Ask a Forum Question Thread

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Are these infractable offenses?:

a.) Posting a picture of semen
b.) Posting an audio file of sexual intercourse including orgasm
c.) Posting pictures of Marijuana (Ricky was not sure)
d.) Posting a video of a song that contained racial slurs
e.) Red repping someone every day, because their posts were poor, and not just to red rep them
f.) Red repping someone for an offensive name/signature/avatar more than once
g.) Flaming in someone's rep after repping a bar room post
h.) Plagiarism
i.) Reporting posts that are spam/flaming/general rule breaking
j.) Answering questions in the Ask A Forum Question Thread
k.) Red repping prisoners more than once in a row (Does the trolling rule apply to prisoners)
l.) Is there reverse trolling? Green repping someone for something besides their post
m.) Making fun of ICP. Is that clearly a rule now, or just a threat?
n.) My current sig in regards to the Wrestling Tournament. I didn't post this round, and didn't mention any of the information in my sig in a post.
o.) Personal messaging someone in a non trolling way or in a flaming way multiple times in a row if they ask you to stop.
p.) How many red reps does it take to count as trolling? Is it two?
q.) What happens if someone breaks a rule that isn't clearly defined as a rule, and has a member of the staff give them a Personal Message warning, and that user agrees to stop breaking that rule. Can another member of the staff then come along and infract for said rule break?
r.) What happens if someone makes a bar room personality, that is an outlandish gimmick. How long until that personal is infraction for stirring drama? Is that person warned through a post from the staff or a Personal Message before given a warning or an infraction?

Thank you for your time, these are just some questions I have about the rules. I am not trying to cause any problems, I just would rather get a clear definition for my personal knowledge, and the knowledge of all those who will read this post and the answers from whichever moderator can answer all of these questions. I think it is best that I ask these questions then to maybe test the waters out, and cause myself to get into trouble.

Thank you a lot for my time. I know that is a lot to take in.
a. Why would you want to do that?

b. I'd consider it porn. If nothing else it's obscene content.

c. not technically illegal but i'd probably delete it

d. I wouldn't do it.

e. that's kind of the point of the rep system so legal

f. That's trolling and we'd ask you to stop.

g. Illegal

H. Illegal

I. Make sure it is and realize that we're not blind. We'll find it quite soon.

J. It's fine but if it's been answered there's no point in adding on random stuff.

K. prisoners are different so it'd be a case by case thing.

L. "just spreading it." That answer your question?

M. Don't go against what an admin requests. That's an infractionable offense.

N. What are you talking about?

O. They should come to us and we'll deal with it.

P. Depends on the situation

Q. If they keep doing it, yes. If there's a wanring given either officially or over a PM, we'll make a note in the board room about it.

R. Depends on what we define as drama and what is defined as funny. I've been the gay **** for almost two and a half years. That's gone fine. Usually they'd be put in prison.

The rules can be summed up in two lines: use common sense, and things are taken case by case, as they should be.
"Stone Cold beats his wife, would you support that?
Undertaker has sex with Skeletons...
The Rock screwed the wrestling world.
Rob Van Dam is a drug addict!"

Although I never posted it in any of the threads, it is infractable to use it in the tournament as pointed out by NSL. Which is why I never posted in the tournament this round. Just wanted to know if it being in my signature and then writing a post on it would effect it at all. Maybe Shocky would know better.
You mean the Bret Hart v Austin video that IS showing up?
Yes. I did not know because whenever I go into it, it is a white screen that looks like I just spaced everything out. I apologize. I guess I can't see it myself.
I have an infraction just expired. If I get another one in addition to the one active one I still have, will I be suspended or will it still be a warning?
You only have 2 warnings, which effectively mean nothing. You'll need another 3 infractions before you're banned for a week.
To any of the mods: Could I have my current Book This Magazine thread deleted so I can launch my first official issue in a fresh thread? If not, I'll understand!
Just got a question about rep. For like 2 days, my thing said "Scored a Win Over Santino Marella." Then I got some negative rep and it went back to what it currently is. Well since then I have gotten significantly more rep, still it is the same. I don't know how this stuff works, just curious.
It all depends on rep points as opposed to the amount of people who rep you. You were red repped by someone who's rep is worth more than those collectively that green repped you. If you get a few more green reps it should go back to normal.
Does anyone know why Youtube videos will not work when I post them?

I use the "[youtube][*/youtube]" tage, obviously with the *. It leaves the correct ammount of space for it in the post but just shows up as a white background.
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