WWE General Complaints Thread

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The B A Star is most hilarious, because who is it who comes across as the biggest bully in WWE? Freaking Cena.

The "face", noble and honourable Cena, bullies the crap out of people on air. He beats up announcers for disagreeing with him, beats on authority figures, makes constant fat/gay jokes, etc.

Look at this feud with Big Show. How is Big Show the heel here? He comes out with these long promos full of legitimate sounding complaints about how he was mistreated in WCW and WWE (which he has been), how his job was on the line, etc, and Cena's response is to not react to anything he says and instead smirk a lot and go "lol u fat".

It wouldn't be so bad if Cena was portrayed like Austin, who, as a face, was always said to be a hell raiser, a dangerous guy, etc, who you couldn't trust and shouldn't turn your back on.

Cena is portrayed as the world's most upstanding citizen, from his stupid salute at the start, to the constant vignettes for Make A Wish, etc, saying how John Cena is the most wonderful man to ever like and you should be cheering him.

Sheamus and CM Punk, as the other super faces, also come across as bullies, which Sheamus beating up people who disagree with him (including referees) and Punk disparaging people for no reason. But at least Sheamus is meant to be temperamental and violent, and Punk outspoken and brash, it gives some context to the faces not acting very face-like. What the hell is Cena?
It's professional wrestling. Everything, save for your cartoon characters like Santino and Ricardo, is a bully. Can we please get beyond people complaining about the anti-bullying stuff? It's a good cause. Relax.
John Cena main eventing EVERY RAW! I say it this week and it will be true if you read this today or next week or the week after or the week after and so on....The same can be said about the pay per views. Nothing about Cena is new, it is all old and stale and has been for YEARS.
A big complaint that I have is that Raw hasn't had a consistent enforcer in such a long time. Laurinitus would seem like he has more authority if he had been around as gm for longer (so I hope they keep him!)
My biggest complaint about WWE is there short term mentality, Yes throwing Cena into every main event of RAW and every main event PPV boosts ratings and sales, but at the expense of giving that time, exposure and main event status to the next person coming up. Austin/Rock/HHH and many others all shared the limelight in the Attitude Era, some more than others but they got massive by feeding off each others energy, and all got to that APEX superstar level, mainsteam and in WWE, either of them couldve main evented RAW and drew massive ratings.

Cena feels more like Hulk Hogan, build solely around him and have one mega star, instead of many superstars. They joked about Monday Night RAW Starring Brock Lesnar, but in reality its close to the truth with Cena.

We've seen him in the main event, i feel he would be better suited to a HHH in Evolution role now. Put him in a stable, put two rookies next to him, dominate and build up the rookies, have em turn on him and put em over, I.e. Orton and Batista.
Also side gripe. Cyndi Lauper in todays WWE. REALLY?!?. I understand there are now alot more women viewers than before, but the audience is composed mostly of
Males - Aged 18 - 35
Kids - 5 and up.

The kids werent around for the Rock n Wrestling connection and have no idea who she is, Even with the 5 minute vignette before the start of it. And the males dont care really. It added nothing to the product. The Superstars involved were Layla and Slater. Yes it was good to see Piper back and i marked out for it. But it couldve been condensed into

*Return from Adbreak Slaters in the ring, no entrance
- Rile up the crowd for minute.
- Pipers Music hits and comes down.
- Decks him
- Maybe mention 1000th WWE RAW, Pose and leave.

Alot the other 10-15 minutes that wouldve been wasted to solid build for a fued. I.e. Have Sandow take the US title off Santino and enter into a fued with Ryder, Saving the masses from his Jersey Shore lifestyle, With Ryder in v2.0 of US Title hunt.
On Raw, Michael Cole's behavior during the Piper/Lauper/Richter segment was just terrible. And, in classic Cole fashion, he was awful on several levels.

First, he was disrespectful to what was going on in the ring. Not in a heel way, because Slater did a great job playing his part. Cole laughed over their voices and showed a complete lack of respect.

