash-Holy shit this move fucking takes the cake. Who can forget when he did the suicide splash on The Dudleys with Spike from the 30 foot Hammerstein Ballroom balcony. That took balls.

WWE-The mizard of oz (not only does he have to disgrace the neckbreaker but the movie too?)
FU-I dont blame Cena for doing this move because he tries hard to entertain us.Close but no cigar. They shoud stick him to lower card and make him job his ass out. Might as well give my main man The Sandman the title too cuz at least people like him and he can do frankensteiners and front flips.
TnaShark Boy's finisher DSD i think?-Great move but dont give it to Shark Boy the gimmick sucks something fierce not to mention he cant do the move out of a nutsack
the best ones are the ones you've tried on your mates and you know they work

the figure four leg lock - hurts like hell
rock bottom - ditto

the most entertaining - the peoples elbow

stone cold stunner
samoan spike
flying headbut
Worst finisher is CM Punks GO TO SLEEP. It is just cheesey. Also Cor Von's pounce. Dumbest move ever. It is a fucking shoulder block! There iis nothing cool about it. I mean a shoulder block is one of the first damn moves you learn in wrestling school.

Best... Homocides Cop Killer.. It is innovative. Petey Williams Canadian Destroyer is awesome and Paul Brichills C4 Exploder is awesome.
I've only seen the C4 and the Canadian Destroyer on Youtube, and they look awesome.

My favorite finisher of all time is the Dragon Sleeper. I'm a submission fan and the Dragon Sleeper looks like it could put somebody out like a choke-hold. 2nd is Booker T's scissor kick, because when the guy taking it sells it right, it looks vicious. Taker's Tombstone Piledriver (the old school version when he had them on his right side and he looked like he was hammering a nail with the guy's head) is 3rd, and the Rock Bottom and the Texas Cloverleaf are 4 and 5 too.

The finisher I hate most is M.V.P.'s Playmaker/Randy Orton's Overdrive. Who made up this crappy move? It doesn't even look like it would do anything. 2nd is Shoulderbreaker used by Papa Shango and Scott Norton. It's one thing to use it as a set-up move for an arm submission, but how does driving your knee into the shoulder knock someone out for a 3-count? 3rd is the Lionsault. Jericho looks good doing it, but how is a 2nd rope moonsault supposed to be so effective? Couldn't they at least let him have a top rope moonsault? It's hard to take an Undisputed champ seriously when his best move is bouncing off the 2nd rope to a moonsault when cruiserweights use it as a set-up move. Also worth mentioning are Sandman's White Russian Leg Sweep (cool name but still, THAT'S his finisher?!) and Lashley's Spear (use the Dominator or the Running Powerslam, but don't copy off everyone else!).

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