WWE Finishers/Signature Moves

Worst finisher to me would be Big Show's WMD. A knock out punch you can do as soon as the match starts, yet Big Show don't remember he has a fist until about 15-20 minutes into the match. A finisher should be a move you can only do to your opponent after you have wore him down in a certain way. A knock out punch can be used immediately, so if it ain't used it just makes the match seem dumb and an insult to our intelligence. The Big Show should stick with the choke slam.(IMO)
Finishers I dislike: Big Show's WMD. It's a punch in the freakin head! So What he's 7' tall. It's lame. So is he.

Finisher names I dislike: The AA. Also one of the weaker moves, after changing the name a few years back so their main man would be "PG" it just made the move even weaker!

Finisher I would like changed: Dolph's Zig Zag. The guy is the best wrestler going right now and his move is weak. I like that he can hit it out of nowhere but it's just not powerful enough for the future world champ.
Oh man, I'm going to get so much hate but my answer for all three is the GoToSleep.

I just watched the end of Money in the Bank 2011 again and Cena lands on his feet before the knee comes in. Not the biggest deal, but Punk had to get his knee up around neck level to make contact. If its done well its a decent finisher, but it seems like a lot of work just to knee a guy in the face. If he was able to actually make solid contact when the opponents is on the way down it would work, but in reality it just comes from a long line of fireman's carry finishers that aren't big enough to really believe they knock someone out (save the F5 because of brock's size).

I'm going to continue on to quickly say that the name isn't very clever, and too long. I'm of fan of Punks, maybe that's why I just think he can do better.

Let's see...

Dislike: The AA or the WMD. On the AA...they touted it back when he first started using it as a Death Valley Driver. And I hated it then because if it was a DVD it looked weak as hell. If he's going to use it then he should do it something similar to the one Perry Saturn used in his Flock days. The WMD...just do the chokeslam, the elevation Show can get on it looks absolutely devastating, especially when he brings his bulk crashing down with it. I'm gonna go ahead and throw the LeBell Lock out there as well, just because I thought Danielson should have been able to keep using Cattle Mutilation.

Disliked name: Dream Street, though I dislike Ted using this move in the first place because it just makes him seem like a complete ripoff of his dad.

Move Change: The GTS and Wasteland. GTS I love in the Japanese videos I watch it on because they're not scared to stiff people with the knee a little bit for some realism, but in WWE it just looks hokey because I don't think anyone on the roster really wants to take that kind of a knee to the head and there's no real way to make it look ultra-realistic. I'd just switch him to the Pepsi Plunge which is badass. Wasteland doesn't look effective at all. I agree with the guy above me who suggested a running big boot, and just call it the Barrage.
As lame as some people think it may be, I really liked Gail Kim's Kiss Defeat finishing move when she was in the WWE. If that move was executed for real it'd hurt pretty bad.

In terms of the worst, without doubt Santino's Cobra. A rake to the eyes would have a better affect
-Wasteland is a really shitty finisher. Barrett's pumphandle slam or his bossman slam would be better as his finishing move.

-Dont really have a problem with the names.

-I would change CM Punk GTS. Seriously its the most botched finisher ever. Sure it can look great if you have the right guy taking it like an Orton or Ziggler. But Punk and his opponents fuck it up too often. It also takes Punk forever to do it now that he calls for it ahead of time. He should use the anaconda vice as his main finisher.
WORST FINISHER: Jinder Mahal/Mason Ryan full nelson slam. It's not that I hate the full nelson slam, but it's not an effective finisher, especially the way these guys do it. Jinder's looks so low-impact, and plus it seems so out of his moveset element. Mason Ryan is big enough to pull it off, but for some reason his still looks ******ed to me.

WORST FINISHER NAME: Miz's old MIzard of Oz. That was God-awful. Gail's Eat-Defeat was pretty corny too. As for finishers still being used today, I'll say the Dream Street sounds the worst (seriously, it sounds more like an NSync spinoof than a finisher)

FINISHER THAT COULD CHANGE: I would set D Bryan back to the cattle mutilation. It sounds and looks more epic than the LeBell Lock.
To add my two cents.

Worst Finisher: GTS. Like others have pointed out, 9 out of 10 times it is used the person taking the hit is already standing on the mat and it loses all impact. With people that can sell it it looks awesome, but not nearly enough do.

Worst Name: If I had to pick it would be Skull Crushing Finale. I just don't like names that are that long.

Needing a change: Definitely Wade Barrett and Wasteland. I just feel the ME level guys need to have finishers they can apply to anyone. Any finishers that involve picking the guy up on your shoulders being done by anyone other than Cena won't work because they can't get the bigger guys up, and if they can, they can't deliver the move with any impact. You can include GTS in here as well.
worst finisher? santino's cobra. just terrible.

worst name? either skull crushing finale or attitude adjustment. both are too long winded and boring

changes? i would have kevin nash straight up. his jacknifes are terrible now. he puts no power into them, he just drops them. either he should put more power into them, or change to like a big boot or something along those lines, although it may be a bit too late to have someone who has had the move for his career already. in that case, i would change drew's futureshock ddt. the move is botched all the time, and it never connects properly, cos it always looks like the person's head hits drew's stomach, which just looks terrible. drew has enough power to be able to lift people up and do a proper power move, possibly something similar to the dominator or some kind of bomb/slam.
1) I think santino Cobra Strike, This isnt so recent but the samoan spike by umaga was very stupid too lastly the great khali Brain Chop was even worse than his Vice Grip.
It was literally just a big slap to the forehead. I’ve been slapped on the forehead before, but it didn’t put me out of action for the one, two, three, like it did for The Undertaker.
What can we gather from this?
I should be the Undertaker’s next opponent at WrestleMania.