On another level, he did it terribly! He continues to act like he read a "History of Being a Heel" book, but skipped pages at a time. He is not Bobby Heenan, he is not Jesse Ventura...he is just terrible! And not in the "he gets you mad so he's doing his job" way. No, he doesn't get me mad, as in getting heat. He makes me sick as in he has no clue how to be a heel.

This guy continually--and endlessly--does a horrible job at whatever role he is trying to play. As a face, he is corny. As a heel, he is pathetic. As a straight announcer, he is uninteresting.

Finally, when he is overacting on one of his "heel" rants, pay attention. He will repeat himself over and over--not for effect. But, because he has no goal or plan with his mocks and insults. "How about that Lawler?" "How about that Lawler? ... "How about that Lawler?" Why not just say "I need a timeout because I have no idea where I am going with this."

He brings NOTHING to the table. I am all for heel announcers and heel managers and whoever can bring heat. Vickie is annoying but she is effective. But Cole is just terrible..AND can't get heat. What an absolutely terrible choice for the voice of the WWE. Only outdone by John Sterling as the voice of the Yankees. Two huge companies/franchises with two fools speaking for them.

...oh he will get punched one night and the crowd will go wild. Yep, that is totally worth it. Decades of this fool's meaningless contribtutions for a cheap pop once a year. Way to have your finger on the pulse, WWE!
Hate to say it but Cole is far from the only one who repeats himself when he gets tripped up over what he's going to say next. The Rock does it ALL the time.

The problem is that Cole is overexposed at whatever role he's asked or is trying to portray. Years ago, JR or King would get involved in a storyline once in a blue moon, and it was tastefully done, and THEY weren't the mouthpiece for the involvement, either, it was one of the wrestlers, and it was done to help put the wrestler over.

Cole's heel character has stirred many emotions among the fanbase, just as JL character has. I think what we need to understand and accept is that in the new world of WWE, everyone is a character. Yes, they have their roles as announcers or wrestlers or managers, but at the end of the day, it's a TV show, and they're PLAYING these roles. Not to take anything away from the dedication or physicality that wrestlers bring to the table, but they are all entertainers.

Cole draws heat. Don't tell me you didn't want to see Cena decimate him like he did a few weeks ago. It was great and it was a long time coming.

When Cole isn't playing the heel, he's "fine" imo. If JR is a 10, on some days Cole can slide in there as a 7, maybe a 6.5. Lawyer doesn't really help that much on color anymore, he seems to be phoning it in most days. And Booker T, well, you know...he sucks.

Cole is a broadcaster, and thus he can talk, he knows enough about wrestling and he's a familiar face. Plus he's a convenient alternative to JR, whom Vince seems to have this hate/hate relationship with.

Cole's not going anywhere anytime soon. And I can tolerate that. He doesn't make me want to watch, but I might be in the minority that he doesn't want to make me change the channel, either. I'd rather listen to Cole than JL or Big Show.
I too found Cole's act during the Piper/Richter/Lauper segment to be ridiculous and distracting. But you need to realize that those headsets they wear aren't just to hear each other. There's ALWAYS someone on the end - usually Vince McMahon - feeding lines to them. If you don't think Vince was telling Cole to laugh throughout that segment, then you're naive.

Cole's character is annoying, and he often times goes so far overboard in his attempt to be a heel that it detracts from the overall product. But usually, he's doing it because that amuses Vince.
I too found Cole's act during the Piper/Richter/Lauper segment to be ridiculous and distracting. But you need to realize that those headsets they wear aren't just to hear each other. There's ALWAYS someone on the end - usually Vince McMahon - feeding lines to them. If you don't think Vince was telling Cole to laugh throughout that segment, then you're naive.

Cole's character is annoying, and he often times goes so far overboard in his attempt to be a heel that it detracts from the overall product. But usually, he's doing it because that amuses Vince.

