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WWE Hall Of Fame Discussion **KEEP IT IN HERE**

You guys must have heard something I haven't, because last I checked Vince wants NOTHING to do with Savage. He's one of my all time favourites, but apparently something at some point completely soured Vince on the Macho Man. I figure it's AA for sure, and if not Sting or Goldberg it's gonna be a WCW guy who was big enough for people to care about him, maybe a Barry Windham or Ron Simmons. Especially Ron Simmons, who I believe was the first african-american world champ in WCW, defeating Vader, who incidentally could also be a possibility. And actually that brings to mind Booker T, I think enough time has passed since his TNA time, I believe I read he was at TLC in Houston on a visit, and as long as he's kept in shape he's nowhere near too old to get in the ring and mix it up a little, which they're always looking for.

Come to think of it, I'd put money on Booker T being inducted. Thoughts?

Well apart from recognising him on the Alumni section of the WWE website, which only goes to those on good terms with the WWE and the fact they have an action figure of him and then advertised it something tells me it isn't an unlikely possibility it will happen one year. Vince doesn't hold grudges, anyone who thinks that if a fool considering the amount of names we have seen associated who supposedly are on 'Vince's hate list'. The likes of Bischoff is a good example.
Nobody knows the true reason as to why the two fell out, there is the stupid reason about Stephanie that is pure rubbish and then there was the way Savage jumped over to WCW after promising Vince he would stay (chances are this is the reason).

As for Booker T? Not a chance, for one thing he is bound to end up having another run somewhere and for him to get in before Ron Simmons would be a mockery.
I'm curious who the third "big name" is.. As much as Arn Anderson is a legend and deserves the hall of fame, I just can't see the WWE considering him a "Big Name".. He just doesn't have the name recognition to really be considered a "big name" despite his extermely successful career.

The Second big name is probably Sting.. I know the whole "never worked for WWE thing" is making many sceptical, but look at the fact's.. This isn't Vince McMahon's Company anymore - it's a corporate machine with a PG Rating (something Sting cited as a reason for not working with them in the past).. Not to mention Wrestlemania is in the old WCW Country, and Shawn Michaels is being inducted.

Even though Sting and Shawn never worked together they both are devote born-again christians , and through there religion have found some common ground and have become friends.. Doing a few interviews together to promote there religon and everything.

I think the writing is on the wall, he isn't "signed" with TNA atm, he doesn't have to come in and work for the WWE, he just has to show up and get inducted into the WWE hall of fame.
I'll post even though I'll get a warning since I do for every post even though I explained my post but I guess you need a 500 word answer..

I would think these are possible

Owen Hart - now that brett is back in good terms and enough time has passed they may put another hart in the hall of fame and the best of who is left is owen. He had a bright future that was cut short.

Jake Robert - he has one of the best wrestling minds in the business and even though at one time he was a star he had no problem doing the job to lesser talent. He helped launch stone cold and had some great feuds esp. with Taker

Rick Rude - one of the best mid carders of all times, he made the IC legit.

Lita or Trish - it's about time they put in a modern women and it would have to be one of these two. IF they are trying to court lesner they may choose Sable but I doubt it.

I don't see The Rock, Macho Man, or Warrior being in as they are all big enough to headline their own class.
Another name I thought of that might be a possibility, though I don't know if it's a very good one, is Sable, she was pretty much the Stone Cold of the Diva's in the 90's and made woman's wrestling relevant during the attitude era, she was a fairly decent draw, and if they are serious about trying to bring in her husband, Brock Lesnar, for WM, having Sable put in the HoF may be one of the little things they can do to further persuade him in coming back

Also what about guys like Bam Bam Bigelow, Vader, or the Road Warriors, all of which are more than deserving of place in the HoF, also they like to honor deceased wrestlers alot of time with the HoF, and usually put in a tag team as well
I haven't seen anyone mention this or seen any thread discussing this. While reading about Kevin Nash's return to the WWE at the Royal Rumble, everyone commenting on how over he was in the Rumble and the crowd reaction he got, and everyone speculating about what's next for him in the WWE, I got to thinking about the Hall of Fame.

Isn't it entirely feasible that Nash's return will also coincide with him being inducted into the Hall of Fame this year? He's a legend, he's a star both in the WWE and from WCW (and the HOF is in Atlanta isn't it?), and his career is basically over. Sure, Nash could come back for a short run or a match here and there, but his best days are far behind him and i'm pretty sure he'll have another significant role in the WWE from here on, behind the scenes or as a commentator, not as a wrestler, though.

