WWE RAW LD 2/21/2011 - He's Here!

Whaaaaat the fuck? Fucking Miz man, fucking Miz. And now he's scurrying out of the ring before The Corre can take their aggression out on Cena.
Ok..we have 2 minutes..I swear if we get nothing out of 2-21-11...what the fuck!

What was the fucking surprise? Did I miss something?
That 30 minutes was one hell of a story. Ups and downs all night, but a decent raw compared to some of the crap we've been given over the last few years.

Looking forward to next week.
So what was the point of switching the titles?
At least this angle ended in 10 minutes instead of dragging on for 3-6 weeks
Taker vs. Michaels didn't exactly 'help anyone' either did it and yet it got praised to the holy high hell.

It's a Shawn Michaels match at 'Mania. It would get praise even if it bombed. The second match also had the benefit of half a years of buildup and everything about it made sence. This requires 'Taker to be more pissed off about HHH butting in on his return than he is with Kane who put him in a coma, stole his urn (and Paul Bearer) and burried him and Barrett, who enabled the burial to take place. It also needs HHH to be more ticked off about Shawn Michaels' suicide at 'Mania than he is about Sheamus putting him on the shelf for 10 months.

I semi-get where you're coming from but this is the way they're going, just see where it goes.

Disappointment. You mark my words.
What an unbelievably utterly SHIT ending

Such an awesome RAW (and the crowd) deserved a much fucking better main event and ending than that predictable boring crap
Raw had some highs and lows, started off superb and just went low for some parts as it went on. Cole's mother comments and the useless rematch situation for the tag title was completely uncalled for (mother) and pointless (tag).
Kind of a clusterfuck of a show, which made it feel rushed and underwhelming, but it was still solid. Did what it needed to do, mostly.
They're not random. The heel doesn't like being laughed at. They go after the face. That's the plot.

Because the greatest feuds in history have boiled down to, "Well he laughed at be backstage!"

Look, we're not in 2000 anymore, yo. We're in an era of wrestling where the storylines mean more than the wrestling. I don't doubt that Dickbutt/Sheamus will go somewhere, but to have it start with, "He laughed at me backstage," is weak.
For all of you who are asking yourself what the point is, think of this, they got the crowd cheering for The Miz, and then The Miz betrayed them by hitting the Skull Crushing Finale on Cena. That is going to add a lot more heat to their feud as the crowd is now going to be even more pissed at Miz than usual.

From a wrestling perspective, not a great RAW, but that was a hell of a show with the returns, Cena's promo, and the King-Cole debacle.

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