If that is true, and I feared it might be, I am not naive--I am sad. I really hoped I was wrong that Vince was this off these days. I think I need to realize that he is not the genius he once was and see him for what he seems to be now---a road block to development and improvement of the product. Most of the people he hates are the ones I want to see/hear. Heyman, JR....actually let me stop there because a dozen more names just popped in my head before I even had a chance to think about it. Yep, seems like Vince is hanging on and it might be time to let go. Not saying he ever will, but for the product's sake, I hope he does.
My complaint is The Big Show. IMO he sucks and has shitty mic skills. I hope No way out was the last PPV he main events. I am just so tired of him.
Wwe rigging the twitter poll on to say what wwe (I mean Vince McMahon) wants it to say. #AJALL clearly was trending over #AJPUNK the whole entire show. I would bet anything that Vince acts like a 5 year old when things don't go his way....
In my opinion, the WWE is going on and off on one being face and one being heel. Every 3 weeks they switch the face to heel, and the heel to face. It's getting annoying. Seeing as if AJ kissed Kane few weeks back, made the impression of Kane turning face again. The problem I have with the current product, is the inconsistency. There is no long-term run, there is only a months or two run for a certain character. In my opinion, the WWE does nothing to make someone look good. Look at Sheamus for instance. He's a World Heavyweight Chamapion, yet he ain't getting the right recognition by the fans, since WWE is failing in building him up as a legitimate champion. I know it's going to stay this way untill Randy Orton returns, but that does mean that WWE shouldn't put effort on the current champion. Same problem is with CM Punk.

They gave Punk the chance to be what he wants to be, and ran with it. And suddenly at some point they decided to stop it. And now they make John Cena, who doesn't even hold the championship, main event Raws and PPVs. They make Cena look bigger then the championship, which makes CM Punk look kind of irrelevant (although the guy has great matches). Why is Cena the focus of the show, is beyond me.

I respect Cena, but the creatives make mistakes that might cost them in the future. If you have a champion, you'd like him to be the focus of the show, right? But not in the WWE.

They silenced Punk's rants and great promos, just to give John Cena the time to face Brock Lesnar, and then Big Show, and then John Laurinaitis. Cena vs Lesnar is a great match, and I glad the match main evented Extreme Rules. But c'mon now, Cena vs Big Show over Bryan vs Punk vs Kane? Really? Or further more, Cena vs Cole, over Punk vs Kane?

You tell me what you think of this...
You're are totally right but maybe creative aren't to blame on the time slots given but their ideas are goddamn terrible. The contract on pole match was refreshing more things like that need to happen more often on Raw and Smackdown.

My problem is you know some guys don't need the strap Cena is really beyond that, most would agree but you don't put it right out there on TV, you're correct about those Cena matches being Main Event only the Lesnar and The Rock matches should have gotten the Main Event.

Sheamus needs an intense fued, his one with HHH was good, had a good intensity to it. Everything is so bland most of the time. Credit to creative with Punk though, i know people get pissed with the positioning of the WWE built but Punk has had consistant fueds with his run. The personal feel between he and Jericho was nice, the way the Bryan/Kane fued has unravelled with AJ is really good too.
I am both a Cena & Punk fan, but you do realize all because some one has the title that doesn't make them the man don't you?

The only reason people claim Punk is better is because he doesn't have the 5 moves of doom that people are tired of Cena having.

Is having good matching important? Yes it is, but money isn't made off of good matches. Money is made off of good gimmicks that sell merchandise and as long as Cena is out selling everyone on merchandise he will continue to be put before anyone else. Its called business Plain and simple.
Simply put, there is nothing "creative" about the WWE 'creative team'. It's non-sensical, non-advancing storylines that end up hurting the product overall. Certain people aren't on TV for weeks and then, outta nowhere, get a match not even built properly with random opponents and no story. WWE have been very much on auto-pilot since they lost major competition and I fear they will have to take a major ratings hit to give them their much needed wake up call to shake things up and give the effort again. By then, it may be too late to recover from the damage they've already done......
Sad thing is that so many people are focused on the dumb stuff that TNA does, that they overlooked the crap the WWE is doing.

They haven't built Sheamus at all, its like he's just a transitional champion in their eyes. As for CM Punk, they took what was a hot angle, A Stone Cold type gimmick, and shelved it for this lover's triangle storyline (though I will conceede that I'll give anything a shot that means AJ is on TV). The fact they are going to have John Cena in the MITB match smacks of the companies desire to keep the WWE belt a John Cena only zone, despite the groans on the Fans on Raw when Cena said he was in the match.

