All Future Wrestlemania Discussion (Matches, Gimmicks, Angles.... KEEP IT IN HERE!)

Who will Lesnar face at Mania

  • Rock

  • HHH

  • CM Punk

  • Orton

  • Undertaker

  • Cena

  • Other

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The best option I think would have to be CM Punk. A real Punk vs. HHH program has really never happened, and Wrestlemania would be the perfect time to pull the trigger and make it really big. The biggest thing stopping this from happening would be if Austin comes out of retirement to face Punk, as has been rumored.

Daniel Bryan would be another fine option for Triple H. I think they'd have a very interesting match together on the big stage. Ziggler and Rhodes could be long shot options, but they should probably accomplish a bit more on their own before getting involved with HHH in such a major way.
Depending on what happens at Summerslam I may say NO one. And here is my reasoning.
First HHH already had his end of an era match with taker...TWICE. His ego might not want his lat mania match to be a loss so whoever he faces will lose to him. I think depending on if he does the right thing for the business (loses to Brock who needs to regain steam after losing to Cena before he faces Taker at mania)
Now that out of the way I see three people he could face
1) real history with him but lets face it he is basically a younger HHH
2) Sheamus... He has yet to get a real mania moment. HHH is buds with him and their is the history of HHH punking him out before Mania 2 years ago
3) Punk. They had one match that had more interference than a clown act at Ringling
Well we will have to wait and see who has a really hot storyline, that HHH can shove himself into!

Much like he did during the Summer of Punk, and now with the return of Brock Lesner.

It's so disgusting, yet so predictable of HHH.

Perhaps Wade Barrett will be on a roll by then, and HHH will want to bury him in order to put on his resume.
if anybody needs to go up Against Triple H it would have to be Rumored Shawn Micheals they were saying they might bring him out of Retirement to face him and the fact of the matter is that would be great they've had many great matches in the past but never one at the Grandest stage of them all in my onion if they face off they will definitively steal the show
For the record, I think I've personally seen enough HBK and Triple H to last a lifetime, but he does either have to go up against some other legend type if he's going to win, otherwise it would be good business to have him put over an up and comer such as Barrett, Ziggler, etc....
im suprised no one though of hbk o.o

Because they fought numerous times already. It's a possibility but it's a match I, and guessing many others, would have little interest on.

For Triple H, I think Sheamus or CM Punk would be the best options. Punk because they never had any closure to any of their small programs and Sheamus because their thing in 2010 never really had a satisfying conclusion.
Well if Ric Flair does in fact come in as Dolph Ziggler's manager, I can see a potential feud between Triple H and Ziggler/Flair happening. As has been mentioned by several other posters, I think Triple H vs. Barrett is a possibility as well, and could be a pretty good match.
With with Money in the Bank PPV, it got me thinking about how it used to be held at Wrestlemania, and I liked seeing it there. And then I thought - what if every Wrestlemania included at least one gimmick match from each of the PPV's. So they could have a mini Royal Rumble, a traditional survivor series tag match, TLC, Cage / Hell in a Cell, Elimination Chamber. You could also have different stuff that doesn't fit a PPV (i.e. career v streak). I know it's a lot of set up, especially the elimination chamber, but what a way to have enough events to give almost the entire roster some time in ring. Thoughts?
With with Money in the Bank PPV, it got me thinking about how it used to be held at Wrestlemania, and I liked seeing it there. And then I thought - what if every Wrestlemania included at least one gimmick match from each of the PPV's. So they could have a mini Royal Rumble, a traditional survivor series tag match, TLC, Cage / Hell in a Cell, Elimination Chamber. You could also have different stuff that doesn't fit a PPV (i.e. career v streak). I know it's a lot of set up, especially the elimination chamber, but what a way to have enough events to give almost the entire roster some time in ring. Thoughts?

An interesting idea. I disagree on the Rumble and the Elimination Chamber, as the Rumble needs to remain exclusive to that show and having an Elimination Chamber match at two shows one after the other would wear out fan interest in the match type. I do like having a Hell In a Cell match, a TLC match, a Money In the Bank match, and a traditional tag team elimination match all on the same show. It could be a good idea for a show such as Wrestlemania 30 which would celebrate all of what WWE has done. However it should not be done every single year because WWE still needs to generate interest in the PPV events that are home to these respective match types.

