The SD! LD On 4/1 Is Only 2 Days Away From WM!

I've never seen a road warriors match,
so i'm not exactly sure why i was happy when they were inducted:confused:
I dont understand the point of this at all.

Hey look at this thing that you could not POSSIBLY be interested in unless you were here.
What the fuck, they're just playing video packages and press conference footage? Why would anyone watch this?
I was watching PrimeTime Wrestling from 1989 leading into WM 5 on WWE Classics OnDemand last night and they had some wrestling matches as well as face-to-face interviews between the wrestlers competing against each other. Now that's how you push WrestleMania. These video packages are just making people turn the channel and that's about it.
I've always wanted them to let the lower level guys go on these shows. Let Tatsu or someone have a ten minute match. Better than nothing.

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