Dolph Ziggler and Alberto Del Rio's match was booked just wrong. Seriously, let's look at the logic.
You have a match where the winner gets the contract, gets the title shot. Instead, they fight over the contract after it falls out of Ziggler's hands (Ricardo even had the contract for a second). Now, despite the fact neither man was able to get the contract, they still get the title shot! Match should have continued until one had the contract firmly in his hands. More bad booking logic from the WWE "Creative".
I am both a Cena & Punk fan, but you do realize all because some one has the title that doesn't make them the man don't you?

Are you serious? How come when John Cena was the the WWE Champion, and any other wrestler was 'The Man', but Punk is suddenly not 'The Man'? What's the point in puttin the belt on Punk, if not make him the face of the company?

The only reason people claim Punk is better is because he doesn't have the 5 moves of doom that people are tired of Cena having.

I never said I don't like Cena. All I am saying is that a WWE Champion should have the main events on Raw and PPV. There is no chance in hell, that a guy fighting a 'non-wrestler' and covers him with condiments, is better then putting the match involving the WWE Champion. It's just unrealistic. Once again, making Punk's run irrelevant.

Is having good matching important? Yes it is, but money isn't made off of good matches. Money is made off of good gimmicks that sell merchandise and as long as Cena is out selling everyone on merchandise he will continue to be put before anyone else. Its called business Plain and simple.

Actually? Money is sometimes made on good matches. Just because Vince McMahon is a ********, who only cares about the dollar signs, does make your point any better. Yeah, Cena makes more merchandise, but you know what? Punk can sell even more then him, if the WWE Creatives actually gave him the chance to be who he wants to be. That's what they did with Cena in the past, and that's why he is so damn popular. But they don't let Punk become any better then Cena. Because trust me Punk can be better then him and sell more shirts and spoons, knives and forks then John Cena. WWE just don't want to make this happen.
Actually? Money is sometimes made on good matches. Just because Vince McMahon is a ********, who only cares about the dollar signs, does make your point any better. Yeah, Cena makes more merchandise, but you know what? Punk can sell even more then him, if the WWE Creatives actually gave him the chance to be who he wants to be. That's what they did with Cena in the past, and that's why he is so damn popular. But they don't let Punk become any better then Cena. Because trust me Punk can be better then him and sell more shirts and spoons, knives and forks then John Cena. WWE just don't want to make this happen.

Yeah, WWE hates money. That's why Punk isn't main eventing. Or maybe it's the more likely reason that Punk's popularity dropped off almost as soon as it began. We all know the WWE had a "knee jerk" reaction to the low rated main event segments that Punk had early on, but if we look deeper into it I have to wonder if there were factors that we as fans don't see. Is it possible that after huge t-shirt sales in the early fall that they cooled off dramatically only a month or so later? The WWE stopped boasting about Punk's "Cena beating) numbers and it's safe to say Cena overtook Punk again almost instantly. It really just comes down to the fact that Punk isn't as popular as Cena. It's the same thing that happened to Randy Savage. Savage wasn't as popular as Hogan, so he rarely if ever main evented without Hogan. As for giving him a chance like they gave Cena. Cena's first WWE championship reign was on the B-show. If Punk were on Smackdown like Cena was he'd be main eventing. If Cena were on RAW with Batista and Triple H he probably would have taken a back seat to them during his first run as champ. Cena wasn't given any advantage other than being placed on a lower profile television show. And hell, I'd be all for sending Punk to Smackdown but there's really no difference between the two in this day and age.
Are you serious? How come when John Cena was the the WWE Champion, and any other wrestler was 'The Man', but Punk is suddenly not 'The Man'? What's the point in puttin the belt on Punk, if not make him the face of the company?

I never said I don't like Cena. All I am saying is that a WWE Champion should have the main events on Raw and PPV. There is no chance in hell, that a guy fighting a 'non-wrestler' and covers him with condiments, is better then putting the match involving the WWE Champion. It's just unrealistic. Once again, making Punk's run irrelevant.

