WWE SD! LD On 4/22: Let The Peeps Rejoice!

Just finished watching last night's show. Decent enough. You can read my review for the show at my blog:

WWE Friday Night Smackdown 4/22/11 Review

Or you can read it at 411mania under the TV Reports subsection of the Wrestling section, where it should be posted up within a few hours at most.
I think Del Rio will win and Miz goes to SD where he loses the title to Christian at Summerslam. If Orton goes to SD, I can see him feuding with Rhodes.
No way in hell do they push Christian to win the title at Summerslam. He either wins it at Extreme Rules, or he won't win it at all is my guess. Shit they're barely even pushing him right now, they spend more time on Edge vs. Del Rio than they do Christian vs. Del Rio. He's second fiddle in his own feud. :(
I still hope they do though. The last five SS matchups involving SD and the world title are Mysterio/Kane, Punk/Hardy, HHH/Khali, Khali/Batista, and Booker/Batista. Summerslam hasn't really had a feel good moment since HBK's return. Maybe it's wishful thinking and even though I'm not a huge fan of his, it would be cool to have that moment sort of like Eddie Guerrero did.

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