WWE SD! LD On 5/6: Christian!, Christian!, At last, You Are World Champ!

I don't care what anyone says or thinks, I'm still pissed about this. I know he'll stay in the main event picture and still go for the title at Over the Limit and all that bull shit. But as a fan of his for a while it's still so disappointing to think he was finally going to get his chance to shine only for it ripped from him so fast. It's understandable from a business stand point since Orton is the bigger draw, but I just think Christian deserved a little time with the strap.
I don't care what anyone says or thinks, I'm still pissed about this. I know he'll stay in the main event picture and still go for the title at Over the Limit and all that bull shit. But as a fan of his for a while it's still so disappointing to think he was finally going to get his chance to shine only for it ripped from him so fast. It's understandable from a business stand point since Orton is the bigger draw, but I just think Christian deserved a little time with the strap.

I said this in another thread... They did the same thing to Chris Jericho. I almost cried when they had HHH bitch at Dave/Earl Hebner and force the belt back into his hands after that episode of Raw. And what happened afterwards? Jericho INSTANTLY went from midcard to main eventer. And then he was the first Undisputed Champion.

As far as I'm concerned, this is a MAJOR push for Christian. He's no longer in midcard limbo and is now a main event player. Be happy about this, guys.
I'm almost sure that the only reason Orton agreed to go to SD is because Vince promised him a World Title run right away and the top face spot.
Honestly, I feel bad for Christian fans. This totally sucks for them... and him. And don't get me wrong, I'm a Christian fan, but I never saw him as WHC material. I've made countless arguments in threads of the past and now that he was already stripped of the title, it just reinforces my opinions.

I'm not gloating. I just find it borderline funny how Christian has been such an internet darling and how Vince would just piss all over all of you like this. It's fucked up but it also cracks me up a bit.

Just being honest.

You know, I've never really gotten all of the IWC's darlings for the most part. I hate Shelton Benjamin, I'm not a fan of Del Rio, and I'm rather indifferent to DB. I never was a fan of Christian because the internet told me to be, I was a fan because I liked him.

This really sucks to me simply because I like Christian more than Orton. I don't care about those who say he deserved it or he earned it, I wanted him to be champ because I liked him and I certainly didn't want him to drop it to Orton who I really don't care for.
I'm almost sure that the only reason Orton agreed to go to SD is because Vince promised him a World Title run right away and the top face spot.

I love how IWC smarks actually think that wrestlers have a say in, well, ANYTHING in the WWE. He just does what Vince tells him to do, man. Randy has no say in it.
I was having fun. You're so fucking touchy sometimes, man. Seriously, you need therapy.

The irony of this statement is hilarious.

This is literally my face right now:


But, you know, continue being dickish in the name of "fun". If stirring shit is your idea of a good time, I'm not going to stop you. I mean, it's not like you're CanadianFan and I'm holding a gun to your head, forcing you to quit.
The irony of this statement is hilarious.

This is literally my face right now:


But, you know, continue being dickish in the name of "fun". If stirring shit is your idea of a good time, I'm not going to stop you. I mean, it's not like you're CanadianFan and I'm holding a gun to your head, forcing you to quit.

Could've done without that picture.

I've got hundreds of Christian marks simultaneously pondering suicide because he lost the title. Someone needs to lighten shit up.

And you know what, if people respond to my posts, even if they're angry responses, I'm drawing hits to the forum and fueling discussion.

So once again, get off my dick.
Could've done without that picture.

I've got hundreds of Christian marks simultaneously pondering suicide because he lost the title. Someone needs to lighten shit up.

And you know what, if people respond to my posts, even if they're angry responses, I'm drawing hits to the forum and fueling discussion.

So once again, get off my dick.

Well I guess its all about getting over and getting a reaction lol
I said this in another thread... They did the same thing to Chris Jericho. I almost cried when they had HHH bitch at Dave/Earl Hebner and force the belt back into his hands after that episode of Raw. And what happened afterwards? Jericho INSTANTLY went from midcard to main eventer. And then he was the first Undisputed Champion.

As far as I'm concerned, this is a MAJOR push for Christian. He's no longer in midcard limbo and is now a main event player. Be happy about this, guys.

I think my feelings are just stuck in the moment right now. I know it'll end up being good for Christian in the end, whether they turn him heel or it just keeps him relevant in the main event picture. But since that hasn't happened yet and his title loss just did, I'm still kind of pissed and a little sad even if I know this will end up helping him, career and push wise. Just caught in the moment.
i believe that was the 74th straight time where orton stalked his opponent/pounded the mat and the RKO got countered
I think my feelings are just stuck in the moment right now. I know it'll end up being good for Christian in the end, whether they turn him heel or it just keeps him relevant in the main event picture. But since that hasn't happened yet and his title loss just did, I'm still kind of pissed and a little sad even if I know this will end up helping him, career and push wise. Just caught in the moment.

Patience is something the IWC doesn't have. They ALWAYS need someone new to break through that glass ceiling. If it were up to all of you, EVERYONE would be a world champion. Then what would the championship mean at the end of the day?? NOTHING.

i believe that was the 74th straight time where orton stalked his opponent/pounded the mat and the RKO got countered

I want everyone to read this... especially the ones who bitch about "Super Orton."

Wrestling has heroes and villians. The heroes win in the end and the villians always antagonize. But wrestling is like a dance... you need both men/women to make it work. They both have a job to get each other to look as strongly as possible. If Orton's finisher was so fucking unstoppable, why is it always being reversed?
Its sad, but I'm not suprised by the title change. It would be nice if Christian was at least champ till the next PPV. At least he is in the main event picture.He might even get a second run. Jericho even said this isn't the end for Christian.
Had a bad day then I come to my Sky+ so I could watch SmackDown to cheer me up a bit, and I realise that the first hour of my recording is some shitty fucking tennis match which over-ran, meaning my Sky+ only taped half of SmackDown because of that. FUCK.


And you know what, if people respond to my posts, even if they're angry responses, I'm drawing hits to the forum and fueling discussion.
Let the hate flow through you.


Awesome show. And as I predicted following the draft, so much better than Monday night can provide at this point.
Pretty much. Smackdown looks like it's going to become the clear-cut better wrestling show again with the drafting of guys like Bryan, Cara, and others.
At least the under card will be filled with great wrestling, I don't see a main event clogged with Orton that's able to deliver high quality, entertaining matches on a consistent basis. Probably one more good/great match with christian, then comes the Khalil/Henry programs, and while I like both of those guys, I don't really want to see them main eventing with Orton, it just screams boring; and I'm a huge Mark Henry fan.
Those two feuding with anyone would be boring, minus Hulk Hogan (1985-90).

I did enjoy the Triple H/ Khali program a few summer back; but nowadays he's anything but a realistic threat to the title.

As for my man Sexual Chocolate, I was in Oakland.. Or was it San Jose.. I don't really remember, but what I do remember is Henry going over Orton, Cleanly... Like that'll ever happen again.

It's not like any of the great wrestlers who where drafted to smackdown are going to be in immediate line for a main even push, it's more than likely going to be Orton going through the motions against opponents he's obviously going to win against.

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