WWE RAW LD 6th April 2015 - Back to Your Regularly Scheduled Broadcast

You know what would have made that match better? Show not being on offense for 95% of it. Holy shit what a bore.

Other than making Big Slow look 'strong', I'm at a loss as to what Reigns vs Big Slow in a such a fashion is supposed to achieve. It defies logic, lMO.
That makes Big Slow look even stronger than he does already. No thanks.

He has another match later in the night. Don't you think it would add intrigue to that match if he came in with selling the effects of a grueling match against a 500-pounder? If nothing else, it could be used as an excuse if he loses in the triple threat..as he was not 100%.
I loved the Sheamus and Henry segment that turned SHeamus face in 2011.

"I'll fight him."

Then he went into some Irish song because WWE doesn't understand how to do promos.
Sheamus and Dolph can put on good matches together

That's what so many people forget about Sheamus: he's actually really good in the ring if you give him a good opponent. His character just died before our eyes because they stopped developing him.
Thats pretty good heel move by Sheamus, crowd started counting his clubbing blows so he stopped.
He has another match later in the night. Don't you think it would add intrigue to that match if he came in with selling the effects of a grueling match against a 500-pounder? If nothing else, it could be used as an excuse if he loses in the triple threat..as he was not 100%.

Just one question: Did Reign sell after his trip to "Suplex City"? Nope.

Why should he sell after a match with Big Slow?

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