More then anything, though, doesn't it make sense for Nash to be inducted into the Hall of Fame the same year as Shawn Michaels? Diesel's career started because of Michaels bringing him into the WWF. They were together, both as partners and as rivals for years. They're both members of the Klique. They have such a huge history together it seems fitting that Nash should be inducted this year with Michaels.

Thoughts? Opinions? Other ideas and comments?
I'd be surprised if he's inducted this year. It kinda makes sense to add him with it supposedly being WCW themed, but it also makes more sense for him to induct HBK. No way should he induct and be inducted on the same night.
The response his entrance got last night proves that he could well be one of, if not a headlining Hall of Fame inductee in the future. To induct him this year alongside Shawn wouldn't do Kevin justice as the overall feeling would be 'oh it's great that Kevin's going in and all... but did you hear about Shawn Michaels!'. Save him for a year where theres no MAJOR headliner for a certain years Hall of Fame in my opinion, and have Shawn induct him for old times sake.
Would love to see it happening but I'm thinking they'll have him induct Shawn this year and probably save Nash's induction for next year assuming he doesn't go back to TNA between now and then.
I'd love to see Nash as a commentator on NXT or even Smackdown. As far as an in ring performer, he still could go for a couple more matches. As a HOF candidate this year... I don't think he was a big enough star to be a leading candidate. Putting him in the HOF with Shawn Michaels would be a great addition to this year's HOF. He'll always be remembered as Shawn Michaels' body guard in WWE and why not induct them the same year? Shawn began his rise to prominence with Diesel in his corner so why not put them in the HOF together? It sounds like a good idea to me.
I'd be surprised if he's inducted this year. It kinda makes sense to add him with it supposedly being WCW themed, but it also makes more sense for him to induct HBK. No way should he induct and be inducted on the same night.

not true they can hve nash inducted because we all know hhh will induct shawn but ya i wouldnt mind nash or diesel in hof but i wana see him more on raw but not really for titles
I posted about this in a previous thread, Diesel deserves to be inducted and this year would of been perfect with it being WCW themed and there is still time for him to be announced but last night's pop could only help him. I've been a fan for 17 years and that is the biggest pop I've seen for a surprise enterant.
How anyone could pass on Kevin Nash being inducted into the Hall is just mind boggling. The guy has held every major title in wrestling, he was the original holder of the Most Eliminations in a Rumble record, he won the triple crown faster than anyone, and his popularity over the last 16 years or so speaks for itself. It'd be so lame if he was inducted this year with Shawn because it would take away from both guys' induction. I think he's a perfect candidate for Shawn's inductor for obvious reasons. But, I still think that Triple H is a better choice for Shawn's inductor.
I'd be easy either way, him and HBK going in together would be fitting given their history but personally I'd like to see Nash induct Shawn as he knew him from the old days, but my guess is it will be Triple H.
Actually, it has been discussed and quite a bit...

Anyway... I don't think there is any question that he deserves it, probably more than about 80% of the people that are in the HOF already. It would make perfect sense for him to go in WITH Shawn Michaels too. It is very fitting.

Though he had wrestled under numerous gimmicks and had been around for a few years. Kevin Nash got his true start being HBK's Body Guard. That is when he started to get pushed and became relevant.

Diesel even ended up capturing the WWF Championship before Shawn Michaels did.

Nash has a connection to some of the most powerful people, teams, stables and companies this business has ever seen. I think Nash deserves to be in the HOF of business tactics too LOL...

Kevin Nash is a very smart dude and has had plenty of fame. So, he belongs in a Hall Of it.

If Koko B. Ware could make it, Nash should be begged to enter!

I think HHH should induct HBK. I have no idea who should induct Nash. Maybe HBK should induct Nash and make it a Kliquetastic event!
Has anybody considered Ted Turner? Seriously....he did put wrestling on his network, he bought WCW and he gave the go-ahead to develop Monday Nitro.
Wrestleman is in Atlanta, he lives in Atlanta and THIS would generate some press and media coverage!

I have been thinking a lot about the sudden return of guys like Nash and Booker T to WWE this late in their careers in what is being called non-wrestling capacities (for how long, we don't know). I am also intrigued by the return of Diesel, a WWF gimmick from the 90s.

I believe the Hall of Fame has become a very valued part of the WWE Universe. This year HBK enters. It could be widely considered that HBK is a star of the Attitude Era-Present. Who else can we group in that category that will eventually be inducted to the HOF? The Rock, Undertaker, HHH...is Kane HOF worthy, heck we were talking about Goldberg recently and he was in WWE for one year. With recent plans for the WWE HOF to be located somewhere as a tourist attraction (i.e Orlando), the idea of the HOF has become something that WWE needs to continue to keep their attraction current. Theme parks update, so people return. the HOF will update, after all this is entertainment. New names in the gift shop to sell new nostalgic memorabilia. This means more and more WCW/WWE hybrid guys are going to be inducted in; like it or not WWE now needs these guys, but more importantly these guys need WWE, you don't think they are benefiting of their promotion and merch. incentives.