If they did one or two of these each year at Wrestlemania, that's still a strong maybe. I'd rather they try to keep generating interest in the less important shows so their buy's can increase in number. Wrestlemania will get a ton of purchases from brand loyal fans, shows like Hell In a Cell cannot say the same thing unless the match remains basically exclusive to those shows. I'm all for making each Wrestlemania more appealing, this would not benefit the other PPV events which is why I am not entirely in agreement with the idea. It's something to at least think about though.
Sorry if I posted this in the wrong section. I felt it'd make most sense for me to post it in here seeing how WM is a PPV. Anyways with reports circulating that Cena and Punk are going to feud again a year after the epic feud they had last year, i'm starting to believe that if the reports are indeed true that Cena is going to end up walking away from the feud the WWE champ. The reason I think this will happen is simple. Rewind back to the RAW after WM 28,The Rock after defeating Cena just 24 hours prior came out and gurandamnteed he'd be WWE champion again. Some say it shouldnt happen but I can see The Rock being a suprise entrant in next years Rumble and winning it and facing Cena at WM for the WWE title. In my opinion the only way a rematch would make sense is if it was for the WWE title. Afterall, why would The Rock accept a challenge from a man he's already proven he can beat? So while others may disagree, I think it should be for the WWE title if a rematch does take place. But what are your thoughts on this subject?

Is a Cena/Rock rematch relaity or fiction? And if reality should it be for the WWE title.
I dont agree with the people who think if Cena wins he'll just cash it in for a fair fight and win, when you can either have him be the first to lose or do something great in another way and have him turn heel with the case. If Cena cashes in dirty it wont be expected.

If Cena went Hogan nWo esque heel turn this could be the moment.

I didnt post this is the MITB section cause it deals with Mania 29, but I could see Cena if the WWE title match does become the rumored Lesnar vs Rock, cashing in on Rock. No way Lesnar goes over Rock (if HHH is kicking his ass this Summer they wont let him go over Rock and Rock will get his revenge in a sense after losing their last encounter though I see Lesnar/Taker being more likely) Speaking of Taker. This could be the moment.

Taker goes 21-0 but it's for the title. Cena cashes in on The Undertaker (the man he has stated he doesnt want to face at Mania after say Lesnar takes it all out of Taker) then Cena wins and breaks the streak, all the kids cry, it's Hogan Heel turn 2.0 at WrestleMania sending the fans home mad as a wrestling show ever has and CM Punk undoubtedly becomes the number one face and Cena the number one heel.

What do you think about that?

Which way do you see this briefcase more likely swinging? A Rock/Cena rematch out of nowhere or a cash-in on Taker and the end of the streak.

I personally just cant see them saying Once in a Lifetime and building it again when they could give us a fresh match with Rock and have it be for the title and have Cena not just wanna beat Rock but beat him in a bigger match (the initial match he wanted, for the WWE Championship) he cashes it in fair and they have a 30 minute match or 20 and Rock loses at that Mania

And for a man who has stated several times he doesnt wanna face Taker, it makes sense that if he ever does, this could be the way and I think it's fair to say THE ONLY WAY to give Cena a heel turn that could be very meaningful and worth it undoubtedly with no regrets (damn sure bigger than Hogan's heel turn) is to have him do the unthinkable, break The Undertaker's WrestleMania undefeated streak!
One would think that the WWE would throw a curveball once in a while and do something unexpected. Too bad Vince and the creative team have no balls anymore and just ride the Cena wave year after year. I agree wholeheartedly with you, but let's be real. It's not going to happen.
SickJames actually has a very good idea with how to turn Cena heel, assuming he wins MITB this year. If Cena (or anyone for that matter) were to end Taker's streak, I would hate them forever. Unfortunately you and I both know this will never happen because Cena makes too much money for the company as a face, yada yada yada...
I hope he doesn't face The Rock again. Once was enough and from the sound of most of the folks on this board, they hated the build for it.
I have a feeling he'll just be the 1st to lose. Still not that surprising with John Cena, they lose to build him as the underdog.

I think it would be cool if he had a regular title match at SummerSlam with Punk, Punk wins fair and square, BAM! Attitude Adjustment, cash in and its lights out.

