Best and Worst finishers in WWE history

My favorites are HBK'sSweet Chin Music, The Rocker Droper or Fame Asser, Stunner/RKO, Swanton, Perflect Plex and all of the Submission

The Worst Dusty Elbow, Hogan Leg Drop, The Warrior press slam,
The best finisher i think is the muscle buster and homicides finisher

the worst for me would have to be the russian sycle
Best Finishers:Tombstone Piledriver,Last Ride,Jackhamer,F-5,Goldberg Spear,Pedigree,Stunner,Rock Bottom,Muscle Buster,Chokeslam(Taker,Kane,Show),Sweet Chin Music,Ankle Lock,Flair's Figurefour Lock and Batista Bomb.

Worst Finishers:Samoan Spike,Hogan's Legdrop,F-U,Warrior's Gorilla Press Slam/ Splash,Chris Masters' Master Lock,manible claw,Khali's double hand chokeslam and RKO.
Jeff Hardy's Swanton Bomb (the hangtime he has is amazing)

FU (it is just a firemans carry)
Twist Of Fate
Samoan Spike
best would be pedagree, stunner, F5, figure 4, five star frog splash and sweet chin music.

worst the worm, stink face, hogan leg drop, peoples elbow, somoan spike
worst: Chris benoits flying headbutt(semi finisher but nonetheless a type of finisher). What kind of a little kids move is that? Surely such a move only entertains the intelect of those age five & under.
Best---Crippler Crossface, Kanes Chokeslam, Last Ride, Pedigree, Swanton Bomb.

Worst---Twist of fate (slow stunner!), Samoan spike, T-Bone Suplex (whats so special about this???), and John Cena's 5 knuckle shuffle and STFU (except that one with the ropes on Umaga, that was funny!!!!).

Best: Stunner, rock-bottom, pedigree, last ride, ankel lock, sweet chin music, crossface, 5 start frog splash, DDT impaler

Worst: leg drop, samoan spike, ultimate warriors move
One of the worst finishers in history is the people's elbow. All it is Rock running around a bit than dropping a regular elbow. Yeah it got the crowd into it but thats every other wrestler's move that they use in the first five minutes of a match.

One of the best finishers is sweet chin music. Its perfect because it can come out of nowhere and the sound it makes on contact is incredible. And its not like a regular super kick because shawn actually bends and gets them right on the chin. How he is doing that with a historically bad back and a bad knee is unbelievable
Worst finisher of all time... 5 knuckle shuffle! Well what can you expect from Cena but besides that all he does is run and then punch them while they are on the ground!

Best would have to be either the last ride or sweet chin music
Best: Sweet Chin Music, Pedigree, Frog Splash, Tombstone, Last Ride, Chokeslam, F5, The Diamond Cutter (I hate DDP, but it looks painful), Sharpshooter, Crippler Crossface, The Walls of Jericho.

Worst: FU, STFU (he does it wrong), Hogan's leg drop, Warrior's splash, Kahli's brain chop, The Worm, Masterlock.
Best: Pedigree, Sweet chin music, Lita's moonsault, C.M. Punk's GTS, Mickie James' Impaler DDT, Widow's Peak, The RKO, Tombstone Piledriver, Jericho's Lionsault, Swanton Bomb, Poetry in motion.

Worst: FU (fireman's carry), Samoan Spike, Any move done by Khali, 5 knuckle shuffle.

Best - Petey Williams' Canadian Destroyer, Erik Watts' STF, Sweet Chin Music because it is sudden and looks brutal when he hits it right (just ask Shelton), The Perfect-Plex made the fisherman's suplex a feared maneuver, The Crippler Crossface because it is nearly impossible to move in, The Ankle Lock because it can be held on to and maneuvered by the offensive man, and of course for visual effect, and RVD's Five-Star or Eddie G's frog splash. I also give credit to Roddy Piper and The Warlord for using classic rest holds like The Sleeper and The Full-Nelson to win matches.

Worst - Tajiri's Tarantula. It was a cool move, but by definition it could not win him a match. Hogan's Leg Drop was puss. Let's be honest, he hardly even ran the ropes for the leg drop. Matt Hardy does that from the top rope! I also have issues with "The Pounce" because it knocks an opponent out of the ring or too close to the ropes.

I understand that I am taking scripted moves and critiquing them based on actual technical superiority, but I hate moves that insult the intelligence of wrestling fan, i.e. the worst move of all time, anything done by Brian Adams (the cranium crush, the heart punch, or the song "Everything I Do I Do For You." Wait, wrong Brian Adams?
top5: swantom bomb (Jeff hardy)
619 (rey mysterio)
rack bottom (rock)
MR. SOCKO (mankind)
tarantula (Tajiri)

Bottom 5: Samoan spike (Umaga)
Vince's stunner (vince omac)
The hurri-chokeslam (hurricane (helms))
Buttface (rikishi)
ca-chair-to(rated rko)
Best: Sweet Chin Music, Pedigree, AA Spinebuster, Dominator (Lashley's looks more painful than Faarooq's), Sharpshooter, Reverse STO though it hurts ur ass when u do it trust me, plus before Bradshaw became JBL he dealt out some pretty mean Clotheslines from Hell.

