WWE General Complaints Thread

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John Laurinitis did it twice this show and the 2nd time was right after Punk was yelling his name and title at him. It just annoys me so much. It's the lamest way you can try to get heat. It doesn't even make me hate him like I should, it just makes me not want to listen to him. It's bad enough the guy can't put together a fucking sentence. Maybe that's why he says it so much, its the only sentence he can say without tripping over.
The WWE use this little trick a lot, it is supposed to just re-enforce who the character is, what his name is, his gimmick and so forth.
It's just being done so the audience have it cemented into their mind who the guy is on screen, and whether or not they should like them.
They did this (and still do it) when they were starting the Randy Orton "viper" gimmick, he didn't change anything at all, the commentators just started referring to him as "the viper" and pointed out how his movements supposedly looked like a snake, the audience caught on and now he "stalks his prey" while the fans eat it up.

they do it to everyone.

fun game; watch the segments with john cena over the past 3 months, notice how much they refer to him as "controversial", apparently he's the badass of this company.
It's simple... repetition is annoying and is, as you rightly point out, little more than cheap heat. Let me point your attention to:

'My name is Mr John Laurenitis...'
'Excuse Me!!! Excuse Me!'
'May I have your attention please, I have recieved an email...'

I do agree with you though. It doesn't really make me hate them as a character, as much as it maks me want to switch channels... especially in the case of Johnny Ace.
Well, as stated above by many co-posters this is a way of drawing cheap heat. Almost every other heel does so in WWE. ADR, ziggler, cole, now laryngitis..
Does it work??? yes offcourse, but not in a way as they expect.
Such repetition doen't bring the "we hate you" heal it actually brings the "m so fucking tired of you blabbering like a bitch, go away" kind of heat.
Maybe VKM should take the clue..
what do you people not get? everyone on here has said that JL annoys them. well, there you go then, that's why he keeps saying his title over and over. people are annoyed by it. therefore it is heat. what is wrong with WWE getting heat for JL by having him repeating his title. it is VERY annoying, so its working. especially you, Dave_Kub_9, you are the best example. You are the ass-clown. Cant you see that is exactly what they are trying to do? They are trying to make you feel that way. Thats why they still do it.
what do you people not get? everyone on here has said that JL annoys them. well, there you go then, that's why he keeps saying his title over and over. people are annoyed by it. therefore it is heat. what is wrong with WWE getting heat for JL by having him repeating his title. it is VERY annoying, so its working. especially you, Dave_Kub_9, you are the best example. You are the ass-clown. Cant you see that is exactly what they are trying to do? They are trying to make you feel that way. Thats why they still do it.

Bad day or bad life? People get it, it's annoying, it's cheap heat. But if it gets to the point where you are sick enough of it to change channels, it's not good!
John L's repeated self-introductions are simply a way of reinforcing (to us) his insecurities as a man and leader, the notion of which came bubbling to the surface last night in his rant at the end of the program. Kayfabe, he's reaching the breaking point and it will be interesting to see what form his downfall takes.

No one knows better than Laurinaitis that his ascension was an accident; he was the highest ranking official available after Triple H was incapacitated. The storyline suggests that this guy was a mid-level flunky for years before attaining his current position.....and he's been made skittish by the idea that Trips could return at any time and reclaim his position. How would you like to work under those conditions in your job?

So, he keeps introducing himself, as if to convince us....and himself.... that he really is the big shot he tries to be. It's a good role and Laurinaitis plays it very well.
Once again, it appears as though Mustang Sally is the only one who understands the psychological motivation behind the character Laurinaitis is playing.

Instead of attempting to work on his cadence and inflection, his portrayal of the heel "evil boss" character is of a monotone, monosyllabic, vanilla heel who les his insecurities shine thru via repetition.