Too me something like that would be a cool way to give it to Cena without Mr. Goodguy saving the day
I don't think anyone wants to see Cena of all people end Undertaker's streak. The streak doesn't need to be used for a heel turn. Cena attacking Taker alone would instantly turn him heel. Even him challenging Taker at Wrestlemania would be enough to generate heat. Cena has a long list of accomplishments, and beating Undertaker at Wrestlemania should never even be considered as one. I feel like the ending of the streak talk is honestly an uncreative idea that is always thrown around. That whoever ends it will be this huge superstar or make this monster heel. It feels like that's what people resort to when they run out of other ideas. There is a million other ways for him to turn. I highly doubt he will turn heel though. If he wins he will challenge CM Punk at Summerslam for a rematch from last year. They will talk about how great that match was and they wanna have another great match again. They will talk about how much they respect each other but that they will be champion after Summerslam and all this. WWE always gives us the same predictable sh*t. Which is exactly what Cena is. But at this point i don't care how Cena turns. I just wish it would happen already.
All I meant is it could be the one sure fire thing to be bigger than Hogan's heel turn and not have a Cena heel turn that's smaller ala Austin WMX7 in comparison to Bash at the Beach when Hogan turned.

Also they wanted to have a MITB cash in at Mania, Cena's the guy to do it and it makes sense marketing wise if you think about it. A Cena cash in is more doable FOR THEM at Mania than Bryan wouldve been or anyone else in a midcard status
I have a hunch Cena will win the match at MITB, and I think Bryan will beat Punk with AJ's help.

I think at that point, Cena will either cash in on that same night and kick Bryan's a55, or Punk and Bryan will have a rematch at Summerslam where Bryan cheats to retain, then Cena cashes in. The point is, I just have a feeling that Cena will be taking the title from Bryan and not punk because the WWE is not going to turn their kiddie star into a heel, it just won't happen anytime soon, unless his divorce somehow hurts his rep with the kiddies.

Yes, Hogan went heel after being a huge superhero/face to the kiddies but the thing is, it happened after his reputation was already tarnished due to the steroid scandal that happened in the very early 90's. But even prior to the roids scandal, he was losing steam thanks to the Ultimate Homophobic Warrior, Cena however is still the golden boy with the kiddies, and although his marriage has gone south, I'm pretty sure he's kid free so there won't be any ugly custody battle or anything that can damage his rep.

I figure my hunch isn't going to be liked very much but I'm just basing it on how they treat Cena like the goose that laid the golden eggs.
I was watching Raw this part week and King and Cole reminded us that the Rock wants to win another WWE title!

So I was thinking what if, John Cena wins MITB, and the Rock wins the WWE title before Wrestlemaina and Cena cashes in his MITB on the Rock at Wrestlemaina!

What do you guys think? I was at Wrestlemaina this year and their match was awesome! and I know it was billed as "once in a lifetime" but you never know, I would love to see this match again!
Seems opinion is split on this one. I would have no issues in Rock/Cena II. I thought the hype, build, match made it a fantastic spectacle. Even better that Rock won!!! I would much rather see Rock vs Cena II over Rock vs Brock which was the other rumored match.

And yes, technically that match was 'once in a lifetime'. I think people misread this. It wasn't about Rock vs Cena. It was about The Rock returning to Wrestlemania in front of his home crowd to fight in the biggest match to date yet. That was why it was once in a lifetime. That won't be repeated again.
And yes, technically that match was 'once in a lifetime'. I think people misread this. It wasn't about Rock vs Cena. It was about The Rock returning to Wrestlemania in front of his home crowd to fight in the biggest match to date yet. That was why it was once in a lifetime. That won't be repeated again.

I agree.....sort of. I believe it was about Rock vs. Cena; the notion of yesterday's best going against today's best being the overriding attraction of the match: if the contest featured Rock vs. Heath Slater, it wouldn't have gathered a fraction of the interest even if it was fought in front of Rock's hometown fans. Sure, lots of folks would still tune in just to see Rock again, but the intrigue of the whole affair came from whom Rock was facing.

Given the one-year build-up to the event, I think it was a once-in-a-lifetime attraction. The two of them could fight again, but without the fanfare, it could never measure up to the first match....and I think WWE would be smart enough not to try.

Besides that, there's Cena's rep to uphold. I thought it was fantastic of him to agree to lose to Rock; can you imagine the Hulk Hogan of 1986 agreeing to lose to Bruno Sammartino at Wrestlemania? If Cena and Rock ever fight again, I would think Cena would win, if for no other reason than to maintain his standing as the #1 performer in WWE, which is something the Rock doesn't have to worry about.

The smartest thing to do would be to leave Cena vs Rock as a great event of the past.....and not sully the classic nature of the contest by trying to repeat it.
A sequel to their feud wouldn't be the same like The Rock vs Hogan 2. At this point, it would be the type of storyline where we would see Cena wanting to prove that he can really beat The Rock. Which would be boring.

