WWE General Complaints Thread

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Eh. I think they are doing fine but WWE need to keep the squash matches out of the PPV. It is worse than scraping together a random match. Give them a good two weeks and Ryback will be on his way to crushing random low-carders.
While the squash matches certainly haven't helped guys like Ryback, Tensai, and Clay I think the real think keeping anyone from caring about them (with the exception on Clay because people seem to like his dancing) is the fact that they don't talk. It is hard to relate to someone who doesn't ever say anything. If they don't say anything how do you know what they think and how do you know if you really like them or not?
The squash matches serve a purpose. It's called building a character. You make it sound like Ryback has been squashing people forever. He's been back for less than two months. When Ryback does step up to better competition there will be a buzz because of how dominant he's been so far. If Ryback were already struggling in competitive matches against other mid carders he wouldn't stand out from the pack at all. The more he dominates the better the payoff will be when he gets his first competitive feud.
Squash matches are fine if used correctly, especially for bigger wrestlers. Most of the guys who benefit from squash matches are limited technically, so squashes help those bigger guys establish movesets that (hopefully) connect with the crowd. As someone else mentioned, it also helps put over the fact that these guys are unstoppable beasts who pose a serious threat when they move up to higher grade competition.

The problem occurs when someone has too many squashes. The "dominance" point isn't driven home more than it is rammed down the audiences throat and thus gets stale. Brodus Clay was headed in this direction until some of his more recent matches. Even though his bout against Big Show really didn't happen, the brutalization Clay took dropped him down a peg in a good way by showing the he is in fact beatable. He didn't technically lose the match though but the thought is now planted in the minds of the audience. Smart booking in my opinion.

Anyway, to define a hardline number of squash matches that can take place before they become stale is kind of difficult to do I think. Once you've shown the guys dominance, you either let him run with it through the ranks (a la a Goldberg type streak) or you graduate the guy up and let him get beat to put someone else over a bit. How long you let the squashes go on for depends on how long it takes for the audience to "get" that the guy is a force to be reckoned with.

Admittedly, sometimes the majority of the audience just doesn't connect and creative is faced with aborting a gimmick entirely, as was the case with Lord Tensai.
I don't have a problem with Ryback's squash matches, but I'd like to see him start gunning for the main roster. No more 160-pound jobbers, please.
I don't have a problem with Ryback's squash matches, but I'd like to see him start gunning for the main roster. No more 160-pound jobbers, please.

They need to take their time with Ryback, but he needs to squash everybody on his way to the IC belt and then to the WHC. Make him invincible. That way when he finally loses it's huge.
The Usos need more tv time on RAW or SMACKDOWN. They are a great tag team with good ability and teamwork, but they lose to Darren Young and Titus O'neil. They kick serious ass and they have great wrestling family blood running through their veins. Plus, they get the morbidly silent NXT crowd to actually react to their matches. To me those are what tag team champs should be not more bastardized Kofi Kingston tag teams. The Usos are money in the bank.



We're two months ahead of Wrestlemania and everything in the current WWE seems to be a complete mess!

***Now, all these aren't complaints, but a sum up in order to set my questions, so PLEASE, don't move this in the Complaints Thread.***

Superstars are jumping around from one show to another, competing for any title they want. (Daniel Bryan competing for the World Heavyweight Championship, then 3 weeks later he competes for the WWE Championship, Kane going from a RAW guy a Smakdown one, then back to RAW, Jericho doing the same thing as Bryan)

Suspensions coming out of nowhere. (Jericho's, Orton's, his second in a period of six months -I didn't buy the "back injury" at all-)

WWE lost any momentum they could have gained since last summer (Summer of Punk, Punk vs Nash/Triple H, Walkout Angle, Returns of Jericho/Lesnar, Awsome Truth, Kane's Ressurection, Ryder-Eve, all gone mostly due to bad timing and bad writting)

A World Chapionship match hasn't headlined a PPV in 6 months, since WWE's TLC PPV, in which Cena didn't appear. (If he had, then the last main-event PPV Championship match would have occured at Vengeance)

There are no top heels other than Daniel Bryan. (R-Truth, The Miz, Del Rio, Henry, all had great pontetial but failed)

Hypocrisity. (Who ever thought that an Anti-Bullying campaign, held by a WRESTLING company, whose storylines consist of bullying, whould be taken on a nice way by people?)

Onto my questions:

Do you think that the WWE is in need of some strong repackaging? A REAL one this time.
What do you think can be done?
People tend to overreact in my opinion to what is still only a few week drop in quality. It wasn't that long ago we had two of the best PPVs in years back to back and sure things haven't been great in the last few weeks but there are still positives.

Bryan Punk AJ are putting together an interesting story that it looks like they are planning on continuing for a bit longer. Kane is obviously in there to allow one of them to get the win without pinning the other and having these two wrestle is always great.

Ziggler finally looks to be setting out on his own. Whether he goes on to be a main eventer or not he's the best seller in the company and he deserves to get this chance.

