Best and Worst finishers in WWE history

I'd have to say the best and worst may very well be . . .

Best (in no order): Five-Star Frog Splash, Perfect-plex!, C-4, Pedigree, Great Muta's Shining Wizard, Sweet Chin Music, Pepsi-Plunge, Superfly Splash (It might not look spectacular now but you KNOW it was awesome in the 80's.), Swanton Bomb, Diamond Dust, Stunner, wasn't really a finisher but Kurt Angle's moonsault was a sight to behold.

Worst: Hogan's Leg Drop, Worm, The Stump Puller, RKO, whenever the Rock or non-wrestler takes a Stunner, Lawler's fist drop is crap too
In my opinion, I look at wrestling moves from what they look like, not what they would actually do. Think about it. What would you rather recieve? I kick to the face by a 200 pound dude, or a crack to the top of the head by a 420 pound mucsle? Think about it.

Anyways, My fave moves are the Canadian Destroyer, The Gore (not spear), Sweet Chin Music, the C4, The Unprettier, The Widows Peak, Mickie James DDT, and the DDT 4 from SvR07. That move is sick, someone in TNA used to do it, I don't know if they still do or not.

My least fave finishes is the Samoan Spike, the F-U, Batista Spinebuster, and that move Vince does... O Yeah, the Ass Kisser.
O Yeah, and that move that the Gemini used to do, where they would grab your arms, toss you and turn you around, and then pull you back, basically causing you to closeline yourself. That move was pretty sweet as well.
Personally I hate all moves that aren't really finishers but are just given a different name just to make it look like one. For example...STFU?....its just an STF....but Cena is doing it and he is screaming so obviously its amazing...I also hate the Raven Effect...its a DDT.....Although i love the rock, what in the BLUE HELL is the people's elbow? Hogan's leg drop is another classicly wank finisher. Oh and another personal hate...the Masterlock...OMG do i HATE Chris Masters...

best finishers gotta be the Stunner or the Tombstone :D
Personally I hate all moves that aren't really finishers but are just given a different name just to make it look like one. For example...STFU?....its just an STF....but Cena is doing it and he is screaming so obviously its amazing...I also hate the Raven Effect...its a DDT.....Although i love the rock, what in the BLUE HELL is the people's elbow? Hogan's leg drop is another classicly wank finisher. Oh and another personal hate...the Masterlock...OMG do i HATE Chris Masters...

best finishers gotta be the Stunner or the Tombstone :D

Let me get this straight, you hate all those wrestling moves because the wrestler in question changes or modifies the name of those moves? That makes absolutely no sense. They do that so the move can fit their gimmick or their personality. Renaming the STF the STFU is actually really clever, just like it was for him to name his other finisher the FU to mock Brock Lesnar.

The People's Elbow is another stroke of pure genius. He took a friggin elbow drop and made it into possibly the most over move in the history of wrestling.

But do you think these moves would be as over if they were called STF, DDT and elbow drop instead o the flashy names they were given? They wouldn't. That's part of what makes a finisher good, the name.

And just so you know, a Tombstone is just a piledriver.
Prax, nice form on that rebuttal! And while talking about simple moves that became ultra-over, Scotty 2 Hotty's "worm" is in that category no question.

I can see what Ultima is getting at though. It's more of an "old-school" argument. Look at the late nineties for example. A simple front snap-mare became the Diamond Cutter, and with that popularity it morphed into so many other moves, such as the Stunner, whatever the hell Marc Mero used to do, and the RKO. It's the same move in different packaging, like the Bread Maker in Old School. But if the move is effective and cool, THAT makes it great, NOT the name. Booker T calling the 450 splash the "Harlem Hangover" didn't take away from the effectiveness of the move, but the FU is still a boring Fireman's Carry Slam. It's not realistic. "Sweet Chin Music" is still a savate kick, but when Shawn coined the term, he elevated even more.
Last Ride, RKO, Diamond Cutter, Frog Splash, Stunner, Rock Bottom, Ravens and Jake the Snakes DDT, Razors Edge, Sweet Chin Music, F5, FU, tombstone, pedigree, unprettier, ajs kick, joes muscle buster and rear naked choke, figure 4, sharpshooter, jackhammer, perfectplex,
Sids powerbomb, torture rack, samoan spike, hogans leg drop, sleeper hold, x factor, big boot, master lock, warriors splash and press slam, and mark henry' splash is horrible! mark henry in general is horrible! Ho train, stink face, THE WORM!!!
One other move we all forgot about, this move puts the Sweet Chin Music to shame, I don't care what anyone says. Tajiris Buzzsaw Kick. That thing was brutal! I never saw it often on the show, but I play alot of Wrestling Video games, and anytime I see that, I cringe a little.