Take Nash for example. Wanted more $, sure, but also a smart guy who wants security. Sign a legends contract, be in good graces with Vince, and receive a spot in the HOF in a few years. After all, Nash certainly should be deserving of a spot considering his role in wrestling in the 90s-2000s. But go in as Diesel, the WWF version, not Big Sexy WCW. ( And who loves Tshirt sales more than Nash. )

Ditto Booker T.

Ditto the Duddley Boys, Kurt Angle, Jericho....if people want to talk about Edge being HOF worthy, well heck these guys belong there first.

oh, and get this - DITTO STING
....and Vince is doing this the business way. Don't sign Sting to put him in the WWE Hall of Fame as a WCW (TNA) ICON. No, sign him, debut him, let him wrestle a headliner at the biggest PPV, then use him for a year with great feuds. He is historically great at putting over younger talent. And don't be surprised when Vince brings back a disgruntled Ric Flair for Wrestlemania 28 when Flair and Sting go at it one last time, in a WWE ring.

They will all make their way back to WWE because WWE offers long term security. and as for the recent returns, soon to be debuts, and future flash from the pasts..it is all about the Hall of Fame.
I certainly believe the HOF has become a lot more credible over recent years, and will continue to become even more so, as the talents of the 90s begin to retire.

The introduction of Legends contracts with the WWE offers wrestlers security and a guaranteed income, and allows their legacies to be preserved and not forgotton. I think the HOF is being treated with more respect also by Vince, the talent who has gone in over the last few years have been genuine legends of the business and have all been well deserved.

The event itself has become a big deal- just look at all of us speculating on who will be going in this year, its become a big talking point and an important part of Wrestlemania itself, which is great to see. It is always nice to see the stars of the past again, and hear the stories they have to share.

I certainly the the HOF has played a part in Nash returning to Vince's arms...Booker T also, although he will be working on the announcers desk first. I fully expect to see both Nash and Booker in the HOF in the future. I think we will start seeing more and more former superstars returning to the WWE under Legends contracts, in preperation for their entry to the HOF in the future.
agree ... i think there has always been value, but it lacked credibility without certain stars ... and then of course putting certain people in that maybe don't belong.

yes, luger should be in. buff? no way.
Why did they announce Shawn so early and we haven't gotten a second entry yet? If it really would of been WCW themed Shawn shouldn't have gotten it this year. Sting won't be inducted this year because he has to headline whatever class he goes in.
Some random Hall of Fame thoughts.

Maybe they will still go with the WCW HOF induction this year. With Booker and Nash showing up at the Rumble, it dose appear to be they’ve been brought back just in time to go into the Hall, but if it is a WCW induction this year, why headline with HBK? Maybe this is just another way for Vince to stick it to WCW by headlining a WCW induction with one of his greatest superstars of all time.

But what ever the reason, if the this years class is mostly WCW stars, and dose have guys like Nash, Booker, and Luger, than this HOF induction would have the most big name superstars that I can remember. Another thing, most of these guys can still step into the ring and mix it up, so maybe there will be a HOF royal rumble match at mania, or something like that.

I think it's safe to say the HHH will induct HBK.

If Booker goes in, I say he is inducted by his former Harlem Heat partner Stevie Ray.

And if Nash goes in, he will be inducted by a man who WWE is paying the rehab bill for, Scott Hall
hmmm....my 2011 hall of fame class would go like this (plus HBK):

The Rock- Why are the delaying putting the great one in the hall? He already has said he would never wrestle again so why not just put him in since you have put in HBK already. Rock, Austin and HHH carried the attitude era. Put him in already

Demolition- Outside of the rock n roll express, this is the most underatted great tag team in WWE/F history. Their feuds with every team was epic. wrestlings version of kiss kicked ass like no other

Ron Simmons- The first black heavyweight champion deserves his place in the hall. Then when he was with the nation of domination he was dominant, had a good feud with austin and a even better feud with the Rock

Rick Rude- He could talk, he had the charisma, he could wrestle and he was funny. Outside of him being in DX (what was wrong with that picture?) rude could carry even the sorriest of wrestlers (im talking to you Tatanka) to great heights in a match

Mr.Perfect- To quote matt striker at the Rumble "no way, Im marking out bro!" that was my reaction everytime perfect was in a match. Just an absolute athlete. I know people are comparing dolph ziggler to him (not Perfect's son.....damn Joe henning) but if he is even half as good as perfect then wwe has found them something. Plus, how sweet was the perfect plex?

