Will Benoit ever be in the Hall of Fame?

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Any organization inducting him would get way too much bad publicity, so I doubt we will see him in any hall of fame, let alone WWE hall of fame.
Just imagine the situation. Who would induct him, what kind of speech would he have?
Yes he is one of the very best ever but he will be forgotten. Younger generations won`t even know him; if they do, it would for how he died.
Never, unless his Ghost haunts Vince. Why? Hall of Fame is for wrestler's contribution in and out of the ring, and out of the ring i mean tutoring younger wrestlers and stealing Donald Trump's hair etc. He did an unforgivable crime and will therefore never be inducted in any hall of fame... Unless his ghost returns, of course.
Benoit was one of my all time favorites and i was thrilled and excited when he finally won the Rumble and to eventually win the title at WM 20. And like many of you i was shocked to hear about his death and even more shocked to find out just exactly what happend. I was hurt and disappointed beyond measure. I see a lot of you people condeming benoit for what he did, yes it was awful, yes it was wrong, and yes i dont blame wwe for doing what they did. But there were many factors people believe to be a driving reason to his actions.

I for one im not going to judge a mans life bases on his last few days on this planet. Whats done is done lets leave it at that.

Now as for the hall of fame is concerned. will he be inducted anytime soon. No, hell no
It would just bring more unwanted media attention towards vince.

I do, however believe that one day yes it could happen,once people forget obviously. the hall of fame is designed to celebrate somebodys personal life rather their wrestling life and all their accomplishments inside the ring, not the tragedys outside the ring. Simply that fact i believe that one day yes, if wwe does it properly. When everybodys forgotten and they do their best to leave his personal life out of speeches and videos.But sadly just because of the extreme circumstances surrounding his actions. it probailly will never happen.

And its such a shame to, benoit was a great wrestler. and all you people saying beoit was a jobber...wtf seriously?carlito is a jobber..chavo is a jobber, hell even might as well call eddie a jobber as well since they reach the same level of success. It just grinds my gears when people shoot of their mouths out of anger towards the situation and dont fully understand it. for christ shakes think about what your saying it before you become a target on these threads. Because trust me you will be labled. and trust me, you will not like it. Show a little decency. Sure he may have killed his family and son. But what about all those years of entertainment and solid matches he put on for us?for almost two solid decades he did it to entertain you! Everyone in the wrestling world has always said benoit was a nice easy going guy who was very easy to get along with and they all respected his ring work,tho they might not agree with his last choices, they all respect what hes done in the ring. They were all baffled just as much as you or me. Dont judge a mans life, youve never lived. and dont condemn his for actions and reasons you dont fully understand. like i said,bottom line whats done is done, leave it at that and just move on.
nobody should really care about what chris benoit did to his family. eddie guerrero got inducted into the HOF(Hall Of Fame), and he killed himself because of drug abuse. benoit killed his family and himself because of usage of steroids. its all about the wrestling, not about the drugs. benoit might have taken steroids to bulk up, or maybe he wanted to end his life that way. but i know for a fact that if chris benoit never did what he did, he would be the world heavy weight champion again today. R.I.P Chris Benoit 1967-2007. Mr. Hankey, the christmas Poo.
WWE should not let what Benoit did out the ring affect what he has done inside the ring. But you know what the WWE HOF is a joke anyways with celebrities like Pete Rose and William Perry. Benoit should be in the real Pro Wrestling Hall of Fame. Were their is nothing but great wrestlers who desrved to be in the hall.
Also, good booking helped MVP and his best work was with Matt Hardy.

His feud with Hardy was good, and I liked the whole I'm better than you contests between the two, but I wouldn't say this has been his best work. Are you forgetting the US title match between Benoit and MVP at Wrestlemania 23? This was probably MVP's biggest shot at getting some major spotlight. I don't really remember how good the match was, but him being in a singles match at Wrestlemania is a far bigger deal than him being randomly thrown into the MITB match. Plus, MVP beating Benoit for the US title at Judgment Day '07 in a 2 out of 3 falls match helped put him over major. So I'll have to say his best work was with Benoit.

They didn't have faith in him, so HBK vs HHH carried the show...And he wasn't even main eventing

I don't necessarily think WWE didn't have faith in him. If Vince didn't have faith in him, he wouldn't have put him in the main event at Wrestlemania 20, and have him win the world title. What you have to remember about the HHH/HBK feud, is that was very hot at the time. Their street fight from Summerslam 2002 was also the second match next to the main event between Lesnar and Rock for the Undisputed title. Look at Summerslam 2005, Hogan VS HBK was also the main event. Why? because it was a dream match, and we most likely would never see those two wrestle each other again. There are feuds,matches, and rivalries in pro wrestling that are either very rare or very hot at the time, and some times they will be put ahead of the world champion. It happens every now and then.
Benoit was absolutely awesome one of my favorites of all time....he kicked ass

He wont be in HOF since hes trying to be earased from history for what he did [ which was horrible ]....he definately had mental issues to do that

But if you reject performers for outside wrestling reasons....kick Austin out if the HOF he has beat 2 of his wives and Im sure others have done" bad things " to warrant no entry
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