WWE Hall Of Fame Discussion **KEEP IT IN HERE**

– F4WOnline.com reports that tonight’s WWE Hall of Fame inductee announcement is one of “three big ones” that have been finalized.

So we know that Shawn Michaels is the first.
Realistically who are the other two?
I can understand that they are hesitant of Sting but let's not ignore the fact that Lex Luger is on good terms with WWE and that is his best friend. Could change alot of things. I'm thinking as Luger saying in various interviews to not cut Sting out quite yet. Shawn Michaels totally unexpected but deserving.
when king first said greatest ever i thought of hbk but wasnt sure bc i memeber them saying all wcw HOF but i guess its not gonna be like that. either way hbk deserves to be in there but maybe vince just doesnt want wcw to have anything headlined by anything and want to make sure they have a top wwe star to headline...and who better than the headliner!
Great choice, well deserved. No need to postpone his induction any longer. Triple H will most likely be the one who inducts him.
So HBK was confirmed tonight and rumors have been circulationg about Sting, Goldberg, and especially about Arn Anderson. I don't think it will be Sting since he was never directly involved in WWE and pretty much slammed them as much as he could for how Vince treated some of the WCW talents that came in. For me Arn Anderson is definately one of the other two, but I have no clue about who #3 could be. Maybe Goldberg but who knows?
This might be a little off but what about Batista? I know what your thinking, but there were rumors about him being in talks with WWE so who knows? I mean he is a multi time WWE World Champion. I think he actually does deserve it but not this year... I just wanted to throw him out there in case the rumors are true and he is talks with WWE.

I could see Sting going in if WWE could somehow grab him and sign him to a contract. I also wouldn't be suprised if Ultimate Warrior or Randy Savage went in if they could get there issues with Vince worked out. Goldberg is another one. He wants one more match so maybe he will get that at Wrestlemania and go into the Hall of Fame the night before.
Someone else to throw out there is The Rock but I don't think he is going in this year either. I wouldn't mind it but I just don't see it happening. I can't wait to see who they are though.
I would say Sting doesnt make sense. This is the WWE hall of fame. Sting never worked a day for Vince and never made Vince any money. Arn Anderson should be a given and will hopefully be announced in the next few weeks. If they are saying three, I guess you could induct Goldberg, although I think he was incredibly overrated. Personally I'd like to see Macho Man or Jake Roberts. I guess a case could be made for the Rock, but I dont see the Rock wanting anything to do with the WWE, including being inducted in their hall of fame.
i haven't seen any talks with Sting/TNA and if Sting did sign something to stay with TNA, Bischoff/Dixie/Hogan would've leaked that pronto as to kill any buzz WWE may have. so Sting is a real big possibility. i don't think Luger. Lex has gotten buried by WWE & Bischoff throughout the years, so it'd be a real contradiction to have him as a "big name" when they basically said he couldn't sell out anything. Arn Anderson isn't a big name either so i hope it isn't him.

Owen Hart could be one. that'd be HUGE.

i don't think Goldberg, not with Hunter's stupid "we're trying to make this legit" crap.

the Rock is one guy i could see being selected.

with all the internet rumors/buzz, Macho Man being inducted would be huge considering the heat between him & Vince

i'll pick Savage & Sting personally because even though they're both big names, they couldn't carry a HOF ceremony on name alone (as in ratings). the Rock is someone who can do that if he's the centerpiece of the ceremony so there's no need in wasting him in a 3 big name event.

(and since i know the whole "he's never been in WWE" thing has been talked about with Sting, there's plenty of guys who are in the HOF who really weren't relevant in the WWF/E through their runs like Dusty Rhodes, Ric Flair in 1991-1992 and AWA personalities like Gagne. remember Vince bought the rights to AWA, ECW, and WCW, so basically WWE is a flagship for all of those, along with the WWF).
I would say Sting doesnt make sense. This is the WWE hall of fame. Sting never worked a day for Vince and never made Vince any money. Arn Anderson should be a given and will hopefully be announced in the next few weeks. If they are saying three, I guess you could induct Goldberg, although I think he was incredibly overrated. Personally I'd like to see Macho Man or Jake Roberts. I guess a case could be made for the Rock, but I dont see the Rock wanting anything to do with the WWE, including being inducted in their hall of fame.

I would say your posting doesn't make sense. This is indeed the WWE Hall of Fame and Sting worked in WCW but guess what, Vince bought WCW. So it doesn't matter. The same can be said about Arn Anderson. SUre Arn worked in WWE for a short time but he didn't do much and certainly never made Vince any money. I also think Goldberg is overated but face it, he did a lot for WCW and pro wrestling in general.
Typically as I recall it, there's generally one clear cut headliner in any given year with regards to the WWE Hall of Fame. And clearly, this honor this year belongs to the incomparable Shawn Michaels. The rest of the inductees, therefore, will be of lesser stature than the Heartbreak Kid, as if someone else really significant were to be selected, they would rain on HBK's parade, and vice versa. This being said, you can forget about the Rock, Sting, Goldberg, Macho Man, Warrior, or anyone else of this degree of prominence in 2011. If any of these guys do make it into the Hall, they will likely be the headliner for their respective year, especially the Rock.