Knowing that The Rock's goal is to eventually win back the WWE championship, only then would it be a suitable storyline to have them feud a second time.

Maybe because I'm not a Cena fan, I don't see this rivalry being as intense as it was against Steve Austin, HHH, Kurt Angle, Chris Jericho or Hogan.
To make it worth a second shot with Cena, they need the right build up. Either way, I'm not really looking forward to it... Have The Rock face a superstar that deserves to be brought even higher than he is now. Like CM Punk!
WZ has learned this afternoon that as of now, there are three possible WrestleMania 29 opponents for The Undertaker – The Rock, Brock Lesnar and John Cena.

Additionally, we have been told the decision as to who The Undertaker works with is being left up to him. While WrestleMania 29 is still nine months away, it seems whichever two names are left out of the fold after a decision is made with The Undertaker, those two guys would likely work with each other at WrestleMania.

I know this is far from written in stone (plus, look at the source), but I figured it could make for some interested conversation. Given the perimeters that the Undertaker will face either the Rock, John Cena, or Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania 29, and that the two not chosen will face each other, which match(es) would you like to see happen?

EDIT: You know...merging this was just dumb. It could have been an interesting separate conversation, but instead it's just going to get lumped in with the rest of the conversational cluster-fuckery. This is why I don't ever post in the non-spam sections anymore.
First off, hello again, WrestleZone! I'm sure there's a whole pair of you who might remember me. I hope I didn't miss too much, now.

Second, as aforementioned, it's been awhile. Please excuse me if this idea has been considered, or if this idea belongs in another thread.

I'm sure I'm not the only one who's had The Rock's comments concerning the WWE Championship in mind, lately. I've seen several posts concerning who Rocky should face, and when, for the WWE Title. It is my opinion that the Rock should in fact win the WWE Championship at Wrestlemania 29, and I will argue this thought in a short point booking scenario.

Say for example, The Rock faces CM Punk at Wrestlemania. You already have a built in storyline; CM Punk critical of part time wrestlers, especially if they just want to waltz in and challenge for the championship and the biggest stage of them all. The Rock counterclaims that he beat the previous generation; Hogan, his own generation; Austin, the next generation; Cena, all at Wrestlemania. The Rock's very presence grants him a championship match.

The Rock beats CM Punk at WM29, and the next night on Raw, Rock drops a pipebomb that makes CM Punk jealous;

"The Rock may be part time, but The Rock loves the WWE. I love it with my heart, and my soul. I want to see the next generation succeed, but the fact of the matter is this; John Cena couldn't beat The Rock at Wrestlemania. CM Punk couldn't beat The Rock at Wrestlemania. Until someone can beat The Rock at Wrestlemania, The Rock is going to take his WWE Championship, and go home!"

Of course, Punk would call for a rematch, but through, plus announcer plugs, they could claim that Rock was using his super stardom leverage to deny the rematch, to deny the required 30 day title defense, and hold the WWE title hostage until someone can beat him at Wrestlemania, and take the title back to the WWE

I know this is a bit risky, but I believe it accomplishes several important things;

-Brings new relevance and spotlight onto the World Heavyweight Championship. There's alot of IWC chatter calling for unification. Instead of unification, you drop one of the main titles, and for at least this one year, the WHC title would come front and center as the main title on both brands.

-Calls for the young roster to step up. Stars like Punk and Daniel Bryan went out of their way and made themselves noticed. It was a step in the right direction, but no one has stepped past getting noticed into super stardom yet. This scenario calls for someone worthy to beat The Rock, arguably the greatest Superstar of all time.

-A full rounded, three-dimension character. If The Rock is calling for one challenger a year, he can go against a heel or a face. Rock is proven as entertaining as either, himself, and whatever the situation calls for, he is capable of delivering. The original part of this booking scenario seems heelish, but if his motivations are to, in his opinion, save a company he loves, and find a worthy successor.

And finally, the most important part...

-A new spectacle, post-Undertaker streak. Is Undertaker done? Probably not. He has a few Wrestlemania's in him, hopefully. But this storyline could be a short term, transitional streak, with potentially 3-5 years of longevity. Let's face it, if Undertaker is gone within the next 2-3 years, Wrestlemania loses a huge selling point. Use this one as a substitute and transition back to Wrestlemania-sans-streak.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. I anticipate some negative feedback, and I admit the idea is not perfect, but I just want to see some new ingredients thrown in the pot.

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