Rick Martel- How awesome was this guy? Martel was the poor mans rick rude. He had a certain quality that made all his matches worth watching. I still remember his great promos with mean gene and some of his matches against razor and against HBK. great competitor

Mick foley- Yes mrs foley's baby boy belongs in right now. He kinda does stuff on TNA but not really so why not put him in? some of the greatest moments in PPV history have him being thrown off/thrown through something. And who knew he was so good with the mic? the cane dewey promo is still epic

Yokozuna- I don't know why everyone is talking about putting luger in because this was the man in that feud. Could he talk? no. Could he wrestle well? no. But was he always dominant not just because of his size? yes. why is mr. Fuji in but he isn't?

Now is my list perfect? no. But these would be my picks for the hall. every guy on this list was a big time main eventer and were big parts of WWE and deserve to be in the Hall
The Rock- Why are the delaying putting the great one in the hall? He already has said he would never wrestle again so why not just put him in since you have put in HBK already. Rock, Austin and HHH carried the attitude era. Put him in already

I think they are saving The Rock for WrestleMania 30. He is going to be the first third generation superstar inducted, they will make a big deal about it when he gets in.

Mr.Perfect- To quote matt striker at the Rumble "no way, Im marking out bro!" that was my reaction everytime perfect was in a match. Just an absolute athlete. I know people are comparing dolph ziggler to him (not Perfect's son.....damn Joe henning) but if he is even half as good as perfect then wwe has found them something. Plus, how sweet was the perfect plex?

Mr. Perfect got inducted into the Hall of Fame in 2007.

Has anybody considered Ted Turner? Seriously....he did put wrestling on his network, he bought WCW and he gave the go-ahead to develop Monday Nitro.
Wrestleman is in Atlanta, he lives in Atlanta and THIS would generate some press and media coverage!


I was thinking the same thing. I could see Vince putting Ted in the Hall of Fame, and with the rumor that this year will be WCW themed it would make sense.
Is the WWE still wanting to do a WCW themed Wrestlemania? If so, they do need some guys in the Hall of Fame from WCW. Certainly, Goldberg was one of the best players in the WCW. It was a rumor a couple months ago that he might be making a return, but they have since died down. I can definitely see him popping up some time in the near future. Lex Luger is another guy I would like to see an introduction into the Hall of Fame. He did have a some what of a minor role with the WWE and even recently was a Down Loadable Legend for Smackdown vs. RAW 2011.

Maybe Diamond Dallas Page but I’m not so sure. It is reported that he is doing a DVD for WWE, this could mean some kind of return for Page. Sting could've been huge but I seriously doubt he'll get in it this year. He was a huge player in WCW's history. If he'd make the right decision to sign a contract with the WWE, he would be inducted. Like others, I'll say Ted Turner would be a great acquisition for the Hall of Fame. I believe guys like Arn Anderson, Dean Malenko, and maybe even Vader could all be inducted. With Shawn Michaels leading the Class this year, I don't believe the stars can be too big. I think a Sting induction would over shaddow a HBK induction and I know WWE wouldn't want that.

This year's Hall of Fame should be phenomenal and full of suprises, hopefully.
new to the board here!

I was definitely excited to see Shawn Michaels get inducted in the HOF as he is one of my favorite superstars of all time!!!! A lot of people were saying that HHH would probably induct him but I remember a while back someone asked Shawn if he got inducted into the HOF who would he want to induct him and he said Bret Hart....so IDK I guess we will have to see!

Arn Anderson I can definitely see him being mentioned in the HOF. I would also want Legion of Doom - if they put a woman in there should be Sunny! She was the first original DIVA of the WWE. Would be nice to see Nash go in as well. But I can't wait till they start announcing more names
1. Shawn Michaels. No question about it this man has had a hall of fame career. If not one of the best in history.
2. Arn Anderson. One of the greatest in the history of this business. The man could go out there and put on a great show. NWA TV champ, NWA tag champ (with Ole, and tully), WWF tag team champion(with Tully). The man had a storied career.

These are the two men i want to see in the hall of fame this year. I am already going to get to see shawn michaels, however i want to see arn. But who will induct arn. I know we would all love to see Ric Flair induct him, i dont know if thats going to happen any time soon, due to him still being with tna. Could it be Tully? It might. This man needs to be in the HOF.

As for Randy Savage. I dont believe that he could be in the HOF this year. He's too big of a star not to be a top attraction at the hof. But i guess we will see.

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