Sweet Chin Music is usally predictable. Keep your eyes on Micheals. I knew it was coming that RAw before wrestlmania the second cena and Micheals did the double 5KS. I knew it would hapen, and 5 seconds later, it did.

But back to my point, there are alot of different kicks in the WWE, and as under rated as it was, I think the Buzzsaw Kick was by far the best. Anyone want to disagree with me?
The Best move is the Sharpshooter and the worst is the Samoan Spike. I also love the Jackknife, Million Dollar Dream, Tombstone and the Masterlock. Also someone mentioned the Perfectplex, which is the greatest non submission finisher. I basically finished the thread for you guys, now you can run and edit your SVR created characters accordingly.
ok has everyone forgot about the move ive only seen one person do to perfection in tna and one person try in wwe but failed miserably at it.... the Canadian Destroyer... i mean by the far the hardest finisher ive seen... n a one of a kind..... when hick boy in wwe tried he f*ed up matt hardy.... petey williams delievers it almost perfect....

best... stunner, candian destroyer, sharpshooter/scorpion death lock, sweet chin music (cuz of the set up to it), pedigree, mandible claw (one of a kind), muscle buster, the ddie gurerro frog splash, n the best finisher ever the swanton bomb off of the balcony thro 3 tables by jeff hardy....

worst.... samoan spike so gay unanimous worst, leg drop, n e press slam or powerbomb finishers all over used, spears cus there over used, and the worst finisher ever.... vince mcmahons version of the stunner so dang awfull....
Best-tombstone Piledriver, Pedigree, RKO, Mr.Kennedy's finsher green bay plunge i believe, Sweet Chin Music, Stone Cold Stunner

Worst-F-U, Samoan Spike, Leg Drop, Lashleys Running Powerslam or the dominator
Best moves are- The stroke, belly to belly suplex, moonsault, frog splash, double powerbomb, lionsault, tornado ddt, piledriver, spear, diamond cutter- mainly because it can just be hit out of anywhere, facebuster, pedigree, that neckbreaker regal used to use where he wraped his openents arm round their neck n then pulled down on it frm behind, sharpshooter, oh and a move that i think someone in ROH used to do where they had the guy in a headlock then lifted him up and threw him- looked like a car wreck

worst- peoples elbow, the worm, the 'f-u', lahleys powerslam, hogans leg drop, '5-nuckle shuffle', and any other overly gimmicky move really
BEST: Angle Slam/ Swanton Bomb/ Canadian Destroyer/ JackNife /5 star frog splash/ F-5/ shane mcmahon coast to coast/ shattered dreams/ Billy Kidman shooting star press/ kenny's Leg Drop/ Fame asser/ Vandaminator

Worst: Over drive ( it looks like your falling on ur face)/ Macho Man elbow drow(everyone kicks out of a elbow drop these days)/ Manible Claw(comon ur not gonna lose a match by chokin on some dudes smelly gym sock)/ samon spike (pisses me off)/ stitski's Big boot (comon the only that would leave an impact on u by versing snitski is his looks hes so terribly ugly)/Visera's viagara( it doesnt look like it hurts it jus looks wierd he pretty much but humps you nd pins u)
Wow. Overdrive, I totally agree that might be the worst finisher of all time. Its looks like it would hurt 0% and basically just throws you onto your face. Probably why Orton doesnt do it anymore. The Samoan Spike is still the worst IMO, but this is def second on my list of terrible finishers. Awesome job remembering this.
Peoples Elbow has to be up there. Hogans leg drop aswell. Warriors finisher. What was it called again?
Top 10 Best Finishers(no particular order):
1. Canadian Destroyer - if somebody told you that they saw somebody doing a flip and a piledriver at the same time before this move was invented, would you believe them? exactly.
2. The Gore - my favorite spear of them all, and one of the most impactful moves i've ever seen.
3. Piledriver - from the Tombstone to HBK's piledriver, this move can kill someone if done wrong or break their neck(austin,etc.).
4. Last Ride Power Bomb - from a person that big, and being elevated that high, I shake at the thought of having that done to me
5. Sharpshooter - one of, if not the best submission move ever created
6. Chokeslam - awesome looking move that looks like you just get dropped on your back. The higher the person gets, the better (Undertaker on Lesnar)
7. F-5 - so much better than the FU and Brock Lesnar made even the heaviest of people get this move perfectly executed on (Big Show, Rikishi)
8. RKO(cutter, stunner,etc.) - the whole combination of getting to the move, doing it, then the aftermath all seems to perfect with this type of move
9. Superkick(Sweet Chin Music,etc.) - can come out of nowhere to end a match, with a certain thing to it that makes you wish you could kick that high whenever you wanted.
10. Pedigree - a super original move performed by someone who deserves such a great move. But if messed up, it looks like it can cause a concussion or something like that.