Actually? Money is sometimes made on good matches. Just because Vince McMahon is a ********, who only cares about the dollar signs, does make your point any better. Yeah, Cena makes more merchandise, but you know what? Punk can sell even more then him, if the WWE Creatives actually gave him the chance to be who he wants to be. That's what they did with Cena in the past, and that's why he is so damn popular. But they don't let Punk become any better then Cena. Because trust me Punk can be better then him and sell more shirts and spoons, knives and forks then John Cena. WWE just don't want to make this happen.

I understand your logic,but unfortunately like I already said the title only means you are a top player. In order to be the man you have to be leading in merchandise sales. Like it or not its business.

Example back when Stone Cold was the man. He wasn't the only one holding the championship the whole time now was he? No he wasn't other wrestlers got to hold it to. That didn't automatically put them higher then Stone Cold.

One last point back in the day when the wwe championship was main eventing. That was during a time when the wwe had a lot more star power on their roster. All of the guys who wrestled for the championship back then where over enough to where any of them could have gotten it anytime.

I never did say you hated cena. I was talking about people in general. I do agree with you the championship is main event material, but lets face it punk is not facing main even material guys. Yes I know Bryan is X World Champion., but that still doesn't make him main even material, but he is well on his way just give him a year or 2 an he will be their. Ziggler is a Mid Carder for life. Kane is main event material, but we all know he isn't getting the championship anytime soon. So basically it boils down to cena and punk being the only draws on raw, but like I already stated cena sells more merchandise so that is the why the wwe puts cena first
My biggest complaint is WWE's booking and the way they handle their most underrated wrestlers. I'm not a fan of the PG stuff. It makes the product seem watered down and predictable. I am mostly tired of John Cena's "Super-Cena" gimmick. It makes it hard to watch. I know he is their top star, but WWE really needs to overhaul John's character. You would know what I mean why his character is so stale if you watch the promo he gave on Raw a few nights ago.
Please excuse me if I put this in the wrong place, if it needs moved please do so.

Does anyone else feel completely let down by the way Lesnar is being used? I understand that this is all he would agree to. But my question is if this is what he agreed to then why bother?

For me, the fact that he isnt around doesnt make him more of a draw, it makes me say what is the point of this. I know hes going to have 1 match, leave and then every once in a while we will see Heyman. For me, thats not a payoff. I want to see what everyone else thinks.

Are you intrigued when Brock shows up? Or are you annoyed like me and think WWE should have never signed someone who wasnt interested in being there long enough to tell a good story?
They should have just brought Brock back for the Cena angle then go, in my opinion he had a buzz about him up until Extreme Rules then that was gone after his defeat, he doesn't deserve to be in 2 main events of the the big 4 PPV's ... Summerslam and WM29 .. The ''Pain'' should just leave.
I am always intrigued by Brock. He is a true athlete in every sense of the word and is a special attraction. I don't want to see him every week.

I think the main reason Brock is there is to put over the WWE as a legitimate sports organisation and show that the superstars can hang with top fighters even though we all know that's BS but hey that's vinny mac for you!

I think brock gets a lot of bad press from wrestling fans and I do think he has a great deal of respect and understanding of the business even though he does not have the passion for it but nothing can change that and he would admit that too. It's just one of those things.

But yeah, I've always enjoyed bricks work and respected him as a performer and man so I'm always happy to see him even if it's every few month.
They should have just brought Brock back for the Cena angle then go, in my opinion he had a buzz about him up until Extreme Rules then that was gone after his defeat, he doesn't deserve to be in 2 main events of the the big 4 PPV's ... Summerslam and WM29 .. The ''Pain'' should just leave.

Its not about who "deserve" to be in the main event. Its about attraction and drawing the most for vince. As a casual fan, im more interested seeing brock lesnar in a match against hhh, cena, punk, rock and other household names than a non-establsih midcarder competing at SSlam. No disrepect to ziggler, rhodes, barrett, etc. but they are not at that level, just not there.

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