WWE RAW LD 2/4/2012 - Hate; To Rise Above, or to Embrace?

That's it. I'm a born-again fan. That right there was two of the best back-to-back days of WWE I can remember.

Well, SD is fucked. No way they are topping any of that.

Rey could come out riding a velociraptor to face a Zombie Eddie Guerrero and I still wouldnt care. I just saw a depressed Cena get a F-5 from Brock Lesnar. I cannot recall a time in the past few years I have been so pleased with RAW.
Hey I stopped watching WWE before Brock left the first time.. why did Brock leave the WWE the first time?
Stop watching wrestling for four-five years but decided to check out Wrestlemania 28 and raw tonight. Defiantly has my interest for now at least... Can't lose with brock right? :shrug:
No Cena heel-turn, Harthan.

I'm glad we got what we got, though.

They laid ground work. Cena was not his usual self tonight. His facial expressions made that clear. And somehow I doubt getting an F-5 to the sound of thunderous applause is going to make him particularly happy.

Lesnar's obviously the face in this feud. What does that make Cena?
I don't do much bitching about wrestling but I just dont get it. I thought Mania was awesome but I think Cena losing was in poor taste. Cena is the face of the company and he works his ass off day after day. The Rock hasn't wrestled in like 7 years or w/e. The Rock returns and Cena agrees to feed his ego. Now there looks to be no return match. They now feed him Lesnar and the only reason he returned is because he was average at MMA. So now he's gonna get fed to boost Lesnars ego all because Lesnar couldn't make it in MMA. Why Cena gets shit on, I'll never know. A poster said Cena has done a great job at putting The Rock over. I completely agree. Cena is a true professional. It's a shame he's gonna be fed to boost a few ego's. I don't see the point in Cena vs Lesnar, but I do see the point in Cena vs The Rock II.

For fuck's sake, Jim Ross would have been spraying more jizz than Lawler in a shower room full of Divas. Cole sounds like Lesnar's been here for years.
Lesnar has returned. I have to say I am utterly surprised WWE has actually been entertaining for longer than a one month time span. The question is can they keep this up or will they flush away an other golden opportunity that has fallen in their lap.
HOLY MOTHER OF GOD! THAT JUST FUCKING HAPPENED! I literally jumped out of my seat,out of my cloths and jizzed all over the fucking room and missed what happened? He f-5 Cena didn't he?!? DIDN'T HE?!? Oh my..if there was ever a mark out moment.....

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