WWE Raw LD 8/01/11 - The Champs are Here!

Well, the ending was predictable, what else can you say? Now that was, like the definition of anti-climatic.
I bet after they go off the air, Punk and Cena will keep going at it until Living Colour shows up to play live while Cena is rapping his theme song.
Overall good Raw. Not as good as the last couple weeks, but you can't have shows that "shocking" every week.
I was a tad disappointed. But, next week RAW must have a Punk-centered RAW with him complaining about having to wrestle Cena, anyway. Seriously, I want Punk to hijack RAW with Colt Cobana.
Well this Raw pretty much sucked. Only thing decent about it was the opening promo, and the Miz, Truth vs Jomo and Rey. Other then that everything else was pretty predictable and boring. Once again they prove that Smackdown is Oviously the better show hands down.
That's a good idea, put Swagger on the show for no reason. That will certainly help him build some momentum.

How about ADR/Swagger vs Bourne/Kofi. Heels win and attack Bourne after the match, Kofi grabs a chair and then fends them off.

Pretty much the same thing that happened, but it gets Swagger on the program at least.
Pretty boring raw this week besides the opening promo and truth miz tag match. I usually don't shit on raw but god damn that closing segment was so predictable everybody saw cena vs punk at summerslam for the undisputed wwe title. Triple h should of announced that shit on smackdown.
Why the hell did they hotshot everything last week just to do the same thing in a dumber way the next week? They have pretty much killed almost all of the interest I have in Punk-Cena. Lucky for them Punk-HHH is WWE-proof ... for now.
How about ADR/Swagger vs Bourne/Kofi. Heels win and attack Bourne after the match, Kofi grabs a chair and then fends them off.

Pretty much the same thing that happened, but it gets Swagger on the program at least.

Because Kofi isn't starting a feud with Del Rio and Swagger, it's just Del Rio. If he chased two heels off it would have been somewhat ambiguous. This was all about Kofi/Del Rio.
I'm lukewarm on it. I can't stand the actor who plays Harvey. He is fucking horrible. The other guy is enjoyable though.

Wait which one is Harvey, the experienced scummy one right?

and I mean I like it in a "ill keep my tv on the same channel after raw" way

Royal Pains was ok. Never warmed up to Burn Notice, but spy stuff isnt my bag anyway, not because its not a good show
Dude, Royal Pains was THE SHIT! It had everything I wanted in a medical show. 1) Bizarre cases that only the lead character could solve. 2) A funny, fast talking sidekick. 3) A smoking hot Indian chick.
No, Harvey is the mentor to the former pot smoker. Harvey is the one who the show wants you to think is great at any and everything he does, no matter what it is.

Yes, thats the same guy. Thats what I meant.

I think the casting of that dude was more about look than ability
No, Harvey is the mentor to the former pot smoker. Harvey is the one who the show wants you to think is great at any and everything he does, no matter what it is.

Maybe hits a little too close to home, hey Slyfox? You know, a guy mentoring another guy, thinking he is great at everything he says and does, no matter what? A totally ruthless guy, one who would even try to profit from the death of his own child if the opportunity presented itself ;)
Maybe hits a little too close to home, hey Slyfox? You know, a guy mentoring another guy, thinking he is great at everything he says and does, no matter what? A totally ruthless guy, one who would even try to profit from the death of his own child if the opportunity presented itself ;)

Most of that sounds fine, except the mentoring part. Who the fuck would waste their time helping someone else?

In all seriousness though, that actor does have such a wide range of emotions, from smug, to kind of smug, to a little unsure. Such great acting.
Show started off well, but dragged ass the rest of the way through. Either this city stunk ass, completely, or Punk is cooling down.

Curious to see where this Punk/HHH thing is going. Seems like they did as much to put Hunter over tonight as they did CM Punk... and that's a bit odd.

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