WWE Raw LD 6/27/11 - Raw roulette edition featuring Cm Punk snow angels!

That's how you do a worked shoot, TNA. I thought it was real. I still think it might be. That was why Punk should hold the title. Wrestling GOD!
It was a great promo, but part of what it made it great was the fact he talked about things behind the curtain and outside of kayfabe.

Don't get me wrong, it was a great promo, but then again, just like with Triple H, when you can break kayfabe and "shoot", things always get more interesting to the IWC.
..... Can an ROHbot tell me if that was taken from Summer of Punk last go around?

I wasn't shocked until he brought up Johnny Ace, Steph, and Trips. Then shit got real.
This is why TNA can never get to WWE's level, cause they cant do legit shoot promos like this. CM Punk is my hero.

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