WWE RAW LD 2/27/2012 - We've Heard About Cena Rising Above Hate, But Can Dwayne?

Oh snap they got tag teams?

I was watchin the 2nd annual Survivor Series 10 team elimination match on youtube. Someone pisted a comment saying there was more talent in that match than in the entire WWE right now. It was funny because its true.

Why even have tag titles now? Doesnt make sense.
Agreed! Who doesn't love an out of fuckin' nowhere 3-team tag match consisting of only one real tag team? That has Mania written all over it!!

Gonna assume this is sarcasm so basically I just think they could've spent the next couple of Raws and SD's could actually build Ziggler/Swagger and Kofi/Truth as tag teams.
This Just In from Arda Ocal:

Arda Ocal ‏ @arda_ocal
During commercial, HHH came out, gave Miz a pedigree and a crotch chop and left. #NOTASPOILER #RAW @WWE #Aftermath Radio

Yeah, they really are burying The Miz. Whose coffee did he piss in?
You know what would have been nice? Rosa cutting a promo saying how they're the only real team and these other two are just guys put together because they're not good enough for the main event. Take a few simple shots and the crowd might care about them but that seems too much for both Raw and Smackdown apparently.
They need to team up Yoshi Tatsu and another Asian so they can add Team Yellow and make it a four corners(of the world) match at Mania
Justin Gabriel made so much more sense as a partner for Kofi. THAT would have been a legit tag team and would have given Gabriel something to do at least
lmao R-Truth versus Kane.. how will Kane play mind games with someone that has no mind!

Hey thats actually intriging to me LOL

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