WWE SD! LD On 6/10: Christian Finally Hit The Switch...From Face To Heel!

If nothing else, Trent Barreta has awesome tights.

It was an okay match at best for me (the one I watched). Barreta had a few really cool spots, but the match as a whole was off. The face was the one who was in control for most of the match, and I never really bought Kidd as being able to win the match. He got in very little offense compared to Barreta, and yet he managed to weaken Trent enough to make the Sharpshooter effective?

Still, I don't blame Barreta's skill level as much as I fault his relative naivety regarding how to put on a 10+ minute match.
Just watched the beginning of Smackdown. You guys actually like this? This was the biggest dog turd of a heel turn I've seen. Christian isn't in his 20's anymore so he can't be the "creepy little bastard", so we got this. This new heel character flat out sucks because Christian can't generate enough anger in his voice. Plus, devoiding Smackdown of it's second top babyface is brainless. Who is going to step up to that position? Daniel Bryan? Sin Cara? How does Cody Rhodes feel about this? Honestly, Christian's either going to win and drop the belt within a month, or lose and never get a shot again, putting over the likes of Sin Cara and Kane. Way to go WWE for completely shitting the bed. The one guy who could truly get over as a babyface and you turn him heel. Well done......idiots.

Ok rant over. Sorry, needed to do that.
Who the fuck cares if he can't "get anger in his voice" if he gets the crowds to boo him? That's all that matters. And he got that crowd booing him mighty quick.
Who the fuck cares if he can't "get anger in his voice" if he gets the crowds to boo him? That's all that matters. And he got that crowd booing him mighty quick.

My guess is that some of that is piped in. I'm saying as a fan, I couldn't boo him because I couldn't take him seriously. I love Christian as a talent, but I don't buy him as a heel, at least not in this story or from that promo. I feel like his ability to get over drops dramatically by becoming a heel because he can't play the role as well and that was pretty clear from yesterday, at least to me. I have no problem with disagreements, but that's what I saw.

The other issue, like I said, is that there are literally no babyfaces on the show now. Unless you count Daniel Bryan and Sin Cara, Orton is the only over babyface. Thus, when you try and build Cody Rhodes or Wade Barrett or something, who are they going to go through? And if a Rhodes wins the MITB and cashes it in, who will he face other than Orton? I think the turn creates way more problems than it solves, that's all I'm saying.
...You don't buy Christian as a heel? Huh? He spent 90% of his career as a heel, and a DAMN good heel at that.

And it really doesn't even matter how many faces they have on Smackdown. Nobody's going to draw on that show anyways. They've got Orton, and they've got some midcard faces, that's all they need.
...You don't buy Christian as a heel? Huh? He spent 90% of his career as a heel, and a DAMN good heel at that.

And it really doesn't even matter how many faces they have on Smackdown. Nobody's going to draw on that show anyways. They've got Orton, and they've got some midcard faces, that's all they need.

I understand that X. However, the heel he was up until 2005 is not a heel he can play now. That was a young guy playing a "little bastard" annoying, pain in the ass, trying to get under the skin of better wrestlers heel. Now, he's arguably one of the best, so that's not his role. He is a veteran and at the top of the food chain, thus, his new heel character can't resemble the old one. It's also like the Chris Jericho situation in that it would be hard for him to be "Y2J" when he's 40. It just doesn't work the same. Imagine you dad with long hair spouting catchphrases. We'd make fun of him in a second!

The point is, Christian has to be a new kind of heel and he is a new Christian. I felt like his babyface character was great and one of the very few that was actually over as a babyface. I'd argue that behind Cena and Orton, he was the next most over babyface with Rey Mysterio being the obvious competition. He was certainly more over than Morrison, Daniel Bryan, or others though. Now, he's this heel that's I'm just not feeling. I dunno, maybe it's because I've seen the "screw the fans" speech about 450 times. Maybe it's because using Cole to get heat was sort of a cheap move. I just felt that the "heel turn" speech he gave wasn't all that great. I'm willing to let it develop and see if it gets better, but I still don't think it's worthwhile for the WWE to turn the guy. After he loses his feud to Orton (and he will), he's useless as a heel. Utterly useless. For a guy that talented, being utterly useless is a waste, at least to me.
Christian isn't meant to be an angry heel, he's meant to be fed up. He's vengeful towards Randy Orton, and he seems aggravated with the way Teddy Long runs the show, but that's why he doesn't have any "anger in his voice." He's not dark like Miz, he doesn't want to hurt people like heel Orton, and he's not twisted like Edge was. He's just upset with the current state of affairs.

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