John L. does a tremendous job and should continue his on air role. It's unique and unique is always a good thing.
Heels can't get decent heat anymore. Unless your name is Johnny Ace, Michael Cole or Vickie Guerrero you have no chance of getting over as a threatening heel. It's all about insulting sports teams etc. the Nexus were the last legit heels in my opinion.
I like wwe nd world championship reserved for the 'best' scenario...coz intercontintl,united states nd tag team chmpionshps dont have any value these days.they should either take those titles out or give those titles some importance...chapnship matches had a special attraction of it's own,in the Hogan era to the attitude era.bring up some tag team guys,some value back to inter nd US chapnshps
I just noticed something while re-watching the very end of RAW this week. After CM Punk melted Funkman's face with that promo, John Laurinaitis started going uber-heel on Mick Foley. After being properly pumped up by Punk, the crowd responded to Laurinaitis' remarks with one unified chant:

"You SUCK! You SUCK! You SUCK! You SUCK!"

Do you know what they would have chanted ten years ago? I do:


Listen to the heat and tell me PG hasn't hurt this product.
Heels can't get decent heat anymore. Unless your name is Johnny Ace, Michael Cole or Vickie Guerrero you have no chance of getting over as a threatening heel. It's all about insulting sports teams etc. the Nexus were the last legit heels in my opinion.

Interesting view. Kind of inclined to agree with that.

Ace is getting some legit good heat. I don't think it's to do with the repetition (hey guys, just be happy there's much less EXCUSE ME... I know it's repetition, but I don't need it to hurt my ears. That's not heat, that's just bad. She's better when she doesn't rely on that line tbh). It's more about the fact it's a slow-burned storyline that HASN'T spunked its wad early, and makes sense.

Last but not least, people can relate to it.

That's how WWE need to find a way to draw heat. Start getting guys in more situations where people can relate to them.
Ok, this has been bothering me for weeks now, I thought I'd get over it but I haven't.

When Brodus Clay comes out he has those two dancers with him. One of them is Ariane Andrew. She was the fist person eliminated in the past season of Tough Enough. Why is she the fist person to go from that show to being seen everyday at Raw and Smackdown? I know she's just a dancer, and this role for her will not last, but it just pisses me off she's on there at all. When Austin asked her what her favor wrestling match was of all time, she said some Alicia Fox match. Austin was stuned by her answer and took her belt because he felt she didn't have the passion for wrestling. Then why the HELL is she on Raw now?

I know I'm making to much out of this, but it just upsets me that the WWE hired her. She was a joke on Tough Enough, and I can't believe they hired her. Out of everyone on that show, she is the last person I thought I would ever see on Raw.
She was a joke on Tough Enough, and I can't believe they hired her. Out of everyone on that show, she is the last person I thought I would ever see on Raw.

First of all, good for you for noticing; I never would have connected her with the girl who did the lousy wrestling on Tough Enough.

The thing is, while she was terrible at ring wrestling, she's an attractive woman whom the company felt could be an asset in another area.

Well, here's the other area; dancing for the Second Coming of Flash Funk.

Anything for a paycheck in these hard times, right?:)
First of all, good for you for noticing; I never would have connected her with the girl who did the lousy wrestling on Tough Enough.

The thing is, while she was terrible at ring wrestling, she's an attractive woman whom the company felt could be an asset in another area.

Well, here's the other area; dancing for the Second Coming of Flash Funk.

Anything for a paycheck in these hard times, right?:)

I agree. She got hired for the way her ass looks, not for her mic work, her in-ring ability or any persona she developed.

She is the definition of expendable.

John L's repeated self-introductions are simply a way of reinforcing (to us) his insecurities as a man and leader, the notion of which came bubbling to the surface last night in his rant at the end of the program. Kayfabe, he's reaching the breaking point and it will be interesting to see what form his downfall takes.

No one knows better than Laurinaitis that his ascension was an accident; he was the highest ranking official available after Triple H was incapacitated. The storyline suggests that this guy was a mid-level flunky for years before attaining his current position.....and he's been made skittish by the idea that Trips could return at any time and reclaim his position. How would you like to work under those conditions in your job?