Top 10 Worst moves Ever:
1. Samoan Spike - anti-climatic move that makes Umaga look even less of a monster character
2. Overdrive - so stupid, nobdy makes it look good.
3. 619 - doesn't even look that painful, compared to other finishers like the Tombstone Piledriver or Five Star Frog Splash
4. Book End - copy of the Rock Bottom, with less impact
5. The People's Elbow - to ordinary and over hyped to be considered a good finisher in my book.
6. GTS "Go To Sleep" - the anaconda vice may have been anther copy of the rock bottom, but this move is just straight out dumb. Think of everything else you could do with a person aon yoour shoulders like that, and this move probably isn't even in your top 5 i bet.
7. Snitsky's big boot - at least Test's looked like it hurt, but Snitsky doesn't even do it right.
8. Landing pin (A.J. Stlyes "Styles Clash") - you land on your face and they land on theirs. Where's the good in that?
9. Chop (The Great Khali) - he doesn't even do it right and its on of the only 5 moves he knows
10. Visagra - the guy rapes you in the face then pins you. A product of WWE's creative and Vincent McMahon most definately.

Well thats my opinion, but nobody can really say what the best finisher is for this is all opinions, nothing more, nothing less.
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BEstt= tombstone piledrivierr, carlito's backcraker is actually quite good, randy ortons rko, sweet chin music and the spearr

WORST= samoan spike is absolutely gay,, the great khali's double chokeslam pisses me off, masterlock
BEST: Pilerdriver(taker, tommy dreamer, HBK), sharpshooter(the Hitman, Benoit), Canadian destroyer, Chokeslam(Taker, Kane, Big Sh ow), i think it is called "Indian Deathlock" and i saw MR Kennedy doing that to Batista(RRumble07, looks VERY painful) F-5(lesnar), The back hand chop(flair, they're not that painful, but it's fun to hear the WOOOO!!, even in TNA..), The Celtic Cross(finlay), pedigree

WORST: Leg Drop, Big Boot(except for Taker's big boot, he's the only one who make it believable) people's elbow, you cant C me, Khali karate chops, any knuckle-shuffle variant(same as u cant c me...), samoan spike(lame, very lame)
My favourite finishers are the canadian destroyer, any variation of the rolling cutter aka Chris Daniels Last Rites or Chris Heros Hero's Welcome/Super Hero's Welcome (carlito did it a few times before he started using his back cracker also). Also Jack Evans 630 splash and his Ode To Blitzkreig. And Teddy Harts, Hart Attack 2.0 a shooting star elbow drop.

The worst are FU, Samoan Spike, Hogans Leg Drop and STFU
Mine are sweet chin music, swanton, Anaconda Vice, Frog Splash, Chokeslam, Tombstone, Stone Cold Stunner, and the pounce.

The worst are samoan spike, The Mizard of Oz, Bookend, Batista Bomb, and GTS
of course the tombstone as well as canadian destroyer as #1. But, the 1 that i like to watch the most is paul burchills flip bottom. Its a back flip modified book end/rock bottom. Its cool and i never saw anyone kick out. It shows a lot of athleticism.

