WWE Extreme Rules 2012 LD - Ground & Pound

Ziggler is regularly sloppy.

I disagree. I think he sells better than anyone, and I mean anyone.

No they don't. Smarks usually DON'T have a clue who is a good wrestler, smarks usually only care about who wrestles an offensive style the smarks were worked as children to believe indicates a quality worker.

For far too many "smarks", the more they try to learn about wrestling, the less they understand it.

Well I heard, "Lets Go Ziggler!" chants, so they had a clue tonight.
Highly, highly enjoyable PPV. Went to a place with two of my buddies. Didn't hear much from the crowds due to a bunch of other people being there too. I thought overall it was awesome.

John Cena's victory over Brock Lesnar came with a steep price, as WWE.com has learned the Cenation leader suffered an injured left arm in his Extreme Rules Match against the wrecking machine at Extreme Rules in Chicago.

Lesnar made it a point to punish Cena's arm in their hotly anticipated bout in Chicago's sold-out Allstate Arena, trapping his arm in a Kimura Lock halfway through their show-stopping clash. And while Cena – who also took an elbow in the opening moments of the match that split his head open – beat Lesnar by a narrow margin with an Attitude Adjustment on the steel steps, it appears he has ended up the worse for wear despite the victory.

"The most obvious injury was the laceration to his head, which caused a substantial amount of bleeding," said WWE locker room physician Dr. Chris Amann. "He also has suffered a shoulder injury. Initial testing in the training room leads me to believe there may be torn muscles, possibly a torn rotator cuff or a biceps muscle."

Unfortunately, there are no specifics available as to the extent of Cena’s condition, although he is still scheduled to appear on tomorrow's Raw SuperShow. Dr. Amann told WWE.com reporters that doctors would be conducting additional tests in the morning to determine the full scope of Cena’s injuries.

Check back with WWE.com for more details as the story progresses.

Sounds like a work.
I have never seen a main event like that. Not since I started watching wrestling roughly 25 years ago. Insane.

I loved it. Still not a fan of John Cena, but once again, he gives his detractors reasons to respect him. How many guys would go out there and allow Lesnar to legitimately beat the fuck out of them? Not many.

Do I agree with the booking? Not sure. As I grow here in the land of the smarks, I've come to understand one thing - you don't know shit, meat. You don't. I don't. We haven't a clue where this is going. I'll give it some time.

Punk and Jericho looked like goofballs. Those pant... things they were wearing were awful. Also, they're better with the wrestling than they are with the fighting.
Punk and Jericho looked like goofballs. Those pant... things they were wearing were awful. Also, they're better with the wrestling than they are with the fighting.
Was it an actual street fight? Or was it just an Extreme Rules match with both guys wearing jeans?
I loved it.

Did anyone else think the match was kind of stupid?

As far as booking goes I don't have a problem with it depending on if Cena can actually stay away for at least a little while after tonight (skeptical). There are some pretty obvious cards in play here that I think have some potetntial but Brock's ring style is going to get old quick. He is an amazing athlete but that MMA shit just isn't going to be interesting long-term in a prowrestling ring. It just doesn't flow right, hence all the ref bumping, laying around and posing/pacing.
Did anyone else think the match was kind of stupid?

As far as booking goes I don't have a problem with it depending on if Cena can actually stay away for at least a little while after tonight (skeptical). There are some pretty obvious cards in play here that I think have some potetntial but Brock's ring style is going to get old quick. He is an amazing athlete but that MMA shit just isn't going to be interesting long-term in a prowrestling ring. It just doesn't flow right, hence all the ref bumping, laying around and posing/pacing.

I get what you're saying, but I don't think he'll be actually wrestling enough for it to get old. Besides, if he ever wrestles on TV, the matches won't last nearly as long.
Did anyone else think the match was kind of stupid?

As far as booking goes I don't have a problem with it depending on if Cena can actually stay away for at least a little while after tonight (skeptical). There are some pretty obvious cards in play here that I think have some potetntial but Brock's ring style is going to get old quick. He is an amazing athlete but that MMA shit just isn't going to be interesting long-term in a prowrestling ring. It just doesn't flow right, hence all the ref bumping, laying around and posing/pacing.

It was something different and my guess is that it won't be exactly like that each time. Brock's ring style will certainly have MMA elements to it throughout his run because it's part of who he is now, but I'd imagine that different opponents will bring different things out of him. Cena and Brock was about hate and they just shit kicked each other which was new, different, and exciting. Think about it though. Brock will have what, 12 matches? Fighting once a month will probably keep those elements fresh, especially when no one else will be using them. I thought the main event was fantastic and I most certainly enjoyed it more than Rock/Cena. That's weird for me to say because I don't like Brock whereas I was always a fan of The Rock, but Cena/Rock was just a move for move match where each guy hit their signature stuff. This was just such a different animal that you really haven't seen in wrestling and the feeling was epic. It felt like a huge match and it came off that way. Really well done.

Oh, and the show as a whole ruled. When at least 4 matches are about 15 minutes long or more and those 4 are excellent matches, you have a quality show. Good stuff.

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