WWE RAW 9/5/2011 - Surely All These Pipe Bombs Are Illegal?

What is wrong with you? You're being particularly insufferable as of the last 24 hours. You’re becoming deeply annoying once more and I surely can't be the only person to get annoyed more and more each time you post in this discussion.

Oh, it's my civic duty as Sign Guy to drop by at least once a month and be annoying. ;)

So, Kofi and Bourne have personality, Lawler? :lmao:

I guess Well Dunn are working for JCW.
Yeah. I mean, sure Evan and Kofi's mic-work and personalities are as bland as an unsalted cracker, but I do think they are exciting when it comes to their in-ring work.
I don't find them exciting at all as wrestlers. I think they can perform some exciting moves, but the wrestlers themselves, in the ring, are not exciting at all. What I mean is if you take away their flashy moves, I don't find them exciting at all.

I think they are both very solid workers, but don't find either of them interesting.

I can't say the same for Khali.
And yet, Khali was easily the most interesting wrestler in that match. :shrug:
The same they did as singles wrestlers

So you want WWE to have Jim Johnston cook up a whole new song, just so it can be used for a couple shows and then thrown away?

That's stupid. The mash up of songs seems to be perfect for these types of tag teams. Kane and Big Show, Edge and Orton. Everyone else...Big Show tagged team with.

The route WWE took with their theme songs is perfect, it's easy to create, and it's disposable.
I don't find them exciting at all as wrestlers. I think they can perform some exciting moves, but the wrestlers themselves, in the ring, are not exciting at all. What I mean is if you take away their flashy moves, I don't find them exciting at all.

I think they are both very solid workers, but don't find either of them interesting.

And yet, Khali was easily the most interesting wrestler in that match. :shrug:

Fair enough. I guess we just have different views on what is exciting in wrestling. :shrug:

Sigh, divas, time to take a piss and get a snack.
WHy no chance for Natalya?

I've been watching the whole show. Just haven't had a chance to get in here. I should be fine now though.

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