2)I would change the AA i know the PG thing and all but the AA is so stupid atleast change it to his current character the SuperMan slam

3)I want somebody like kofi to use Pety Williams Canadian destroyer thats my fav move he can call it ....... Idk cant get a good name at the moment
Worst Finisher: R-Truth's spinning elbow lie detector. Seriously a flying elbow as a finisher? Or David Otunga's Uranage slam, just looks terrible. Also Wade Barrett's Wasteland, even Attitude Adjustment looks better than that crap.

Worst Name: John Cena's Attitude Adjustment. A name with PG written all over it used to pander to kids and their parents. Like The Rock said, PHONEY!

Needing a change: Alex Riley's jumping DDT finisher needs a change, a DDT as finisher always blows because it has been way overdone. His finisher in NXT was way better so I was not sure why he changed it. Also, Zack Ryder's Rough Ryder. It is okay right now for his level but if he wants to go further he needs a finisher with more impact in the mold of the RKO.
Some of you are dumb. Pro wrestling is fake. A move like the canadian destoryer looks devestating until you realize how contrived it is. Ironshiek, that actually wasn't directed until you, but it is now. I think it's a shit move. Most people, when they see it go "that was cool but obviously fake". Most people aren't impressed with stunts, they want to be taken on a ride.

A finisher doesn't have to look painful. Do you think a stone cold stunner would EVER work in a real fight or even do any damage other than to the guy giving it's tailbone? Unless you absolutely do everything perfect....no.

A finisher is just something that the crowd knows is the end of the match. Cena's AA is a great example and honestly, getting thrown on my back from 6-7 feet in the air (like when he jumps) would hurt a hell of a lot more than someone pulling me down to my stomach like with the RKO or a lot of other moves. Pro wrestling is a work. If people believe it, it counts.

The worst one in all of wrestling is Kurt Angle's ankle lock/angle slam. No one believes the first one is the finish so it's not even really a finisher anymore. In the WWE, iunno. Most guys use them correctly because the WWE has agents to make sure people don't do each other's moves and don't kickout too much.

Second, most of the names fit the character and the WWE's pG policy. I don't like the way the "Attitude Adjustment" sounds, but that's probably because I know it as the FU and it was a quick fix because of their change. I don't think it or John Cena is phoney. Seems like Cena is more like his character in real life than a lot of other guys.

Third, no, everyone's finish is taken from somewhere. What makes finishes look weak is when like everyone on the fucking show is powerbombing people and it's supposed to be your finish. If you don't believe me, go watch an indy show. People don't buy powerbombs as finishes because they've seen 20 of them already.

Change anyone's finish? Ziggler's superkick is sick. Gets a pop everytime. I can see it. I'd like to see DB with a strike finish just because his submission takes a long time, but he sets it up well.

What I like are "big match" finishers. We don't really have them in the US, except maybe taker, and it only evolved in Japan because everyone would kick out of your normal finish so often that within a year or two it was devalued beyond repair, but like the burning hammer always beat guys but wasn't brought out unless you couldn't beat someone. Punk could use the Pepsi Plunge as that sort of move (although the WWE audience probably would just see it as a top rope pedigree). Undertaker sort of has it with the Last Ride and when he was biker taker, the tombstone was sort of it.
Finishers should be fluid.. they should not miss a beat.. like the RKO and the Stunner.. those were and are awesome finishers because they go with the action. Also the rock bottom was good at this too..
I agree that Wade Barrett's finisher is good at showing strength but not as a finisher... i like doplh but he should instead of the zig zag use the "fam-ASSER" which ive seen him use to set up the zig zag, plus bad ass billy gunn needs to come back..

AND YES the cobra strike is just plain ridiculous.... minds as well give him a bitch slap as a finisher.. haha
1. I'd like a clarification here: upon which criteria should I give for a finisher? In terms of pain if done to an unsuspecting passer-by in real life? In terms of believability? What?

2. ... well, I don't really know. I could say the LeBell lock currently employed by Daniel Bryan, or Wade Barrett's Wasteland, but leave it be; I'm not disgusted enough with that moniker.

3. For me, and it seems people here agree with me, the Wasteland is in due need of an overhaul.
1. Wasteland. Not the worst finisher ever, but to me it doesn't come across as a move that'd finish people off.

2. Attitude adjustment. I don't know why but it just doesn't appeal to me. DON'T go back to the FU either, I never liked the name. I don't have a suggestion for what to replace it to, but I HATE the AA as a finisher name.

3. Not really the question, but I'd like to see Bryan have another finisher alongside the LeBell lock (which is different to the Crossface, for those who say they are the same. Look at the opponent's arm positioning). Maybe a buzzsaw kick to the head? Some kind of suplex? Hell, I'd take a Yoshi Tonic. But I do think he needs some kind of pinfall finisher.

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