The next inductee will be Arn Anderson, followed by Lex Luger, Ron Simmons, and a couple of lesser known names to round it out. No disrespect to these guys or their accomplishments, but they simply are not on the same level as Michaels. This way, WCW gets its representation for the WCW theme in Atlanta, but the headliner is a WWE lifer.

By the way, Sting will never be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame, not this year, not ever, nor should he be. He will not receive an invitation, and if by chance he somehow did, he'd turn it down anyway. Despite the fact that precedent has been set, I don't think a guy who has never wrestled a single match in the WWE deserves a spot in their Hall of all-time greats, been if Vince does have the legal authority to do so.
The only one I would say for sure is Arn Anderson. We never saw hieght or hair of this guy until probably midway through last year and since then he's been on more episodes of MNR than half the roster. They're clearly trying to make sure as many people know who he is as possible(of course referring to fans such as myself) so the induction will be met with the applause he deserves.
Just want to comment on the rock to be inducted into the hall of fame. Aint gonna happen this year because the wwe aint gonna put two of the biggest stars in the wwe to be inducted on the same night.
I'm glad HBK was inducted. He deserves the honor as much as anyone out there. With a name as big as HBK headlining the 2011 class, I wouldn't get my hopes up for a huge name like Savage, Warrior, Sting, or Goldberg, but anything can happen. My guess is Triple H will induct Shawn, but it would be cool to see the Kliq form on stage on last time.
i dont think the rock will be this year. he is worthy of headlining his own HOF class. and i do think that WM will be in miami in the next few years and as he is from there it would be great for him to be inducted there.

id go with macho man and goldberg. goldberg we know has been in talks. and i think sting is too risky for wwe right now with his current ties to TNA. hell get in, just not this year.
When I saw the video and it said from San Antonio TX I about came out of my seat. Then when he came out I again came out of my seat. A well deserved honor for one of my favorites growing up and I can't wait to see him in person at WM 27.

Loved it when he Superkicked Del Rio and stopped the Show in Music City.
I'd have to say that the first one is going to be Sting. There have been reports that the WWE was very interested in inducting him and the time is right. Being in Atlanta, it makes sense that at least one big WCW name would be inducted and Sting is the perfect guy. The poster who said Sting doesn't make sense because he never worked for the WWE is not a valid argument. When the WWE bought WCW they also bought the history that goes along with that company. Therefore, they almost have a responsibility to recognize those who made that company what it is. Sting has always been a class act and never really bad-mouthed the WWE in any way. It's time he gets his due.

The other is probably going to be Arn Anderson. There's really not much to say about this one other than he's very deserving and a legend in this business. Arn should be the third guy although I would not be surprised if it was someone such as Goldberg.

I also agree with the post about it not being the Rock. Shawn Michaels is headlining this years inductees and the Rock would not play second fiddle to him. When Rock gets inducted it's clear he's going to be the headliner. However, it doesn't seem like the WWE is in any rush to put him in. Let's face it, the Rock doesn't give that company or wrestling in general the time of day. If there's someone big like HBK or Undertaker to be inducted, the E will definitely wait to put the Rock in until after they are. It will obviously happen but probably not for another few years.
The thing is WWE really wanted to stress that HBK is a "First Ballot" HOF. Most Sports have a waiting period for HOF induction usually between 4-6 years but since WWE has no such waiting period this is the Ultimate sign of respect. Selfishly I'm glad he's going in this year because I'll be there to see this great moment in person and I can't wait. I believe the same will happen with Undertaker & Triple H when they retire.
Shawn Michaels in the Hall of Fame is great. I'm not a big fan of WWE's Hall of Fame but it's good for him nontheless. The only thing that surprises me about this, is that I thought WWE was going with a WCW-themed HOF. Maybe not then...

But I'm glad Shawn's in. He's obviously the biggest name being inducted and it's good that it's happening :).
Two other realistic choices?, well this is Atlanta, so if they're looking to put in guys with who were big in WCW then I could see Nash being one of them, Nash was a huge part of WCW as well as WWE, and he's currently not under contract to a anyone, another name I could see being nominated is DDP, like Nash DDP was a big name in WCW, and is HoF worthy, he also had a stint in WWE, and currently isn't under contract to any promotion, which makes it easy for him to be inducted, adn as said with at the begiinig of this post, now would be the time to induct some guys who were big names in WCW
I would say Sting doesnt make sense. This is the WWE hall of fame. Sting never worked a day for Vince and never made Vince any money. Arn Anderson should be a given and will hopefully be announced in the next few weeks. If they are saying three, I guess you could induct Goldberg, although I think he was incredibly overrated. Personally I'd like to see Macho Man or Jake Roberts. I guess a case could be made for the Rock, but I dont see the Rock wanting anything to do with the WWE, including being inducted in their hall of fame.

