WWE RAW 9/5/2011 - Surely All These Pipe Bombs Are Illegal?

But you proved it. I just it's true.

You said the Undertaker was the top face in 2007. I showed you that, by your logic, he wasn't. You said he was involved in the title picture throughout 2007 and 2008, however, by your logic, in Undertaker vs. Batista, Taker was secondary, and an up-and-comer, despite being around for 16 years by that point, seeing as Batista was the top face on SmackDown and the second top face in the WWE on a whole.
Look, I'd love to see Del Rio cause Cena to tap out clean leading to a slow-burn Cena heel turn that builds on the end of MITB and causes him to question the very fabric of his being. I think that'd be sweet. But I also understand the appeal of the heel slipping out by the skin of his teeth and letting fans hold onto the idea that their guy could be a rightful champion. The formula is popular because it works. We'd like to see something else, but this isn't wrong.

I'm saying Del Rio hasn't even done that. He's not a dominant champion, and he's not a cheating chapion like Edge. Edge would cheat so badly and so often that the crowd wouldn't believe that Edge could lose cleanly.

If Del Rio pins Cena cleanly, then it would benefit him far more than it would benfit Cena pinning Del Rio cleanly.

And even though I didn't like the way Flair was booked, he was still light years away from Del Rio.
You said the Undertaker was the top face in 2007. I showed you that, by your logic, he wasn't. You said he was involved in the title picture throughout 2007 and 2008, however, by your logic, in Undertaker vs. Batista, Taker was secondary, and an up-and-comer, despite being around for 16 years by that point, seeing as Batista was the top face on SmackDown and the second top face in the WWE on a whole.

Yeah... it was bit of a mind fuck on my part. I had though that Taker had been champion for longer than he was.
I'm saying Del Rio hasn't even done that. He's not a dominant champion, and he's not a cheating chapion like Edge. Edge would cheat so badly and so often that the crowd wouldn't believe that Edge could lose cleanly.

If Del Rio pins Cena cleanly, then it would benefit him far more than it would benfit Cena pinning Del Rio cleanly.

And even though I didn't like the way Flair was booked, he was still light years away from Del Rio.
Del Rio hasn't done anything worthy of comparison to Flair or Edge? Fine. Give him time to notch his gun before knocking the booking.

Del Rio has a lot to gain from beating Cena clean? Fine. But that's not how heels are booked most of the time, so who gives cares? You're worrying over the smallest things rather than just accepting the age old storytelling and letting it roll off your back. I don't understand that mentality.
Del Rio hasn't done anything worthy of comparison to Flair or Edge? Fine. Give him time to notch his gun before knocking the booking.

Del Rio has a lot to gain from beating Cena clean? Fine. But that's not how heels are booked most of the time, so who gives cares? You're worrying over the smallest things rather than just accepting the age old storytelling and letting it roll off your back. I don't understand that mentality.

That's WWE's fault for giving Del Rio the title before properly building him as a credible heel.

I accept the storytelling, but only for what it is... all signs right now point to Cena beating the shit out of Del Rio with no chance for the heel to win.
Also, I don't see how a heel who won the Rumble, won MITB, challenged for the title at Mania, and taps out more faces clean than any other heel on the roster isn't ready for this spot. If not him, what other heel? Who's been booked stronger as a heel than Del Rio this year with the exception of Henry?
Nefarious cheat faces certain comeuppance and pulls out every dirty, underhanded trick to escape that fate sounds like a way you could tell the exact same story if you weren't so dead set on having it only one way.
Nefarious cheat faces certain comeuppance and pulls out every dirty, underhanded trick to escape that fate sounds like a way you could tell the exact same story if you weren't so dead set on having it only one way.

But Del Rio hasn't done this yet. If next week he battles John Cena either one on one or in a tag match, and he wins either cleanly or through dirty tatics then I'll give credit where it due.
It isn't even old fashion. It's just one of those super smarky things to complain about that isn't really hurting anybody and is just part of the story. There are so many other real problems with wrestling.
Good. This same stuff used to drive me nuts too when no heels could dare beat DX clean and it made wrestling utterly miserable for quite a while because I obsessed on these useless details. And then I grew out of that. Now I enjoy the product more.
No it's not. It supposed to be the other way around. The heel is supoosed to look unbeatable going into the PPV, so that when the face overcomes the odds and wins it's a pay off to the story.

Who thinks like this? Honestly. Miz had a fantastic title reign and he NEVER looked strong.
Who thinks like this? Honestly. Miz had a fantastic title reign and he NEVER looked strong.

Wrong. That's why WWE has a main event, a mid card, and a low card. Barrett was in the mid card a few months ago with The Corre, and the IC title. But he lost those, and was sent back down to the low card.

Mid carders are guys like Ziggler, Swagger, Truth, and Rhodes. Mid carders don't get squashed like Barrett did last week.

Barrett is in the low card, Slater is in the low card, thus they are on the same level.

Three weeks ago he beat Mr MITB, Daniel Bryan, at the second biggest ppv of the year. One quick loss to Cena doesn't automatically knock him down from the mid card. I'll take 14 straight ppv appearances vs one random match on Smackdown.

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