The worst submission is the STFU it doesnt even hurt AT ALL PERIOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

samoan spike is lame but looks like it might hurt. Khalis finisher would not hurt that much that he could pin u by putting a foot on you. EVen if its from 7 feet up its not gonna hurt that bad!!!!!
Top 10 Best Finishers(no particular order):
1. Canadian Destroyer - if somebody told you that they saw somebody doing a flip and a piledriver at the same time before this move was invented, would you believe them? exactly.
2. The Gore - my favorite spear of them all, and one of the most impactful moves i've ever seen.
3. Piledriver - from the Tombstone to HBK's piledriver, this move can kill someone if done wrong or break their neck(austin,etc.).
4. Last Ride Power Bomb - from a person that big, and being elevated that high, I shake at the thought of having that done to me
5. Sharpshooter - one of, if not the best submission move ever created
6. Chokeslam - awesome looking move that looks like you just get dropped on your back. The higher the person gets, the better (Undertaker on Lesnar)
7. F-5 - so much better than the FU and Brock Lesnar made even the heaviest of people get this move perfectly executed on (Big Show, Rikishi)
8. RKO(cutter, stunner,etc.) - the whole combination of getting to the move, doing it, then the aftermath all seems to perfect with this type of move
9. Superkick(Sweet Chin Music,etc.) - can come out of nowhere to end a match, with a certain thing to it that makes you wish you could kick that high whenever you wanted.
10. Pedigree - a super original move performed by someone who deserves such a great move. But if messed up, it looks like it can cause a concussion or something like that.

Top 10 Worst moves Ever:
1. Samoan Spike - anti-climatic move that makes Umaga look even less of a monster character
2. Overdrive - so stupid, nobdy makes it look good.
3. 619 - doesn't even look that painful, compared to other finishers like the Tombstone Piledriver or Five Star Frog Splash
4. Book End - copy of the Rock Bottom, with less impact
5. The People's Elbow - to ordinary and over hyped to be considered a good finisher in my book.
6. GTS "Go To Sleep" - the anaconda vice may have been anther copy of the rock bottom, but this move is just straight out dumb. Think of everything else you could do with a person aon yoour shoulders like that, and this move probably isn't even in your top 5 i bet.
7. Snitsky's big boot - at least Test's looked like it hurt, but Snitsky doesn't even do it right.
8. Landing pin (A.J. Stlyes "Styles Clash") - you land on your face and they land on theirs. Where's the good in that?
9. Chop (The Great Khali) - he doesn't even do it right and its on of the only 5 moves he knows
10. Visagra - the guy rapes you in the face then pins you. A product of WWE's creative and Vincent McMahon most definately.

Well thats my opinion, but nobody can really say what the best finisher is for this is all opinions, nothing more, nothing less.

In defense of the Go 2 Sleep: CM Punk, despite how much I love him, cant do this move for shit. Now when the move's originator KENTA does it, it looks like he could legit take a guy's head off. Then again his gimmick is kind of built around his knees being deadly and his other finisher is a Dropkick type manuver using the knee, the Busaiku Knee Kick which i think is one of the sickest finishers ever

as for some of the worst finishers ever... The Scorpion Death Drop just isn't epic enough to be a good finisher. Sting just kinda drops them with a normal inverted flash, no sick selling, just flop....match over...anti climax
Some the best that have not been mentioned: The problem solver used by Simon Diamond and Johnny Swinger. The tidal wave used by Nova and Chris. The vertabreaker (why doesn't Helms go back to using that move?), and I always like Tajiri's tranatula.

Worst: Duggan's three point stance, the heart punch, shawn micheals using the side suplex, and I always hated jesse james' pump handle slam.
Donne, I think that the Vertabreaker is a bad ass move, but the problem is, look at the name. It involves putting someones neck in a precarious situation, which is an instant no no and on the WWE's banned moves list. Its awesome, but I don't think Helms has enough stroke in the company to use it yet.
Best: Lesnar's F5, HHH's Pedigree, Austins's Stunner, Takers, Tombstone, HBK's Sweet Chin Music, Rhino's Gore, RVD's 5* Frog Splash, Marcus Cor Von's Pounce, Orton's RKO, Shane Mcmahon's Coast 2 Coast, Takers Last Ride, Shooting Star Press, Swanton Bomb & 450 Splash

Worst: Cena's FU, Shelton Benjiman's T-Bone, Umaga's Samoan Spike, all Chokeslams, Big Boots (Test & Snitsky), Benoit's Diving Headbutt, and Khalis Head Chop and DDTs and Boring Powerbombs

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