Two words brother....Verne Gagne. The fact that he's in the HoF invalidates your reason for Sting not being in the HoF. Gagne getting inducted is just the same as if Ted Turner got inducted. Or what about Nick Bockwinkel? One can argue that he was an agent at one time, but still....

Although, I too would like to see Macho or Jake Roberts inducted. They BOTH deserve it. Being in Atlanta, they would both make sense. Mach worked for WCW of course, in the nWo and out side the nWo. And Jake Roberts gained his first notability in Georgia Championship Wrestling.

HBK was a HUGE surprise though.
You guys must have heard something I haven't, because last I checked Vince wants NOTHING to do with Savage. He's one of my all time favourites, but apparently something at some point completely soured Vince on the Macho Man. I figure it's AA for sure, and if not Sting or Goldberg it's gonna be a WCW guy who was big enough for people to care about him, maybe a Barry Windham or Ron Simmons. Especially Ron Simmons, who I believe was the first african-american world champ in WCW, defeating Vader, who incidentally could also be a possibility. And actually that brings to mind Booker T, I think enough time has passed since his TNA time, I believe I read he was at TLC in Houston on a visit, and as long as he's kept in shape he's nowhere near too old to get in the ring and mix it up a little, which they're always looking for.

Come to think of it, I'd put money on Booker T being inducted. Thoughts?
I'm absolutely loving Shawn Michaels getting the HOF induction, no matter how early or late this is. I haven't been this excited for an HOF induction since Ric Flair's and have never been this emotionally charged for one since Eddie Guerrero's. I'm really happy they didn't wait for this one because considering how much of an attention span today's generation has I have a feeling if they waited any longer HBK's induction wouldn't have as much of an impact as it would now.

It pains me to watch a legend like Ted DiBiase Sr. finally get inducted and not have the television audience not sound as excited as they would have if the induction was not earlier. It's just like when MLB players get inducted into their HOF. They have to wait 4-6 years to even get their name on the ballot and even then there's not a guaranteed chance you'll make it that year. So when a great player like Robbie Alomar gets inducted it doesn't seem all that exciting anymore.

Sorry for that little ramble but there was a point. To have HBK's induction be this early is not only a huge sign of respect as TheChristmasCreature said but it brings more of an emotional spin on it as we come to find out he retires in 2010 to get immortalized in the WWE Hall Of Fame just one year later!

Congratulations HBK. You absolutely deserve this honor.
For those of you saying Sting should not be put in the WWE Hall of Fame, are missing the big picture. Even though it is the "WWE" Hall of Fame, the "WWE" includes more than just WWE/F history. The fact is WCW, ECW, AWA, etc. since being bought out by McMahon are now a part of the WWE. Thus, since Sting became a huge star in WCW, and WCW and all of it's history is now part of the WWE, Sting, in my opinion deserves to be in it. I am not even really that big of a Sting fan. I like him, but he never really was one of my top people that I just had to see. But, I still think he is worthy of the hall of fame, and since WCW is a part of the WWE Universe, so to speak, he should be in the WWE Hall of Fame.
That being said, I dont know if he would ever actually agree to it, and I dont know how likely it is that they will do it this year since he could go back to TNA right after. I think Macho Man and Warrior are both outside possibilities. Both have new WWE action figures coming out (or just came out, not really sure on the timing), so it looks like their relationships have slightly improved with the WWE. Macho Man even did a video for comic-con or something when they announced his figure. Warrior, I'm not sure about, I think they may have some kind of co-ownership of his gimmick or something, so they may have been able to put his figure out with or without Warriors permission.

I do think Lex Luger seems likely, especially if the rumor that it will be WCW heavy is true, given that he was in the newest Smackdown vs Raw Video Game, and his relationship with the WWE seems to be pretty good right now. And along the same lines, maybe put the British Bulldog in as well since he was also in the newest game.
[By the way, Sting will never be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame, not this year, not ever, nor should he be. He will not receive an invitation, and if by chance he somehow did, he'd turn it down anyway. Despite the fact that precedent has been set, I don't think a guy who has never wrestled a single match in the WWE deserves a spot in their Hall of all-time greats, been if Vince does have the legal authority to do so.[/QUOTE]

there are quite a few wrestlers in the WWE hall of fame who never had anything to do with the WWE/F so why should sting be excluded? And you say they would never give him an invite well whats with all the reports of wwe being in negotiations with sting you make no sence just cause you have hate in your name dont mean you have to be a hater.:wtf:
the only reason Sting never went to the WWE after the buy out was because of the product that Vince was putting out at the time(sex, extreme violence, satanic stories, gang warfar).He talked about it in the docudrama that was made detailing he career. and by the time WWE went PG Sting was already working for TNA and enjoying helping the upstart company. With WWE PG now I could see Sting work a match or two for WWE if the story was right.
And I wouldn't be surprised to see this year as the year for him to go into the Hall...if WCW was still alive he would have gone into theirs by now.

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