So, he keeps introducing himself, as if to convince us....and himself.... that he really is the big shot he tries to be. It's a good role and Laurinaitis plays it very well.


The IWC should try to look deeper into the characters to truly enjoy today's product.
I dont' know if a thread has already been created about this, I'm sure there has, but honestly, too lazy to go through and try to find it. And really, this is just something that I'm going to rant about. With that said, I am so sick and tired of hearing about different social media sites. I'm watching the Royal Rumble right now, five minutes into the first match, they advertise that Steel Cage is trending. Who cares???? If I wanted to know what's trending on Twitter, I'd create an account with them. And they just felt the need to note that John Cena has surpassed 10 million fans on Facebook. Who cares? Again, if I or any fan does, they can go to his Facebook page and see it for themselves. I, and I'm assuming everybody else, is watching to watch wrestling, not hear advertisements for other social media sites. I just get the feeling, nobody cares. I know VKM has a hard on for social media or something like that right now, but damn, they need to tone it down for real. Anybody else agree? Disagree?
If the WWE can create revenue by using social media to gain viewers to the product, they will keep using it. So you might want to get use to it.
Wow sleeping powder, don't hold back...so, did I ever, at any time insult you or your family? Did I like kill your dog or something? No. Honestly, your entire post, is meaningless to me because you did not provide any valuable insight or any facts other than to insult me and my family. Which is really sad and pathetic. You have provided nothing to this thread. Congrats, you're a waste of space.
I agree with you, but the show is a big advertising campaign... Subway commercials, royal rumble sponsored by Viagra... Etc... I think they should tone it down a little or put it in a commercial thing like the wwe facts or whatever... It's becoming to the point where i have to watch it on mute because The announcing is horrible too. I for one don't care about it. I don't have twitter or Facebook and can care less for the trends... Maybe this country needs more leaders and less followers... And FYI...if there is an unfan page for John cena, it'd be over a million months ago...
I get what he means tho. i mean how ridiculous is it that during the cena/kane match cole is sitting there talking about cena's fb page? lol..its one thing to do it at the top of the show or inbetween matches but helloo, theres a match going on guys. wanna at least pay it some attention?
I agree, the advertising of Social Media is ridiculous IMO. WWE can do this on their website, during TV commercials, or breaks in between Raw/Smackdown. But during a live show? In the words of Miz...

It isn't going to stop. It isn't just the WWE either. Its EVERYTHING on tv now. I even see billboards for restaurants, churches, etc. EVERYTHING. You name it, and they want you to follow them on twitter now. Its a GLOBAL thing....
So they hate and bash the "internet fans", yet tell people watching the show to go to.......the internet to talk about the show????? :banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead:

Tonight's show was a big middle finger to anybody who ever cared about the product.

Talk about the show but don't act like you can book it and run the company better because you read dirt sheets.

I had fun watching it. It doesn't have to be OMG SO SERIOUS ROH style.
I agree with you, but it isn't just the wwe, it's everyone. I was watching CNN the other day and they gave 3 headlines and told viewers to go to twitter and choose which one of the 3 they wanted to see. I thought all the stories were relivant, but apparently only the top twitter vote getter would be covered that hour. WWE is pushing the hell out of twitter/facebook but so are CNN, MSNBC, American Idol, etc.., It's to the point that I hate twitter, and I've never had a facebook page and now thanks to all the talk about it I probably never will. Unfortunately I realize though that this is the world we live in now, so as much as you or I may hate it, it's just something we are going to have to get used to.
It's really annoying but it's part of our society now. WWE used to plug WWE.com like no tomorrow when the internet was just taking off. Now, they're doing the same thing with Twitter, Facebook, etc.
I'd like to see Twitter used in other forms, like Superstars staying in character on their accounts and feuding with other stars. Guess we're not there yet. Vince is just happy to see something he's involved in have a # beside it.


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