The SD! LD On 3/5 Will See The Undertaker's Return From Being Buried Alive...Again!

That's true Mozz. Plus if Cole did beat Lawler, you realize his wife would probably leave him, his kids would probably have to disown him, and the rest of his family would go into witness protection after the rest of the WWE Universe tracks him down and goes medieval for beating a WWE Legend.... he'd be almost as hated as Bin Laden..
WWE's been really promo heavy the last few weeks (for obvious reasons) but I haven't minded one bit. Everyone's been stepping up their game big time.

Especially impressed with Undertaker tonight. I've just found him rather bland lately, but his absence was refreshing. Good stuff, and a good theme, too.
History of Smackdown? Try History of Professional Wrestling, when has a contract signing gone down without a single altercation?
I just can't wait to see the car Alberto comes in at WM. It should be the best one yet.

It'll be a combination of every Batmobile ever, the Ecto-1, the DeLorean, KITT and the Magic School Bus. It's the only car worthy of a Del Rio Wrestlemania entrance.
Did somebody say destiny?


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