Worst: the Stroke, the Pounce, the F-U, the STF-U (Cena looks to be in more pain than his opponent), and the Chick Kick.

I'm sure there's more but I can't think of any.

Sweet Chin Music , Pedigree , Stone Cold Stunner , Tombstone , F5 , Angle Lock , Spear (Goldberg did it best) , i like the Booker T Scissors Kick , Swanton Bomb , RKO , and the Chokeslam(usually by andbody tall kane, undertaker, big show) , carlito backcracker


Hogan Leg Drop, Samoan Spike, 619(sorry Rey, its a kick to the faced) , that chokeslam that Khali does, JBL's chloseline from hell, Alabama Slam, F-U, STFU, any big boot, the worm, the masterlock, Finlay's Celtic cross thing, the rock bottom, Diving Headbutt ,

Honorable Mentions : Figure 4, Jackknife Powerbomb , Sharpshooter, Rock Bottom , Twist of Fate, Crossface , (these are all good but just not good enough)
Best Finishers:
Canadian Destroyer (holy s**t!)
Tombstone Piledriver
Doomsday Device
The Perfect Plex

Worst Finishers:
MVP's Playmaker
Giant Gonzales chokeslam (he couldn't even lift Harvey Whippleman to make a decent chokeslam. That's pathetic!)
Crush's move (back in the day when he was the Hawaiian tool)
The Worm
Tank Abbott's punch (if you saw WCW in 2000, sadly I did when RAW was runnin commercials, then you know what I mean)

The worm
Leg Drop

**Anyone remember the Nasty Boys finisher? One of them would do a running powerslam and the other would do an elbow drop from the top rope. They were a rank tag team but had a decnt finisher
Best Arial Finisher in WWE has gotta be the Shooting Star Press, well, before they banned it, and the Swanton...Jeff's, not Kennedy's
Best Ground finisher has to go to Taker's Last Ride and Submission is the Crippler Crossface

Worst Arial has to be any variation of a flying fist drop
Worst Ground: The glorified Bodyslam known as the FU
Worst Submission: The STFU...maybe if it was applied right it would look better

And honorable mention has to go to Trevor Murdoch for hopefully his one night only attempt at the Canadian Destroyer, henceforth known as the Redneck Whirling Dervish, The People's Elbow, The Atomic Leg Drop and the Axe Bomber for worst

HM for best...RKO, Jackhammer, Clothesline from Hell, Backcracker
well after watching raw last night im gonna ad trevor murdochs redeneck destroyer to the really sucks list
The Best
Ground: Anaconda Vice, Ankle Lock, Tazzmission, Lionsault, The People's Elbow, Edgeucator (why did he stop using this?!)
Standing: Angle Slam, Cutter (any variation to include the Stunner), T-Bone Suplex (Shelton's version of which they are now calling an exploder suplex for some reason?) Shelton's K.O. kick, Vertabreaker, Edgucution, F-5, TKO, Go 2 Sleep, Canadian Destroyer, Pedigree Destroyer (yes I have seen it on WSX it looks awesome!)
Turnbuckle: Reverse Death Valley Driver, Lambo Leap/Green Bay Plunge (that move Kennedy used to do...KENNEDY), Top Rope Angle Slam (he just ran up there and got you so quickly), Muscle Buster
Top Rope: Swanton bomb (not the Kenton bomb), Rolling Rock senton (just because it doesn't even look like the Sandman is capable of doing it), Frankensteiner (another 'WTF?' Sandman move; Jericho's is cooler) Coast 2 Coast, Shane's Leap of Faith (makes the Macho man/HBK Elbow look ******ed), Shooting Star Press, Open Hart Surgery
Running: Clothesline From Hell, Big Boot (but its so overused now), GORE!

The Worst
Ground: The Worm (seems to be the clear winner for overall worst move), Hogan Legdrop, Conquinka Clutch (or however Samoa Joe spells it), Brock Lock
Standing: WHITE RUSSIAN LEGSWEEP (gayest most simplistic finisher ever), Crossface Chicken Wing (doesn't look painful at all), Low Blow (how cheap and gay is that), Fingerpoke of Doom, the Suplex, Melina's facebuster, Whirly Bird move Euguene would use
Turnbuckle: Stratusphere, most of this stuff rocks
Top Rope: mostly everything rocks here too

The spear is played out. Edge should go back to that Downward Spiral! And CENA SUCKS (Especially his firemans carry)

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