The SD! LD On 4/15 Will Witness The End Of A Rated-R Era!

I'm thinking they might put the strap on Christian at Extreme Rules and then have him drop the belt to Del Rio next month. I'd have no problem with that. JUST LET HIM WIN IT ONCE MANG!

I will seriously set up a webcam so everyone can see me mark the fuck out if he did win it at the PPV.

I totally thought you were going somewere else with that.....
Kinda feel bad for Del Rio .. but Christian has been busting his ass for a long time now.. he deserves this.
Swagger could be a pretty badass face if he went the Kurt Angle route of just out-wrestling everybody and throwing them around with suplexes like a fuckin' maniac, he could do the same kind of babyface run Angle did in 01-02. That would be excellent for him, he's been totally buried since winning the title last year.

And his whole goofy schtick would work better for a face than a heel anyway.

Oh and I love how Gabriel eliminated Barrett. If they're going to split the group up, Gabriel should be the babyface that fights back against the heel Barrett, Gabriel has really got a lot of potential. If he can learn to cut a good promo he could be a star in the future I think.

Ending the Corre would be in both of their best interests. They're both too good to be wasting their screentime sharing the spotlight. And this may shock you, but Gabriel can cut an OK promo. Like here (it's also a match, but it's just abouit the longest promo I can easily find of him on youtube).


I have to question Gabriel's potential though. How much potential can you have untapped after 12 years?
WWE pull the fucking trigger on Captain Charisma. He'll never be more over then right now.
Yeah the post-show stuff with Edge is WELL worth checking out guys, I think it's on YouTube. Recapped it in my review as well.
I think Christian has a shot. With Edge leaving a top face needs to be established and I think if they would just give him the chance, Christian could do it for the next few years. Edge wasn't always the face of Smackdown, he had to get a shot somewhere along the way.

Christian has deserved this since he came back and if doesn't win the title at Extreme Rules I am certain he will by Summerslam.
Well the draft isn't until June. I just have a feeling if Christian doesn't win between now and then, then he misses his chance. The WWE is going to have to do some major reshuffling.
Well the draft isn't until June. I just have a feeling if Christian doesn't win between now and then, then he misses his chance. The WWE is going to have to do some major reshuffling.

My thoughts as well. If Edge's retirement and the way Edge put him over doesn't give them enough reason to pull the trigger, then I don't think they ever will. Christian has remained one of the most unsung and over babyfaces in the company for several years now and he's red-hot right now because of his association with Edge. Put the strap on him and give him a chance, he will succeed.
Only part of the post-Smackdown stuff with Edge is online. The WWE got one of the videos taken down, but not the other. If anyone can give me a good link, I'd be most appreciative.



I will miss Edge. I haven't been this sad about anything in a loooong time. Fuck man, I hope one day I do run into Edge and I can tell him that he almost singlehandedly got me back into wrestling.
Found a suggested link on that Youtube video and one of the things that most pisses me off is that WWE never pulled the damn trigger on a full blown Edge/Punk feud or one last Edge/Christian feud even though there was ample time
Found a suggested link on that Youtube video and one of the things that most pisses me off is that WWE never pulled the damn trigger on a full blown Edge/Punk feud or one last Edge/Christian feud even though there was ample time

Hindsight is 20/20. It seemed like we were working towards a feud with Christian very soon, had Edge not been forced to retire.

I wanted more Edge :(
Found a suggested link on that Youtube video and one of the things that most pisses me off is that WWE never pulled the damn trigger on a full blown Edge/Punk feud or one last Edge/Christian feud even though there was ample time

I'm with you man, that pissed me off too. I totally thought we'd see Edge vs. Christian this year, but life intervened and now it obviously won't be happening. Atleast they had that one awesome match on RAW last May.
Ah damn, I held it together on Raw and tonight until I watched that post show clip and teared up. I don't care what anyone thinks, Edge is absolutely one of the most talented wrestlers that I've ever had the privilege of watching and truly deserves all his accolades.

So one last time, I'll miss you Edge but the memories will live on forever. One of the greats in the industry and one of the main guys that has kept me loyal to WWE all these years. Thank you Edge for everything.


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