There is a shit load of great talent coming through. Damien Sandow is interesting, Dean Ambrose is ready to make the step up along with Seth Rollins. There is hints of a tag team revival with The Usos, Kofi and Truth and Young and O'Neil all getting TV time. You've also got the likes of Ryback as well.

It's not perfect at the moment but WWE has always had phases like this when they hold out on big storylines for the right moment. It's been a bit shit but don't panic until it's consistently been like this for a longer period of time.
On the heels of reading the latest plans (which, i know, are far from set in stone) about Punk feuding with the Big Show, it leads me to wonder: exactly how out of touch do you think the WWE is?

I think that this is an absolutely horrible idea and speaks worlds about how clueless they are.

So, tell us exactly HOW this feud makes creative "clueless"? Oh wait! They aren't the ICW so obviously they MUST BE, right?

Seriously, just because the feuds that are made aren't the ones the ICW wants doesn't mean creative is clueless. Heck, I'd rather see that feud than a big show vs. Cena feud, which we have seen time and time again.

If WWE creative is clueless, TNA's must be monkeys on typewriters, because those storylines SUCK. (IMO). That's probably because Hogan is writing them though, while banging Bubbas wife.
I'm curious... how does this make them 'out of touch'?

They're building the Big Show as the big monster heel for the summer. Punk is the WWE champion. Show is a guy that can pull off being a believable monster. It makes sense that he will want the big prize.

I would have rather they did Punk/Bryan at Summerslam... but if they carry that feud till the end of the summer, we'd be looking at about their 4th straight PPV match, which really isn't much of a selling point for the show.

I'm perfectly fine with Punk/Show. It makes sense to me.
It seems like a smart move to me, as Punk needs a feud where he can defeat a monster heel.

Currently, the major dominant heel is Big Show, and it would add something different to Punk's reign if he could be the one to finally defeat him. Of course, this point depends on Big Show overcoming Cena - all his momentum will be lost if he loses. Creative will be out of touch if they fail to see Show needs the victory over Cena, as Punk being able to do what Cena couldn't would surely cement his place in the main-event.

Punk v Big Show may not be the match that the IWC wants when Bryan is doing so well, but it's the type of match that needs to happen
You know, this whole storyline wouldn't be an issue if the WWE did one simple thing...

I was under the impression that most people had an issue with the match. I guess I was wrong. Maybe it's just because I think the Big Show is the most boring superstar in the WWE. Or that I think the quality of a wrestling match is important.
Big Show needs to be booked as the dominant heel to make this work.I remember him knocking the undertaker out.If they want this to work,they'd have to make him GO OVER cena.Cause if cena beats him at NWO,it would worthless to see him fued with punk.They need to book him,like they did to henry last year.Made him go through almost every over face clean.If big show's booked like that,it will be a great programme to watch.
For all those "asking" and "curious" why creative is out of touch, I'll help you out. Big Show sucks. You can "build him up" all you want, but nobody wants to see him. If he isn't drawing with Cena (ratings dying even more than usual), he isn't going to draw with Punk.

The storyline isn't interesting, isn't unique, Big Show is boring, nobody cares what he does.

Doesn't matter how well Mark Henry's latest heel run was perceived, he still didn't draw (TV or PPV ratings), and it takes a big spot away from someone who will still be around in a few years and perhaps hasn't really had a chance to prove whether they could draw regularly given the proper push.

It's not the idea or the storyline, it's the guy. Big Show is awful. Did anyone actually watch the entire first 20 minutes of Raw last week? It was not only boring, but patronizing to fans, as well. Half recap, half repetition of what he said earlier in the week.

I also cringe at the idea of PG corny Punk in a feud with overplayed monster heel Big Show, but that's for another thread.

OP, you're not wrong. MANY, many more people think you're right. And they vote by not watching the shows or paying for the PPVs, which the numbers prove as fact.
Big Show needs to be booked as the dominant heel to make this work.I remember him knocking the undertaker out.If they want this to work,they'd have to make him GO OVER cena.Cause if cena beats him at NWO,it would worthless to see him fued with punk.They need to book him,like they did to henry last year.Made him go through almost every over face clean.If big show's booked like that,it will be a great programme to watch.

Really? Don't you remember Kane? Had this big push as a monster, practically destroyed Zack Ryder and then lost to Cena. What did he do after that match? Feuded with Orton had about three matches that were entertaining especially the Wrestlemaina match. My point is Cena is on another level then any other face he's "Super Cena" and jobbing to him doesn't really matter much because everyone on the roster at one time or another loses to Cena. I suspect Punk and Show to have outstanding matches considering the matches he had with Bryan. As long as it's entertaining you won't hear me B#tchin
Show Tolerance and Respect -

Really? Really? Really?

WWE went PG to cater to all the little kids out there, stop swearing, no blood, all this crap and promotes itself as a member of the Be A Star Alliance.

In case anyone missed this Monday Nights RAW allow me to recap:

John Laurinitis books John Cena vs. Michael Cole.
Cole begs not to fight Cena
Cole runs away
Cena chases him down, puts him in a headlock and drags him to the ring
Cena tears off Cole's Shirt and Pants and gives him a pretty narly chop
Cena puts him in a headlock and forces him to apologise
Cena covers him in BBQ sauce and sprays him with a fire extinguisher

Im not gonna turn this into a PG era bashing post (Though i would like to) but does anyone else here just want to facepalm. Does anyone else see the comparison of John Cena being the Jock picking on the lowly nerd Michael Cole while a crowd cheers.

Punk is a sellout,hypocrite,disgrace

The fact smarks like this guy does my head in but it also proves you're all suckers for the wwe machine. You'll eat whatever shit wwe dishes up on you're plate just like the kids. All wwe has to do is throw the word ''indy'' at a guy and you all proceed who suck whoever's dick is attached to the word ''indy'

But lets to stick to punk shall we. Now this my friends is a guy who claims he hated john cena. Said he ''sold out'' he become ''the new york yankees''

Look at you're hero now !!!!!! His john cena 2.0 in everyway possible

* Merch ****e
* Cuts childish promo's/makes lame jokes
* Has 5 moves of doom/rarely loses
* Allways made to look unbeatable
*Allways potrayed as the good guy

Theirs more..... I know their is..... But my main point is this. His a joke and i can't take him seriously how can he say he hates cena then less then a year later become everything cena is ???? ANSWER ME THAT PLEASE
Agreed with Cole Phelps. Its amazing what a Sellout Punk is. I was watching the litter banter between Bryan and Punk and realized they both were telling some truths. Only think Punk did out of all the points he made about his Pipe Bomb speech was winning the Gold. He never changed the design. He never brought back Ice Cream. He's obviously become a WWE Corporate Stooge. He's friend with Cena, the same guy he was hating on for a while. He's becoming more friendly and panders to the PG crowd. His jokes are extremely unfunny. The only thing he's got left is he's an awesome ring technician. It also seemed like the Pot was calling the Kettle black when Punk was discussing the changes in Bryan. Whom in my opinion got over on his own and never truly bowed to the Corporate stiffs of the WWE even in his beautiful face to face with Mcmahon backstage
Heyman shouldnt be with lesnar.
he helped lesnar out however with or without lesnar is huge without him.
so i feel heyman should be used with drew mcintrye.
a guy who hadnt been pushed in 3 years a guy who is rarely on tv.
and a guy who was vince mcmahon's pick to be a future whc.
Isn't Heyman there to keep Lesnar relevant when he's off TV? If Lesnar wasn't currently employed by WWE then Hayman wouldn't even be there.

Having Hayman on TV to get over a younger superstar is a sound idea. But that ain't what he's there for.
Heyman was only brought in for the sole purpose of keeping Lesnar relevant again until he is back on TV. With the JL/Cena/Big Show stuff going on right now, I don't expect Heyman on TV again for awhile.
WWE is part of a campaign called "Be a Star" that goes from town to town advising young children not to be bullies to each other but to be a star. I have a big problem with that, not with the concept of course, everybody should be taught that lesson.

But World Wrestling Entertainment as a Pro Wrestling organization, first and foremost, is not entitled to teach children anything, after all the content for their program is violence, even if it's acted, it's still violence, and their storylines are most of the time featuring bullying. Yeah, of course, it has to be a heel and a face, so the bad guy needs to bully the face so when the face wins we can all cheer... wrong.

WWE shouldn't be a part of the Be A Star Campaign, is purely stupid, and not only because they are a wrestling company but because of what people do on their shows, Vince McMahon as an example, the guy is a moron, sure he is one of the brightest minds in the industry, but he sure is a moron, just look at another attack to Jim Ross who, of course, didn't do anything prior to the event to deserve it.

But only if Jim Ross was the only problem, oh he is not, what about Vickie Guerrero? I don't care if she is overweight, ugly, beautiful, slim, etc., she needs to be respected as much as any other on-air character. It doesn't matter if she is a heel, Jerry Lawler every single week insults her and for what? A cheap laugh? Does Lawler even look in the mirror everyday? He has no reason to speak about other people appareance.

I just don't get why WWE still does this kind of stuff on air, I think Be a Star is a great campaign if only World Wrestling Entertainment was more responsible for what airs on theirs shows I wouldn't a problem with it.

I'm pretty sure this has been already debated but another week of bashing Jim Ross and his disease and I've had it. The same thing, and I don't want to spoil anything, but this Friday Night someone attacks someone else in the ring and minutes later the same person appears in an anti-bullying campaign, it doesn't make any freaking sense.

I'm the only that thinks that WWE has two choices: either changes the way they treat Vickie Guerrero, Jim Ross and many others or just get rid of the program because right now is a bunch of bullshit.

Even if the intentions of wrestlers and Triple H/Stephanie are good, the whole thing is just for political reasons and for Linda McMahon to run for senate.

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